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Q22415 Direito Tributário
"A redução do Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados ? IPI para geladeiras, fogões, máquinas de lavar e tanquinhos, produtos da linha branca, que encerraria no próximo dia 31, foi prorrogada por mais três meses. A partir de 10 de novembro entra em vigor uma nova tabela cujas alíquotas passam a ser estabelecidas com base na efi ciência energética dos produtos, de acordo com a classifi cação do Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem, coordenado pelo Inmetro. O anúncio foi feito nesta quinta-feira pelo ministro da Fazenda Guido Mantega. "Nós estamos desonerando mais os produtos que consomem menos energia", explicou. A medida vale até 31 de janeiro de 2010. Segundo ele, as geladeiras, que antes do IPI baixo tinham uma alíquota de 15%, e recuou para 5%, poderão manter essa mesma alíquota reduzida, mas somente para os produtos da chamada classe "A", ou seja, com menor consumo de energia. As geladeiras da classe "B" passarão a ter uma alíquota de 10% e o restante voltará a ter um IPI de 15%."
(Extraído do site, notícia de 29.10.2009).
Na notícia acima, identifi camos um importante aspecto do IPI - Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados. Assinale, entre as opções que se seguem, aquela que explica e justifi ca tal aspecto, isto é, somente aquele que a notícia mencionada destacou.
Q22414 Direito Tributário
O art. 154, inciso I, da Constituição Federal, outorga à União o que se costuma chamar de competência tributária residual, permitindo que institua outros impostos que não os previstos no art. 153. Sobre estes impostos, é incorreto afirmar que:
Q22407 Direito Administrativo
O controle externo da Adminisrtação Pública, no que está afeto ao Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), compreende
Q22406 Direito Administrativo
Entre os direitos assegurados aos servidores públicos, inclui- se o de greve, nos limites da legislação específica, conforme art. 37/ VII da Constituição, mas o Supremo Tribunal Federal, recentemente, firmou entendimento, que hoje predomina, no sentido de que,
Q22405 Direito Administrativo
Em se tratando de permissão e concessão da prestação de serviço público, ante o disposto na Lei n. 8.987/95, marque a opção incorreta.
Q22404 Direito Administrativo
O poder hierárquico e o poder disciplinar, pela sua natureza, guardam entre si alguns pontos característicos comuns, que os diferenciam do poder de polícia, eis que
Q22403 Direito Administrativo

Marque a opção incorreta.

Q22402 Direito Administrativo
Marque a opção incorreta.
Q22398 Direito Constitucional
Sobre os direitos e deveres individuais e coletivos, assinale a única opção correta.
Q22394 Direito Constitucional
Sobre os direitos e deveres individuais e coletivos, assinale a única opção correta.
Q22390 Raciocínio Lógico
Sejam X, Y e Z três pontos distintos de uma reta. O segmento XY é igual ao triplo do segmento YZ. O segmento XZ mede 32 centímetros. Desse modo, uma das possíveis medidas do segmento XY, em centímetros, é igual a:
Q22388 Raciocínio Lógico
Três amigas participam de um campeonato de arco e fl echa. Em cada tiro, a primeira das amigas tem uma probabilidade de acertar o alvo de 3/5, a segunda tem uma probabilidade de acertar o alvo de 5/6, e a terceira tem uma probabilidade de acertar o alvo de 2/3. Se cada uma das amigas der um tiro de maneira independente dos tiros das outras duas, qual a probabilidade de pelo menos dois dos três tiros acertarem o alvo?
Q22387 Estatística
Obtenha o valor mais próximo da variância amostral da seguinte distribuição de frequências, onde Xi representa o i-ésimo valor observado e fi a respectiva frequência.

