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Q1393624 Sistemas Operacionais
Quando um processo não pode mais ser executado pelo processador, o sistema operacional deve trocar, na memória principal, esse processo por outro que deve ser executado. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o nome desse processo.
Q1393623 Redes de Computadores
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a camada do modelo ISO/OSI que oferece como função a detecção e correção de erros.
Q1393622 Redes de Computadores
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o protocolo da arquitetura TCP/IP que envia todos os seus pacotes, acreditando que eles vão chegar ao seu destino sem qualquer problema e na sequência desejada.
Q1393621 Arquitetura de Computadores
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o resultado da soma dos seguintes números abaixo (representados na forma hexadecimal):
67H e 14H
Q1389239 Enfermagem
A vacina quadrivalente do HPV baseada nos subtipos 6, 11, 16 e 18 e a bivalente nos subtipos 16 e 18, ajudam na prevenção do câncer de colo de útero, vulva e vagina, pênis, ânus, boca e orofaringe. Conforme-o calendário vacinai de 2018, quanto à vacinação do HPV em meninas, assinale a opção correta.
Q1389220 Medicina
Dentre as cardiopatias abaixo, qual é a cardiopatia congênita cianótica?
Q1389201 Enfermagem
Quanto ao aleitamento materno, é correto afirmar que:
Q1384735 Inglês

NASA’s Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility

    There are three main types of nuclear reactors: power, research, and test. Research and test reactors as scientific tools are more common than most people realize. While power reactors frequently appear in newspaper headlines and are conspicuous because of their size and power, research reactors can be quietly tucked away, even in the midst of a college campus. Power reactors generate heat, which can easily be converted to other useable forms of energy, such as electricity. Research reactors operate at very low thermal power levels – so low, in fact, that they do not even require any type of forced cooling. They are used to measure nuclear parameters and other characteristics, which can then be used to build other reactors or to design experiments for test reactors. Test reactors are more powerful than research reactors and are able to produce much more intense radiation fields. Though they are still much less powerful than the power reactors, they generate enough heat to require a closed-loop forced-circulation coolant system. This system will remove the heat from the reactor by transferring it to a secondary cooling system, which releases it into the atmosphere through cooling towers.

NASA’s Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility. Pages 36 to 40. 

Read the sentence below taken from the text.

Though they are still much less powerful than the power reactors, they generate enough heat to require a closed-loop forced-circulation coolant system.”

Choose the alternative that presents a word or expression that can susbtitute the bold and underlined one above, considering the context and without changing meaning.

Q1384734 Inglês

NASA’s Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility

    There are three main types of nuclear reactors: power, research, and test. Research and test reactors as scientific tools are more common than most people realize. While power reactors frequently appear in newspaper headlines and are conspicuous because of their size and power, research reactors can be quietly tucked away, even in the midst of a college campus. Power reactors generate heat, which can easily be converted to other useable forms of energy, such as electricity. Research reactors operate at very low thermal power levels – so low, in fact, that they do not even require any type of forced cooling. They are used to measure nuclear parameters and other characteristics, which can then be used to build other reactors or to design experiments for test reactors. Test reactors are more powerful than research reactors and are able to produce much more intense radiation fields. Though they are still much less powerful than the power reactors, they generate enough heat to require a closed-loop forced-circulation coolant system. This system will remove the heat from the reactor by transferring it to a secondary cooling system, which releases it into the atmosphere through cooling towers.

NASA’s Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility. Pages 36 to 40. 

Consider the words in bold and underlined in the following excerpts taken from the text.

I. “[...] power reactors frequently appear in newspaper headlines [...]”

II. “[...] research reactors can be quietly tucked away [...]”

III. “[...] which can easily be converted to other useable forms of energy [...]”

Choose the alternative in which the words in bold and underlined have the same grammar classification as the ones above. 

Q1384733 Inglês

NASA’s Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility

    There are three main types of nuclear reactors: power, research, and test. Research and test reactors as scientific tools are more common than most people realize. While power reactors frequently appear in newspaper headlines and are conspicuous because of their size and power, research reactors can be quietly tucked away, even in the midst of a college campus. Power reactors generate heat, which can easily be converted to other useable forms of energy, such as electricity. Research reactors operate at very low thermal power levels – so low, in fact, that they do not even require any type of forced cooling. They are used to measure nuclear parameters and other characteristics, which can then be used to build other reactors or to design experiments for test reactors. Test reactors are more powerful than research reactors and are able to produce much more intense radiation fields. Though they are still much less powerful than the power reactors, they generate enough heat to require a closed-loop forced-circulation coolant system. This system will remove the heat from the reactor by transferring it to a secondary cooling system, which releases it into the atmosphere through cooling towers.

NASA’s Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility. Pages 36 to 40. 

According to the text, the purpose of the closed-loop forced-circulation coolant system is to
Q1384732 Inglês

NASA’s Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility

    There are three main types of nuclear reactors: power, research, and test. Research and test reactors as scientific tools are more common than most people realize. While power reactors frequently appear in newspaper headlines and are conspicuous because of their size and power, research reactors can be quietly tucked away, even in the midst of a college campus. Power reactors generate heat, which can easily be converted to other useable forms of energy, such as electricity. Research reactors operate at very low thermal power levels – so low, in fact, that they do not even require any type of forced cooling. They are used to measure nuclear parameters and other characteristics, which can then be used to build other reactors or to design experiments for test reactors. Test reactors are more powerful than research reactors and are able to produce much more intense radiation fields. Though they are still much less powerful than the power reactors, they generate enough heat to require a closed-loop forced-circulation coolant system. This system will remove the heat from the reactor by transferring it to a secondary cooling system, which releases it into the atmosphere through cooling towers.

NASA’s Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility. Pages 36 to 40. 

According to the text, analyse the assertions below.

I. Power reactors are bigger than research reactors.

II. Research reactors generate more heat than power reactors.

III. Power reactors are more powerful than test or research reactors.

The correct assertion(s) is(are)

Q1384731 Inglês

NASA’s Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility

    There are three main types of nuclear reactors: power, research, and test. Research and test reactors as scientific tools are more common than most people realize. While power reactors frequently appear in newspaper headlines and are conspicuous because of their size and power, research reactors can be quietly tucked away, even in the midst of a college campus. Power reactors generate heat, which can easily be converted to other useable forms of energy, such as electricity. Research reactors operate at very low thermal power levels – so low, in fact, that they do not even require any type of forced cooling. They are used to measure nuclear parameters and other characteristics, which can then be used to build other reactors or to design experiments for test reactors. Test reactors are more powerful than research reactors and are able to produce much more intense radiation fields. Though they are still much less powerful than the power reactors, they generate enough heat to require a closed-loop forced-circulation coolant system. This system will remove the heat from the reactor by transferring it to a secondary cooling system, which releases it into the atmosphere through cooling towers.

NASA’s Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility. Pages 36 to 40. 

Consider the sentence below taken from the text.

  “Power reactors generate heat, which can easily be converted to other useable forms of energy, such as electricity.”

It is correct to affirm that the word in bold and underlined above refers to  

Q1384727 Matemática

A soma dos ângulos internos de um triângulo qualquer é igual a 180°. Observe os ângulos internos do triângulo dados na figura abaixo.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Diante do exposto, assinale a alternativa que apresenta o valor de x.

248: E
249: A
250: C
251: A
252: A
253: C
254: B
255: D
256: C
257: A
258: E
259: A
260: A