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Q3024665 Pedagogia
[...], o diálogo é uma exigência existencial. E, se ele é o encontro em que se solidarizam o refletir e o agir de seus sujeitos endereçados ao mundo a ser transformado e humanizado, não pode reduzir-se a um ato de depositar ideias de um sujeito no outro, nem tampouco tornar-se simples troca de ideias a serem consumidas pelos permutantes.

(FREIRE, Paulo – Pedagogia do Oprimido. São Paulo: Paz e Terra. Pp.77-95. 1996.)

Assinale a alternativa que demonstre o papel do professor em relação ao aluno.
Q3024664 Pedagogia
“Neste contexto, o uso das metodologias ativas como processo de ensino e aprendizagem é um método inovador, pois se baseiam em novas formas de desenvolver o processo de aprendizagem, utilizando experiências reais ou simuladas, objetivando criar condições de solucionar, em diferentes contextos, os desafios advindos das atividades essenciais da prática social.”

(BERBEL, N. A. N. As metodologias ativas e a promoção da autonomia de estudantes. Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Londrina, v. 32, n. 1, p. 25-40, jan./jun. 2011.)

Faz parte das práticas de ensino-aprendizagem mais comuns nas metodologias de aprendizagem:
Q3024663 Pedagogia
“Para ver o aluno no grupo e de acordo com sua própria medida, considerando sua capacidade pessoal e seu esforço, é preciso pensar a avaliação como um procedimento referente não apenas ao aluno como indivíduo; é preciso levar em conta todo o processo escolar e em particular todos os aspectos do currículo.”

(SANT’ANNA, Ilza Martins. Por que avaliar? como avaliar? critérios e instrumentos. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 1995.)

À respeito da avaliação escolar, é iniciada geralmente no início do período letivo para identificar os conhecimentos prévios, as dificuldades e as necessidades de cada aluno buscando investigar o desenvolvimento ao longo do processo educativo, assinale a alternativa que apresenta essa avaliação.
Q3024662 Pedagogia
[...] forma de possibilitar que todos os seres envolvidos na instituição possam exercer com maior assertividade sua cidadania, se relacionar melhor e alcançar a liberdade de expressão, porque cada um dos envolvidos carrega em si um conhecimento, que é único e que pode ser somado ao do seu colega e, no caso, por se tratar de escola, aos alunos. Essa troca faz com que a cada dia os envolvidos incorporem mais conhecimentos, sejam eles formais ou informais, tornando-os mais responsáveis, autônomos e criativos.

(ARAÚJO, Maria Cristina Munhoz. Gestão escolar. Curitiba: IESDE, 2009. Pág. 20, com adaptações.)

Com relação aos quatro elementos que corroboram para o desenvolvimento do formato de gestão escolar democrática, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3024661 Pedagogia
“O Projeto Político-Pedagógico é o plano global da instituição. Pode ser entendido como a sistematização, nunca definitiva, de um processo de Planejamento Participativo, que se aperfeiçoa e se concretiza na caminhada, que define claramente o tipo de ação educativa que se quer realizar. É um instrumento teórico-metodológico para a intervenção e mudança da realidade. É um elemento de organização e integração da atividade prática da instituição neste processo de transformação.”

(VASCONCELLOS, C. dos S. Planejamento: Projeto de Ensino-Aprendizagem e Projeto Político Pedagógico – elementos metodológicos para elaboração e realização. 24 ed. São Paulo: Libertad, 2014 pág. 169.)

No que diz respeito ao Projeto Político-Pedagógico (PPP) da escola, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3024660 Pedagogia
“A Didática da Escola Nova ou Didática Ativa é entendida como “direção da aprendizagem”, considerando o aluno como o sujeito da aprendizagem. O que o professor tem a fazer é colocar o aluno em condições propícias para que, partindo das suas necessidades e estimulando os seus interesses, possa buscar por si mesmo conhecimento e experiências.”

(LIBÂNEO, José Carlos. Didática. Ed. Cortez, São Paulo, 1994 pág. 65.)

