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Q2242131 Inglês
From the IPO to the First Trade: Is Underpricing Related to the Trading Mechanism?

Sonia Falconieri, Albert Murphy and Daniel Weaver

        As documented by a vast empirical literature, IPOs are characterized by underpricing. Most of the theoretical literature has linked the size of underpricing to the IPO procedure used on the primary market. In this paper, by using a matched sample of NYSE and Nasdaq IPOs, we show that the size of underpricing also depends on the trading method used in the IPO aftermarket.

         There are two major methods of opening trading of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the U.S. The NYSE is an order-driven market ....56... a call auction allows supply and demand to be aggregated (at one location) prior to the start of trading. .....57.... , Nasdaq is a quote-driven market. Dealers can only specify their best quotes, and participants have KK 58 idea of supply and demand away from the inside quotes.

      We propose a new proxy for ex ante uncertainty of firm value and test it. Our results show that there is a larger level of uncertainty at the beginning of trading on Nasdaq than on the NYSE. This in turn is associated with larger levels of underpricing for Nasdaq IPOs. We suggest that this may be due to the different informational efficiency of the two trading systems.

Instruções: Para responder à questão, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado.
Q2242097 Conhecimentos Bancários
Compete à CVM
Q2242095 Direito Administrativo
O significado dos seguintes instrumentos administrativos da Administração Pública, em diferentes níveis, são:
Q2242094 Direito Administrativo
Há, na Administração Pública brasileira, servidores que possuem um estatuto jurídico distinto dos demais servidores, caso específico do chamado “regime especial”. O “regime especial” pode ser aplicado, dentre outras situações excepcionais,
Q2242092 Direito Administrativo
A terminologia funcional contém em si um ordenamento jurídico próprio, fundamental ao Estado e à Administração Pública. Assim, "cargo público" é o conjunto de atribuições e responsabilidades
1286: C
1287: C
1288: E
1289: A
1290: B