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Q2007327 Matemática
Em um jogo matemático de peças Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, onde cada peça possui 1000 repetições, considera-se a sequência oscilante de peças, dispostas da seguinte maneira:
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Qual peça ocupará a posição 2019 desta sequência?
Q2007326 Português
TEXTO. Para a questão.

O futuro do dinheiro

        Mais do que apenas facilitar trocas, o dinheiro foi a forma encontrada pelas sociedades para criar um elo entre passado, presente e futuro. É o que permite que a riqueza dos pais passe para os filhos ou que uma dívida seja paga tempos mais tarde, e até mesmo que deixemos nossas finanças com alguém diante de uma promessa de lucro no futuro. E as regulamentações que fazem esse elo continuar firme são aquelas elaboradas conforme as necessidades. “O dinheiro é aquilo que a regra diz que ele é. E quem define as regras? A sociedade, de acordo com os tempos e com quem manda”, (...).

(Revista Galileu, Editora Globo,
Edição 324, julho/2018, p. 38)  
Do ponto de vista de sua classificação morfológica, a palavra destacada nos itens abaixo que difere das demais é:
Q2007325 Português
TEXTO. Para a questão.

O futuro do dinheiro

        Mais do que apenas facilitar trocas, o dinheiro foi a forma encontrada pelas sociedades para criar um elo entre passado, presente e futuro. É o que permite que a riqueza dos pais passe para os filhos ou que uma dívida seja paga tempos mais tarde, e até mesmo que deixemos nossas finanças com alguém diante de uma promessa de lucro no futuro. E as regulamentações que fazem esse elo continuar firme são aquelas elaboradas conforme as necessidades. “O dinheiro é aquilo que a regra diz que ele é. E quem define as regras? A sociedade, de acordo com os tempos e com quem manda”, (...).

(Revista Galileu, Editora Globo,
Edição 324, julho/2018, p. 38)  
Conforme o ponto de vista abordado na discussão:
Q2007324 Português
TEXTO I. Para a questão.

A sabedoria de ouvir

       Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.
        Ele também é o sentido cão de guarda. Sons nos avisam dos acontecimentos. Mesmo quando estamos dormindo, o cérebro é alertado por determinados sons. Uma mãe acorda com o choramingar de seu bebê. A pessoa comum é rapidamente despertada pelo som do próprio nome. Não é de surpreender que o homem moderno urbano tenha rejeitado e até mutilado o mais interessante dos sentidos. Mas a audição também pode acalmar e confortar. O estalar das toras de madeira na lareira, o sussurro comum de uma vassoura, o chiado curioso de uma gaveta abrindo – todos esses são sons reconfortantes.
        Em um lar cheio de amor, toda cadeira produz um ranger diferente e reconhecível, toda janela, um clique, gemido ou rangido diferente. A própria cozinha é uma fonte de muitos sons agradáveis – o som ritmado de massa sendo batida em uma tigela de louça, o borbulhar de uma sopa fervendo.
        Muitas pessoas ficariam surpresas em descobrir em que escala o sentido da audição pode ser cultivado.         (...)

(Seleções Reader’sDigest. Por John KordLagemann,
janeiro/2019, p. 63-67). 
O sujeito gramatical que NÃO é o agente da ação verbal está disposto na sequência frasal:
Q2007323 Português
TEXTO I. Para a questão.

A sabedoria de ouvir

       Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.
        Ele também é o sentido cão de guarda. Sons nos avisam dos acontecimentos. Mesmo quando estamos dormindo, o cérebro é alertado por determinados sons. Uma mãe acorda com o choramingar de seu bebê. A pessoa comum é rapidamente despertada pelo som do próprio nome. Não é de surpreender que o homem moderno urbano tenha rejeitado e até mutilado o mais interessante dos sentidos. Mas a audição também pode acalmar e confortar. O estalar das toras de madeira na lareira, o sussurro comum de uma vassoura, o chiado curioso de uma gaveta abrindo – todos esses são sons reconfortantes.
        Em um lar cheio de amor, toda cadeira produz um ranger diferente e reconhecível, toda janela, um clique, gemido ou rangido diferente. A própria cozinha é uma fonte de muitos sons agradáveis – o som ritmado de massa sendo batida em uma tigela de louça, o borbulhar de uma sopa fervendo.
        Muitas pessoas ficariam surpresas em descobrir em que escala o sentido da audição pode ser cultivado.         (...)

(Seleções Reader’sDigest. Por John KordLagemann,
janeiro/2019, p. 63-67). 
Observe o trecho: Muitas pessoas ficariam surpresas em descobrir em que escala o sentido da audição pode ser cultivado. O sentido e a correção normativo-gramatical ficarão inalterados, caso a forma verbal em destaque seja substituída, na sequência, por
Q2007322 Português
TEXTO I. Para a questão.

