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Q1751576 Inglês
How to say in english “estou acostumado a/ao”:
Q1751575 Inglês
Quanto a abordagem do ensino de Língua Inglesa na BNCC, leia os itens abaixo: I. O estudo do léxico e da gramática, envolvendo formas e tempos verbais, estruturas frasais e conectores discursivos, entre outros, tem como foco levar os alunos, de modo indutivo, a descobrir o funcionamento sistêmico do inglês. II. O eixo Conhecimentos linguísticos consolida-se pelas práticas de uso, análise e reflexão sobre a língua, sempre de modo contextualizado, articulado e a serviço das práticas de oralidade, leitura e escrita. III. As práticas de linguagem contemporâneas não só envolvem novos gêneros e textos cada vez mais multissemióticos e multimidiáticos, como também novas formas de produzir, de configurar, de disponibilizar, de replicar e de interagir. IV. As práticas de produção de textos propostas no eixo Escrita consideram dois aspectos do ato de escrever. Por um lado, enfatizam sua natureza processual e colaborativa. Por outro lado, o ato de escrever é também concebido como prática social e reitera a finalidade da escrita condizente com essa prática, oportunizando aos alunos agir com protagonismo. Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1751574 Inglês
São eixos organizadores propostos para o componente Língua Inglesa, EXCETO:
Q1750587 Inglês
Let’s keep the lights on when she’s your age. What sort of world will this little girl grow up in? Many experts agree that it will be a considerably more energyhungry one. There are already seven billion people on our planet. And the forecast is that there will be around two billion more by 2050. So if we’re going to keep the lights on for her, we will need to look at every possible energy source. At Shell we’re exploring a broad mix of energies. We’re making our fuels and lubricants more advanced and more efficient than before. With our partner in Brazil, we’re also producing ethanol, a biofuel made from renewable sugar cane. And we’re delivering natural gas to more countries than any other energy company. When used to generate electricity, natural gas emits around half the CO2 of coal. Let’s broaden the world’s energy mix. (Newsweek. June 25, 2012. Cover. Adapted.)
In “Let’s keep the lights on when she’s your age. ” the underlined words mean that
Q1750586 Inglês
Let’s keep the lights on when she’s your age. What sort of world will this little girl grow up in? Many experts agree that it will be a considerably more energyhungry one. There are already seven billion people on our planet. And the forecast is that there will be around two billion more by 2050. So if we’re going to keep the lights on for her, we will need to look at every possible energy source. At Shell we’re exploring a broad mix of energies. We’re making our fuels and lubricants more advanced and more efficient than before. With our partner in Brazil, we’re also producing ethanol, a biofuel made from renewable sugar cane. And we’re delivering natural gas to more countries than any other energy company. When used to generate electricity, natural gas emits around half the CO2 of coal. Let’s broaden the world’s energy mix. (Newsweek. June 25, 2012. Cover. Adapted.)
The sentence “Let’s broaden the world’s energy mix.” means that
Q1750585 Inglês
Let’s keep the lights on when she’s your age. What sort of world will this little girl grow up in? Many experts agree that it will be a considerably more energyhungry one. There are already seven billion people on our planet. And the forecast is that there will be around two billion more by 2050. So if we’re going to keep the lights on for her, we will need to look at every possible energy source. At Shell we’re exploring a broad mix of energies. We’re making our fuels and lubricants more advanced and more efficient than before. With our partner in Brazil, we’re also producing ethanol, a biofuel made from renewable sugar cane. And we’re delivering natural gas to more countries than any other energy company. When used to generate electricity, natural gas emits around half the CO2 of coal. Let’s broaden the world’s energy mix. (Newsweek. June 25, 2012. Cover. Adapted.)
In “And the forecast is that there will be around two billion more by 2050” the underlined word means
Q1750584 Inglês
Mark the alternative that doesn’t have a prepositional verb:
Q1750583 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa em que todos os substantivos estão corretamente escritos no plural de acordo com as normas da Gramática da Língua Inglesa:
Q1750582 Inglês

Complete the sentence with the right adverbial clause.

