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Q3044827 Pedagogia
O ensino de História do Brasil levará em conta as contribuições das diferentes culturas e etnias para a formação do povo brasileiro, exclusivamente da matriz africana.
Q3044825 Pedagogia
A pertinência relaciona-se a quem alude à importância de tratar de forma diferenciada o que se apresenta como desigual no ponto de partida, com vistas a obter desenvolvimento e aprendizagens equiparáveis, assegurando a todos a igualdade de direito à educação.
Q3044824 Pedagogia
O eixo da oralidade envolve as práticas de linguagem em situações de uso oral da língua inglesa, com foco na compreensão (ou escuta) e na produção oral (ou fala), articuladas pela negociação na construção de significados partilhados pelos interlocutores e/ou participantes envolvidos, com ou sem contato face a face. 
Q3044823 Pedagogia
O tratamento do inglês como língua materna o desvincula da noção de pertencimento a um determinado território e, consequentemente, a culturas típicas de comunidades específicas, legitimando os usos da língua inglesa em seus contextos locais. 
Q3044822 Pedagogia
A língua inglesa não é aquela do "estrangeiro", oriundo de países hegemônicos, cujos falantes servem de modelo a ser seguido, nem tampouco trata-se de uma variante da língua inglesa. Nessa perspectiva, são acolhidos e legitimados os usos que dela fazem falantes espalhados no mundo inteiro, com diferentes repertórios linguísticos e culturais, o que possibilita, por exemplo, questionar a visão de que o único inglês "correto" − e a ser ensinado − é aquele falado por estadunidenses ou britânicos. 
Q3044821 Pedagogia
Aprender a língua inglesa propicia a criação de novas formas de engajamento e participação dos alunos em um mundo social cada vez mais globalizado e plural, em que as fronteiras entre países e interesses pessoais, locais, regionais, nacionais e transnacionais estão cada vez mais difusas e contraditórias. Assim, o estudo da língua inglesa pode possibilitar a todos o acesso aos saberes linguísticos necessários para engajamento e participação, contribuindo para o agenciamento crítico dos estudantes e para o exercício da cidadania ativa, além de ampliar as possibilidades de interação e mobilidade, abrindo novos percursos de construção de conhecimentos e de continuidade nos estudos.
Q3044820 Pedagogia
O status de inglês como língua franca implica deslocá-la de um modelo ideal de falante, considerando a importância da cultura no ensino-aprendizagem da língua e buscando romper com aspectos relativos à "correção", "precisão" e "proficiência" linguística. 
Q3044818 Inglês

Regarding the use of reading strategies, judge the statement below:

Skimming is primarily used to locate specific information within a text, such as dates or names, by quickly moving the eyes over the content to find these details without focusing on the entire text. 

Q3044817 Inglês

Regarding the use of reading strategies, judge the statement below:

Prediction as a reading strategy involves making educated guesses about the content and direction of a text based on its title, headings, and any accompanying visuals before engaging in the actual reading. 

Q3044816 Inglês

Regarding the use of reading strategies, judge the statement below:

Scanning is an effective reading strategy when the reader needs to quickly identify the overall gist of a text, focusing on understanding the main ideas rather than specific details. 

Q3044815 Inglês

Read the text below: 

Ireland: geography and landscape

Ireland is an island nation on the westernmost edge of Europe. It is the continent's second largest island (after Great Britain). The Republic of Ireland occupies 80 percent of this landmass, while a large chunk of land in the north, called Northern Ireland, is part of the United Kingdom. All together, the island of Ireland is made up of 32 counties.

Ireland is known for its wide expanses of lush, green fields − so much so, that its nickname is the Emerald Isle. But there are also large areas of rugged, rocky landscape, too. About 15,000 years ago, Ireland was completely covered by thick glaciers. The movement of these giant sheets of ice stripped the soil, leaving huge tracts of flat, limestone ground. 

The midlands and west coast of Ireland are dotted with damp peat bogs, the soggy remains of dried-up ancient lakes left by the glaciers. Ireland's highlands rise mainly in the southwest, often ending at sheer cliffs that plunge thousands of feet into the Atlantic Ocean.

Ireland's wildlife and nature 

The Irish have a great affection for nature and rural life. The country's first coins even featured pictures of animals. Low levels of development and pollution in Ireland have left most of the nation's open spaces relatively undisturbed. 

