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Q1943789 Inglês
Read the passage below to answer question.

“According to the teachers who use the __________________________, a fundamental purpose of learning a foreign language is to be able to read literature written in the target language. To do this, students need to learn about the grammar rules and vocabulary of the target language. They are taught to translate from one language to another. Often what they translate are readings in the target language about some aspect of the culture – mainly literature and fine arts. Reading and writing are the primary skills that the students work on. Very little attention is given to speaking and listening and the roles of the teacher are very traditional.”

(Source: LARSEN-FREEMAN, D. Techniques and Principles in language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. Adapted).
The most suitable method (or approach) to fill in the passage is
Q1943788 Inglês
Considering the International Alphabetic Symbols – IPA –, mark the alternative in which the exemplification is INCORRECT. 
Q1943787 Inglês
Regarding the grapheme th, mark the alternative in which the word corresponds to the phoneme /ð/
Q1943786 Inglês
Read and answer.

Text 01 (For question) 

  Films are a great medium to use not only to practice English, but also to facilitate intercultural learning. Today English is a global language spoken by people from many countries and cultural backgrounds. Since culture greatly impacts communication, it is helpful for teachers to introduce lessons and activities that reveal how different dialects, forms of address, customs, taboos, and other cultural elements influence interaction among different groups. (...)
  Culture, according to one definition, is the values, traditions, customs, art, and institutions shared by a group of people who are unified by nationality, ethnicity, religion, or language. The language teaching profession‟s interest in cross-cultural communication has increased during the past few decades. According to Kramsch (1995), the development is due to political, educational, and ideological factors; even though politicians might feel that learning a foreign language will solve socioeconomic problems, educators think that for that to happen a language course must contain legitimate cultural content. (...)
   Intercultural topics that show how people from different backgrounds communicate and interact are becoming more prominent in language teaching. Teachers can benefit from the treasure trove of films that deal with subjects like immigration, xenophobia, adjusting to a new culture, or dilemmas faced when one belongs to two cultures. Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters by fostering understanding and developing sensitivity. “Learning about stereotypes, ethnocentrism, discrimination, and acculturation in the abstract can be flat and uninspiring. But if we experience intercultural contact with our eyes and years, we begin to understand it” (Summerfield 1993, 1). Intercultural contact through films enables students to understand other people‟s actions and to have empathy with members of minority groups. Films also vividly represent intercultural misunderstandings and the roots of racism.
   There is a wide variety of films with intercultural themes, and the teacher must consult reviews or see the movie firsthand to determine if it is appropriate for the desired lesson.

(Source: ROEL, Christine. Intellectual Training with Films. Forum English Teaching, vol. 48, number 2, Washington DC, 2010.) 
Read the definition below and choose the CORRECT word to complete it.

__________________ is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. 
Q1943785 Inglês
Read and answer.

Text 01 (For question) 

  Films are a great medium to use not only to practice English, but also to facilitate intercultural learning. Today English is a global language spoken by people from many countries and cultural backgrounds. Since culture greatly impacts communication, it is helpful for teachers to introduce lessons and activities that reveal how different dialects, forms of address, customs, taboos, and other cultural elements influence interaction among different groups. (...)
  Culture, according to one definition, is the values, traditions, customs, art, and institutions shared by a group of people who are unified by nationality, ethnicity, religion, or language. The language teaching profession‟s interest in cross-cultural communication has increased during the past few decades. According to Kramsch (1995), the development is due to political, educational, and ideological factors; even though politicians might feel that learning a foreign language will solve socioeconomic problems, educators think that for that to happen a language course must contain legitimate cultural content. (...)
   Intercultural topics that show how people from different backgrounds communicate and interact are becoming more prominent in language teaching. Teachers can benefit from the treasure trove of films that deal with subjects like immigration, xenophobia, adjusting to a new culture, or dilemmas faced when one belongs to two cultures. Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters by fostering understanding and developing sensitivity. “Learning about stereotypes, ethnocentrism, discrimination, and acculturation in the abstract can be flat and uninspiring. But if we experience intercultural contact with our eyes and years, we begin to understand it” (Summerfield 1993, 1). Intercultural contact through films enables students to understand other people‟s actions and to have empathy with members of minority groups. Films also vividly represent intercultural misunderstandings and the roots of racism.
   There is a wide variety of films with intercultural themes, and the teacher must consult reviews or see the movie firsthand to determine if it is appropriate for the desired lesson.

(Source: ROEL, Christine. Intellectual Training with Films. Forum English Teaching, vol. 48, number 2, Washington DC, 2010.) 
Read and answer.

“Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters by fostering understanding and developing sensitivity. ”

In the excerpt above, the words actual and sensitivity can be respectively translated into Portuguese as: 
Q1943784 Inglês
Read and answer.

Text 01 (For question) 

  Films are a great medium to use not only to practice English, but also to facilitate intercultural learning. Today English is a global language spoken by people from many countries and cultural backgrounds. Since culture greatly impacts communication, it is helpful for teachers to introduce lessons and activities that reveal how different dialects, forms of address, customs, taboos, and other cultural elements influence interaction among different groups. (...)
  Culture, according to one definition, is the values, traditions, customs, art, and institutions shared by a group of people who are unified by nationality, ethnicity, religion, or language. The language teaching profession‟s interest in cross-cultural communication has increased during the past few decades. According to Kramsch (1995), the development is due to political, educational, and ideological factors; even though politicians might feel that learning a foreign language will solve socioeconomic problems, educators think that for that to happen a language course must contain legitimate cultural content. (...)
   Intercultural topics that show how people from different backgrounds communicate and interact are becoming more prominent in language teaching. Teachers can benefit from the treasure trove of films that deal with subjects like immigration, xenophobia, adjusting to a new culture, or dilemmas faced when one belongs to two cultures. Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters by fostering understanding and developing sensitivity. “Learning about stereotypes, ethnocentrism, discrimination, and acculturation in the abstract can be flat and uninspiring. But if we experience intercultural contact with our eyes and years, we begin to understand it” (Summerfield 1993, 1). Intercultural contact through films enables students to understand other people‟s actions and to have empathy with members of minority groups. Films also vividly represent intercultural misunderstandings and the roots of racism.
   There is a wide variety of films with intercultural themes, and the teacher must consult reviews or see the movie firsthand to determine if it is appropriate for the desired lesson.

(Source: ROEL, Christine. Intellectual Training with Films. Forum English Teaching, vol. 48, number 2, Washington DC, 2010.) 
Read and answer. “Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters”.
The word Although highlighted in the excerpt could be best replaced by
Q1943783 Inglês
Read and answer.

Text 01 (For question) 

  Films are a great medium to use not only to practice English, but also to facilitate intercultural learning. Today English is a global language spoken by people from many countries and cultural backgrounds. Since culture greatly impacts communication, it is helpful for teachers to introduce lessons and activities that reveal how different dialects, forms of address, customs, taboos, and other cultural elements influence interaction among different groups. (...)
  Culture, according to one definition, is the values, traditions, customs, art, and institutions shared by a group of people who are unified by nationality, ethnicity, religion, or language. The language teaching profession‟s interest in cross-cultural communication has increased during the past few decades. According to Kramsch (1995), the development is due to political, educational, and ideological factors; even though politicians might feel that learning a foreign language will solve socioeconomic problems, educators think that for that to happen a language course must contain legitimate cultural content. (...)
   Intercultural topics that show how people from different backgrounds communicate and interact are becoming more prominent in language teaching. Teachers can benefit from the treasure trove of films that deal with subjects like immigration, xenophobia, adjusting to a new culture, or dilemmas faced when one belongs to two cultures. Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters by fostering understanding and developing sensitivity. “Learning about stereotypes, ethnocentrism, discrimination, and acculturation in the abstract can be flat and uninspiring. But if we experience intercultural contact with our eyes and years, we begin to understand it” (Summerfield 1993, 1). Intercultural contact through films enables students to understand other people‟s actions and to have empathy with members of minority groups. Films also vividly represent intercultural misunderstandings and the roots of racism.
   There is a wide variety of films with intercultural themes, and the teacher must consult reviews or see the movie firsthand to determine if it is appropriate for the desired lesson.

(Source: ROEL, Christine. Intellectual Training with Films. Forum English Teaching, vol. 48, number 2, Washington DC, 2010.) 
In the passage: the teacher must consult reviews or see the movie firsthand to determine if it is appropriate for the desired lesson. (paragraph 3), the author is
Q1943782 Inglês
Read and answer.

