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Q3105219 Inglês
Text I

   Despite the tricky and life-threatening relationship between Paleolithic humans and the megafauna that comprised so much of their environment, twentieth-century scholars tended to claim cave art as evidence of an unalloyed triumph for our species. It was a “great spiritual symbol,” of a time when “man had just emerged from a purely zoological existence, when instead of being dominated by animals, he began to dominate them.” But the child-like and highly stylized stick figures found in caves do not radiate triumph. By the standards of our own time, they are excessively self-effacing and, compared to the animals portrayed around them, pathetically weak.

   While twentieth-century archeologists tended to solemnize prehistoric art as “magico-religious” or “shamanic,” today’s more secular viewers sometimes detect a vein of sheer silliness. India’s Mesolithic rock art portrays few human stick figures; those that are portrayed have been described by modern viewers as “comical,” “animalized” and “grotesque.” As Judith Thurman wrote about the artists, “despite their penchant for naturalism, rarely did they choose to depict human beings, and then did so with a crudeness that smacks of mockery.”

   But who are they mocking, other than themselves and, by extension, their distant descendants, ourselves? Of course, our reactions to Paleolithic art may bear no connection to the intentions or feelings of the artists. Yet there are reasons to believe that Paleolithic people had a sense of humor not all that dissimilar from our own.

Barbara Ehrenreich. The Humanoid Stain. Later on. Internet: (adapted).

Based on text I, judge whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).

The author concludes that cave artists depicted humans as weak to show the preponderance megafauna had in those days. 

Q3105218 Inglês
Text I

   Despite the tricky and life-threatening relationship between Paleolithic humans and the megafauna that comprised so much of their environment, twentieth-century scholars tended to claim cave art as evidence of an unalloyed triumph for our species. It was a “great spiritual symbol,” of a time when “man had just emerged from a purely zoological existence, when instead of being dominated by animals, he began to dominate them.” But the child-like and highly stylized stick figures found in caves do not radiate triumph. By the standards of our own time, they are excessively self-effacing and, compared to the animals portrayed around them, pathetically weak.

   While twentieth-century archeologists tended to solemnize prehistoric art as “magico-religious” or “shamanic,” today’s more secular viewers sometimes detect a vein of sheer silliness. India’s Mesolithic rock art portrays few human stick figures; those that are portrayed have been described by modern viewers as “comical,” “animalized” and “grotesque.” As Judith Thurman wrote about the artists, “despite their penchant for naturalism, rarely did they choose to depict human beings, and then did so with a crudeness that smacks of mockery.”

   But who are they mocking, other than themselves and, by extension, their distant descendants, ourselves? Of course, our reactions to Paleolithic art may bear no connection to the intentions or feelings of the artists. Yet there are reasons to believe that Paleolithic people had a sense of humor not all that dissimilar from our own.

Barbara Ehrenreich. The Humanoid Stain. Later on. Internet: (adapted).

Based on text I, judge whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).

The text suggests that 20th-century scholars had an erroneous perspective on how cave art should be viewed.

Q3105217 Inglês
Text I

   Despite the tricky and life-threatening relationship between Paleolithic humans and the megafauna that comprised so much of their environment, twentieth-century scholars tended to claim cave art as evidence of an unalloyed triumph for our species. It was a “great spiritual symbol,” of a time when “man had just emerged from a purely zoological existence, when instead of being dominated by animals, he began to dominate them.” But the child-like and highly stylized stick figures found in caves do not radiate triumph. By the standards of our own time, they are excessively self-effacing and, compared to the animals portrayed around them, pathetically weak.

   While twentieth-century archeologists tended to solemnize prehistoric art as “magico-religious” or “shamanic,” today’s more secular viewers sometimes detect a vein of sheer silliness. India’s Mesolithic rock art portrays few human stick figures; those that are portrayed have been described by modern viewers as “comical,” “animalized” and “grotesque.” As Judith Thurman wrote about the artists, “despite their penchant for naturalism, rarely did they choose to depict human beings, and then did so with a crudeness that smacks of mockery.”