Quanto ao objetivo do processo de ensino e aprendizagem, é correto afirmar que:
Q3024659 Pedagogia
[...] o processo de integração refere-se especificamente aos modelos de inserção escolar de alunos com deficiências, que compreendem um contínuo de possibilidades, desde as classes comuns até locais específicos, como classes e escolas especiais.

(MANTOAN, M. T. E. Inclusão escolar: O que é? Por quê? Como se faz? São Paulo: Moderna, 2003, com adaptações).

Com relação ao assunto apresentado, assinale a alternativa que corresponde aos professores que o texto se refere. 
Q3024658 Pedagogia
“A educação em direitos humanos parte de três pontos essenciais: primeiro, é uma educação de natureza permanente, continuada e global; segundo, é uma educação necessariamente voltada para a mudança cultural; e terceiro, é educação em valores, para atingir corações e mentes e não apenas instrução, ou seja, não se trata de mera transmissão de conhecimento.”

(BENEVIDES, Maria Victoria. Direitos humanos: desafios para o século XXI. In: SILVEIRA, R. M. G. et al. (org.). Educação em direitos humanos: fundamentos teórico-metodológicos. 1. ed. João Pessoa: Editora Universitária, 2007. p. 335-350.)

Acerca da política que está em consonância com a educação para a diversidade, cidadania e direitos humanos, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3024657 Pedagogia
A educação à distância (EAD) é uma modalidade de ensino em que o aluno está separado do professor física ou temporariamente utilizando-se de meios tecnológicos para se conectarem, dando continuidade ao seu aprendizado. Com relação a um dos objetivos da EAD, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3024656 Pedagogia
“Para atender às necessidades de formação geral, indispensáveis ao exercício da cidadania e à inserção no mundo do trabalho... Para orientar essa atuação, torna-se imprescindível recontextualizar as finalidades do Ensino Médio, estabelecidas pela Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (LDB, Art. 35) há mais de vinte anos, em 1996:”

(BNCC, 2010.)

No que se refere à informação contida no trecho, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3024655 Pedagogia
Acerca do Projeto Político-Pedagógico (PPP) é correto afirmar que:
Q3024654 Pedagogia
“Planejamento é o processo contínuo e dinâmico, de reflexão, tomada de decisão, colocação em prática e acompanhamento”.
(VASCONCELLOS, C. Planejamento: projeto de ensino-aprendizagem e projeto político-pedagógico. São Paulo: Libertad Editora, 2014).

Com relação à diferença entre plano e planejamento, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3024638 Inglês
Complete the sentence “I _______ the bed every day when I get up.” Chose the correct answer.
Q3024637 Inglês
What’s the correct collocation?
Q3024636 Inglês
Action for Global Health publishes Stocktake Review

Unlimit Health is a proud member of Action for Global Health (AfGH), an influential network of more than 50 organisations working towards a world where health equity is achieved and everyone has access to the quality healthcare they need without being forced into financial hardship.

Harnessing the expertise and strength of its members and partners, including people with lived experience of health inequity globally and civil society organisations based in low- and middle-income countries, AfGH works to secure political action and commitments in the UK to improve health equity globally.

Today, AfGH publishes the Stocktake Review. This report, created with the support of its membership and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, provides an assessment and a series of recommendations for the UK’s role in global health.

Reflecting on the report, Wendy Harrison, Unlimit Health’s CEO said, “While the UK Government has long been committed to global health, this commitment should be supported through implementation plans and financial allocations, to achieve healthy outcomes for all. Recent cuts to UK overseas aid have impacted negatively on people affected by neglected tropical diseases and other health inequities, and set back efforts to strengthen health systems. As members of Action for Global Health, we call on the UK Government to maintain their world leading role in providing long-term, bold pledges to key global health goals and partnerships, stepping up efforts to build resilient, inclusive and strong health systems.”

The review provides a snapshot of the UK Government’s current political, financial and programmatic commitments to global health, as well as reviewing progress towards recommendations made in the previous Stocktake Review.

