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Q2272375 Inglês
Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions

(1º§) Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning, the Dutch government has announced. The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year.

(2º§) There will be some exceptions, including for students with medical needs or a disability, and for classes focused on digital skills. The ban is not legally enforceable but may become so in the future. "Even though mobile phones are almost intertwined with our lives, they do not belong in the classroom," said Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. "Students must be able to concentrate there and be given every opportunity to learn well. We know from scientific research that mobile phones disrupt this."

(3º§) Various studies have found limiting children's screen time is linked to improved cognition and concentration. Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban. The government said it would be up to individual schools to agree the exact rules with teachers, parents and pupils - including whether they wanted to completely ban devices __ schools.

(4º§) The scheme is the result of an agreement between the ministry, schools and related organisations. It will be reviewed at the end of the 2024/2025 school year to see how well it had worked and whether a legal ban is needed. The announcement follows a similar decision by Finland last week.

(5º§) Its government announced it would change the law to make it easier __ restrict the use of phones in schools. Other countries, including England and France, have also proposed banning mobile phones to improve learning. 
Consider the sentence:

"The government said it would be up to individual schools to agree the exact rules with teachers." (3º§)

Which verb tense the sentence above is?
Q2272374 Inglês
Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions

(1º§) Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning, the Dutch government has announced. The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year.

(2º§) There will be some exceptions, including for students with medical needs or a disability, and for classes focused on digital skills. The ban is not legally enforceable but may become so in the future. "Even though mobile phones are almost intertwined with our lives, they do not belong in the classroom," said Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. "Students must be able to concentrate there and be given every opportunity to learn well. We know from scientific research that mobile phones disrupt this."

(3º§) Various studies have found limiting children's screen time is linked to improved cognition and concentration. Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban. The government said it would be up to individual schools to agree the exact rules with teachers, parents and pupils - including whether they wanted to completely ban devices __ schools.

(4º§) The scheme is the result of an agreement between the ministry, schools and related organisations. It will be reviewed at the end of the 2024/2025 school year to see how well it had worked and whether a legal ban is needed. The announcement follows a similar decision by Finland last week.

(5º§) Its government announced it would change the law to make it easier __ restrict the use of phones in schools. Other countries, including England and France, have also proposed banning mobile phones to improve learning. 
In the text, which conjunction is used to introduce a contrast between the idea of mobile phones being intertwined with our lives and the belief that they do not belong in the classroom? 
Q2272373 Inglês
Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions

(1º§) Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning, the Dutch government has announced. The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year.

(2º§) There will be some exceptions, including for students with medical needs or a disability, and for classes focused on digital skills. The ban is not legally enforceable but may become so in the future. "Even though mobile phones are almost intertwined with our lives, they do not belong in the classroom," said Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. "Students must be able to concentrate there and be given every opportunity to learn well. We know from scientific research that mobile phones disrupt this."

(3º§) Various studies have found limiting children's screen time is linked to improved cognition and concentration. Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban. The government said it would be up to individual schools to agree the exact rules with teachers, parents and pupils - including whether they wanted to completely ban devices __ schools.

(4º§) The scheme is the result of an agreement between the ministry, schools and related organisations. It will be reviewed at the end of the 2024/2025 school year to see how well it had worked and whether a legal ban is needed. The announcement follows a similar decision by Finland last week.

(5º§) Its government announced it would change the law to make it easier __ restrict the use of phones in schools. Other countries, including England and France, have also proposed banning mobile phones to improve learning. 
In the sentence: (2º§) "'Even though mobile phones are almost intertwined with our lives, they do not belong in the classroom,' said Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf.", which type of reported speech is used?
Q2272372 Inglês
Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions

(1º§) Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning, the Dutch government has announced. The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year.

(2º§) There will be some exceptions, including for students with medical needs or a disability, and for classes focused on digital skills. The ban is not legally enforceable but may become so in the future. "Even though mobile phones are almost intertwined with our lives, they do not belong in the classroom," said Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. "Students must be able to concentrate there and be given every opportunity to learn well. We know from scientific research that mobile phones disrupt this."

(3º§) Various studies have found limiting children's screen time is linked to improved cognition and concentration. Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban. The government said it would be up to individual schools to agree the exact rules with teachers, parents and pupils - including whether they wanted to completely ban devices __ schools.

(4º§) The scheme is the result of an agreement between the ministry, schools and related organisations. It will be reviewed at the end of the 2024/2025 school year to see how well it had worked and whether a legal ban is needed. The announcement follows a similar decision by Finland last week.

(5º§) Its government announced it would change the law to make it easier __ restrict the use of phones in schools. Other countries, including England and France, have also proposed banning mobile phones to improve learning. 
Choose the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks of paragraphs 3º and 5º.
Q2272371 Inglês
Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions

(1º§) Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning, the Dutch government has announced. The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year.

(2º§) There will be some exceptions, including for students with medical needs or a disability, and for classes focused on digital skills. The ban is not legally enforceable but may become so in the future. "Even though mobile phones are almost intertwined with our lives, they do not belong in the classroom," said Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. "Students must be able to concentrate there and be given every opportunity to learn well. We know from scientific research that mobile phones disrupt this."

(3º§) Various studies have found limiting children's screen time is linked to improved cognition and concentration. Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban. The government said it would be up to individual schools to agree the exact rules with teachers, parents and pupils - including whether they wanted to completely ban devices __ schools.

(4º§) The scheme is the result of an agreement between the ministry, schools and related organisations. It will be reviewed at the end of the 2024/2025 school year to see how well it had worked and whether a legal ban is needed. The announcement follows a similar decision by Finland last week.

