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Analise as sentenças abaixo:
Please turn on the light.
Take off your shoes.
He took off his jacket.
Quando transitivos, os phrasal verbs podem ser
separados. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta,
corretamente, os phrasal verbs acima de forma
Analise a sentença seguir:
Sorry, our system found an error in your account.
Assinale a alternativa em que é apresentada,
corretamente, a forma de voz passiva da sentença
Analise as sentenças abaixo:
I. I can’t answer now because I’m ___ the bus.
II. I like that restaurant ___ the Seventh Avenue.
III. I was right here, she was ___ the car.
Sobre preposições, assinale a alternativa que
preencha, corretamente, as lacunas acima,
Analise a sentença a seguir:
I like music so much, like rock, jazz “and” pop, “but” I don't listen music all the time, just in my free time “because” I work a lot all the day, I only turn on the radio when I “finally” get home.
Podemos afirmar que as palavras em destaque são marcadores discursivos e representam, respectivamente:
Analise a sentença a seguir:
There was a case of prejudice at the college. The case happened at the library and the victim pretended be fine at the first, but cried after told us.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta, corretamente, a
tradução livre da sentença para o português.
It was Maria’s first day at school, her first week in the United States. Her middle school in San Francisco was the biggest building she’d ever seen. It was bigger than the entire Best Buy store she’d walked through in awe on her first day in the city.
It was Maria’s first day at school, her first week in the United States. Her middle school in San Francisco was the biggest building she’d ever seen. It was bigger than the entire Best Buy store she’d walked through in awe on her first day in the city.
It was Maria’s first day at school, her first week in the United States. Her middle school in San Francisco was the biggest building she’d ever seen. It was bigger than the entire Best Buy store she’d walked through in awe on her first day in the city.
It was Maria’s first day at school, her first week in the United States. Her middle school in San Francisco was the biggest building she’d ever seen. It was bigger than the entire Best Buy store she’d walked through in awe on her first day in the city.