   But who are they mocking, other than themselves and, by extension, their distant descendants, ourselves? Of course, our reactions to Paleolithic art may bear no connection to the intentions or feelings of the artists. Yet there are reasons to believe that Paleolithic people had a sense of humor not all that dissimilar from our own.

Barbara Ehrenreich. The Humanoid Stain. Later on. Internet: (adapted).

Based on text I, judge whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).

The author sides with those who take cave art to be a ‘great spiritual symbol’, as stated in the first paragraph.

Q3105216 Inglês
Text I

   Despite the tricky and life-threatening relationship between Paleolithic humans and the megafauna that comprised so much of their environment, twentieth-century scholars tended to claim cave art as evidence of an unalloyed triumph for our species. It was a “great spiritual symbol,” of a time when “man had just emerged from a purely zoological existence, when instead of being dominated by animals, he began to dominate them.” But the child-like and highly stylized stick figures found in caves do not radiate triumph. By the standards of our own time, they are excessively self-effacing and, compared to the animals portrayed around them, pathetically weak.

   While twentieth-century archeologists tended to solemnize prehistoric art as “magico-religious” or “shamanic,” today’s more secular viewers sometimes detect a vein of sheer silliness. India’s Mesolithic rock art portrays few human stick figures; those that are portrayed have been described by modern viewers as “comical,” “animalized” and “grotesque.” As Judith Thurman wrote about the artists, “despite their penchant for naturalism, rarely did they choose to depict human beings, and then did so with a crudeness that smacks of mockery.”

   But who are they mocking, other than themselves and, by extension, their distant descendants, ourselves? Of course, our reactions to Paleolithic art may bear no connection to the intentions or feelings of the artists. Yet there are reasons to believe that Paleolithic people had a sense of humor not all that dissimilar from our own.

Barbara Ehrenreich. The Humanoid Stain. Later on. Internet: (adapted).

Based on text I, judge whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).

The text stresses the difference between the opinions of cave artists and of modern art scholars in terms of the concept of the artistic genius.

Q3102567 Inglês
Analise o texto abaixo sobre a prática pedagógica de inglês como segunda língua.

A prática pedagógica é um elemento-chave no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, pois ela define a ................................. como o conteúdo é apresentado aos alunos.
Neste contexto, é necessário que a prática pedagógica seja estruturada, organizada e .............................., a fim de estabelecer .............................. para o conhecimento adquirido.

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas do texto. 
Q3102566 Inglês
Match column 2 with the correct activities of the English communication skills in column 1, based on the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).

Column 1 Activities
1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Listening
4. Speaking

Column 2 Exemples
( ) dialogues, conversations, messages.
( ) everyday communication: meeting new people.
( ) fill in a form, express yourself through the written word.
( ) timetables, signs, adverts.

Select the option that presents the correct sequence from top to bottom. 
Q3102565 Inglês
Read the sentences below and determine whether they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to vocabulary, structure and grammar use.

( ) The plan has been carefully looked at. (The sentence is in the Passive Voice)
( ) After the performance, the actor took a bow. (The underlined word means a fancy knot).
( ) I’m not liking her hairstyle.(The sentence is in the Present Progressive Tense)
( ) Staying at home in such bad weather was a sensible thing to do. (The underlined word is a false cognate that means easily affected by).
( ) She got ill because she hadn’t been sleeping enough. (The sentence is in the Past Perfect Tense)

Select the option that presents the correct sequence from top to bottom. 
Q3102564 Inglês
A homophone is a word that has the same sound as another word but has a different meaning.
Choose the alternative that presents these kind of words. 
Q3102563 Inglês
Anglicismo é um tipo de estrangeirismo usado para definir as palavras que vêm do Inglês para o Português.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta exemplos de palavras do inglês que se tornaram comuns na língua portuguesa. 
Q3102561 Inglês
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) sobre o tema o uso de Inglês no Português do Brasil.

( ) Os estrangeirismos são privilégio da língua portuguesa.
( ) O estrangeirismo se refere ao uso de palavras ou expressões estrangeiras na comunicação quando não há uma palavra equivalente na língua do enunciador.
( ) Estrangeirismo é um fenômeno linguístico caraterizado pela apropriação de uma palavra ou expressão estrangeira.
( ) No português brasileiro, são bastante comuns os anglicismos, como e-mail, feedback, internet, por exemplo.

Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo. 
Q3092840 Inglês

        Magi Richani is the founder of San Francisco-based Nobell Foods, a startup company developing a new kind of cheese made from soybeans. She says plant-based cheese not only accommodates people who can’t consume dairy, but it also could be key to more sustainable food production worldwide. “The reality is that when you raise an animal for food, it’s not just the animals, you are actually growing crops, you are clearing land, and you’re raising the animal for years so it builds biomass,” Richani explained. “It’s an extremely inefficient supply chain.”

        Nobell is particularly focused on creating plant-based casein, which is a protein produced when a cow gives birth and is present in the milk for its offspring. It is the ingredient that gives dairy cheese its unique stretchy texture. If Nobell is able to go to market and have the kind of impact it’s hoping to, then plant-based cheese could help us stretch toward a more sustainable future. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the ideas presented in the previous text as well as its linguistic aspects, judge the following item. 

The word “offspring”, in the first sentence of the last paragraph, can be replaced with calf without harming the coherence and the correctness of the text. 

Q3092839 Inglês

        Magi Richani is the founder of San Francisco-based Nobell Foods, a startup company developing a new kind of cheese made from soybeans. She says plant-based cheese not only accommodates people who can’t consume dairy, but it also could be key to more sustainable food production worldwide. “The reality is that when you raise an animal for food, it’s not just the animals, you are actually growing crops, you are clearing land, and you’re raising the animal for years so it builds biomass,” Richani explained. “It’s an extremely inefficient supply chain.”

        Nobell is particularly focused on creating plant-based casein, which is a protein produced when a cow gives birth and is present in the milk for its offspring. It is the ingredient that gives dairy cheese its unique stretchy texture. If Nobell is able to go to market and have the kind of impact it’s hoping to, then plant-based cheese could help us stretch toward a more sustainable future. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the ideas presented in the previous text as well as its linguistic aspects, judge the following item. 

Magi Richani affirms that the motivation to seek the production of plant-based cheese is twofold.  

Q3092838 Inglês

        Magi Richani is the founder of San Francisco-based Nobell Foods, a startup company developing a new kind of cheese made from soybeans. She says plant-based cheese not only accommodates people who can’t consume dairy, but it also could be key to more sustainable food production worldwide. “The reality is that when you raise an animal for food, it’s not just the animals, you are actually growing crops, you are clearing land, and you’re raising the animal for years so it builds biomass,” Richani explained. “It’s an extremely inefficient supply chain.”

        Nobell is particularly focused on creating plant-based casein, which is a protein produced when a cow gives birth and is present in the milk for its offspring. It is the ingredient that gives dairy cheese its unique stretchy texture. If Nobell is able to go to market and have the kind of impact it’s hoping to, then plant-based cheese could help us stretch toward a more sustainable future. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the ideas presented in the previous text as well as its linguistic aspects, judge the following item. 

According to the text, Nobell Foods works to implement a more efficient supply chain for the production of dairy cheese. 

Q3092837 Inglês

        Magi Richani is the founder of San Francisco-based Nobell Foods, a startup company developing a new kind of cheese made from soybeans. She says plant-based cheese not only accommodates people who can’t consume dairy, but it also could be key to more sustainable food production worldwide. “The reality is that when you raise an animal for food, it’s not just the animals, you are actually growing crops, you are clearing land, and you’re raising the animal for years so it builds biomass,” Richani explained. “It’s an extremely inefficient supply chain.”

        Nobell is particularly focused on creating plant-based casein, which is a protein produced when a cow gives birth and is present in the milk for its offspring. It is the ingredient that gives dairy cheese its unique stretchy texture. If Nobell is able to go to market and have the kind of impact it’s hoping to, then plant-based cheese could help us stretch toward a more sustainable future. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the ideas presented in the previous text as well as its linguistic aspects, judge the following item. 

The words “stretch” (last sentence of the text) and “stretchy” (second sentence of the last paragraph), although similar, convey different meanings: “stretchy” refers to a concrete sensation, whereas “stretch” is used in a metaphorical abstract way.  

