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Quanto aos conceitos referentes a VMWare, considere: o Virtual Machine Monitor é um componente de software que
I. hospeda as máquinas virtuais.
II. é responsável pela virtualização e controle dos recursos compartilhados pelas máquinas virtuais, tais como, processadores e dispositivos de entrada exceto os de saída, memória e armazenagem.
III. tem por função escalonar qual máquina virtual vai executar a cada momento, semelhante ao escalonador de processos do Sistema Operacional.
IV. também é conhecido por Hypervisor.
Está correto o que se afirma APENAS em
I. Os elementos individuais de uma rede SIP padrão são: agente do usuário, servidor de redirecionamento, servidor proxy, registrador e serviço de localização.
II. SIP admite apenas as seguintes facetas de estabelecimento e término de comunicações de multimídia: local do usuário, disponibilidade do usuário, capacidades do usuário e configuração da sessão.
III. O DS − Serviço diferenciado é um mecanismo de QoS e é um campo de 8 bits tanto no cabeçalho IPv4 quanto no IPv6 e seu valor, indicado com codepoint DS, é o rótulo usado para classificar os pacotes para os serviços diferenciados.
Está correto o que se afirma em
I. O componente do IPsec que impede a leitura não autorizada do conteúdo do datagrama por meio de criptografia é o AH − Authentication Header.
II. O componente do IPsec que garante a integridade do conteúdo do datagrama é o ESP − Encapsulating Security Payload.
III. O IPsec é um conjunto de protocolos que atua na camada de aplicação da pilha TCP/IP protegendo a totalidade da rede.
Está INCORRETO o que se afirma em
I. O Netflow permite o controle em tempo integral do que está ocorrendo na rede.
II. O Netflow inclui pontos de agregação que podem ser colocados dentro da rede para evitar a responsabilidade pelas decisões de traffic engineering (TE).
III. O Netflow é uma alternativa da de coleta, porém não de análise do uso de informações de tráfego da rede.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Observe a sequência de figuras.
Considerando o padrão definido pelas seis primeiras figuras da sequência, a figura (7) será
A tabela a seguir mostra a situação dos quatro primeiros colocados em um campeonato de futebol faltando uma rodada para o seu término.
Na última rodada, acontecerão os seguintes jogos:
Equipe A x Equipe B Equipe C x Equipe D
O campeão será o time que tiver conquistado o maior número de pontos no campeonato. Em caso de empate nesse critério, o campeão é aquele com o maior número de vitórias. Em cada jogo, uma equipe ganha 3 pontos em caso de vitória, 1 ponto em caso de empate e 0 ponto em caso de derrota. Em relação às chances de cada equipe sagrar-se campeã, considere as afirmativas abaixo.
I. Se a equipe A vencer ou empatar sua partida, será a campeã. Caso contrário, não leva o título.
II. Se a equipe B vencer sua partida, será a campeã. Caso contrário, não leva o título.
III. Se a equipe C vencer sua partida e as equipes A e B empatarem seu jogo, C será a campeã. Caso contrário, não leva o título.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Use It Better: The Smart Ways to Pick Passwords
Four strategies for keeping your information safe
By David Pogue, September 7, 2011
If you want to be absolutely secure, you should make up a different password for every single Web site you visit. Each password should have at least 16 characters, and it should contain a scramble of letters, numbers, and punctuation; it should contain no recognizable words. You should change all of these passwords every couple of weeks. And you should not write any of them down anywhere.
That, at least, is what security experts advise. Unfortunately, they leave out the part about the 15 minutes you’d have to spend with flash cards before bed each night, trying to remember all those utterly impractical passwords.
There are, fortunately, more sensible ways to incorporate passwords into your life. You won’t be as secure as the security experts would like, but you’ll find a much better balance between protection and convenience.
♦ The “security through brevity” technique. My teenage son’s smartphone password is only a single character. It’s fast and easy to type. But a random evildoer picking up his phone doesn’t know that; he just sees “Enter password” and gives up − so, in its way, it’s just as secure as a long password. (Of course, I may have just blown it by publishing his little secret.)
♦ Password keepers. The world is full of utility programs for your Mac, PC or app phone that memorize all your Web passwords for you. They’re called things like RoboForm, Account Logon, and (for the Mac) 1Password. Each asks you for a master password that unlocks all the others; after that, you get to surf the Web freely, admiring how the software not only remembers your passwords and contact information, but fills in the Web forms for you automatically.
♦ The “disguised English word” technique. Having your passwords guessed by ne’er-do-wells online doesn’t happen often, but you do hear about such cases. The bad guys start by using “dictionary attacks” − software that tries every word in the dictionary, just in case you were dumb enough to make your password something like “password” or your first name. (These special dictionaries also contain common names, places, number combinations and phrases such as “ilovemycat.”)