(Available at: Acesso em 25 ago. 2024.)
What is the synonym of globally?
Q3024635 Inglês
Action for Global Health publishes Stocktake Review

Unlimit Health is a proud member of Action for Global Health (AfGH), an influential network of more than 50 organisations working towards a world where health equity is achieved and everyone has access to the quality healthcare they need without being forced into financial hardship.

Harnessing the expertise and strength of its members and partners, including people with lived experience of health inequity globally and civil society organisations based in low- and middle-income countries, AfGH works to secure political action and commitments in the UK to improve health equity globally.

Today, AfGH publishes the Stocktake Review. This report, created with the support of its membership and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, provides an assessment and a series of recommendations for the UK’s role in global health.

Reflecting on the report, Wendy Harrison, Unlimit Health’s CEO said, “While the UK Government has long been committed to global health, this commitment should be supported through implementation plans and financial allocations, to achieve healthy outcomes for all. Recent cuts to UK overseas aid have impacted negatively on people affected by neglected tropical diseases and other health inequities, and set back efforts to strengthen health systems. As members of Action for Global Health, we call on the UK Government to maintain their world leading role in providing long-term, bold pledges to key global health goals and partnerships, stepping up efforts to build resilient, inclusive and strong health systems.”

The review provides a snapshot of the UK Government’s current political, financial and programmatic commitments to global health, as well as reviewing progress towards recommendations made in the previous Stocktake Review.

(Available at: Acesso em 25 ago. 2024.)
According to the text, what’s the main goal of AfGH?
Q3024634 Inglês
Action for Global Health publishes Stocktake Review

Unlimit Health is a proud member of Action for Global Health (AfGH), an influential network of more than 50 organisations working towards a world where health equity is achieved and everyone has access to the quality healthcare they need without being forced into financial hardship.

Harnessing the expertise and strength of its members and partners, including people with lived experience of health inequity globally and civil society organisations based in low- and middle-income countries, AfGH works to secure political action and commitments in the UK to improve health equity globally.

Today, AfGH publishes the Stocktake Review. This report, created with the support of its membership and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, provides an assessment and a series of recommendations for the UK’s role in global health.

Reflecting on the report, Wendy Harrison, Unlimit Health’s CEO said, “While the UK Government has long been committed to global health, this commitment should be supported through implementation plans and financial allocations, to achieve healthy outcomes for all. Recent cuts to UK overseas aid have impacted negatively on people affected by neglected tropical diseases and other health inequities, and set back efforts to strengthen health systems. As members of Action for Global Health, we call on the UK Government to maintain their world leading role in providing long-term, bold pledges to key global health goals and partnerships, stepping up efforts to build resilient, inclusive and strong health systems.”

The review provides a snapshot of the UK Government’s current political, financial and programmatic commitments to global health, as well as reviewing progress towards recommendations made in the previous Stocktake Review.

(Available at: Acesso em 25 ago. 2024.)
According to the text, what is a Stocktake?
Q3024633 Inglês
Action for Global Health publishes Stocktake Review

Unlimit Health is a proud member of Action for Global Health (AfGH), an influential network of more than 50 organisations working towards a world where health equity is achieved and everyone has access to the quality healthcare they need without being forced into financial hardship.

Harnessing the expertise and strength of its members and partners, including people with lived experience of health inequity globally and civil society organisations based in low- and middle-income countries, AfGH works to secure political action and commitments in the UK to improve health equity globally.

Today, AfGH publishes the Stocktake Review. This report, created with the support of its membership and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, provides an assessment and a series of recommendations for the UK’s role in global health.

Reflecting on the report, Wendy Harrison, Unlimit Health’s CEO said, “While the UK Government has long been committed to global health, this commitment should be supported through implementation plans and financial allocations, to achieve healthy outcomes for all. Recent cuts to UK overseas aid have impacted negatively on people affected by neglected tropical diseases and other health inequities, and set back efforts to strengthen health systems. As members of Action for Global Health, we call on the UK Government to maintain their world leading role in providing long-term, bold pledges to key global health goals and partnerships, stepping up efforts to build resilient, inclusive and strong health systems.”

The review provides a snapshot of the UK Government’s current political, financial and programmatic commitments to global health, as well as reviewing progress towards recommendations made in the previous Stocktake Review.

