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Q2392737 Pedagogia
A Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996, estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional. Essa lei determina que o ensino da arte, especialmente em suas expressões regionais, constituirá componente curricular
Q2392611 Inglês
According to Capitalization Rules in English, the normatively correct sentence is.
Q2392610 Inglês
The spelling rules that explain why we write “M” before “P” and “B” are priorly: 
Q2392609 Inglês
The correct phonetic transcription to the quote “Gentlemen, the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible.” – from the movie Alice in Wonderland (2010) – is:
Q2392604 Inglês
Text 05 - Syllabus - See an explanation of the term ‘Syllabus’.

A syllabus is a document that describes what the contents of a language course will be and the order in which they will be taught. The content of a syllabus normally reflects certain beliefs about language and language learning.


A syllabus might be designed around the order in which grammatical items are introduced. Starting with 'present simple' then 'past simple', then 'present perfect' etc.

In the classroom

There are many different types of syllabus (although often in language classrooms the syllabus from the course book is the only document). Syllabus types include grammatical, lexical and functional, which focus on the building blocks of language, and task-based and learner-centred, which focus on processes of communication and learning. 

Adapted from: accessed on July 18th, 2023.

According to text 05, Syllabus is, in Portuguese...
856: B
857: C
858: D
859: A
860: A