Did you know that there are no wild snakes in Ireland? The sea has stopped many animals common on mainland Europe from reaching the island. There are also only two wild mouse species (the wood mouse and house mouse), one type of lizard (the common lizard) and just three kinds of amphibians (the natterjack toad, smooth newt and common frog). 

Irish wildlife is protected by government conservation programs. To preserve natural habitat, the governmenthas established six national parks and hundreds of national heritage areas throughout the country. Great news!

Irish history

Archaeologists think the first people to settle in Ireland arrived around 6000 B.C. By 3500 B.C., settlers were using stone tools to clear farmlands. Around 700 B.C., a diverse and technologically advanced culture from central Europe, called the Celts, began to settle on the island. They would thrive there for nearly 2,000 years.

n the ninth century A.D., Viking invaders began raids into Ireland. They eventually established settlements that later became some of the country's main cities, including the capital, Dublin. These aggressive arrivals fought with the Celts often for 200 years until a battle in 1014, known as the Battle of Clontarf, united the country. Peace broke down quickly though and Ireland was divided into many kingdoms. 

 In 1170, Norman Vikings who had taken control of England invaded Ireland and made it an English territory. In the early 1600s, England's official religion became Protestant, while most Irish remained Roman Catholic. This would create tensions that would eventually lead to revolution and Ireland's independence.?

 the 1820s, British laws unfair to Catholics had sparked a mass movement for Irish sovereignty. In 1829, many of those laws were overturned, but Ireland still wanted freedom. In 1922, after violent uprisings, the Irish Free State was created within the British Empire. 

In 1948, most of Ireland became an independent country, while six mainly Protestant counties in the northeast remained a British territory. 

Irish people and culture

Ireland is a nation of storytellers. The tradition dates back to Celtic bards, who would record and recite the country's history. Many famed writers come from Ireland, including four winners of the Nobel Prize for literature. The Irish also excel in sports, music and dancing! 

Irish government and economy

The government of Ireland consists of an elected parliament, which makes the laws, and a president, who is head of state. The head of the government is the Taoiseach (pronounced tee-shuck), which means "chief." The Taoiseach is the prime minister, and leader of the political party with the most parliament members.?

For most of its history, Ireland's economy has been based on farming and agriculture. But beginning in the late 1950s, government efforts to attract business turned the country from one of Europe's poorest nations to its second wealthiest. The amazing turnaround and economic boom in the mid 1990s and early 2000s earned Ireland the nickname the "Celtic Tiger."

During the global financial crisis of 2008, Ireland entered a recession and the country experienced serious financial problems. But in the past few years Ireland's economy has started to recover and is once again on the rise.

Judge the excerpts from the text.

Acesso em:

Judge the excerpt from the text

The translation of the sentence "For most of its history, Ireland's economy has been based on farming and agriculture" is as follows: "Durante a maior parte de sua história, a economia da Irlanda baseia-se na pecuária e na agricultura."

Q3044814 Inglês

Read the text below: 

Ireland: geography and landscape

Ireland is an island nation on the westernmost edge of Europe. It is the continent's second largest island (after Great Britain). The Republic of Ireland occupies 80 percent of this landmass, while a large chunk of land in the north, called Northern Ireland, is part of the United Kingdom. All together, the island of Ireland is made up of 32 counties.

Ireland is known for its wide expanses of lush, green fields − so much so, that its nickname is the Emerald Isle. But there are also large areas of rugged, rocky landscape, too. About 15,000 years ago, Ireland was completely covered by thick glaciers. The movement of these giant sheets of ice stripped the soil, leaving huge tracts of flat, limestone ground. 

The midlands and west coast of Ireland are dotted with damp peat bogs, the soggy remains of dried-up ancient lakes left by the glaciers. Ireland's highlands rise mainly in the southwest, often ending at sheer cliffs that plunge thousands of feet into the Atlantic Ocean.

Ireland's wildlife and nature 

The Irish have a great affection for nature and rural life. The country's first coins even featured pictures of animals. Low levels of development and pollution in Ireland have left most of the nation's open spaces relatively undisturbed. 

Did you know that there are no wild snakes in Ireland? The sea has stopped many animals common on mainland Europe from reaching the island. There are also only two wild mouse species (the wood mouse and house mouse), one type of lizard (the common lizard) and just three kinds of amphibians (the natterjack toad, smooth newt and common frog). 