“____bottles of milk do you want?” 

Q1750581 Inglês
Mark the sentence that doesn’t have a verb in passive voice
Q1750580 Inglês
The PAST TENSE indicates that an action is in the past relative to the speaker or writer. Choose a right preposition to the past sentence below. “I lived in Florida ___ ten years, and then I returned to Salem.”
Q1750579 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the right verb and adjective. “I know I can ___ a product that is ___ than what almost everybody else in the market is making.”
Q1750578 Inglês
Ler (reading), escrever (writing), ouvir (listening) e falar (speaking) são quatro habilidades básicas que permitem agir socialmente. Ou seja, essas são as habilidades linguísticas que as pessoas desenvolvem ao se relacionarem e comunicarem umas com as outras. Sobre elas, pode-se afirmar com certeza apenas o exposto na seguinte alternativa:
Q1750355 Inglês
   A Brazilian company has agreed to pay nearly $ 7 billion in compensation after a dam collapsed at one of its mines in Brazil two years ago, killing 270 people and causing huge damage to the local environment.
  The settlement with the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, which was announced on Thursday, is the largest in the country’s history, according to local media. The Court of Justice of Minas Gerais mediated the agreement, which will provide funds for affected communities, emergency aid and resources for urban mobility.
  In January 2019, a dam holding waste water from the company’s iron ore mine in the town of Brumadinho burst, burying the workers’ cafeteria and dozens of homes under a toxic wave of sludge. It also polluted local rivers.
   Minas Gerais, a state whose name translates to “general mines”, is a mining hub in the southeast of Brazil. The 2019 disaster came after another mining dam in the state burst in November 2015, inundating the small village of Mariana and killing 19 people.
   “Our company is committed to fully repair and compensate the damage caused by the tragedy in Brumadinho and to increasingly contribute to the improvement and development of the communities in which we operate,” the company’s CEO said in a statement.
   In 2016, a mining company reached a deal with the Brazilian government to pay up to 24 billion reais ($ 6,2 billion) over the Mariana dam collapse.
   The disasters, which left thousands of families in mourning, have renewed scrutiny of the company’s practices and of environmental regulations in Minas Gerais.
   The company involved in the Brumadinho disaster has said that since the latest breach two years ago, it has tried to work with “the impacted families, providing assistance to restore their dignity, well-being and livelihoods.”
   “In addition to meeting the most immediate needs of the affected people and regions, it is also working to deliver projects that promote lasting change to recover communities and benefit the population effectively,” the company said in its statement.

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the previous text, judge the following item.
Helping the people who were affected by the disaster is the only action taken by the company mentioned in the first paragraph so far to correct their fault.
Q1750354 Inglês
   A Brazilian company has agreed to pay nearly $ 7 billion in compensation after a dam collapsed at one of its mines in Brazil two years ago, killing 270 people and causing huge damage to the local environment.
  The settlement with the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, which was announced on Thursday, is the largest in the country’s history, according to local media. The Court of Justice of Minas Gerais mediated the agreement, which will provide funds for affected communities, emergency aid and resources for urban mobility.
  In January 2019, a dam holding waste water from the company’s iron ore mine in the town of Brumadinho burst, burying the workers’ cafeteria and dozens of homes under a toxic wave of sludge. It also polluted local rivers.
   Minas Gerais, a state whose name translates to “general mines”, is a mining hub in the southeast of Brazil. The 2019 disaster came after another mining dam in the state burst in November 2015, inundating the small village of Mariana and killing 19 people.
   “Our company is committed to fully repair and compensate the damage caused by the tragedy in Brumadinho and to increasingly contribute to the improvement and development of the communities in which we operate,” the company’s CEO said in a statement.
   In 2016, a mining company reached a deal with the Brazilian government to pay up to 24 billion reais ($ 6,2 billion) over the Mariana dam collapse.
   The disasters, which left thousands of families in mourning, have renewed scrutiny of the company’s practices and of environmental regulations in Minas Gerais.
   The company involved in the Brumadinho disaster has said that since the latest breach two years ago, it has tried to work with “the impacted families, providing assistance to restore their dignity, well-being and livelihoods.”
   “In addition to meeting the most immediate needs of the affected people and regions, it is also working to deliver projects that promote lasting change to recover communities and benefit the population effectively,” the company said in its statement.

