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Q2206430 Educação Física
O jogo de futebol terá a duração de dois tempos iguais de 45 minutos, que só poderão ser reduzidos se houver acordo entre o árbitro e as duas equipes, antes do início do jogo e desde que em conformidade com o regulamento da competição. Os jogadores têm direito a um intervalo entre os dois tempos, que não deve exceder os:
Q2206429 Educação Física

No futebol de campo, o sinal indicado pelo árbitro abaixo sinaliza:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão


Q2206428 Educação Física
O árbitro pode ser auxiliado por um árbitro assistente de vídeo (VAR) na eventualidade de um "erro claro e manifesto" ou de um "incidente grave despercebido". Nesse sentido, assinale a alternativa em que o VAR NÃO deve ser utilizado.
Q2206427 Educação Física
É incorreto afirmar que no futebol se um atleta inscrito como substituto iniciar o jogo no lugar de um atleta inscrito como jogador e o árbitro não for informado dessa mudança:
Q2206426 Educação Física
No futebol de campo, A área do escanteio ou área de tiro de canto é delimitada por um quarto de círculo com um raio de:
Q2206425 Educação Física
Sobre a história e cultura do futebol de campo, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q2206423 Educação Física
O corpo humano é constituído pelo sistema de alavancas, e os responsáveis são os músculos que atuam pela aplicação de tensão em seus pontos de inserção nos ossos, e os ossos, por sua vez, formam vários tipos de sistemas de alavancas. Na rosca direta na posição sentado, até o ângulo de 90º, a musculatura ativada no sistema de alavanca é: 
Q2206421 Educação Física
Nos jogos de Voleibol, cada jogador ocupa a sua posição dentro da quadra durante o jogo. Sendo assim, o único jogador que é permitido fazer trocas com qualquer outro jogador que ocupe a linha de trás é o:
Q2206420 Educação Física
Os jogadores podem tocar o poste, cabo de fixação ou qualquer outro objeto que esteja localizado antes da antena, exceto a própria rede, por sempre interferir na jogada. Analisando o trecho acima, é correto afirmar que:
Q2206419 Educação Física
Não corresponde, no vôlei, uma falta ao jogar a bola quando:  
Q2206418 Educação Física
No vôlei, uma equipe comete uma falta de posição se um jogador não ocupa sua posição correta no momento em que a bola é golpeada pelo sacador. Diante disso, é incorreto afirmar que
Q2206417 Educação Física
A sequência de ações de jogo ocorridas desde o momento em que o saque é executado pelo sacador até o momento em que a bola é considerada fora de jogo é caracterizada como: 
Q2206416 Educação Física
A área de 9 metros de largura, situada após cada linha de fundo é denominada de zona de: 
Q2206415 Educação Física
Todas as linhas da quadra possuem a largura de 5 centímetros. Devem possuir cor clara, diferente da cor do piso da quadra e de quaisquer outras linhas. Nesse sentido, quando duas linhas laterais e duas linhas de fundo delimitam a quadra, estamos diante de linhas: 
Q2206414 Inglês
The Latest Avatar 3

Adapted from the internet

     The latest Avatar 3 updates have confirmed that Captain Mick Scoresby (Brendan Cowell) will return for Avatar 3. This could spell either good news or bad for the next Avatar instalment, as his storyline was similar to Quaritch’s in that it was presumed he bit the dust, only to come back for another sequel. In addition, Zoe Saldana recently gave a filming update while speaking to Entertainment Tonight. While director James Cameron had stated that filming is nearly done for Avatar 3 back in 2020, Saldana reported to ET that the crew was going back to film for the summer, and that the process was “70% done there”.
      That being said, conflicting Avatar 3 updates come from a Q&A session with producer John Landau, who said that Avatar 3 and the first act of Avatar 4 were filmed simultaneously with Avatar 2. Either way, the consensus is the sequel is nearly done with the filming process. In the same Q&A, Landau revealed that Avatar 3 will introduce two new Na’vi cultures. "But we're going to meet at least two new clans in the next movie, culturally, and go on and on as we continue that," Landau said. Likely one of these new cultures will be the fire Na’vi, of which Oona Chaplin's Varang will be a part of.
       In addition, other Avatar 3 updates have confirmed two major character returns. The first is that of Avatar: The Way of Water's breakout character Payakan, the gentle and intelligent Tulkun. In an interview with The Wrap, Landau confirmed that Payakan would be back for Avatar 3, saying, "I always viewed Payakan a little bit like Lassie. And I would say this is a story like a boy and his dog, and they’re both outcasts, and they need each other." In the same interview, Landau also stated that the Avatar secondary villain Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi), who was absent for the sequel, would come back in a major way for Avatar 3. 
“each other”, underlined in the text (paragraph 3), can be replaced by _____________ without any changing of meaning. 
Q2206413 Inglês
The Latest Avatar 3

