Norman Fairclough is one of the founders of Critical discour...

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Ano: 2019 Banca: IF-SC Órgão: IF-SC Prova: IF-SC - 2019 - IF-SC - Docente - Inglês |
Q2958220 Inglês

Norman Fairclough is one of the founders of Critical discourse analysis (CDA), which studies how power is exercised through language. According to him, CDA is a positioning concerning language that associates linguistic text analysis with a social theory of the functioning of language in political and ideological processes (Fairclough, N. Critical Language Awareness. Routledge: London, 1992). Write (T) for those that are true and (F) for those that are false in relation to the CDA theoretical basis.

( ) The object of analysis is linguistic texts which are analyzed in terms of their own specificity.

( ) In addition to text, the processes of text production and interpretation are themselves analyzed. Analysis is interpretation.

( ) Texts must be homogeneous and ambiguous and features of different genre types might be drawn upon in interpreting them.

( ) Discourse is socially constructive, constituting social subjects, social relations and systems of knowledge and belief.

( ) Discourse analysis is concerned only with power relations in discourse and how it transform the social practices of a society.

( ) Analysis of discourse attends to its functioning in the creative transformation of ideologies and practices as well as its function in securing their reproduction.

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