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Complete the sentence below with the correct season of the year. Choose the correct answer. (Seasons of the Year)
What month is celebrated Labor Day in Brazil?
Which set has the right meanings? Choose the correct answer.
Complete the sentence below with the correct pronoun. Choose the correct answer. (Pronouns)
_______ friends John and Phillip are coming to visit us.
Which noun does not have the correct spelling on its plural form? Choose the incorrect answer. (Countable and Uncountable Nouns)
The definition below refers to a specific verb tense. Which one? Choose the correct answer. (Present Simple) We use __________ to talk about something that is true in general.
Complete the sentence below with the appropriate day of the week. Choose the correct answer. (Days of the Week) What is the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday?
Which noun does not have the correct definition? Choose the incorrect answer. (Countable and Uncountable Nouns)
One of the sentences below express a past ability. Which one? Choose the correct answer. (Modal Verbs)
Read the definition below and choose the answer that matches the definition given. Choose the correct answer. (Imperative) It is used to describe the form of a verb that is usually used for giving orders.
Leia o texto e responda as questões.
Read the text and provide responses to questions.
California woman arrested in theft of 65 Stanley cups - valued at nearly $2,500
By C Mandler
January 22, 2024 / 3:05 PM EST / CBS News
On Jan. 17, police in Roseville, California, discovered a 23-year-old woman had allegedly absconded with 65 Stanley cups from a nearby store — worth nearly $2,500.
"Staff saw a woman take a shopping cart full of Stanley water bottles without paying for them," said the Roseville Police Department in a statement on Facebook.
After being confronted by retail staff, the woman refused to stop, stuffing the cups into her car. She was subsequently arrested on a charge of grand theft and has yet to be identified by officers.
"While Stanley Quenchers are all the rage, we strongly advise against turning to crime to fulfill your hydration habits," said the Roseville police.
One commenter on the post pointed out that in addition to the trove of cups in the trunk and front seat, there was also a bright red Stanley cup in the cup holder, which they hoped police also confiscated. Colorful Stanley cups caused consumer mayhem earlier this month when the brand dropped a limited-edition batch of Valentine's Day colors of the popular tumbler at in-Target Starbucks locations.
Viral video showed shoppers running toward displays of the cups, as well as long lines of consumers waiting to get their hands on one of the coveted Quenchers. (First published on January 22, 2024 /3:05PM EST)
C Mandler is a social media producer and trending topics writer for CBS News, focusing on American politics and LGBTQ+ issues.
Fonte: CBS NEWS, 2024.
Based on the information provided in the text, select the correct statement regarding the influence of cultural and societal norms on criminal acts and their impact on perspectives on crime and punishment:
Identify the sentence with the adverb placed in the correct position:
Você, como professor de Língua Inglesa, é responsável por orientar seus alunos em um projeto de produção textual escrita. O tema escolhido é "Impacto da tecnologia na comunicação interpessoal". Considerando a situação descrita e os apontamentos da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Acerca dos eixos organizadores propostos para o componente Língua Inglesa na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), avalie as afirmações abaixo como VERDADEIRAS ou FALSAS:
(__)O eixo Leitura aborda práticas de linguagem decorrentes da interação do leitor com o texto escrito, especialmente sob o foco da construção de significados, com base na compreensão e interpretação dos gêneros escritos em língua inglesa, que circulam nos diversos campos e esferas da sociedade.
(__)O eixo Oralidade envolve as práticas de linguagem em situações de uso oral da língua inglesa, com foco na compreensão (ou escuta) e na produção oral (ou fala), articuladas pela negociação na construção de significados partilhados pelos interlocutores e/ou participantes envolvidos, com ou sem contato face a face.
(__)O eixo Dimensão intercultural consolida-se pelas práticas de uso, análise e reflexão sobre a língua, sempre de modo contextualizado, articulado e a serviço das práticas de oralidade, leitura e escrita.
A sequência CORRETA é:
A abordagem da língua inglesa como língua franca, de acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), favorece:
Read the sentence below:
"In professional contexts, a successful teacher needs to bring out the best in their students."
