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Q1929812 Inglês

No Time to Die, by Billie Eilish and Finneas

I should have known

I'd leave alone

Just goes to show

That the blood you bleed is just the blood you


We were a pair

But I saw you there

Too much to bear

You were my life, but life is far away from fair

Was I stupid to love you?

Was I reckless to help?

Was it obvious to everybody else?

That I'd fallen for a lie

You were never on my side

Fool me once, fool me twice

Are you death or paradise?

Now you'll never see me cry

There's just no time to die

I let it burn

You're no longer my concern, mmm

Faces from my past return

Another lesson yet to learn

That I'd fallen for a lie

You were never on my side

Fool me once, fool me twice

Are you death or paradise?

Now you'll never see me cry

There's just no time to die 

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Consider the word order of the highlighted question “Was I stupid to love you?”, find the alternative below that follows the same word order in terms of subject / main verb / auxiliary verb, etc.
Q1929811 Inglês
Considering meaning, which of the sentences below best represents another way of saying “We're not allowed to say anything about it.” (l. 19)? 
Q1929810 Inglês
In which of the following sentences the ‘s is used with the same function as in the sentence “We wanted to make a song that made sense in the world and in people's lives” (l. 26-27)?
Q1929809 Inglês

Local accents aside, standard American English has a rule that guides the pronunciation of simple past regular verbs. According to this rule, the “ed” may be pronounced as listed in Column 1. About that, match the correct pronunciation of “ed” in Column 1 to the verbs in Column 2.

Column 1

1. /t/.

2. /d/.

3. /ɪd/.

Column 2

( ) started (l. 11).

( ) happened (l. 15).

( ) finished (l. 29).

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is: 

Q1929808 Inglês

Analyse the statements below about the excerpt “I think that actually made it easier for us. We always write the quickest when we have a story or we're writing about something that's happened.” (l. 14-15).

I. “Easier” is a comparative form of the adjective “easy”, and it is written this way because the spelling rule for short adjectives ending in consonant + y is to drop the y and add ier.

II. “Quickest” is a comparative form of the adverb “quick”, and it is written this way because the spelling rule for short adverbs in general is to add est.

III. If “easier” were replaced by a long adjective like “beautiful,” its comparative form would be “more beautiful”.

Which statements are correct?

Q1929807 Inglês

Analyse the contractions 1 to 4 indicated by the apostrophes in the excerpts below and the context of the sentences in the article:

•  We'd (1) always wanted to write a Bond song. (l. 04).

•  We'd (2) been writing motifs and thinking of melodies for a couple of years (l. 05).

•  We're (3) writing about something that's (4) happened (l. 15).

Choose the alternative with the options that correctly correspond to each contracted word.

Q1929806 Inglês
Which topic was NOT mentioned in the article?
Q1929805 Inglês

Analyse the statements below and mark T, if true, or F, if false, according to the text.

( ) Billie and Finneas had dreamed about writing a Bond theme song long before they had the chance to do it.

( ) The song writers were surprised when the producer invited them to compose the song.

( ) The song is about smoke, mirrors, and betrayal.

( ) Billie and Finneas wanted to write something that people could relate to, not a song that was just about the movie.

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is: 

Q1927873 Inglês

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

Hamlet’s speech represents the soliloquy. 

Q1927872 Inglês

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

Hamlet expresses that his father’s sins were possibly forgiven by God before he was killed. 

Q1927871 Inglês

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

The phrase “And so am I revenged” in line 34 refers to an action that has been fulfilled.  

Q1927870 Inglês

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

In line 32, the word “might” can be correctly replaced with the modal verb could

Q1927869 Inglês

Regarding the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E). 

The word “forestalled” in line 20 could be replaced by prevented without changing the meaning of the sentence. 

Q1927868 Inglês

Regarding the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E). 

The first speaker in the text is praying only for forgiveness. 

Q1927867 Inglês

Regarding the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E). 

In line 14, the word “both” is used as a pronoun for the antecedent “double business bound” (line 12). 

Q1927866 Inglês

Regarding the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E). 

In line 12, the word “bound” could be replaced by constrained without changing the meaning of the sentence. 

Q1927865 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).  

In line 45, the expression “the lesser evil” indicates that the Portuguese were not perceived by the Chinese as much of a threat as were East Asian pirates. 

Q1927864 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).  

In line 43, the word “appreciated” could be replaced with enjoyed without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Q1927863 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).  

In line 41, the word “foes” could be replaced with business counterparts without changing the meaning of the sentence. 

Q1927862 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).  

In line 15, the word “patchwork” conveys the idea of a seamless system of regional markets. 

7341: B
7342: C
7343: E
7344: C
7345: D
7346: B
7347: D
7348: A
7349: C
7350: E
7351: E
7352: C
7353: C
7354: E
7355: C
7356: C
7357: E
7358: E
7359: E
7360: E