Adapted from the internet

     The latest Avatar 3 updates have confirmed that Captain Mick Scoresby (Brendan Cowell) will return for Avatar 3. This could spell either good news or bad for the next Avatar instalment, as his storyline was similar to Quaritch’s in that it was presumed he bit the dust, only to come back for another sequel. In addition, Zoe Saldana recently gave a filming update while speaking to Entertainment Tonight. While director James Cameron had stated that filming is nearly done for Avatar 3 back in 2020, Saldana reported to ET that the crew was going back to film for the summer, and that the process was “70% done there”.
      That being said, conflicting Avatar 3 updates come from a Q&A session with producer John Landau, who said that Avatar 3 and the first act of Avatar 4 were filmed simultaneously with Avatar 2. Either way, the consensus is the sequel is nearly done with the filming process. In the same Q&A, Landau revealed that Avatar 3 will introduce two new Na’vi cultures. "But we're going to meet at least two new clans in the next movie, culturally, and go on and on as we continue that," Landau said. Likely one of these new cultures will be the fire Na’vi, of which Oona Chaplin's Varang will be a part of.
       In addition, other Avatar 3 updates have confirmed two major character returns. The first is that of Avatar: The Way of Water's breakout character Payakan, the gentle and intelligent Tulkun. In an interview with The Wrap, Landau confirmed that Payakan would be back for Avatar 3, saying, "I always viewed Payakan a little bit like Lassie. And I would say this is a story like a boy and his dog, and they’re both outcasts, and they need each other." In the same interview, Landau also stated that the Avatar secondary villain Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi), who was absent for the sequel, would come back in a major way for Avatar 3. 
“In addition”, underlined in the text (paragraph 3), can be replaced by _____________ without any changing of meaning.
Q2206412 Inglês
The Latest Avatar 3

Adapted from the internet

     The latest Avatar 3 updates have confirmed that Captain Mick Scoresby (Brendan Cowell) will return for Avatar 3. This could spell either good news or bad for the next Avatar instalment, as his storyline was similar to Quaritch’s in that it was presumed he bit the dust, only to come back for another sequel. In addition, Zoe Saldana recently gave a filming update while speaking to Entertainment Tonight. While director James Cameron had stated that filming is nearly done for Avatar 3 back in 2020, Saldana reported to ET that the crew was going back to film for the summer, and that the process was “70% done there”.
      That being said, conflicting Avatar 3 updates come from a Q&A session with producer John Landau, who said that Avatar 3 and the first act of Avatar 4 were filmed simultaneously with Avatar 2. Either way, the consensus is the sequel is nearly done with the filming process. In the same Q&A, Landau revealed that Avatar 3 will introduce two new Na’vi cultures. "But we're going to meet at least two new clans in the next movie, culturally, and go on and on as we continue that," Landau said. Likely one of these new cultures will be the fire Na’vi, of which Oona Chaplin's Varang will be a part of.
       In addition, other Avatar 3 updates have confirmed two major character returns. The first is that of Avatar: The Way of Water's breakout character Payakan, the gentle and intelligent Tulkun. In an interview with The Wrap, Landau confirmed that Payakan would be back for Avatar 3, saying, "I always viewed Payakan a little bit like Lassie. And I would say this is a story like a boy and his dog, and they’re both outcasts, and they need each other." In the same interview, Landau also stated that the Avatar secondary villain Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi), who was absent for the sequel, would come back in a major way for Avatar 3. 
The word “likely”, in bold type in the text (paragraph 2) is 
Q2206411 Inglês
The Latest Avatar 3

