Questões da Prova ITCO - 2008 - CEFET-Cuiabá-MT - Professor - Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa

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Q2934936 Inglês

O texto a seguir refere-se às questões 29, 30, 31 e 32.

Learning to quit

Jodi Hall started smoking at age 9.

By the time she was 16, she was up to a pack a day – and she wanted to quit. A couple of reasons: one, her health; two, a guy named Mony. “He said that when he kissed me, it was like kissing an ashtray”, Jodi says.

Earlier this year, Jodi, along with 25 of her classmates at Johnson High School, in Savannah, GA, enrolled in the school’s first stop-smoking class. During the eight-week Tobacco Free Teen class, they learned what smoking can do to their body, their wallet and their grades (some kids end up cutting class to satisfy their nicotine cravings). But it wasn’t just about scare tactics. The goal is behavior modification, not punishment, so students are taught techniques for handling stress and resisting the urge to light up even when friends or parents do.

According to the American Lung Association (ALA), which sponsors the class, about half the adults who smoke were regular smokers by age 18. “Theses numbers are only going to get worse,” says Kristine Lewis of the ALA. “The tobacco industry is turning to teens.”

How did the students do? Jodi has been cigaretteless for three months. But she’s the only one. Her classmate Adam Cushman is slowly putting his way back to three packs a day. The 16-year-old says he wants to stop, “but the way things are going, I doubt I’ll be able to.”

Seventeen, June 1996.

O pronome they em “they learned what smoking can do to…” refere-se a Jodi e:

Q2934934 Inglês

O texto a seguir refere-se às questões 29, 30, 31 e 32.

Learning to quit

Jodi Hall started smoking at age 9.

By the time she was 16, she was up to a pack a day – and she wanted to quit. A couple of reasons: one, her health; two, a guy named Mony. “He said that when he kissed me, it was like kissing an ashtray”, Jodi says.

Earlier this year, Jodi, along with 25 of her classmates at Johnson High School, in Savannah, GA, enrolled in the school’s first stop-smoking class. During the eight-week Tobacco Free Teen class, they learned what smoking can do to their body, their wallet and their grades (some kids end up cutting class to satisfy their nicotine cravings). But it wasn’t just about scare tactics. The goal is behavior modification, not punishment, so students are taught techniques for handling stress and resisting the urge to light up even when friends or parents do.

According to the American Lung Association (ALA), which sponsors the class, about half the adults who smoke were regular smokers by age 18. “Theses numbers are only going to get worse,” says Kristine Lewis of the ALA. “The tobacco industry is turning to teens.”

How did the students do? Jodi has been cigaretteless for three months. But she’s the only one. Her classmate Adam Cushman is slowly putting his way back to three packs a day. The 16-year-old says he wants to stop, “but the way things are going, I doubt I’ll be able to.”

Seventeen, June 1996.

De acordo com o texto, o Segundo motivo alegado por Jodi para querer parar de fumar foi:

Q2934932 Inglês

Sobre as tiras, marque a alternativa correta.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q2934931 Pedagogia

Apesar da grande ênfase colocada na aprendizagem de Línguas Estrangeiras, notadamente do inglês, no Brasil, a justificativa social para a aprendizagem dessa língua só recentemente tem preocupado aqueles que trabalham com o ensino. Sobre a relevância social do ensino de inglês no País, de acordo com Moita Lopes (1996), no livro Oficina de Lingüística Aplicada, assinale a alternativa incorreta:

Q2934930 Pedagogia

Segundo Moita Lopes (1996), embora não se questione a aprendizagem de outras matérias do currículo, as Línguas Estrangeiras são freqüentemente apontadas como desnecessárias na formação do aprendiz da escola pública. Sobre o ensino da língua inglesa, especificamente, na escola pública brasileira, é incorreto afirmar:

11: B
12: D
13: C
14: A
15: E