A sabedoria de ouvir

       Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.
        Ele também é o sentido cão de guarda. Sons nos avisam dos acontecimentos. Mesmo quando estamos dormindo, o cérebro é alertado por determinados sons. Uma mãe acorda com o choramingar de seu bebê. A pessoa comum é rapidamente despertada pelo som do próprio nome. Não é de surpreender que o homem moderno urbano tenha rejeitado e até mutilado o mais interessante dos sentidos. Mas a audição também pode acalmar e confortar. O estalar das toras de madeira na lareira, o sussurro comum de uma vassoura, o chiado curioso de uma gaveta abrindo – todos esses são sons reconfortantes.
        Em um lar cheio de amor, toda cadeira produz um ranger diferente e reconhecível, toda janela, um clique, gemido ou rangido diferente. A própria cozinha é uma fonte de muitos sons agradáveis – o som ritmado de massa sendo batida em uma tigela de louça, o borbulhar de uma sopa fervendo.
        Muitas pessoas ficariam surpresas em descobrir em que escala o sentido da audição pode ser cultivado.         (...)

(Seleções Reader’sDigest. Por John KordLagemann,
janeiro/2019, p. 63-67). 
As palavras da Língua Portuguesa podem ser formadas a partir de um ou de mais de um processo. Nas opções abaixo, as palavras em destaque apresentam um processo de formação que é comum a todas elas, EXCETO aquela que está disposta na sequência da opção
Q2007321 Português
TEXTO I. Para a questão.

A sabedoria de ouvir

       Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.
        Ele também é o sentido cão de guarda. Sons nos avisam dos acontecimentos. Mesmo quando estamos dormindo, o cérebro é alertado por determinados sons. Uma mãe acorda com o choramingar de seu bebê. A pessoa comum é rapidamente despertada pelo som do próprio nome. Não é de surpreender que o homem moderno urbano tenha rejeitado e até mutilado o mais interessante dos sentidos. Mas a audição também pode acalmar e confortar. O estalar das toras de madeira na lareira, o sussurro comum de uma vassoura, o chiado curioso de uma gaveta abrindo – todos esses são sons reconfortantes.
        Em um lar cheio de amor, toda cadeira produz um ranger diferente e reconhecível, toda janela, um clique, gemido ou rangido diferente. A própria cozinha é uma fonte de muitos sons agradáveis – o som ritmado de massa sendo batida em uma tigela de louça, o borbulhar de uma sopa fervendo.
        Muitas pessoas ficariam surpresas em descobrir em que escala o sentido da audição pode ser cultivado.         (...)

(Seleções Reader’sDigest. Por John KordLagemann,
janeiro/2019, p. 63-67). 

Trecho para a questão.

Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles

Observando-se o excerto acima, verifica-se a utilização da palavra então em dois momentos distintos. Do ponto de vista semânticogramatical, essa palavra é utilizada para

Q2007320 Português
TEXTO I. Para a questão.

A sabedoria de ouvir

       Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.
        Ele também é o sentido cão de guarda. Sons nos avisam dos acontecimentos. Mesmo quando estamos dormindo, o cérebro é alertado por determinados sons. Uma mãe acorda com o choramingar de seu bebê. A pessoa comum é rapidamente despertada pelo som do próprio nome. Não é de surpreender que o homem moderno urbano tenha rejeitado e até mutilado o mais interessante dos sentidos. Mas a audição também pode acalmar e confortar. O estalar das toras de madeira na lareira, o sussurro comum de uma vassoura, o chiado curioso de uma gaveta abrindo – todos esses são sons reconfortantes.
        Em um lar cheio de amor, toda cadeira produz um ranger diferente e reconhecível, toda janela, um clique, gemido ou rangido diferente. A própria cozinha é uma fonte de muitos sons agradáveis – o som ritmado de massa sendo batida em uma tigela de louça, o borbulhar de uma sopa fervendo.
        Muitas pessoas ficariam surpresas em descobrir em que escala o sentido da audição pode ser cultivado.         (...)

(Seleções Reader’sDigest. Por John KordLagemann,
janeiro/2019, p. 63-67). 

Trecho para a questão.

Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.  

No trecho em destaque, a palavra deles retoma, textualmente, a palavra

Q2007319 Português
TEXTO I. Para a questão.

A sabedoria de ouvir

       Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.
        Ele também é o sentido cão de guarda. Sons nos avisam dos acontecimentos. Mesmo quando estamos dormindo, o cérebro é alertado por determinados sons. Uma mãe acorda com o choramingar de seu bebê. A pessoa comum é rapidamente despertada pelo som do próprio nome. Não é de surpreender que o homem moderno urbano tenha rejeitado e até mutilado o mais interessante dos sentidos. Mas a audição também pode acalmar e confortar. O estalar das toras de madeira na lareira, o sussurro comum de uma vassoura, o chiado curioso de uma gaveta abrindo – todos esses são sons reconfortantes.
        Em um lar cheio de amor, toda cadeira produz um ranger diferente e reconhecível, toda janela, um clique, gemido ou rangido diferente. A própria cozinha é uma fonte de muitos sons agradáveis – o som ritmado de massa sendo batida em uma tigela de louça, o borbulhar de uma sopa fervendo.
        Muitas pessoas ficariam surpresas em descobrir em que escala o sentido da audição pode ser cultivado.         (...)