Text 01 (For question) 

  Films are a great medium to use not only to practice English, but also to facilitate intercultural learning. Today English is a global language spoken by people from many countries and cultural backgrounds. Since culture greatly impacts communication, it is helpful for teachers to introduce lessons and activities that reveal how different dialects, forms of address, customs, taboos, and other cultural elements influence interaction among different groups. (...)
  Culture, according to one definition, is the values, traditions, customs, art, and institutions shared by a group of people who are unified by nationality, ethnicity, religion, or language. The language teaching profession‟s interest in cross-cultural communication has increased during the past few decades. According to Kramsch (1995), the development is due to political, educational, and ideological factors; even though politicians might feel that learning a foreign language will solve socioeconomic problems, educators think that for that to happen a language course must contain legitimate cultural content. (...)
   Intercultural topics that show how people from different backgrounds communicate and interact are becoming more prominent in language teaching. Teachers can benefit from the treasure trove of films that deal with subjects like immigration, xenophobia, adjusting to a new culture, or dilemmas faced when one belongs to two cultures. Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with numbers of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters by fostering understanding and developing sensitivity. “Learning about stereotypes, ethnocentrism, discrimination, and acculturation in the abstract can be flat and uninspiring. But if we experience intercultural contact with our eyes and years, we begin to understand it” (Summerfield 1993, 1). Intercultural contact through films enables students to understand other people‟s actions and to have empathy with members of minority groups. Films also vividly represent intercultural misunderstandings and the roots of racism.
   There is a wide variety of films with intercultural themes, and the teacher must consult reviews or see the movie firsthand to determine if it is appropriate for the desired lesson.

(Source: ROEL, Christine. Intellectual Training with Films. Forum English Teaching, vol. 48, number 2, Washington DC, 2010.) 
What can be stated about the text?
Q1943537 Engenharia Civil
A aresta inclinada, formada por duas águas de telhado que formam um ângulo voltado para baixo, é denominada de
Q1943526 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, Lei 9.394/96, os sistemas de ensino devem promover estratégias para a valorização dos seus profissionais.
Dentre as estratégias citadas abaixo que têm a finalidade de valorizar os profissionais de Educação, assinale a INCORRETA.
Q1943525 Pedagogia
Sobre a Política Nacional de Alfabetização, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Q1943524 Pedagogia

Sobre as tendências pedagógicas, relacione a Coluna A com a Coluna B:


1. Tradicional

2. Renovada

3. Tecnicista

4. Libertadora

5. Crítico-social dos conteúdos


( ) A educação escolar assume o propósito de levar o aluno a aprender e construir conhecimento, considerando as fases do seu desenvolvimento.

( ) O papel da educação é conscientizar para transformar a realidade, e os conteúdos são extraídos da prática social e cotidiana dos alunos.

( ) Enfatiza a profissionalização e modela o indivíduo para integrá-lo ao modelo social vigente, tecnicista.

( ) A escola tem a tarefa de garantir a apropriação crítica do conhecimento científico e universal, tornando-se uma arma de luta importante.

( ) Tem como objetivo a transmissão dos padrões, normas e modelos dominantes.

A sequência CORRETA é está indicada na alternativa

Q1943523 Pedagogia
Sobre o planejamento participativo, é INCORRETO afirmar que
Q1943522 Pedagogia
Cabe à Escola pensar sua ação pedagógica, administrativa e financeira de forma coletiva. Para tanto é condição indispensável a elaboração do Projeto Político Pedagógico - PPP como instrumento organizacional de fortalecimento da identidade da escola pública.
Sobre o PPP, analise as premissas abaixo e coloque V nas afirmativas Verdadeiras e F nas Falsas.
( ) O PPP é o principal documento orientador da escola e, por isso, deve ser construído pela equipe gestora da escola.
( ) O PPP é um documento que detalha objetivos, diretrizes e ações do processo educativo a ser desenvolvido na escola.
( ) É uma ferramenta teórico-metodológica que tem o intuito de intervir para mudar a realidade escolar.
( ) O PPP é um instrumento político e pedagógico que se aplica apenas às escolas públicas. 
( ) Por meio do PPP, o gestor reconhece e concretiza a participação de todos na definição de metas e na implementação de ações no espaço escolar.
Assinale a alternativa que contém a sequência CORRETA.
Q1943520 Pedagogia

Leia a notícia abaixo:

Escola infantil de Canoas decide demitir professora suspeita de maus-tratos e diretora da unidade

A Escola Infantil Anjos e Marmanjos, de Canoas, decidiu demitir a diretora da unidade que funciona no bairro Rio Branco e a professora que é suspeita de maus-tratos e ameaças contra alunos. [...] A professora, que atendia a uma turma do Jardim, é suspeita de tratar as crianças com rispidez e ameaças. Vizinhos e o Grupo de investigação da RBS (GDI) gravaram a forma como ela se dirigiu a alunos em alguns momentos. São frases como:

— Cala a tua boca e come.

— Vou te cortar tua mão, te juro.

— Eu tenho nojo daquela nega.