Xi  5  6  7  8  9
fi   2  6  6  4  3
Q22381 Inglês
Brazil boosts the dollar
How long can the run on the dollar continue? Last
year's dollar slump, with its attendant rise in commodity
prices, ended when the market put paid to it. This time
governments are attempting to slow it down. But it is not,
as widely expected, the US government that is doing
this. Instead, the Canadian dollar dropped sharply on
Tuesday after the Bank of Canada issued a warning over
the currency's recent strength. Brazil's government went
further, imposing capital controls to stop the real gaining
at the dollar's expense. Other countries, it appears, have
more to lose from a weak dollar than the US does.
Perhaps as a result, there was a day's pause in the
trade that has seen the dollar hit 14-month lows while oil,
denominated in dollars, briefl y hit $80 a barrel before falling.
Brazil's imposition of a 2 per cent tax on capital infl ows, to
both stocks and bonds, showed strong intent. This move
brought the real, which has risen 54.5 per cent against the
dollar since its nadir, down by 3.8 per cent. The Bovespa
stock index, which has tripled since its low, fell 7.5 per cent
in dollar terms at one point.
Brazil evidently fears that an overpriced real could endanger
its recovery. Other exporters will be watching closely.
(Source: the Financial Times October 20-, adapted)
The cause of Brazilian government action, according to the text, is concern
Q22380 Inglês
Brazil boosts the dollar
How long can the run on the dollar continue? Last
year's dollar slump, with its attendant rise in commodity
prices, ended when the market put paid to it. This time
governments are attempting to slow it down. But it is not,
as widely expected, the US government that is doing
this. Instead, the Canadian dollar dropped sharply on
Tuesday after the Bank of Canada issued a warning over
the currency's recent strength. Brazil's government went
further, imposing capital controls to stop the real gaining
at the dollar's expense. Other countries, it appears, have
more to lose from a weak dollar than the US does.
Perhaps as a result, there was a day's pause in the
trade that has seen the dollar hit 14-month lows while oil,
denominated in dollars, briefl y hit $80 a barrel before falling.
Brazil's imposition of a 2 per cent tax on capital infl ows, to
both stocks and bonds, showed strong intent. This move
brought the real, which has risen 54.5 per cent against the
dollar since its nadir, down by 3.8 per cent. The Bovespa
stock index, which has tripled since its low, fell 7.5 per cent
in dollar terms at one point.
Brazil evidently fears that an overpriced real could endanger
its recovery. Other exporters will be watching closely.
(Source: the Financial Times October 20-, adapted)
The result of the new Brazilian tax on investments was
Q22379 Inglês
Brazil boosts the dollar
How long can the run on the dollar continue? Last
year's dollar slump, with its attendant rise in commodity
prices, ended when the market put paid to it. This time
governments are attempting to slow it down. But it is not,
as widely expected, the US government that is doing
this. Instead, the Canadian dollar dropped sharply on
Tuesday after the Bank of Canada issued a warning over
the currency's recent strength. Brazil's government went
further, imposing capital controls to stop the real gaining
at the dollar's expense. Other countries, it appears, have
more to lose from a weak dollar than the US does.
Perhaps as a result, there was a day's pause in the
trade that has seen the dollar hit 14-month lows while oil,
denominated in dollars, briefl y hit $80 a barrel before falling.
Brazil's imposition of a 2 per cent tax on capital infl ows, to
both stocks and bonds, showed strong intent. This move
brought the real, which has risen 54.5 per cent against the
dollar since its nadir, down by 3.8 per cent. The Bovespa
stock index, which has tripled since its low, fell 7.5 per cent
in dollar terms at one point.
Brazil evidently fears that an overpriced real could endanger
its recovery. Other exporters will be watching closely.
(Source: the Financial Times October 20-, adapted)
The writer claims that Canada and Brazil both appeared to show
Q22378 Inglês
Brazil boosts the dollar
How long can the run on the dollar continue? Last
year's dollar slump, with its attendant rise in commodity
prices, ended when the market put paid to it. This time
governments are attempting to slow it down. But it is not,
as widely expected, the US government that is doing
this. Instead, the Canadian dollar dropped sharply on
Tuesday after the Bank of Canada issued a warning over
the currency's recent strength. Brazil's government went
further, imposing capital controls to stop the real gaining