(Available at: Acesso em 25 ago. 2024.)
“Harnessing the expertise and strength”. What’s the antonym of Harnessing?
Q3024632 Inglês
Capital One Sued Over Consumer-Data Disclosures to Meta, Google

Capital One Financial Corp. is facing a proposed class action alleging the financial giant disclosed the personal and financial information of millions of consumers to Meta Platforms Inc., Google LLC, Microsoft Corp., and other third parties without their consent in violation of state and federal privacy laws.

Vishal Shah and three other named plaintiffs accused Capital One of “knowingly and secretly” installing online tracking tools from third-party software providers and data-analytics companies on its website, allowing those third parties to collect information arising from consumer visits there.

Data allegedly disclosed to the third parties included information arising from consumers’ interactions with the website, information about bank and credit card accounts, information disclosed on credit card application forms, and employment information, according to the complaint filed Monday in the US District Court for the Northern District of California. Other third parties identified in the complaint included DoubleClick Inc., NewRelic Inc., Adobe Inc., Everest Technologies Inc., Kenshoo Ltd., Snowplow Analytics Ltd., BioCatch Inc., and Tealium Inc.

No third party is named as a defendant.

Meta’s Facebook and the others used the information for their own purposes, including for marketing and advertising, and made further disclosures to other third parties “who will profit off of the use of that information,” the complaint said. The plaintiffs seek to represent a nationwide class and a California subclass of people whose information was disclosed by Capital One without their consent.

The complaint alleges negligence, negligence per se, invasion of privacy, breach of express contract, breach of implied contract, unjust enrichment, bailment, breach of confidence, declaratory judgment, and violations of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the California Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act, the Consumer Protection Law, the Consumer Privacy Act, the Customer Records Act, and the Invasion of Privacy Act. The plaintiffs are seeking actual, compensatory, statutory, and punitive damages; three years of credit-monitoring services for class members; restitution and disgorgement; attorneys’ fees and costs; and pre- and post-judgment interest.

(Available at: Acesso em: 28 de agosto de 2024.)
Other third parties identified in the complaint included DoubleClick Inc. According to the text, what does the word “parties” mean?
Q3024631 Inglês
Capital One Sued Over Consumer-Data Disclosures to Meta, Google

Capital One Financial Corp. is facing a proposed class action alleging the financial giant disclosed the personal and financial information of millions of consumers to Meta Platforms Inc., Google LLC, Microsoft Corp., and other third parties without their consent in violation of state and federal privacy laws.

Vishal Shah and three other named plaintiffs accused Capital One of “knowingly and secretly” installing online tracking tools from third-party software providers and data-analytics companies on its website, allowing those third parties to collect information arising from consumer visits there.

Data allegedly disclosed to the third parties included information arising from consumers’ interactions with the website, information about bank and credit card accounts, information disclosed on credit card application forms, and employment information, according to the complaint filed Monday in the US District Court for the Northern District of California. Other third parties identified in the complaint included DoubleClick Inc., NewRelic Inc., Adobe Inc., Everest Technologies Inc., Kenshoo Ltd., Snowplow Analytics Ltd., BioCatch Inc., and Tealium Inc.

No third party is named as a defendant.

Meta’s Facebook and the others used the information for their own purposes, including for marketing and advertising, and made further disclosures to other third parties “who will profit off of the use of that information,” the complaint said. The plaintiffs seek to represent a nationwide class and a California subclass of people whose information was disclosed by Capital One without their consent.

The complaint alleges negligence, negligence per se, invasion of privacy, breach of express contract, breach of implied contract, unjust enrichment, bailment, breach of confidence, declaratory judgment, and violations of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the California Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act, the Consumer Protection Law, the Consumer Privacy Act, the Customer Records Act, and the Invasion of Privacy Act. The plaintiffs are seeking actual, compensatory, statutory, and punitive damages; three years of credit-monitoring services for class members; restitution and disgorgement; attorneys’ fees and costs; and pre- and post-judgment interest.

(Available at: Acesso em: 28 de agosto de 2024.)
“What does bailment mean?” Chose the correct alternative.
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