Irish wildlife is protected by government conservation programs. To preserve natural habitat, the governmenthas established six national parks and hundreds of national heritage areas throughout the country. Great news!

Irish history

Archaeologists think the first people to settle in Ireland arrived around 6000 B.C. By 3500 B.C., settlers were using stone tools to clear farmlands. Around 700 B.C., a diverse and technologically advanced culture from central Europe, called the Celts, began to settle on the island. They would thrive there for nearly 2,000 years.

n the ninth century A.D., Viking invaders began raids into Ireland. They eventually established settlements that later became some of the country's main cities, including the capital, Dublin. These aggressive arrivals fought with the Celts often for 200 years until a battle in 1014, known as the Battle of Clontarf, united the country. Peace broke down quickly though and Ireland was divided into many kingdoms. 

 In 1170, Norman Vikings who had taken control of England invaded Ireland and made it an English territory. In the early 1600s, England's official religion became Protestant, while most Irish remained Roman Catholic. This would create tensions that would eventually lead to revolution and Ireland's independence.?

 the 1820s, British laws unfair to Catholics had sparked a mass movement for Irish sovereignty. In 1829, many of those laws were overturned, but Ireland still wanted freedom. In 1922, after violent uprisings, the Irish Free State was created within the British Empire. 

In 1948, most of Ireland became an independent country, while six mainly Protestant counties in the northeast remained a British territory. 

Irish people and culture

Ireland is a nation of storytellers. The tradition dates back to Celtic bards, who would record and recite the country's history. Many famed writers come from Ireland, including four winners of the Nobel Prize for literature. The Irish also excel in sports, music and dancing! 

Irish government and economy

The government of Ireland consists of an elected parliament, which makes the laws, and a president, who is head of state. The head of the government is the Taoiseach (pronounced tee-shuck), which means "chief." The Taoiseach is the prime minister, and leader of the political party with the most parliament members.?

For most of its history, Ireland's economy has been based on farming and agriculture. But beginning in the late 1950s, government efforts to attract business turned the country from one of Europe's poorest nations to its second wealthiest. The amazing turnaround and economic boom in the mid 1990s and early 2000s earned Ireland the nickname the "Celtic Tiger."

During the global financial crisis of 2008, Ireland entered a recession and the country experienced serious financial problems. But in the past few years Ireland's economy has started to recover and is once again on the rise.

Judge the excerpts from the text.

Acesso em:

Judge the excerpt from the text

Sentence: Ireland is known for its wide expanses of lush, green fields − so much so, that its nickname is the Emerald Isle. Translation: Irlanda é conhecida por suas vastas extensões de campos verdes e exuberantes − tanto que seu apelido é "Ilha de Esmeralda".

Q3044813 Inglês

Read the text below: 

Ireland: geography and landscape

Ireland is an island nation on the westernmost edge of Europe. It is the continent's second largest island (after Great Britain). The Republic of Ireland occupies 80 percent of this landmass, while a large chunk of land in the north, called Northern Ireland, is part of the United Kingdom. All together, the island of Ireland is made up of 32 counties.

Ireland is known for its wide expanses of lush, green fields − so much so, that its nickname is the Emerald Isle. But there are also large areas of rugged, rocky landscape, too. About 15,000 years ago, Ireland was completely covered by thick glaciers. The movement of these giant sheets of ice stripped the soil, leaving huge tracts of flat, limestone ground. 

The midlands and west coast of Ireland are dotted with damp peat bogs, the soggy remains of dried-up ancient lakes left by the glaciers. Ireland's highlands rise mainly in the southwest, often ending at sheer cliffs that plunge thousands of feet into the Atlantic Ocean.

Ireland's wildlife and nature 

The Irish have a great affection for nature and rural life. The country's first coins even featured pictures of animals. Low levels of development and pollution in Ireland have left most of the nation's open spaces relatively undisturbed. 

Did you know that there are no wild snakes in Ireland? The sea has stopped many animals common on mainland Europe from reaching the island. There are also only two wild mouse species (the wood mouse and house mouse), one type of lizard (the common lizard) and just three kinds of amphibians (the natterjack toad, smooth newt and common frog). 

Irish wildlife is protected by government conservation programs. To preserve natural habitat, the governmenthas established six national parks and hundreds of national heritage areas throughout the country. Great news!

