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O desenvolvimento da linguagem em crianças ocorre de maneira progressiva e em etapas distintas. Sobre o assunto, julgue as seguintes afirmações como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F):
1.(_) A fase de "cooing" deve ocorrer aproximadamente dos 5 aos 10 meses, cuja principal característica é que os bebês começam vocalizar e formar sílabas repetitivas.
2.(_) Durante a explosão de vocabulário, que ocorre por volta dos 3 anos, as crianças começam a juntar duas palavras para formar frases simples, que ainda não se encaixam em contextos específicos, mas são compreensíveis.
3.(_) A compreensão das palavras começa a se desenvolver entre 8 a 12 meses, onde os bebês reconhecem e respondem a palavras simples.
Assinale a alternativa cuja respectiva ordem de julgamento esteja correta:
A escola desempenha um papel fundamental na formação do caráter e na socialização dos alunos, preparando-os para a vida em sociedade. Sobre o assunto, julgue as seguintes afirmações como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F):
1.(_) A escola deve focar seus esforços principalmente no ensino de conteúdos acadêmicos, sem se preocupar tanto com a formação moral dos alunos, pois isso já é implicitamente aprendido com as regras e normativas da própria instituição de ensino.
2.(_) A interação entre a comunidade escolar e família dos alunos é essencial e benéfica para o acompanhamento do desempenho.
3.(_) A escola, enquanto modelo de promoção de conteúdos didáticos, deve atuar isoladamente, sem a necessidade de parcerias com a comunidade, que é responsável pela parte social da educação do aluno.
Assinale a alternativa cuja respectiva ordem de julgamento esteja correta:
A tendência pedagógica Crítico-Social dos Conteúdos surgiu no Brasil no final dos anos 70. Assim, avalie as proposições:
I. A tendência Crítico-Social dos Conteúdos é uma tendência pedagógica que tem por característica enfatizar o conhecimento histórico e a realidade social.
II. A tendência Crítico-Social dos Conteúdos tem como atributo centralizar o ensino no professor, que é visto como um especialista, ou seja, a imagem do professor é uma referência de conhecimento.
III. A tendência Crítico-Social dos Conteúdos é responsável por preparar o aluno de maneira integral para o mundo adulto e a democratização da sociedade, construindo um cidadão antes de construir um aluno.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
A aplicação da disciplina positiva no ambiente escolar envolve criar um ambiente de aprendizagem baseado no respeito mútuo, na comunicação eficaz e na promoção de comportamentos positivos. Assim, avalie as proposições:
I. A disciplina positiva no ambiente escolar promove o bem-estar escolar, utilizando consequências lógicas ao invés de se valer de punições severas ou humilhantes.
II. A disciplina positiva no ambiente escolar desconsidera a participação ativa dos alunos no processo de resolução de problemas, pois os alunos são ensinados desde os anos iniciais a se comportarem de maneira gentil e empática.
III. A disciplina positiva no ambiente escolar promove a empatia entre os alunos, ensinando-os a entender e respeitar os sentimentos dos outros.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
O papel do professor como um educador é crucial no desenvolvimento da prática de leitura dos alunos. Assim, avalie as proposições:
I. O professor deve ser um leitor ativo que utiliza como forma de ensino o ato de compartilhar suas experiências de leitura com os alunos.
II. A formação continuada dos professores é irrelevante para a melhoria das práticas de leitura, pois essa é uma qualidade que deve ser avaliada já no momento de sua contratação.
III. A mediação do professor é fundamental, pois funciona como um incentivo para despertar o interesse dos alunos pela leitura.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
O Plano Municipal de Educação (PME) de Descanso SC, para o decênio 2015-2025, foi elaborado em conformidade com o Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE). Assim, avalie as proposições:
I. O PME de Descanso foi aprovado pela Lei Federal nº 13.005, de 25 de junho de 2014.
II. O PME de Descanso será avaliado a cada 5 anos através de conferência municipal.
III.O PME de Descanso inclui metas para a educação infantil, ensino fundamental e médio.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
New Research Sheds Light to The Persian Plateau: A Crucial Hub for Homo Sapiens Post-Africa Migration
March 31, 2024
The Persian plateau, a region that spans modern-day Iran, has been identified as a critical hub for Homo sapiens following their migration out of Africa. This pivotal role was established through the integration of genetic evidence, paleoecological models, and archaeological findings. The research, led by a team of scientists from various institutions, indicates that Homo sapiens dispersed from Africa approximately 70−60 thousand years ago (kya), but it wasn't until around 45 kya that they began to colonize all of Eurasia extensively. The interim period, which saw these early humans settle in the Persian plateau, has been a subject of considerable scientific interest.
The Genetic Evidence
Genetic studies reveal that populations within the Persian Plateau possess ancestry components closely matching those of the earliest Homo sapiens who left Africa. This suggests that the plateau acted as a significant waypoint for our species during their early Eurasian colonization attempts. The genetic markers found in the region provide a direct link to these ancient travelers, shedding light on the movements and expansions of early human populations.
Paleoecological Insights
The research further explores the environmental conditions that made the Persian plateau a suitable habitation site for early Homo sapiens. Using paleoecological models, the team reconstructed the climatic conditions of the plateau between 70 and 30 kya. The models indicate that the region could support human life throughout this period, offering a stable environment for these communities. Moreover, the plateau's ecological diversity and resources could sustain larger populations compared to other West Asian regions, making it an ideal settlement area during this epoch.