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the previous text, judge the following item.
The company mentioned in the first paragraph was waiting for the Justice resolutions so that they could start helping the impacted families.
Q1750353 Inglês
   A Brazilian company has agreed to pay nearly $ 7 billion in compensation after a dam collapsed at one of its mines in Brazil two years ago, killing 270 people and causing huge damage to the local environment.
  The settlement with the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, which was announced on Thursday, is the largest in the country’s history, according to local media. The Court of Justice of Minas Gerais mediated the agreement, which will provide funds for affected communities, emergency aid and resources for urban mobility.
  In January 2019, a dam holding waste water from the company’s iron ore mine in the town of Brumadinho burst, burying the workers’ cafeteria and dozens of homes under a toxic wave of sludge. It also polluted local rivers.
   Minas Gerais, a state whose name translates to “general mines”, is a mining hub in the southeast of Brazil. The 2019 disaster came after another mining dam in the state burst in November 2015, inundating the small village of Mariana and killing 19 people.
   “Our company is committed to fully repair and compensate the damage caused by the tragedy in Brumadinho and to increasingly contribute to the improvement and development of the communities in which we operate,” the company’s CEO said in a statement.
   In 2016, a mining company reached a deal with the Brazilian government to pay up to 24 billion reais ($ 6,2 billion) over the Mariana dam collapse.
   The disasters, which left thousands of families in mourning, have renewed scrutiny of the company’s practices and of environmental regulations in Minas Gerais.
   The company involved in the Brumadinho disaster has said that since the latest breach two years ago, it has tried to work with “the impacted families, providing assistance to restore their dignity, well-being and livelihoods.”
   “In addition to meeting the most immediate needs of the affected people and regions, it is also working to deliver projects that promote lasting change to recover communities and benefit the population effectively,” the company said in its statement.

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the previous text, judge the following item.
The disasters in mining dams around Brazil have helped the companies to rethink the way they inspect their practices in the state of Minas Gerais.
Q1750352 Inglês
   A Brazilian company has agreed to pay nearly $ 7 billion in compensation after a dam collapsed at one of its mines in Brazil two years ago, killing 270 people and causing huge damage to the local environment.
  The settlement with the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, which was announced on Thursday, is the largest in the country’s history, according to local media. The Court of Justice of Minas Gerais mediated the agreement, which will provide funds for affected communities, emergency aid and resources for urban mobility.
  In January 2019, a dam holding waste water from the company’s iron ore mine in the town of Brumadinho burst, burying the workers’ cafeteria and dozens of homes under a toxic wave of sludge. It also polluted local rivers.
   Minas Gerais, a state whose name translates to “general mines”, is a mining hub in the southeast of Brazil. The 2019 disaster came after another mining dam in the state burst in November 2015, inundating the small village of Mariana and killing 19 people.
   “Our company is committed to fully repair and compensate the damage caused by the tragedy in Brumadinho and to increasingly contribute to the improvement and development of the communities in which we operate,” the company’s CEO said in a statement.
   In 2016, a mining company reached a deal with the Brazilian government to pay up to 24 billion reais ($ 6,2 billion) over the Mariana dam collapse.
   The disasters, which left thousands of families in mourning, have renewed scrutiny of the company’s practices and of environmental regulations in Minas Gerais.
   The company involved in the Brumadinho disaster has said that since the latest breach two years ago, it has tried to work with “the impacted families, providing assistance to restore their dignity, well-being and livelihoods.”
   “In addition to meeting the most immediate needs of the affected people and regions, it is also working to deliver projects that promote lasting change to recover communities and benefit the population effectively,” the company said in its statement.