Irish history

Archaeologists think the first people to settle in Ireland arrived around 6000 B.C. By 3500 B.C., settlers were using stone tools to clear farmlands. Around 700 B.C., a diverse and technologically advanced culture from central Europe, called the Celts, began to settle on the island. They would thrive there for nearly 2,000 years.

n the ninth century A.D., Viking invaders began raids into Ireland. They eventually established settlements that later became some of the country's main cities, including the capital, Dublin. These aggressive arrivals fought with the Celts often for 200 years until a battle in 1014, known as the Battle of Clontarf, united the country. Peace broke down quickly though and Ireland was divided into many kingdoms. 

 In 1170, Norman Vikings who had taken control of England invaded Ireland and made it an English territory. In the early 1600s, England's official religion became Protestant, while most Irish remained Roman Catholic. This would create tensions that would eventually lead to revolution and Ireland's independence.?

 the 1820s, British laws unfair to Catholics had sparked a mass movement for Irish sovereignty. In 1829, many of those laws were overturned, but Ireland still wanted freedom. In 1922, after violent uprisings, the Irish Free State was created within the British Empire. 

In 1948, most of Ireland became an independent country, while six mainly Protestant counties in the northeast remained a British territory. 

Irish people and culture

Ireland is a nation of storytellers. The tradition dates back to Celtic bards, who would record and recite the country's history. Many famed writers come from Ireland, including four winners of the Nobel Prize for literature. The Irish also excel in sports, music and dancing! 

Irish government and economy

The government of Ireland consists of an elected parliament, which makes the laws, and a president, who is head of state. The head of the government is the Taoiseach (pronounced tee-shuck), which means "chief." The Taoiseach is the prime minister, and leader of the political party with the most parliament members.?

For most of its history, Ireland's economy has been based on farming and agriculture. But beginning in the late 1950s, government efforts to attract business turned the country from one of Europe's poorest nations to its second wealthiest. The amazing turnaround and economic boom in the mid 1990s and early 2000s earned Ireland the nickname the "Celtic Tiger."

During the global financial crisis of 2008, Ireland entered a recession and the country experienced serious financial problems. But in the past few years Ireland's economy has started to recover and is once again on the rise.

Judge the excerpts from the text.

Acesso em:

Judge the excerpt from the text

Sentence: The Republic of Ireland occupies 80 percent of this landmass, while a large chunk of land in the north, called Northern Ireland, is part of the United Kingdom. Translation: A República da Irlanda ocupa 80% dessa massa de terra, enquanto uma grande porção de terra no norte, chamada Irlanda do Norte, faz parte do Reino Unido. 

Q3044812 Inglês

Read the text below: 

Ireland: geography and landscape

Ireland is an island nation on the westernmost edge of Europe. It is the continent's second largest island (after Great Britain). The Republic of Ireland occupies 80 percent of this landmass, while a large chunk of land in the north, called Northern Ireland, is part of the United Kingdom. All together, the island of Ireland is made up of 32 counties.

Ireland is known for its wide expanses of lush, green fields − so much so, that its nickname is the Emerald Isle. But there are also large areas of rugged, rocky landscape, too. About 15,000 years ago, Ireland was completely covered by thick glaciers. The movement of these giant sheets of ice stripped the soil, leaving huge tracts of flat, limestone ground. 

The midlands and west coast of Ireland are dotted with damp peat bogs, the soggy remains of dried-up ancient lakes left by the glaciers. Ireland's highlands rise mainly in the southwest, often ending at sheer cliffs that plunge thousands of feet into the Atlantic Ocean.

Ireland's wildlife and nature 

The Irish have a great affection for nature and rural life. The country's first coins even featured pictures of animals. Low levels of development and pollution in Ireland have left most of the nation's open spaces relatively undisturbed. 

Did you know that there are no wild snakes in Ireland? The sea has stopped many animals common on mainland Europe from reaching the island. There are also only two wild mouse species (the wood mouse and house mouse), one type of lizard (the common lizard) and just three kinds of amphibians (the natterjack toad, smooth newt and common frog). 

Irish wildlife is protected by government conservation programs. To preserve natural habitat, the governmenthas established six national parks and hundreds of national heritage areas throughout the country. Great news!

