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Q3077580 Radiologia
No atendimento a pacientes com traumatismo craniano por projétil de arma de fogo, a tomografia computadorizada (TC) é uma ferramenta essencial para o diagnóstico e planejamento do tratamento. Indique qual das opções a seguir descreve corretamente a principal característica tomográfica associada a traumatismos cranianos penetrantes por bala de fogo:
Q3077539 Inglês
São exemplos de palavras cognatas nas línguas inglesa e portuguesa, exceto:
Q3077538 Inglês
O uso do grau comparativo do advérbio é observado em: 
Q3077537 Inglês
O uso do grau superlativo do adjetivo é observado em: 
Q3077536 Inglês
A palavra destacada em “He has to book a hotel room in London”, é formada pelo processo chamado de:
Q3077535 Inglês

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:

I. She has ______ friends in her new school.

II. He has _____ books on his shelf.

III. We need to buy _____ milk for the recipe.

IV. There are _____ clouds in the sky today.

Q3077534 Inglês
Na voz passiva, a frase “Students didn’t do their homework”, fica da seguinte forma: 
Q3077533 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa em que ocorre o caso genitivo:
Q3077532 Inglês
O phrasal verb que sintetiza a ideia da frase “He doesn’t want to compete anymore”, é:
Q3077481 Nutrição
Um paciente oncológico em tratamento quimioterápico apresenta náuseas e perda de apetite. A intervenção nutricional adequada para melhorar sua ingestão alimentar inclui: 
Q3077480 Nutrição
Uma paciente diabética tipo 2 foi admitida no hospital com níveis elevados de glicemia e necessita de um plano dietético adequado para estabilizar sua condição. A modificação dietética mais adequada inclui: 
Q3077479 Nutrição
Um paciente hospitalizado apresenta um quadro de insuficiência renal crônica e necessita de uma dieta específica para gerenciar os níveis de potássio e fósforo no sangue. O plano dietético mais apropriado para esse paciente deve incluir: 
Q3077473 Nutrição
A inclusão de diferentes grupos de alimentos na Pirâmide Alimentar visa diversificar a dieta e fornecer todos os nutrientes necessários para o corpo. O grupo dos laticínios é especialmente importante para:
Q3077472 Nutrição
Na pirâmide alimentar, os alimentos que compõem a base e são recomendados em maior quantidade no dia a dia pertencem ao grupo de: 
Q3077463 Fonoaudiologia
A avaliação e intervenção em pacientes com encefalopatia crônica não progressiva, como a paralisia cerebral, requerem abordagens multidimensionais. Indique qual das opções a seguir descreve corretamente uma metodologia de avaliação utilizada para identificar as necessidades de comunicação em crianças com paralisia cerebral:
Q3077461 Fonoaudiologia
Os fonoaudiólogos desempenham um papel crucial na identificação e intervenção dos distúrbios de aprendizagem em ambiente escolar. Indique qual das opções a seguir descreve corretamente uma abordagem fonoaudiológica para a intervenção em dislexia: 
Q3077458 Fonoaudiologia
Uma criança de 5 anos apresenta dificuldades na produção de sons específicos, como /s/ e /r/, e na compreensão de comandos mais complexos. Durante a avaliação fonoaudiológica, quais dos seguintes instrumentos seriam mais adequados para avaliar a linguagem oral dessa criança?
Q3077150 Inglês

Leia a matéria abaixo para responder à questão

As Starvation Spreads in Sudan, Military Blocks Aid Trucks at Border

A country torn apart by civil war could soon face one of the world’s worst famines in decades, experts said.

As Sudan hurtles toward famine, its military is blocking the United Nations from bringing enormous amounts of food into the country through a vital border crossing, effectively cutting off aid to hundreds of thousands of starving people during the depths of a civil war.

Experts warn that Sudan, barely functioning after 15 months of fighting, could soon face one of the world’s worst famines in decades. But the Sudanese military’s refusal to let U.N. aid convoys through the crossing is thwarting the kind of all-out relief effort that aid groups say is needed to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths — as many as 2.5 million, according to one estimate — by the end of this year. The risk is greatest in Darfur, the Spain-sized region that suffered a genocide two decades ago. Of the 14 Sudanese districts at immediate risk of famine, eight are in Darfur, right across the border that the United Nations is trying to cross. Time is running out to help them.

