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Q2343707 Medicina
No código de ética médica, que trata sobre o sigilo médico, é vedado ao médico
Q2343703 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
A Norma Regulamentadora Nº 7 - Portaria SEPRT 6.734, de 09/03/2020, estabelece a obrigatoriedade do exame clínico na admissão, devendo ser realizado
Q2343698 Saúde Pública
O Projeto Terapêutico Singular é o resultado da discussão coletiva de uma equipe interdisciplinar sobre 
Q2343692 Saúde Pública
Qual princípio do Sistema Único de Saúde garante que a saúde é direito de todos e dever do Estado?
Q2342572 Inglês
Leia o Texto 4 para responder à questão.

Texto 4

Promoting inclusion in a classroom requires providing a range of materials and activities that supports all students’ learning styles, incorporates a variety of cultural backgrounds and perspectives, and fosters courageous thinking. Teaching a single topic using visual, auditory, and tactile assignments that are completed individually, in small groups, or through a field trip, means that students of all learning styles can access the same concepts in multiple ways. In our increasingly multi-cultural communities, effective educators must understand the importance of diversity and multicultural awareness, and teachers should incorporate into their teaching materials that reflect a diverse range of racial, cultural, socio-economic, religious, and gender identities, among many other expressions of the human experience. An inclusive classroom also provides creative activities for students to think outside the box and encourages students to take intellectual risks, and even make mistakes, as they explore approaches to innovative problem solving.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 02 out.
According to the passage, one of the advantages of an inclusive classroom environment for students is
Q2342571 Inglês
Leia o Texto 4 para responder à questão.

Texto 4

Promoting inclusion in a classroom requires providing a range of materials and activities that supports all students’ learning styles, incorporates a variety of cultural backgrounds and perspectives, and fosters courageous thinking. Teaching a single topic using visual, auditory, and tactile assignments that are completed individually, in small groups, or through a field trip, means that students of all learning styles can access the same concepts in multiple ways. In our increasingly multi-cultural communities, effective educators must understand the importance of diversity and multicultural awareness, and teachers should incorporate into their teaching materials that reflect a diverse range of racial, cultural, socio-economic, religious, and gender identities, among many other expressions of the human experience. An inclusive classroom also provides creative activities for students to think outside the box and encourages students to take intellectual risks, and even make mistakes, as they explore approaches to innovative problem solving.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 02 out.
According to the passage, why is it important to provide a variety of learning materials and activities in the classroom? 
Q2342570 Inglês
Which option expresses an uncertain future and predictions in English?
Q2342569 Inglês
What is the correct possessive adjective for the noun “book”?
Q2342568 Inglês
What is the correct imperative form of the sentence “You should clean your room”? 
Q2342567 Inglês
In a busy restaurant, the chef urgently instructs the kitchen staff to prepare a special dish for a VIP customer. Which sentence reflects the chef’s command, according to the scenario above? 
Q2342566 Inglês
In the sentence “The Eiffel Tower is taller than the Statue of Liberty”, what type of comparison is being made? 
Q2342565 Inglês
Which sentence correctly uses the comparative form?
Q2342564 Inglês
The sentence with the correct possessive pronoun is: 
Q2342563 Inglês
The imperative sentence is: 
Q2342562 Inglês
The sentence with a correct relative clause is:
Q2342561 Inglês
Read the following sentence: “I have been playing the guitar for two hours.” What grammatical aspect is highlighted in the sentence above?
Q2342560 Inglês
The passive voice sentence is: 
Q2342559 Inglês
The modal verb that indicates a strong obligation is:
Q2342558 Inglês
Which sentence is in the Present Continuous tense?
Q2342557 Inglês
Look at the following image.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Based on the image, what aspect of inclusive classrooms and special education is highlighted?
11461: A
11462: C
11463: D
11464: D
11465: C
11466: D
11467: A
11468: A
11469: B
11470: D
11471: C
11472: A
11473: B
11474: B
11475: C
11476: B
11477: B
11478: B
11479: C
11480: B