Irish history

Archaeologists think the first people to settle in Ireland arrived around 6000 B.C. By 3500 B.C., settlers were using stone tools to clear farmlands. Around 700 B.C., a diverse and technologically advanced culture from central Europe, called the Celts, began to settle on the island. They would thrive there for nearly 2,000 years.

n the ninth century A.D., Viking invaders began raids into Ireland. They eventually established settlements that later became some of the country's main cities, including the capital, Dublin. These aggressive arrivals fought with the Celts often for 200 years until a battle in 1014, known as the Battle of Clontarf, united the country. Peace broke down quickly though and Ireland was divided into many kingdoms. 

 In 1170, Norman Vikings who had taken control of England invaded Ireland and made it an English territory. In the early 1600s, England's official religion became Protestant, while most Irish remained Roman Catholic. This would create tensions that would eventually lead to revolution and Ireland's independence.?

 the 1820s, British laws unfair to Catholics had sparked a mass movement for Irish sovereignty. In 1829, many of those laws were overturned, but Ireland still wanted freedom. In 1922, after violent uprisings, the Irish Free State was created within the British Empire. 

In 1948, most of Ireland became an independent country, while six mainly Protestant counties in the northeast remained a British territory. 

Irish people and culture

Ireland is a nation of storytellers. The tradition dates back to Celtic bards, who would record and recite the country's history. Many famed writers come from Ireland, including four winners of the Nobel Prize for literature. The Irish also excel in sports, music and dancing! 

Irish government and economy

The government of Ireland consists of an elected parliament, which makes the laws, and a president, who is head of state. The head of the government is the Taoiseach (pronounced tee-shuck), which means "chief." The Taoiseach is the prime minister, and leader of the political party with the most parliament members.?

For most of its history, Ireland's economy has been based on farming and agriculture. But beginning in the late 1950s, government efforts to attract business turned the country from one of Europe's poorest nations to its second wealthiest. The amazing turnaround and economic boom in the mid 1990s and early 2000s earned Ireland the nickname the "Celtic Tiger."

During the global financial crisis of 2008, Ireland entered a recession and the country experienced serious financial problems. But in the past few years Ireland's economy has started to recover and is once again on the rise.

Judge the excerpts from the text.

Acesso em:

Judge the excerpt from the text

Sentence: In 1170, Norman Vikings who had taken control of England invaded Ireland and made it an English territory. Translation: Em 1170, Vikings Normandos que haviam tomado o controle da Inglaterra invadiram a Irlanda e a transformaram em um território inglês.

Q3044810 Inglês

Judge the next item, about the semantics and morphosyntax of the English language.

In the phrase "She enjoys playing the piano," the gerund "playing" functions as a verbal noun, modifying the verb "enjoys." 

Q3044808 Inglês

Judge the next item, about the semantics and morphosyntax of the English language.

The sentence "The committee is deciding on the new policies" demonstrates a case of collective noun agreement, where "committee" is treated as singular despite referring to a group

Q3044806 Inglês

Read the text below: 

Educating future technology engineers 

While much of the world's wireless communications technologies, such as cell phones, run on 5G mobile networks, engineers already have their eyes on developing future-generation networks. One of these engineers is Yanchao Zhang, a professor of electrical engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. 

Zhang runs the DOD Center of Excellence in Future Generation Wireless Technology, or FutureG Center of Excellence. Led by ASU and funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), the center includes collaborators from the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Army Research Laboratory, the U.S. DOD and The Ohio State University.

The FutureG Center of Excellence aims to advance mobile network technology for wireless communications that are more secure, faster and more reliable. Artificial intelligence, or AI, and machine learning are also up for potential inclusion.

The center also has outreach and workforce development initiatives to increase the number of workers in the wireless communications engineering field. As part of this initiative, the center hosted a five-day FutureG Summer Research Camp on ASU's Tempe campus in May that is planned yearly. 

The inaugural camp hosted 25 undergraduate students from the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering and the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, both part of the Fulton Schools. The participants learned about a variety of engineering disciplines related to electronics, including cybersecurity, signal processing, augmented and virtual reality, or AR and VR.

To choose the 25 students, Zhang and his colleagues in the FutureG Center of Excellence — Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola and Chaitali Chakrabarti, both Fulton Schools professors of electrical engineering — selected from 78 applicants.

 "I was thrilled to see so many motivated, highly qualified young minds interested in cutting-edge research topics," he says. "Notably, half of the participants were women and underrepresented minority students, who were selected based on the same criteria as all applicants." 