The closed border point, a subject of increasingly urgent appeals from American officials, is at Adré, the main crossing from Chad into Sudan. At the border, little more than a concrete bollard in a driedout riverbed, just about everything seems to flow: refugees and traders, four-wheeled motorbikes carrying animal skins, and donkey carts laden with barrels of fuel.

What is forbidden from crossing into Sudan, however, are the U.N. trucks filled with food that are urgently needed in Darfur, where experts say that 440,000 people are already on the brink of starvation. Refugees fleeing Darfur now say that hunger, not conflict, is the main reason they left. [...] The Sudanese military imposed the edict at the crossing five months ago, supposedly to prohibit weapons smuggling. It seems to make little sense. Arms, cash and fighters continue to flow into Sudan elsewhere on the 870-mile border that is mostly controlled by its enemy, a heavily armed paramilitary group known as the Rapid Support Forces, or R.S.F. The military doesn’t even control the crossing at Adré, where R.S.F. fighters stand 100 yards behind the border on the Sudanese side.

Even so, the U.N. says it must respect the order not to cross from the military, which is based in Port Sudan 1,000 miles to the east, because it is Sudan’s sovereign authority. Instead U.N. trucks are forced to make an arduous 200-mile detour north to Tine, at a crossing controlled by a militia allied with Sudan’s army, where they are allowed to enter Darfur.

The diversion is dangerous, expensive and takes up to five times as long as going through Adré. Only a fraction of the required aid is getting through Tine — 320 trucks of food since February, U.N. officials say, instead of the thousands that are needed. The Tine crossing was closed for most of this week after seasonal rains turned the border into a river. 

Between February, when the Adré border crossing was shut, and June, the number of people facing emergency levels of hunger went from 1.7 million to seven million.

As the prospect of mass starvation in Sudan draws closer, the Adré closure has become a central focus of efforts by the United States, by far the largest donor, to ramp up the emergency aid effort. “This obstruction is completely unacceptable,” Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the United States ambassador to the U.N., recently told reporters. [...].

(Fonte: Acesso em 26/07/2024 às 9:30)

Between February, when the Adré border crossing was shut, and June, the number of people facing

Quanto tempo os caminhões da ONU levam para percorrer a rota alternativa até Tine, em comparação à rota direta por Adré?
Q3077149 Inglês

Leia a matéria abaixo para responder à questão

As Starvation Spreads in Sudan, Military Blocks Aid Trucks at Border

A country torn apart by civil war could soon face one of the world’s worst famines in decades, experts said.

As Sudan hurtles toward famine, its military is blocking the United Nations from bringing enormous amounts of food into the country through a vital border crossing, effectively cutting off aid to hundreds of thousands of starving people during the depths of a civil war.

Experts warn that Sudan, barely functioning after 15 months of fighting, could soon face one of the world’s worst famines in decades. But the Sudanese military’s refusal to let U.N. aid convoys through the crossing is thwarting the kind of all-out relief effort that aid groups say is needed to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths — as many as 2.5 million, according to one estimate — by the end of this year. The risk is greatest in Darfur, the Spain-sized region that suffered a genocide two decades ago. Of the 14 Sudanese districts at immediate risk of famine, eight are in Darfur, right across the border that the United Nations is trying to cross. Time is running out to help them.

The closed border point, a subject of increasingly urgent appeals from American officials, is at Adré, the main crossing from Chad into Sudan. At the border, little more than a concrete bollard in a driedout riverbed, just about everything seems to flow: refugees and traders, four-wheeled motorbikes carrying animal skins, and donkey carts laden with barrels of fuel.

What is forbidden from crossing into Sudan, however, are the U.N. trucks filled with food that are urgently needed in Darfur, where experts say that 440,000 people are already on the brink of starvation. Refugees fleeing Darfur now say that hunger, not conflict, is the main reason they left. [...] The Sudanese military imposed the edict at the crossing five months ago, supposedly to prohibit weapons smuggling. It seems to make little sense. Arms, cash and fighters continue to flow into Sudan elsewhere on the 870-mile border that is mostly controlled by its enemy, a heavily armed paramilitary group known as the Rapid Support Forces, or R.S.F. The military doesn’t even control the crossing at Adré, where R.S.F. fighters stand 100 yards behind the border on the Sudanese side.

Even so, the U.N. says it must respect the order not to cross from the military, which is based in Port Sudan 1,000 miles to the east, because it is Sudan’s sovereign authority. Instead U.N. trucks are forced to make an arduous 200-mile detour north to Tine, at a crossing controlled by a militia allied with Sudan’s army, where they are allowed to enter Darfur.