Choose the option that correctly rephrases the phrasal verb "bring out" in the given context.
No que concerne a Lei de Diretrizes e Base da Educação Nacional (PNE) - Lei nº 13.005/14, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Which of the following sentences correctly uses the past perfect continuous tense?
Considere a seguinte situação abaixo:
Você, como professor da Educação Básica, é convidado para ministrar uma palestra em sua escola sobre "Estratégias Inovadoras para o Desenvolvimento da Oralidade em Língua Inglesa". Durante a palestra, é necessário abordar desafios específicos e estratégias avançadas para promover a proficiência oral em inglês entre os estudantes da Educação Básica.
A partir da situação descrita, identifique a alternativa mais alinhada com as discussões na palestra.
Which of the following words contains a voiced consonant sound?
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 9.
Valdivia Figurines and the appeal of 'the oldest'
(1º§) The logo for the Ecuadorian Ministry of Culture website is about my favourite thing of the afternoon which is saying a lot since I spent much of the day reading about giant Olmec heads. Three Valdivia Figurines in the colours of the Ecuadorian flag? I am sold! Golly, I love Valdivia figurines for all the right and all the wrong reasons.
(2º§) There are two things that can easily be said about Valdivia figurines: they are VERY Ecuadorian and they are VERY looted. The first explains why they appear prominently on the Ministry of Culture website (and on stencilled graffiti around Quito circa 2007). Ancient Ecuador has played second fiddle to Ancient Peru since the early days of archaeology. The Valdivia culture, however, represents something that Peru doesn't have, 'the oldest'. Everyone loves 'the oldest', national pride, etc. etc.
(3º§) Who else loves 'the oldest'? Collectors and Museums. If the Valdivia pottery sequence is the oldest in the new world, collectors want a slice of that pie. Heck, even better than some junky pottery, the Valdivia made interesting figurines: lovely ladies that look good on stark black backgrounds in auction catalogues. They are part of 'the oldest' yet they also look good.
(4º§) Valdivia sites are famously looted and Valdivia figurines are famously faked. A few years back I started doing some initial work into looting in Ecuador (which led to fieldwork in Quito and the cloud forest that didn't really go anywhere as of yet) and I, like anyone else going down that road, came across Bruhns and Hammond's 1983 Journal of Field Archaeology piece 'A Visit to Valdivia'. Knowing nothing at all about Ecuador at the time, I had never heard of Valdivia, a wonder since the only Ecuadorian archaeology books that Cambridge owns are a few by the late Betty Meggars and Emilio Estrada from the 1950s and 1960s which link uber-ancient Ecuador to Jomon Period Japan (yeah...I know). As Bruhns and Hammond relate, Meggars detected faking at Valdivia immediately after the start of her excavations: practical jokers who discovered a market for their copies. As the market for the pieces grew, the presumed fakes get more and more elaborate and fanciful...and Valdivia sites were just looted to pieces.
(5º§) So really with Valdivia we are left with a situation where we don't know what is real. It is directly comparable to the Cycladic Figurine problem: the corpus is mostly looted, it contains tons of forms not found in the limited archaeological excavations that have been conducted, and we intellectual consumers of artefacts don't know what to believe. To me Valdivia figurines are the perfect looting Catch 22: they warrant study so that the interested public can learn about 'the oldest', but they can't be studied because collectors wanted 'the oldest' so sites were looted and buckets of fakes were produced.
(6º§) In 2007 I bought a fake Valdivia figurine in Otavalo which now stands in a Spondylus shell on my counter and watches me cook. The fella selling it to me told me it was real. I knew it wasn't but made to put it back saying something along the lines that law breaking makes me sick. He quickly agreed that it wasn't real and cut his asking price by a ton. Que Sera. Three cheers, Ecuadorian Ministry of Culture, your logo is the best.
What might be the implications for the study of Valdivia figurines if it is indeed challenging to distinguish between authentic artifacts and well-crafted fakes?