Archaeological Corroboration
Archaeological evidence from the Persian Plate supports the genetic and paleoecological findings. Sites across the region have yielded artifacts and remains dating back to the relevant period, indicating a continuous human presence. These archaeological sites, alongside the genetic and environmental data, paint a comprehensive picture of the plateau as a bustling hub for early humans.
The combination of genetic, paleoecological, and archaeological evidence positions the Persian plateau as a critical juncture in the story of human migration and settlement. This research not only highlights the importance of the region in our prehistoric past but also opens new avenues for understanding the complex journey of Homo sapiens as they spread across the globe. Further investigations into this area are likely to yield even more insights into the early chapters of human history. persian-plateau-a-crucial-hub-for-homo-sapiens-post-africa-migration
New Research Sheds Light to The Persian Plateau: A Crucial Hub for Homo Sapiens Post-Africa Migration
March 31, 2024
The Persian plateau, a region that spans modern-day Iran, has been identified as a critical hub for Homo sapiens following their migration out of Africa. This pivotal role was established through the integration of genetic evidence, paleoecological models, and archaeological findings. The research, led by a team of scientists from various institutions, indicates that Homo sapiens dispersed from Africa approximately 70−60 thousand years ago (kya), but it wasn't until around 45 kya that they began to colonize all of Eurasia extensively. The interim period, which saw these early humans settle in the Persian plateau, has been a subject of considerable scientific interest.
The Genetic Evidence
Genetic studies reveal that populations within the Persian Plateau possess ancestry components closely matching those of the earliest Homo sapiens who left Africa. This suggests that the plateau acted as a significant waypoint for our species during their early Eurasian colonization attempts. The genetic markers found in the region provide a direct link to these ancient travelers, shedding light on the movements and expansions of early human populations.
Paleoecological Insights
The research further explores the environmental conditions that made the Persian plateau a suitable habitation site for early Homo sapiens. Using paleoecological models, the team reconstructed the climatic conditions of the plateau between 70 and 30 kya. The models indicate that the region could support human life throughout this period, offering a stable environment for these communities. Moreover, the plateau's ecological diversity and resources could sustain larger populations compared to other West Asian regions, making it an ideal settlement area during this epoch.
Archaeological Corroboration
Archaeological evidence from the Persian Plate supports the genetic and paleoecological findings. Sites across the region have yielded artifacts and remains dating back to the relevant period, indicating a continuous human presence. These archaeological sites, alongside the genetic and environmental data, paint a comprehensive picture of the plateau as a bustling hub for early humans.
The combination of genetic, paleoecological, and archaeological evidence positions the Persian plateau as a critical juncture in the story of human migration and settlement. This research not only highlights the importance of the region in our prehistoric past but also opens new avenues for understanding the complex journey of Homo sapiens as they spread across the globe. Further investigations into this area are likely to yield even more insights into the early chapters of human history. persian-plateau-a-crucial-hub-for-homo-sapiens-post-africa-migration
New Research Sheds Light to The Persian Plateau: A Crucial Hub for Homo Sapiens Post-Africa Migration
March 31, 2024
The Persian plateau, a region that spans modern-day Iran, has been identified as a critical hub for Homo sapiens following their migration out of Africa. This pivotal role was established through the integration of genetic evidence, paleoecological models, and archaeological findings. The research, led by a team of scientists from various institutions, indicates that Homo sapiens dispersed from Africa approximately 70−60 thousand years ago (kya), but it wasn't until around 45 kya that they began to colonize all of Eurasia extensively. The interim period, which saw these early humans settle in the Persian plateau, has been a subject of considerable scientific interest.
The Genetic Evidence
Genetic studies reveal that populations within the Persian Plateau possess ancestry components closely matching those of the earliest Homo sapiens who left Africa. This suggests that the plateau acted as a significant waypoint for our species during their early Eurasian colonization attempts. The genetic markers found in the region provide a direct link to these ancient travelers, shedding light on the movements and expansions of early human populations.
Paleoecological Insights
The research further explores the environmental conditions that made the Persian plateau a suitable habitation site for early Homo sapiens. Using paleoecological models, the team reconstructed the climatic conditions of the plateau between 70 and 30 kya. The models indicate that the region could support human life throughout this period, offering a stable environment for these communities. Moreover, the plateau's ecological diversity and resources could sustain larger populations compared to other West Asian regions, making it an ideal settlement area during this epoch.
Archaeological Corroboration
Archaeological evidence from the Persian Plate supports the genetic and paleoecological findings. Sites across the region have yielded artifacts and remains dating back to the relevant period, indicating a continuous human presence. These archaeological sites, alongside the genetic and environmental data, paint a comprehensive picture of the plateau as a bustling hub for early humans.
The combination of genetic, paleoecological, and archaeological evidence positions the Persian plateau as a critical juncture in the story of human migration and settlement. This research not only highlights the importance of the region in our prehistoric past but also opens new avenues for understanding the complex journey of Homo sapiens as they spread across the globe. Further investigations into this area are likely to yield even more insights into the early chapters of human history. persian-plateau-a-crucial-hub-for-homo-sapiens-post-africa-migration