The diversion is dangerous, expensive and takes up to five times as long as going through Adré. Only a fraction of the required aid is getting through Tine — 320 trucks of food since February, U.N. officials say, instead of the thousands that are needed. The Tine crossing was closed for most of this week after seasonal rains turned the border into a river. 

Between February, when the Adré border crossing was shut, and June, the number of people facing emergency levels of hunger went from 1.7 million to seven million.

As the prospect of mass starvation in Sudan draws closer, the Adré closure has become a central focus of efforts by the United States, by far the largest donor, to ramp up the emergency aid effort. “This obstruction is completely unacceptable,” Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the United States ambassador to the U.N., recently told reporters. [...].

(Fonte: Acesso em 26/07/2024 às 9:30)

Between February, when the Adré border crossing was shut, and June, the number of people facing

O que flui livremente através da fronteira de Adré, exceto ajuda humanitária?
Q3077148 Inglês

Leia a matéria abaixo para responder à questão

As Starvation Spreads in Sudan, Military Blocks Aid Trucks at Border

A country torn apart by civil war could soon face one of the world’s worst famines in decades, experts said.

As Sudan hurtles toward famine, its military is blocking the United Nations from bringing enormous amounts of food into the country through a vital border crossing, effectively cutting off aid to hundreds of thousands of starving people during the depths of a civil war.

Experts warn that Sudan, barely functioning after 15 months of fighting, could soon face one of the world’s worst famines in decades. But the Sudanese military’s refusal to let U.N. aid convoys through the crossing is thwarting the kind of all-out relief effort that aid groups say is needed to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths — as many as 2.5 million, according to one estimate — by the end of this year. The risk is greatest in Darfur, the Spain-sized region that suffered a genocide two decades ago. Of the 14 Sudanese districts at immediate risk of famine, eight are in Darfur, right across the border that the United Nations is trying to cross. Time is running out to help them.

The closed border point, a subject of increasingly urgent appeals from American officials, is at Adré, the main crossing from Chad into Sudan. At the border, little more than a concrete bollard in a driedout riverbed, just about everything seems to flow: refugees and traders, four-wheeled motorbikes carrying animal skins, and donkey carts laden with barrels of fuel.

What is forbidden from crossing into Sudan, however, are the U.N. trucks filled with food that are urgently needed in Darfur, where experts say that 440,000 people are already on the brink of starvation. Refugees fleeing Darfur now say that hunger, not conflict, is the main reason they left. [...] The Sudanese military imposed the edict at the crossing five months ago, supposedly to prohibit weapons smuggling. It seems to make little sense. Arms, cash and fighters continue to flow into Sudan elsewhere on the 870-mile border that is mostly controlled by its enemy, a heavily armed paramilitary group known as the Rapid Support Forces, or R.S.F. The military doesn’t even control the crossing at Adré, where R.S.F. fighters stand 100 yards behind the border on the Sudanese side.

Even so, the U.N. says it must respect the order not to cross from the military, which is based in Port Sudan 1,000 miles to the east, because it is Sudan’s sovereign authority. Instead U.N. trucks are forced to make an arduous 200-mile detour north to Tine, at a crossing controlled by a militia allied with Sudan’s army, where they are allowed to enter Darfur.

The diversion is dangerous, expensive and takes up to five times as long as going through Adré. Only a fraction of the required aid is getting through Tine — 320 trucks of food since February, U.N. officials say, instead of the thousands that are needed. The Tine crossing was closed for most of this week after seasonal rains turned the border into a river. 

Between February, when the Adré border crossing was shut, and June, the number of people facing emergency levels of hunger went from 1.7 million to seven million.

As the prospect of mass starvation in Sudan draws closer, the Adré closure has become a central focus of efforts by the United States, by far the largest donor, to ramp up the emergency aid effort. “This obstruction is completely unacceptable,” Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the United States ambassador to the U.N., recently told reporters. [...].

(Fonte: Acesso em 26/07/2024 às 9:30)

Between February, when the Adré border crossing was shut, and June, the number of people facing

Quem são os principais responsáveis pela obstrução da ajuda humanitária na fronteira de Adré, de acordo com o texto?
1: D
2: B
3: D
4: A
5: C
6: B
7: A
8: D
9: B
10: C
11: C
12: C
13: D
14: A
15: C
16: B
17: D
18: B
19: D
20: A