In line with the Fulton Schools value of building a foundation for all to be successful, students participated in sessions each day featuring lectures and demonstrations from experts in the topic areas. The presenters beyond Zhang included a variety of Fulton Schools electrical and computer engineering and computer science faculty members and external FutureG Center of Excellence collaborators.

"The goal of this summer camp is to expose highly qualified Fulton Schools undergraduate students to the latest topics and opportunities in the future generation wireless technology field and within the FutureG Center of Excellence," Zhang says. "We aim to motivate their academic and research interests in the future wireless technology area, ultimately contributing to the U.S. workforce in this field."

Among the student participants inspired to further research future wireless communications technology is Diego Quintero, a Fulton Schools undergraduate student majoring in electrical engineering who just completed his sophomore year.

Before the program, Quintero was only considering studying electrical engineering through the Fulton Schools accelerated master's degree program, which enables students to complete graduate coursework while completing their bachelor's degree, saving them time. Now he's planning to apply to the program in the 2024− 25 academic year.

Quintero says the FutureG summer camp helped him understand how the engineering skills he learned in the classroom are applied to technology development. 

"Learning about such fascinating advancements in the thriving tech industry has strengthened my ideologies and passion for pursuing a career in this field," he says. "There are so many interesting careers and research opportunities. I believe it's a great way to learn more about specific roles in engineering." 

For Mounia Bazzi, an undergraduate electrical engineering student who just completed the first year of her program, the FutureG summer camp helped her build on principles she learned while exploring engineering specializations. While Bazzi initially learned about using the MATLAB programming software in her FSE 100: Introduction to Engineering class, she explored MATLAB's signal processing tools in a session led by Papandreou-Suppappola. 

Bazzi found that hearing from graduate students who are working with session presenters was especially helpful in learning about research conducted at ASU. The presentations inspired her interest to pursue her own research, and she contacted Guoliang Xue, a Fulton Schools professor of computer science and engineering involved in the camp, to ask if she could work under him in fall 2024. 

Bazzi says her favorite part of the experience was the final day of the camp, which took place at ASU's Media and Immersive eXperience Center, or MIX Center. 

"The most fun part of the camp was experiencing AR and VR systems with Dr. Robert LiKamWa," Bazzi says. "After going through different VR immersive narratives, we formed groups and used Dreamscape to build our own VR world that we then got to experience."

The session led by LiKamWa, a Fulton Schools associate

professor of electrical engineering with a joint appointment in ASU's School of Arts, Media and Engineering, was also Shannen Aganon's favorite part of the camp. 

"Exploring and developing VR experiences was both exciting and educational," says Aganon, a rising senior majoring in computer science. "It is definitely interesting to see how immersive technology can transform so much."

During the camp, Aganon aimed to learn more about different engineering fields within electrical engineering.

"Attending this camp session broadened my appreciation of how different engineering disciplines interconnect and definitely allowed me to reach my goal," she says. 

Aganon says the camp confirmed her passion for engineering through the variety offered within the field and the hands-on collaborative activities. She also enjoyed the networking, new friendships and skills the camp taught her

"If you would like a unique way to gain hands-on experience, this camp offers invaluable opportunities," Aganon says. 

Judge the excerpts from the text. 

Acesso em:

The FutureG Summer Research Camp hosted by ASU's Tempe campus in May 2024 included 78 undergraduate students from the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering and the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence.
Q3044805 Inglês

Read the text below: 

Educating future technology engineers 

While much of the world's wireless communications technologies, such as cell phones, run on 5G mobile networks, engineers already have their eyes on developing future-generation networks. One of these engineers is Yanchao Zhang, a professor of electrical engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. 

Zhang runs the DOD Center of Excellence in Future Generation Wireless Technology, or FutureG Center of Excellence. Led by ASU and funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), the center includes collaborators from the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Army Research Laboratory, the U.S. DOD and The Ohio State University.

The FutureG Center of Excellence aims to advance mobile network technology for wireless communications that are more secure, faster and more reliable. Artificial intelligence, or AI, and machine learning are also up for potential inclusion.

The center also has outreach and workforce development initiatives to increase the number of workers in the wireless communications engineering field. As part of this initiative, the center hosted a five-day FutureG Summer Research Camp on ASU's Tempe campus in May that is planned yearly. 

The inaugural camp hosted 25 undergraduate students from the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering and the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, both part of the Fulton Schools. The participants learned about a variety of engineering disciplines related to electronics, including cybersecurity, signal processing, augmented and virtual reality, or AR and VR.