That’s why conventional wisdom suggests disguising your password by changing a letter or two into numbers or symbols. Instead of “supergirl,” choose “supergir!” or “supergir1,” for example. That way, you’ve thwarted the dictionary attacks without decreasing the memorizability.
♦ The multi-word approach. Another good password technique is to run words together, like “picklenose” or “toothygrin.” Pretty easy to remember, but tough for a dictionary attack to guess.
(Adapted from
Use It Better: The Smart Ways to Pick Passwords
Four strategies for keeping your information safe
By David Pogue, September 7, 2011
If you want to be absolutely secure, you should make up a different password for every single Web site you visit. Each password should have at least 16 characters, and it should contain a scramble of letters, numbers, and punctuation; it should contain no recognizable words. You should change all of these passwords every couple of weeks. And you should not write any of them down anywhere.
That, at least, is what security experts advise. Unfortunately, they leave out the part about the 15 minutes you’d have to spend with flash cards before bed each night, trying to remember all those utterly impractical passwords.
There are, fortunately, more sensible ways to incorporate passwords into your life. You won’t be as secure as the security experts would like, but you’ll find a much better balance between protection and convenience.
♦ The “security through brevity” technique. My teenage son’s smartphone password is only a single character. It’s fast and easy to type. But a random evildoer picking up his phone doesn’t know that; he just sees “Enter password” and gives up − so, in its way, it’s just as secure as a long password. (Of course, I may have just blown it by publishing his little secret.)
♦ Password keepers. The world is full of utility programs for your Mac, PC or app phone that memorize all your Web passwords for you. They’re called things like RoboForm, Account Logon, and (for the Mac) 1Password. Each asks you for a master password that unlocks all the others; after that, you get to surf the Web freely, admiring how the software not only remembers your passwords and contact information, but fills in the Web forms for you automatically.
♦ The “disguised English word” technique. Having your passwords guessed by ne’er-do-wells online doesn’t happen often, but you do hear about such cases. The bad guys start by using “dictionary attacks” − software that tries every word in the dictionary, just in case you were dumb enough to make your password something like “password” or your first name. (These special dictionaries also contain common names, places, number combinations and phrases such as “ilovemycat.”)
That’s why conventional wisdom suggests disguising your password by changing a letter or two into numbers or symbols. Instead of “supergirl,” choose “supergir!” or “supergir1,” for example. That way, you’ve thwarted the dictionary attacks without decreasing the memorizability.
♦ The multi-word approach. Another good password technique is to run words together, like “picklenose” or “toothygrin.” Pretty easy to remember, but tough for a dictionary attack to guess.
(Adapted from
Use It Better: The Smart Ways to Pick Passwords
Four strategies for keeping your information safe
By David Pogue, September 7, 2011
If you want to be absolutely secure, you should make up a different password for every single Web site you visit. Each password should have at least 16 characters, and it should contain a scramble of letters, numbers, and punctuation; it should contain no recognizable words. You should change all of these passwords every couple of weeks. And you should not write any of them down anywhere.
That, at least, is what security experts advise. Unfortunately, they leave out the part about the 15 minutes you’d have to spend with flash cards before bed each night, trying to remember all those utterly impractical passwords.
There are, fortunately, more sensible ways to incorporate passwords into your life. You won’t be as secure as the security experts would like, but you’ll find a much better balance between protection and convenience.
♦ The “security through brevity” technique. My teenage son’s smartphone password is only a single character. It’s fast and easy to type. But a random evildoer picking up his phone doesn’t know that; he just sees “Enter password” and gives up − so, in its way, it’s just as secure as a long password. (Of course, I may have just blown it by publishing his little secret.)
♦ Password keepers. The world is full of utility programs for your Mac, PC or app phone that memorize all your Web passwords for you. They’re called things like RoboForm, Account Logon, and (for the Mac) 1Password. Each asks you for a master password that unlocks all the others; after that, you get to surf the Web freely, admiring how the software not only remembers your passwords and contact information, but fills in the Web forms for you automatically.
♦ The “disguised English word” technique. Having your passwords guessed by ne’er-do-wells online doesn’t happen often, but you do hear about such cases. The bad guys start by using “dictionary attacks” − software that tries every word in the dictionary, just in case you were dumb enough to make your password something like “password” or your first name. (These special dictionaries also contain common names, places, number combinations and phrases such as “ilovemycat.”)
That’s why conventional wisdom suggests disguising your password by changing a letter or two into numbers or symbols. Instead of “supergirl,” choose “supergir!” or “supergir1,” for example. That way, you’ve thwarted the dictionary attacks without decreasing the memorizability.
♦ The multi-word approach. Another good password technique is to run words together, like “picklenose” or “toothygrin.” Pretty easy to remember, but tough for a dictionary attack to guess.
(Adapted from