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According to the cartoon, check the options and choose one:
Considere a figura e o texto a seguir, para responder a questão.
Keep Families Together Act
Considere a figura e o texto a seguir, para responder a questão.
Keep Families Together Act
I. “Thomas said he was going to a class after lunch.”
II. “The weather forecast said that it was going to rain on the following day."
III. “My husband said that there was a great movie on TV that day."
IV. “My apologies, but he said he had miss the train.”
I. “We looked for witnesses, but the neighbors had not seen Tootles in the act.”
II. “If Todd had not included his own name in the message, we would had no idea who was behind it.”
III. “I have knew Victoria for a long time, I can assure that she will help.”
IV. “The new drug will have been implemented within the pharmaceutical companies by this year.”
I. “Many tourists will have been expected to arrive in Spain this year and the next.”
II. “Fossil fuels will have been found lacking in any search conducted by the year 2050.”
III. “Stonehenge will have been visited by at least a thousand visitors by the end of this year.”
IV. “The speed of light will not have been exceeded by any type of craft at any point in the future.”
I. “Our sofa is really old. We need to ___ it.”
II. “After showing James the pie charts and diagrams,
I was finally able to ___ him.” III. “I feel sorry for Andrew. His brother's always ___ him even when he’s done nothing wrong.
IV. If Mel thinks she's going to ___ being late again, she's terribly mistaken!”
I. “Jennifer does chores ______ because she doesn’t trust others to do them right.” II. “This is the first time I’ve ______ this | seen him so angry | seen this | heard about it.” III. “The teacher asked _______ coat was on the floor but no one answered.” IV. “If I had ______ up earlier this morning, I wouldn’t have caught him red-handed.”
“Ultimately, the effects of the modern world on the environment can lead to many problems.”
“Regardless of your viewpoint, take into consideration the following factors that place our environment as well as the planet Earth in danger.”
“Air pollution is primarily caused as a result of excessive and unregulated emissions of carbon dioxide into the air.”