To choose the 25 students, Zhang and his colleagues in the FutureG Center of Excellence — Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola and Chaitali Chakrabarti, both Fulton Schools professors of electrical engineering — selected from 78 applicants.

 "I was thrilled to see so many motivated, highly qualified young minds interested in cutting-edge research topics," he says. "Notably, half of the participants were women and underrepresented minority students, who were selected based on the same criteria as all applicants." 

In line with the Fulton Schools value of building a foundation for all to be successful, students participated in sessions each day featuring lectures and demonstrations from experts in the topic areas. The presenters beyond Zhang included a variety of Fulton Schools electrical and computer engineering and computer science faculty members and external FutureG Center of Excellence collaborators.

"The goal of this summer camp is to expose highly qualified Fulton Schools undergraduate students to the latest topics and opportunities in the future generation wireless technology field and within the FutureG Center of Excellence," Zhang says. "We aim to motivate their academic and research interests in the future wireless technology area, ultimately contributing to the U.S. workforce in this field."

Among the student participants inspired to further research future wireless communications technology is Diego Quintero, a Fulton Schools undergraduate student majoring in electrical engineering who just completed his sophomore year.

Before the program, Quintero was only considering studying electrical engineering through the Fulton Schools accelerated master's degree program, which enables students to complete graduate coursework while completing their bachelor's degree, saving them time. Now he's planning to apply to the program in the 2024− 25 academic year.

Quintero says the FutureG summer camp helped him understand how the engineering skills he learned in the classroom are applied to technology development. 

"Learning about such fascinating advancements in the thriving tech industry has strengthened my ideologies and passion for pursuing a career in this field," he says. "There are so many interesting careers and research opportunities. I believe it's a great way to learn more about specific roles in engineering." 

For Mounia Bazzi, an undergraduate electrical engineering student who just completed the first year of her program, the FutureG summer camp helped her build on principles she learned while exploring engineering specializations. While Bazzi initially learned about using the MATLAB programming software in her FSE 100: Introduction to Engineering class, she explored MATLAB's signal processing tools in a session led by Papandreou-Suppappola. 

Bazzi found that hearing from graduate students who are working with session presenters was especially helpful in learning about research conducted at ASU. The presentations inspired her interest to pursue her own research, and she contacted Guoliang Xue, a Fulton Schools professor of computer science and engineering involved in the camp, to ask if she could work under him in fall 2024. 

Bazzi says her favorite part of the experience was the final day of the camp, which took place at ASU's Media and Immersive eXperience Center, or MIX Center. 

"The most fun part of the camp was experiencing AR and VR systems with Dr. Robert LiKamWa," Bazzi says. "After going through different VR immersive narratives, we formed groups and used Dreamscape to build our own VR world that we then got to experience."

The session led by LiKamWa, a Fulton Schools associate

professor of electrical engineering with a joint appointment in ASU's School of Arts, Media and Engineering, was also Shannen Aganon's favorite part of the camp. 

"Exploring and developing VR experiences was both exciting and educational," says Aganon, a rising senior majoring in computer science. "It is definitely interesting to see how immersive technology can transform so much."

During the camp, Aganon aimed to learn more about different engineering fields within electrical engineering.

"Attending this camp session broadened my appreciation of how different engineering disciplines interconnect and definitely allowed me to reach my goal," she says. 

Aganon says the camp confirmed her passion for engineering through the variety offered within the field and the hands-on collaborative activities. She also enjoyed the networking, new friendships and skills the camp taught her

"If you would like a unique way to gain hands-on experience, this camp offers invaluable opportunities," Aganon says. 

Judge the excerpts from the text. 

Acesso em:

Diego Quintero, after attending the FutureG Summer Research Camp, decided not to apply for the Fulton Schools accelerated master's degree program. 
Q3044799 Inglês

Analyze the statement below regarding syntactic analysis.

In the sentence "She gave her friend a book on syntactic theory," the phrase "a book on syntactic theory" is the direct object, and "her friend" is the indirect object, both following the traditional syntactic order of English.

Q3044798 Inglês

Analyze the statement below regarding syntactic analysis.

In the sentence "Although the project was completed, it failed to meet the initial expectations," the clause "Although the project was completed" is an independent clause that can stand alone as a complete sentence.

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