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the previous text, judge the following item.
Not only will the company compensate for the damage caused, but it will also help develop all communities around Minas Gerais.
Q1750351 Inglês
   A Brazilian company has agreed to pay nearly $ 7 billion in compensation after a dam collapsed at one of its mines in Brazil two years ago, killing 270 people and causing huge damage to the local environment.
  The settlement with the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, which was announced on Thursday, is the largest in the country’s history, according to local media. The Court of Justice of Minas Gerais mediated the agreement, which will provide funds for affected communities, emergency aid and resources for urban mobility.
  In January 2019, a dam holding waste water from the company’s iron ore mine in the town of Brumadinho burst, burying the workers’ cafeteria and dozens of homes under a toxic wave of sludge. It also polluted local rivers.
   Minas Gerais, a state whose name translates to “general mines”, is a mining hub in the southeast of Brazil. The 2019 disaster came after another mining dam in the state burst in November 2015, inundating the small village of Mariana and killing 19 people.
   “Our company is committed to fully repair and compensate the damage caused by the tragedy in Brumadinho and to increasingly contribute to the improvement and development of the communities in which we operate,” the company’s CEO said in a statement.
   In 2016, a mining company reached a deal with the Brazilian government to pay up to 24 billion reais ($ 6,2 billion) over the Mariana dam collapse.
   The disasters, which left thousands of families in mourning, have renewed scrutiny of the company’s practices and of environmental regulations in Minas Gerais.
   The company involved in the Brumadinho disaster has said that since the latest breach two years ago, it has tried to work with “the impacted families, providing assistance to restore their dignity, well-being and livelihoods.”
   “In addition to meeting the most immediate needs of the affected people and regions, it is also working to deliver projects that promote lasting change to recover communities and benefit the population effectively,” the company said in its statement.

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the previous text, judge the following item.
There was another disaster involving a mining dam in the state of Minas Gerais which killed up to 18 people.
Q1750350 Inglês
   A Brazilian company has agreed to pay nearly $ 7 billion in compensation after a dam collapsed at one of its mines in Brazil two years ago, killing 270 people and causing huge damage to the local environment.
  The settlement with the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, which was announced on Thursday, is the largest in the country’s history, according to local media. The Court of Justice of Minas Gerais mediated the agreement, which will provide funds for affected communities, emergency aid and resources for urban mobility.
  In January 2019, a dam holding waste water from the company’s iron ore mine in the town of Brumadinho burst, burying the workers’ cafeteria and dozens of homes under a toxic wave of sludge. It also polluted local rivers.
   Minas Gerais, a state whose name translates to “general mines”, is a mining hub in the southeast of Brazil. The 2019 disaster came after another mining dam in the state burst in November 2015, inundating the small village of Mariana and killing 19 people.
   “Our company is committed to fully repair and compensate the damage caused by the tragedy in Brumadinho and to increasingly contribute to the improvement and development of the communities in which we operate,” the company’s CEO said in a statement.
   In 2016, a mining company reached a deal with the Brazilian government to pay up to 24 billion reais ($ 6,2 billion) over the Mariana dam collapse.
   The disasters, which left thousands of families in mourning, have renewed scrutiny of the company’s practices and of environmental regulations in Minas Gerais.
   The company involved in the Brumadinho disaster has said that since the latest breach two years ago, it has tried to work with “the impacted families, providing assistance to restore their dignity, well-being and livelihoods.”
   “In addition to meeting the most immediate needs of the affected people and regions, it is also working to deliver projects that promote lasting change to recover communities and benefit the population effectively,” the company said in its statement.

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the previous text, judge the following item.
There has never been such a large compensation agreement before in Brazil like the one mentioned in the text.
Q1750189 Inglês
Observe the news fragment below. “Human remains were recovered on a wooded area behind a house in Moraine in connection to a woman missing from Middletown.” Choose the options that corrects the prepositional mistake in the context above.
8361: B
8362: E
8363: E
8364: A
8365: D
8366: D
8367: B
8368: B
8369: C
8370: B
8371: A
8372: D
8373: C
8374: E
8375: E
8376: C
8377: E
8378: E
8379: C
8380: C