(5º§) Its government announced it would change the law to make it easier __ restrict the use of phones in schools. Other countries, including England and France, have also proposed banning mobile phones to improve learning. 
In the sentence (3º§) "Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban.," which word contains a voiced fricative sound?
Q2272370 Inglês
Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions

(1º§) Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning, the Dutch government has announced. The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year.

(2º§) There will be some exceptions, including for students with medical needs or a disability, and for classes focused on digital skills. The ban is not legally enforceable but may become so in the future. "Even though mobile phones are almost intertwined with our lives, they do not belong in the classroom," said Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. "Students must be able to concentrate there and be given every opportunity to learn well. We know from scientific research that mobile phones disrupt this."

(3º§) Various studies have found limiting children's screen time is linked to improved cognition and concentration. Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban. The government said it would be up to individual schools to agree the exact rules with teachers, parents and pupils - including whether they wanted to completely ban devices __ schools.

(4º§) The scheme is the result of an agreement between the ministry, schools and related organisations. It will be reviewed at the end of the 2024/2025 school year to see how well it had worked and whether a legal ban is needed. The announcement follows a similar decision by Finland last week.

(5º§) Its government announced it would change the law to make it easier __ restrict the use of phones in schools. Other countries, including England and France, have also proposed banning mobile phones to improve learning. 
Considering the context of the sentence, choose the alternative that presents a false cognate.
Q2272369 Inglês
Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions

(1º§) Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning, the Dutch government has announced. The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year.

(2º§) There will be some exceptions, including for students with medical needs or a disability, and for classes focused on digital skills. The ban is not legally enforceable but may become so in the future. "Even though mobile phones are almost intertwined with our lives, they do not belong in the classroom," said Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. "Students must be able to concentrate there and be given every opportunity to learn well. We know from scientific research that mobile phones disrupt this."

(3º§) Various studies have found limiting children's screen time is linked to improved cognition and concentration. Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban. The government said it would be up to individual schools to agree the exact rules with teachers, parents and pupils - including whether they wanted to completely ban devices __ schools.

(4º§) The scheme is the result of an agreement between the ministry, schools and related organisations. It will be reviewed at the end of the 2024/2025 school year to see how well it had worked and whether a legal ban is needed. The announcement follows a similar decision by Finland last week.

(5º§) Its government announced it would change the law to make it easier __ restrict the use of phones in schools. Other countries, including England and France, have also proposed banning mobile phones to improve learning. 
How does the Dutch government plan to determine the success of the ban on mobile phones in classrooms?
Q2270007 Conhecimentos Gerais
"Os imigrantes alemães chegaram na região em 1829 e os italianos em 1877, onde instalaram diversas colônias. A primeira colônia europeia em Santa Catarina foi instalada em (...)"

Disponível em:

Qual é a localidade à qual se refere o trecho acima, como sendo a primeira colônia europeia em Santa Catarina?
Q2269989 Medicina
No bloqueio atrioventricular de segundo grau existem três tipos: Mobitz Tipo I (fenômeno Wenckebach), Mobitz tipo II, e o de maior intensidade (ou avançado) bloqueio atrioventricular de segundo grau (Park, 2015). Assinale a alternativa CORRETA que corresponde a Mobitz Tipo I (fenômeno Wenckebach).
Q2269983 Medicina
"A bacterascite é a condição em que o líquido de ascite apresenta menos de___polimorfonucleares / mm3 , mas ocorre nele crescimento bacteriano, podendo representar a colonização transitória da ascite ou os primórdios da peritonite bacteriana espontânea".

Fonte: Quilici, et al. 2019.
Q2269977 Medicina
Em relação a Condrossarcoma, é INCORRETO afirmar que: 
Q2269976 Medicina
Com base na classificação histológica dos pólipos colorretais, assinale a alternativa CORRETA que está relacionada aos neoplásicos.
Q2269939 Psicologia
Quanto as diretrizes da Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher, qual a afirmativa CORRETA?
Q2269937 Psicologia
Silvia Lane foi essencial no percurso de reconstrução de uma Psicologia Social sócio-histórica no Brasil. Existem alguns aspectos da posição sócio-histórica na Psicologia Social, os quais se interessam acompanhar o movimento dos humanos, suas transformações e mudanças que provocam no mundo. A partir disso, assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Q2269936 Psicologia
Sobre o processo diagnóstico da psicopatologia, assinale a alternativa CORRETA. 
Q2269935 Psicologia
Com base na Constituição Federal, em seus Artigos 196, 197, 198, 199 e 200, a alternativa CORRETA é:
Q2269934 Psicologia
Freud remodelou a teoria do aparelho psíquico e introduziu outros conceitos para referir-se aos sistemas da personalidade. Agora, assinale a alternativa CORRETA. 
Q2269932 Psicologia
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA quanto aos transtornos de humor em crianças e adolescentes.
Q2269931 Psicologia
A característica essencial do transtorno da personalidade narcisista é um padrão difuso de grandiosidade, necessidade de admiração e falta de empatia que surge no início da vida adulta e está presente em vários contextos. Sobre esse transtorno, qual a afirmativa CORRETA?
Q2269930 Psicologia
Sobre a evolução das políticas de atenção à saúde da mulher, assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
5081: A
5082: B
5083: B
5084: B
5085: B
5086: B
5087: C
5088: D
5089: A
5090: D
5091: C
5092: A
5093: A
5094: D
5095: A
5096: A
5097: D
5098: A
5099: A
5100: A