Q3092836 Inglês

        When a person (or team or firm or government) decides how to act in dealings with other people (or teams or firms or governments), there must be some cross-effect of their actions; what one does must affect the outcome for the other. For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect. What the other person does affects you; if you know this, you can react to his actions, or take advance actions to forestall the bad effects his future actions may have on you and to facilitate any good effects, or even take advance actions so as to alter his future reactions to your advantage. If you know that the other person knows that what you do affects him, you know that he will be taking similar actions. And so on. It is this mutual awareness of the cross-effects of actions and the actions taken as a result of this awareness that constitute the most interesting aspects of strategy.

        When each participant is significant in the interaction, either because each is a large player to start with or because commitments or private information narrow the scope of the relationship to a point where each is an important player within the relationship, we must think of the interaction as a strategic game. Such situations are the rule rather than the exception in business, in politics, and even in social interactions. Therefore, the study of strategic games forms an important part of all fields that analyze these matters.

Avinash Dixit et al. Games of strategy.

New York: W.W. Norton & Coadapted, 2015 (adapted).

Considering to the preceding text, judge the item that follow. 

In the first sentence of the text, the phrase “what one does must affect the outcome for the other” functions as an explanation of the previous expression “cross-effect”. 

Q3092835 Inglês

        When a person (or team or firm or government) decides how to act in dealings with other people (or teams or firms or governments), there must be some cross-effect of their actions; what one does must affect the outcome for the other. For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect. What the other person does affects you; if you know this, you can react to his actions, or take advance actions to forestall the bad effects his future actions may have on you and to facilitate any good effects, or even take advance actions so as to alter his future reactions to your advantage. If you know that the other person knows that what you do affects him, you know that he will be taking similar actions. And so on. It is this mutual awareness of the cross-effects of actions and the actions taken as a result of this awareness that constitute the most interesting aspects of strategy.

        When each participant is significant in the interaction, either because each is a large player to start with or because commitments or private information narrow the scope of the relationship to a point where each is an important player within the relationship, we must think of the interaction as a strategic game. Such situations are the rule rather than the exception in business, in politics, and even in social interactions. Therefore, the study of strategic games forms an important part of all fields that analyze these matters.

Avinash Dixit et al. Games of strategy.

New York: W.W. Norton & Coadapted, 2015 (adapted).

Considering to the preceding text, judge the item that follow. 

The text presents a field of study, called strategic games, that uses concepts derived from business and politics to analyze social interactions. 

Q3092834 Inglês

        When a person (or team or firm or government) decides how to act in dealings with other people (or teams or firms or governments), there must be some cross-effect of their actions; what one does must affect the outcome for the other. For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect. What the other person does affects you; if you know this, you can react to his actions, or take advance actions to forestall the bad effects his future actions may have on you and to facilitate any good effects, or even take advance actions so as to alter his future reactions to your advantage. If you know that the other person knows that what you do affects him, you know that he will be taking similar actions. And so on. It is this mutual awareness of the cross-effects of actions and the actions taken as a result of this awareness that constitute the most interesting aspects of strategy.

        When each participant is significant in the interaction, either because each is a large player to start with or because commitments or private information narrow the scope of the relationship to a point where each is an important player within the relationship, we must think of the interaction as a strategic game. Such situations are the rule rather than the exception in business, in politics, and even in social interactions. Therefore, the study of strategic games forms an important part of all fields that analyze these matters.

Avinash Dixit et al. Games of strategy.

New York: W.W. Norton & Coadapted, 2015 (adapted).

Considering to the preceding text, judge the item that follow. 

The sentence “For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect.” can be correctly rephrased as However, participants must be reciprocally aware of this cross-effect for the interaction to develop into a strategic game. 

Q3092833 Inglês

        When a person (or team or firm or government) decides how to act in dealings with other people (or teams or firms or governments), there must be some cross-effect of their actions; what one does must affect the outcome for the other. For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect. What the other person does affects you; if you know this, you can react to his actions, or take advance actions to forestall the bad effects his future actions may have on you and to facilitate any good effects, or even take advance actions so as to alter his future reactions to your advantage. If you know that the other person knows that what you do affects him, you know that he will be taking similar actions. And so on. It is this mutual awareness of the cross-effects of actions and the actions taken as a result of this awareness that constitute the most interesting aspects of strategy.