at the dollar's expense. Other countries, it appears, have
more to lose from a weak dollar than the US does.
Perhaps as a result, there was a day's pause in the
trade that has seen the dollar hit 14-month lows while oil,
denominated in dollars, briefl y hit $80 a barrel before falling.
Brazil's imposition of a 2 per cent tax on capital infl ows, to
both stocks and bonds, showed strong intent. This move
brought the real, which has risen 54.5 per cent against the
dollar since its nadir, down by 3.8 per cent. The Bovespa
stock index, which has tripled since its low, fell 7.5 per cent
in dollar terms at one point.
Brazil evidently fears that an overpriced real could endanger
its recovery. Other exporters will be watching closely.
(Source: the Financial Times October 20-, adapted)
Compared to Canada, according to the text, Brazil
Q22377 Inglês
Brazil boosts the dollar
How long can the run on the dollar continue? Last
year's dollar slump, with its attendant rise in commodity
prices, ended when the market put paid to it. This time
governments are attempting to slow it down. But it is not,
as widely expected, the US government that is doing
this. Instead, the Canadian dollar dropped sharply on
Tuesday after the Bank of Canada issued a warning over
the currency's recent strength. Brazil's government went
further, imposing capital controls to stop the real gaining
at the dollar's expense. Other countries, it appears, have
more to lose from a weak dollar than the US does.
Perhaps as a result, there was a day's pause in the
trade that has seen the dollar hit 14-month lows while oil,
denominated in dollars, briefl y hit $80 a barrel before falling.
Brazil's imposition of a 2 per cent tax on capital infl ows, to
both stocks and bonds, showed strong intent. This move
brought the real, which has risen 54.5 per cent against the
dollar since its nadir, down by 3.8 per cent. The Bovespa
stock index, which has tripled since its low, fell 7.5 per cent
in dollar terms at one point.
Brazil evidently fears that an overpriced real could endanger
its recovery. Other exporters will be watching closely.
(Source: the Financial Times October 20-, adapted)
According to the text, last year the US currency
Q22376 Inglês
Brazil boosts the dollar
How long can the run on the dollar continue? Last
year's dollar slump, with its attendant rise in commodity
prices, ended when the market put paid to it. This time
governments are attempting to slow it down. But it is not,
as widely expected, the US government that is doing
this. Instead, the Canadian dollar dropped sharply on
Tuesday after the Bank of Canada issued a warning over
the currency's recent strength. Brazil's government went
further, imposing capital controls to stop the real gaining
at the dollar's expense. Other countries, it appears, have
more to lose from a weak dollar than the US does.
Perhaps as a result, there was a day's pause in the
trade that has seen the dollar hit 14-month lows while oil,
denominated in dollars, briefl y hit $80 a barrel before falling.
Brazil's imposition of a 2 per cent tax on capital infl ows, to
both stocks and bonds, showed strong intent. This move
brought the real, which has risen 54.5 per cent against the
dollar since its nadir, down by 3.8 per cent. The Bovespa
stock index, which has tripled since its low, fell 7.5 per cent
in dollar terms at one point.
Brazil evidently fears that an overpriced real could endanger
its recovery. Other exporters will be watching closely.
(Source: the Financial Times October 20-, adapted)
The title of the article suggests that the Brazilian government
Q22375 Inglês
In June this year, the BRICs, the world's newest economic
grouping, ended their fi rst major summit by calling for a
stable, predictable and more diversifi ed international
monetary system. But the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India
and China, stopped short of criticising the world's dominant
currency, the US dollar. The group repeated calls for a
bigger say in the global fi nancial system through greater
representation at major institutions, such as the World

But the fi nal statement issued by the leaders made no
reference to developing new reserve currencies to challenge
the dollar, which Russia had called for at a separate event
earlier in the day.

Analysts say that as the global recession bites, the four Bric
nations are showing a growing willingness to work together.
One expert claimed the signifi cance of the summit would
be political rather than economic
(BBC News 16/6/09, adapted)
The most suitable headline for this text would be
3521: E
3522: D
3523: B
3524: D
3525: B
3526: D
3527: D
3528: E
3529: C
3530: C
3531: B
3532: D
3533: C
3534: D
3535: E
3536: B
3537: C
3538: D
3539: A
3540: B