Texto adaptado de publicação no site GZH em 10/05/2022. Disponível em: Acesso em/11/05/2022. 

De acordo com Art. 18-B do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, que medidas NÃO são cabíveis às pessoas encarregadas de cuidar de crianças e de adolescentes, tratá-los, educá-los ou protegê-los que utilizarem castigo físico ou tratamento cruel ou degradante como formas de correção e disciplina?

Q1943519 Pedagogia
Sobre a Gestão Democrática é INCORRETO afirmar que
Q1943518 Pedagogia
Assinale a alternativa que completa CORRETAMENTE as lacunas abaixo:
As avaliações _________________ têm o objetivo de verificar o progresso e as dificuldades de aprendizagem dos alunos, tornando mais produtiva a relação de ensinar e aprender. Essa modalidade visa medir o desempenho escolar dos estudantes ao longo do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Seu foco é a ______________________, sendo a(o) ______________ uma de suas possibilidades avaliativas.
Q1943517 Pedagogia
A respeito de concepções teóricas da aprendizagem, julgue os itens subsequentes e coloque V nos Verdadeiros e F nos Falsos.
( ) Segundo Piaget, a assimilação envolve a interpretação de eventos em termos de estruturas cognitivas existentes, enquanto que a acomodação se refere à mudança da estrutura cognitiva para compreender o meio.
( ) Para Bruner, o aprendizado é um processo ativo, baseado em seus conhecimentos prévios e os que estão sendo estudados.
( ) Vygotsky explicita que a aprendizagem ocorre no relacionamento do aluno com o professor e com outros alunos.
( ) De acordo com Ausubel, para ocorrer a aprendizagem, conceitos relevantes e inclusivos devem estar claros e disponíveis na estrutura cognitiva do indivíduo.
( ) Conforme Gardner, no processo de ensino, deve-se procurar identificar as inteligências mais marcantes em cada aprendiz e tentar explorá-las para atingir o objetivo final, que é o aprendizado de determinado conteúdo.
Assinale a sequência que contém a sequência CORRETA.
Q1943516 Pedagogia
Avalie os conceitos apresentados na Política Nacional da Educação Especial, na perspectiva da equidade, da inclusão e do aprendizado ao longo da vida, relacionando a coluna A com a coluna B. 
1. Política educacional equitativa 
2. Política educacional inclusiva
3. Política de educação com aprendizado ao longo da vida
4. Escola especializada
5. Classe especializada
( ) Espaço organizado em escolas regulares inclusivas, com acessibilidade de arquitetura, equipamentos, mobiliário, projeto pedagógico e material didático, planejados com vistas ao atendimento das especificidades do público ao qual são destinadas, e que devem ser regidas por profissionais qualificados para o cumprimento de sua finalidade.
( ) Um conjunto de medidas planejadas e implementadas com vistas a orientar as práticas necessárias e diferenciadas para que todos tenham oportunidades iguais e alcancem os seus melhores resultados, de modo a valorizar, ao máximo, cada potencialidade e eliminar ou minimizar as barreiras que possam obstruir a participação plena e efetiva do educando na sociedade.
( ) Instituição de ensino planejada para o atendimento educacional aos educandos da educação especial que não se beneficiam, em seu desenvolvimento, quando incluídos em escolas regulares inclusivas e que apresentam demanda por apoios múltiplos e contínuos.
( ) Um conjunto de medidas planejadas e implementadas para garantir oportunidades de desenvolvimento e aprendizado ao longo da existência do educando, com a percepção de que a educação não acontece, apenas, no âmbito escolar.
( ) Um conjunto de medidas planejadas e implementadas com vistas a orientar as práticas necessárias para desenvolver, facilitar o desenvolvimento, supervisionar a efetividade e reorientar, sempre que necessário, as estratégias, os procedimentos, as ações, os recursos e os serviços que promovem a inclusão social, intelectual, profissional, política e os demais aspectos da vida humana, da cidadania e da cultura. 
A sequência CORRETA está indicada na alternativa
Q1943515 Pedagogia
A educação infantil é a primeira etapa da educação básica. Tem como finalidade o desenvolvimento integral da criança de até 5 (cinco) anos, em seus aspectos físico, psicológico, intelectual e social, complementando a ação da família e da comunidade.
Assinale a alternativa que NÃO se configura como uma regra comum da organização da educação infantil. 
2461: C
2462: D
2463: A
2464: E
2465: A
2466: C
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2468: C
2469: A
2470: C
2471: B
2472: E
2473: B
2474: D
2475: C
2476: E
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