Questões de Concurso Sobre falso cognatos | false cognates em inglês

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Q3024630 Inglês
Capital One Sued Over Consumer-Data Disclosures to Meta, Google

Capital One Financial Corp. is facing a proposed class action alleging the financial giant disclosed the personal and financial information of millions of consumers to Meta Platforms Inc., Google LLC, Microsoft Corp., and other third parties without their consent in violation of state and federal privacy laws.

Vishal Shah and three other named plaintiffs accused Capital One of “knowingly and secretly” installing online tracking tools from third-party software providers and data-analytics companies on its website, allowing those third parties to collect information arising from consumer visits there.

Data allegedly disclosed to the third parties included information arising from consumers’ interactions with the website, information about bank and credit card accounts, information disclosed on credit card application forms, and employment information, according to the complaint filed Monday in the US District Court for the Northern District of California. Other third parties identified in the complaint included DoubleClick Inc., NewRelic Inc., Adobe Inc., Everest Technologies Inc., Kenshoo Ltd., Snowplow Analytics Ltd., BioCatch Inc., and Tealium Inc.

No third party is named as a defendant.

Meta’s Facebook and the others used the information for their own purposes, including for marketing and advertising, and made further disclosures to other third parties “who will profit off of the use of that information,” the complaint said. The plaintiffs seek to represent a nationwide class and a California subclass of people whose information was disclosed by Capital One without their consent.

The complaint alleges negligence, negligence per se, invasion of privacy, breach of express contract, breach of implied contract, unjust enrichment, bailment, breach of confidence, declaratory judgment, and violations of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the California Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act, the Consumer Protection Law, the Consumer Privacy Act, the Customer Records Act, and the Invasion of Privacy Act. The plaintiffs are seeking actual, compensatory, statutory, and punitive damages; three years of credit-monitoring services for class members; restitution and disgorgement; attorneys’ fees and costs; and pre- and post-judgment interest.

(Available at: Acesso em: 28 de agosto de 2024.)
The plaintiffs are seeking actual, compensatory, statutory, and punitive damages. Which of these words is a false cognate?
Q2691628 Inglês

Considere o fragmento inicial de um texto publicado na internet. Utilize-o para responder as questões 32, 33 e 34 a seguir.


March 24, 2019


A Whole New World is the first book in the Twisted Tales series. At the time of writing, the series consists of five titles published over the past four years, with the sixth due in April 2019. Each of the novels is standalone, meaning you can read whichever stories intrigue you the most in whichever order you feel like. For reviewing purposes, I will be reading the full series in chronological order of publication, and I will be completely honest and spoiler-free in letting you know what I thought!

A Whole New World by Liz Braswell follows an alternate plotline of what would have happened if, at the mouth of the Cave of Wonders, Aladdin had passed the magic lamp to the villain Jafar, granting him the power of the Genie… and the reign of Agrabah. This triggers the rise of a terrifying dictatorship, prompting a revolution on the streets of Agrabah led by slick army of Street Rats.

Did it show me the world? Most definitely. Was it shining, shimmering, splendid? Read on. (...)

WOW News Today. (adaptado)

As palavras em inglês “series”, “novels”, “chronological” e “revolution” são muito semelhantes, na escrita, com as respectivas palavras em português “série”, “novelas”, “cronológico (a)” e “revolução”. Uma delas, no entanto, é um falso cognato, pois seu significado não equivale ao da palavra de escrita similar em português.

Assinale a única alternativa que apresenta um falso cognato.

Q2496023 Inglês


Is English language teaching for you? A guide to a new career 

Marie Therese Swabey

June 14, 2021

Whether you’re just starting out or thinking of a career change, teaching English as a foreign language is one of the most rewarding professional journeys you can embark on.

In English language teaching, there is a lot of career potential. As you develop your skills and take on more responsibilities, you can enjoy a long-term career. Many professionals become senior teachers or teacher trainers, or move into management or materials writing.

Why become an English language teacher? 

There are lots of reasons you might want to become an English language teacher. For a start, you can make a real difference in people’s lives. According to a 2019 survey by Wall Street English, 18% of professionals who have learned English report that they feel happier at work; 12% say they feel happier in general; and half of English speakers earn 25% more because of their language skills.

Moreover, English language teaching is an immensely flexible profession. You can decide whether to take a public or private job, or offer lessons on your own. Your working conditions are flexible too. You might prefer to work in a local school or academy, but many English language teaching jobs also allow you to work online from home. And if you’re feeling adventurous, there are lots of opportunities to live and work abroad, in a new country and culture. If you do travel further afield, you might even learn a new language of your own.

English language teaching is a career that encourages creativity. You’ll become an expert at designing lessons and making learning materials to meet the needs of your students. Best of all ... it’s fun! You spend your day with interesting, engaging people who are keen to learn. What could be better than that?

What do English language teachers do every day? 

It probably goes without saying that language educators teach students English on a day-to-day basis. But there are plenty of other aspects to the job as well.

English language teachers assess their learners through quick tests and official exams. They use this information to define learning objectives, and then plan courses and classes that meet their students’ needs.

Language teachers use a range of coursebooks and English language teaching materials, including a variety of audio, visual and digital tools. At the same time, they find and create teaching and learning materials of their own.

In the process of developing learners’ reading, listening, speaking andwriting abilities, teachers also help students develop confidence in presenting and communicating ideas. Furthermore, language teachers encourage students to develop important 21st century skills, such as creativity, collaboration, leadership, autonomous learning and adaptability. These skills are transferable and will help learners in many areas throughout their lives.

What do you need to become an English language teacher? 

Being a good English teacher requires more than just being able to speak the language fluently. You’ll also need a comprehensive knowledge of English grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary, combined with excellent communication skills. Teachers of young learners will also need to have an understanding of how to teach engaging, effective classes to children.

It helps if you are comfortable speaking in front of other people, managing groups of learners, and able to plan and organise your time. And it’s important to have a friendly, sympathetic nature and a good degree of cultural sensitivity. After all, you’ll be working with people from all over the world and all walks of life.

Where can you teach? 

There are opportunities to teach the English language almost everywhere. For example, you can teach English in an Englishspeaking country such as the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Ireland. You’ll find many private and public programmes and classes for people who have come to work or study, and who need to improve their English.

Alternatively, you can teach English in schools and universities in countries where English is the official language – but not always how people communicate on a daily basis. Nigeria, Malta, India and Sierra Leone are examples. You might also prefer to teach in non-English-speaking countries, where you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and learn a new language too.

In terms of teaching environments, there are opportunities to teach in private academies, public schools, universities, offices, private homes and online. 

Who do you teach? 

There is an extensive list of people who want to learn to speak English. Many teachers start out with a variety of class types to find out which they like best. Your options include (but are not limited to):

  • • adults in private groups or one-to-one classes

  • • adults in language schools, colleges or universities

  • • professionals such as business people, medical professionals, pilots, etc. who require English for a specific purpose

  • • students who are preparing for an official exam

  • • people who have moved to an English-speaking country and need to improve their English 

  • • young learners in one-to-one classes or groups, or online

  • • young learners in private language schools, or in secondary/ primary schools.

Adapted from: Accessed on May 2, 2024

Dentre as palavras abaixo, todas retiradas do texto, aquela que é classificada como um falso cognato é:
Q2490803 Inglês

About cognate words and false cognates, as well as pedagogic trends, judge the item that follow. 

The words experiences and report are two examples of cognates in English and Portuguese.

Q2475777 Inglês
Qual dos seguintes elementos está diretamente relacionado ao estudo das expressões idiomáticas em língua inglesa? 
1: A
2: D
3: C
4: E
5: C