(Seleções Reader’sDigest. Por John KordLagemann,
janeiro/2019, p. 63-67). 

Trecho para a questão.

Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.  

No trecho destacado no excerto, contextualmente, o adjetivo encontra-se numa relação

Q2007318 Português
TEXTO I. Para a questão.

A sabedoria de ouvir

       Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.
        Ele também é o sentido cão de guarda. Sons nos avisam dos acontecimentos. Mesmo quando estamos dormindo, o cérebro é alertado por determinados sons. Uma mãe acorda com o choramingar de seu bebê. A pessoa comum é rapidamente despertada pelo som do próprio nome. Não é de surpreender que o homem moderno urbano tenha rejeitado e até mutilado o mais interessante dos sentidos. Mas a audição também pode acalmar e confortar. O estalar das toras de madeira na lareira, o sussurro comum de uma vassoura, o chiado curioso de uma gaveta abrindo – todos esses são sons reconfortantes.
        Em um lar cheio de amor, toda cadeira produz um ranger diferente e reconhecível, toda janela, um clique, gemido ou rangido diferente. A própria cozinha é uma fonte de muitos sons agradáveis – o som ritmado de massa sendo batida em uma tigela de louça, o borbulhar de uma sopa fervendo.
        Muitas pessoas ficariam surpresas em descobrir em que escala o sentido da audição pode ser cultivado.         (...)

(Seleções Reader’sDigest. Por John KordLagemann,
janeiro/2019, p. 63-67). 
Das opções abaixo, a única que contém uma frase retirada do texto, que NÃO está de acordo com a resposta correta da questão anterior é
Q2007317 Português
TEXTO I. Para a questão.

A sabedoria de ouvir

       Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.
        Ele também é o sentido cão de guarda. Sons nos avisam dos acontecimentos. Mesmo quando estamos dormindo, o cérebro é alertado por determinados sons. Uma mãe acorda com o choramingar de seu bebê. A pessoa comum é rapidamente despertada pelo som do próprio nome. Não é de surpreender que o homem moderno urbano tenha rejeitado e até mutilado o mais interessante dos sentidos. Mas a audição também pode acalmar e confortar. O estalar das toras de madeira na lareira, o sussurro comum de uma vassoura, o chiado curioso de uma gaveta abrindo – todos esses são sons reconfortantes.
        Em um lar cheio de amor, toda cadeira produz um ranger diferente e reconhecível, toda janela, um clique, gemido ou rangido diferente. A própria cozinha é uma fonte de muitos sons agradáveis – o som ritmado de massa sendo batida em uma tigela de louça, o borbulhar de uma sopa fervendo.
        Muitas pessoas ficariam surpresas em descobrir em que escala o sentido da audição pode ser cultivado.         (...)

(Seleções Reader’sDigest. Por John KordLagemann,
janeiro/2019, p. 63-67). 
Ao elaborar um texto, dependendo de vários fatores, como o objetivo proposto, os leitores potenciais, dentre outros, o autor faz opções quanto ao uso e ao estilo de linguagem a partir da qual apresentará suas ideias. Assim sendo, está CORRETA a afirmação de que o texto acima apresenta uma linguagem
Q1735550 Inglês
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Based on the comic, analyze the words and the expressions: “WHOEVER”; … “CAN’T COME”; “MY DOG IS SLEEPING”; “… AND IF I GET UP...”
Choose the RIGHT alternative regarding the highlighted words above.
Q1735549 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
The words: WHO (line 08); EVEN THOUGH (line 13); LIKE (line 30), and AS WELL AS (line 37) are respectively:
Q1735548 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
“Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription.” (lines 13-14-15). The highlighted sentence is in the:
Q1735547 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
“They discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.” The highlighted sentence is in the:
Q1735546 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
In the sentence: “Throughout history, animals HAVE HELPED humans.” (line 20), the highlighted expression is in the:
Q1735545 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
The word “PURPOSE” (line 31), refers to:
Q1735544 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
Choose the alternative that has a FALSE COGNATE.
Q1735543 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
The modal verbs COULD (line 12); HAD TO (line 13), and SHOULD (line 37) express, respectively, the idea of:
Q1735542 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
The words, THEM (line 05), THEY (line 06), and THEIR (line 09) refer respectively to:
1521: C
1522: A
1523: C
1524: D
1525: B
1526: E
1527: C
1528: A
1529: B
1530: E
1531: D
1532: D
1533: B
1534: C
1535: A
1536: E
1537: B
1538: D
1539: E
1540: C