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Q2392590 Inglês
Text 02 - (Types of social practices) Linguistics

The language spoken is one of the characteristics that most differentiate us from other animals on the planet. According to the experts, its appearance was one of the main causes of our development as a species; This is because the use of the language caused our brain to increase in capacity.

Therefore, linguistic social practices are a fundamental part of each culture. They include elements such as the language spoken, expressions and phrases made, or the importance given to certain words.


Social practices of language

Within all types of social practices that exist some of the most influencing a given society are those that have to do with their linguistic expression.

Due to the way in which language modifies the brain and the individual experience of people, the social practices of language take on great importance when it comes to understanding the customs and ways of seeing the world proper to a given society.

Even several studies have shown that bilingual people change their personality depending on the language they are speaking. So, what are the social practices of language?

These are ways of interacting that include both spoken and written language, in addition to all those activities that surround the communication process through it. Depending on the context in which we find ourselves and what we want to transmit, these practices will be different.

Also adapted from:, accessed on July 17th, 2023. 
From text 02, we visibly understand that:
Q2392589 Inglês
Text 01 - Social Practices: Types and Practices of Language.

The social practices

They are habits and ways of doing things that are established in a society and are practiced in the same way by all its inhabitants. These practices differ from one culture to another and, therefore, behaving in the same way in two different societies can lead to misunderstandings.

Because they are only implicit agreements about the way of doing things, no social practice is correct or incorrect. The adaptation of the social practices will have to do with the place and the moment in which they are carried out; for that reason it does not make sense to think that the practices of another society are wrong.

Social practices are built over the years and are modified as time passes. Therefore, what is common in today's society has nothing to do with the way in which it was correct to behave several decades ago. This means that social practices are not immutable either, but are always subject to change.


Adapted from:, accessed on July 17th , 2023.

In “These practices differ from one culture to another and, therefore, behaving in the same way in two different societies can lead to misunderstandings.”, the word “misundertandings” brings an affix that: 
Q2392587 Inglês
Text 01 - Social Practices: Types and Practices of Language.

The social practices

They are habits and ways of doing things that are established in a society and are practiced in the same way by all its inhabitants. These practices differ from one culture to another and, therefore, behaving in the same way in two different societies can lead to misunderstandings.

Because they are only implicit agreements about the way of doing things, no social practice is correct or incorrect. The adaptation of the social practices will have to do with the place and the moment in which they are carried out; for that reason it does not make sense to think that the practices of another society are wrong.

Social practices are built over the years and are modified as time passes. Therefore, what is common in today's society has nothing to do with the way in which it was correct to behave several decades ago. This means that social practices are not immutable either, but are always subject to change.


Adapted from:, accessed on July 17th , 2023.

According to what is written in text 01, it is correct to say that: 
Q2391406 Pedagogia
O planejamento educacional é o instrumento básico para que todo o processo educacional desenvolva a sua ação, num todo unificado, integrando todos os recursos, direcionando toda a ação educativa e que ocorre em vários níveis e categorias. Nesse contexto, o plano de curso
Q2391405 Pedagogia
De acordo com o Art. 28, da Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência, nº 13.146/2015, cabe ao poder público assegurar, criar, desenvolver, implementar, incentivar, acompanhar e avaliar
866: D
867: C
868: B
869: D
870: D