        When each participant is significant in the interaction, either because each is a large player to start with or because commitments or private information narrow the scope of the relationship to a point where each is an important player within the relationship, we must think of the interaction as a strategic game. Such situations are the rule rather than the exception in business, in politics, and even in social interactions. Therefore, the study of strategic games forms an important part of all fields that analyze these matters.

Avinash Dixit et al. Games of strategy.

New York: W.W. Norton & Coadapted, 2015 (adapted).

Considering to the preceding text, judge the item that follow. 

Is it correct to infer from the text’s information that in strategic games both parties must be large players since the beginning of the interaction. 

Q3092832 Inglês

        When a person (or team or firm or government) decides how to act in dealings with other people (or teams or firms or governments), there must be some cross-effect of their actions; what one does must affect the outcome for the other. For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect. What the other person does affects you; if you know this, you can react to his actions, or take advance actions to forestall the bad effects his future actions may have on you and to facilitate any good effects, or even take advance actions so as to alter his future reactions to your advantage. If you know that the other person knows that what you do affects him, you know that he will be taking similar actions. And so on. It is this mutual awareness of the cross-effects of actions and the actions taken as a result of this awareness that constitute the most interesting aspects of strategy.

        When each participant is significant in the interaction, either because each is a large player to start with or because commitments or private information narrow the scope of the relationship to a point where each is an important player within the relationship, we must think of the interaction as a strategic game. Such situations are the rule rather than the exception in business, in politics, and even in social interactions. Therefore, the study of strategic games forms an important part of all fields that analyze these matters.

Avinash Dixit et al. Games of strategy.

New York: W.W. Norton & Coadapted, 2015 (adapted).

Considering to the preceding text, judge the item that follow.

The words “forestall” and “facilitate” (third sentence of the text) work as antonyms and are being used to convey opposite reactions.  

Q3092831 Inglês

        The philosopher Jeremy Bentham was regarded as the founder of utilitarianism and a leading advocate of the separation of church and state, freedom of expression, and individual legal rights. Furthermore, the “panopticon” is a type of institutional building that has long dominated Bentham’s legacy. As a work of architecture, the panopticon allows a watchman in a central tower to observe occupants of surrounding cells without the occupants knowing whether or not they are being watched. As a metaphor, the panopticon was commandeered in the latter half of the 20th century as a way to trace the surveillance tendencies of disciplinarian societies. Is it still a useful way to think about surveillance today?

        The French philosopher Michel Foucault used the idea of the panopticon as a way to illustrate the proclivity of disciplinary societies to subjugate its citizens. He describes the prisoner of a panopticon as being at the receiving end of asymmetrical surveillance: “He is seen, but he does not see.” As a consequence, the inmate polices himself for fear of punishment.

        The parallels between the panopticon and surveillance cameras may be obvious, but what happens when you step into the world of digital surveillance and data capture? Unlike the panopticon, citizens don’t know they are being watched. Jake Goldenfein, from the University of Melbourne, tells me it’s important to remember the corrective purposes of Bentham’s panopticon when considering it as a metaphor for modern surveillance. “The relevance of the panopticon as a metaphor begins to wither when we start thinking about whether contemporary types of visuality are analogous to the central tower concept. For example, whether this type of visuality is as asymmetrical, and being co-opted for the same political exercise.” In the panopticon the occupants are constantly aware of the threat of being watched — this is the whole point — but state surveillance on the Internet is invisible; there is no looming tower, no dead-eye lens staring at you every time you enter a URL. There may not be a central tower, but there will be communicating sensors in our most intimate objects.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item. 

According to the text, Jeremy Bentham prominently protested against the dissociation of religion from state institutions. 

81: E
82: C
83: E
84: E
85: B
86: C
87: A
88: A
89: E
90: E
91: C
92: C
93: E
94: C
95: C
96: E
97: C
98: E
99: C
100: E