Adapted from the internet

     The latest Avatar 3 updates have confirmed that Captain Mick Scoresby (Brendan Cowell) will return for Avatar 3. This could spell either good news or bad for the next Avatar instalment, as his storyline was similar to Quaritch’s in that it was presumed he bit the dust, only to come back for another sequel. In addition, Zoe Saldana recently gave a filming update while speaking to Entertainment Tonight. While director James Cameron had stated that filming is nearly done for Avatar 3 back in 2020, Saldana reported to ET that the crew was going back to film for the summer, and that the process was “70% done there”.
      That being said, conflicting Avatar 3 updates come from a Q&A session with producer John Landau, who said that Avatar 3 and the first act of Avatar 4 were filmed simultaneously with Avatar 2. Either way, the consensus is the sequel is nearly done with the filming process. In the same Q&A, Landau revealed that Avatar 3 will introduce two new Na’vi cultures. "But we're going to meet at least two new clans in the next movie, culturally, and go on and on as we continue that," Landau said. Likely one of these new cultures will be the fire Na’vi, of which Oona Chaplin's Varang will be a part of.
       In addition, other Avatar 3 updates have confirmed two major character returns. The first is that of Avatar: The Way of Water's breakout character Payakan, the gentle and intelligent Tulkun. In an interview with The Wrap, Landau confirmed that Payakan would be back for Avatar 3, saying, "I always viewed Payakan a little bit like Lassie. And I would say this is a story like a boy and his dog, and they’re both outcasts, and they need each other." In the same interview, Landau also stated that the Avatar secondary villain Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi), who was absent for the sequel, would come back in a major way for Avatar 3. 
According to paragraph 1, we can infer that
Q2206410 Inglês
The Latest Avatar 3

Adapted from the internet

     The latest Avatar 3 updates have confirmed that Captain Mick Scoresby (Brendan Cowell) will return for Avatar 3. This could spell either good news or bad for the next Avatar instalment, as his storyline was similar to Quaritch’s in that it was presumed he bit the dust, only to come back for another sequel. In addition, Zoe Saldana recently gave a filming update while speaking to Entertainment Tonight. While director James Cameron had stated that filming is nearly done for Avatar 3 back in 2020, Saldana reported to ET that the crew was going back to film for the summer, and that the process was “70% done there”.
      That being said, conflicting Avatar 3 updates come from a Q&A session with producer John Landau, who said that Avatar 3 and the first act of Avatar 4 were filmed simultaneously with Avatar 2. Either way, the consensus is the sequel is nearly done with the filming process. In the same Q&A, Landau revealed that Avatar 3 will introduce two new Na’vi cultures. "But we're going to meet at least two new clans in the next movie, culturally, and go on and on as we continue that," Landau said. Likely one of these new cultures will be the fire Na’vi, of which Oona Chaplin's Varang will be a part of.
       In addition, other Avatar 3 updates have confirmed two major character returns. The first is that of Avatar: The Way of Water's breakout character Payakan, the gentle and intelligent Tulkun. In an interview with The Wrap, Landau confirmed that Payakan would be back for Avatar 3, saying, "I always viewed Payakan a little bit like Lassie. And I would say this is a story like a boy and his dog, and they’re both outcasts, and they need each other." In the same interview, Landau also stated that the Avatar secondary villain Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi), who was absent for the sequel, would come back in a major way for Avatar 3. 
The words either…or, in bold type in the text (paragraph 1) 
Q2206409 Inglês
Which sentence correctly uses a modal verb to express a lack of obligation? 
781: B
782: A
783: D
784: C
785: A
786: C
787: A
788: A
789: D
790: A
791: D
792: C
793: B
794: A
795: A
796: D
797: C
798: C
799: C
800: D