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I. Em se tratando dos dispositivos que versam sobre os direitos e os deveres individuais e coletivos, somente esses, por possuírem todos os elementos necessários à sua executoriedade direta e integral, podem ser considerados normas constitucionais de eficácia plena e aplicabilidade imediata.
II. As normas que dependem de outra norma da mesma estatura jurídica para que possam produzir efeito são consideradas normas de eficácia limitada.
III. As normas que definem objetivos cuja concretização depende de providências situadas fora ou além do texto constitucional, traçando metas a serem alcançadas pela atuação futura dos poderes públicos, são denominadas de normas constitucionais programáticas.
IV. As normas constitucionais de eficácia limitada não surtem efeitos nem podem servir de parâmetro para a declaração de inconstitucionalidade, pois são desprovidas de normatividade.
V. É uma norma programática o dispositivo constitucional que afirma ser a finalidade da ordem econômica assegurar a todos uma existência digna, conforme os ditames da justiça social.
Assinale a opção em que os itens estão incorretos.
The advantage
1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place.
2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to pre-owned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation.
3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that's no small thing.
Source: [slightly adapted]
The advantage
1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place.
2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to pre-owned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation.
3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that's no small thing.
Source: [slightly adapted]
Forecast lowered for air travel on slower China growth
A weaker global economy — and a slowdown in China — will likely dampen some of the growth in air travel over the next two decades.
The International Air Transport Association says the number of airline passengers is expected to double to 7 billion by 2034. That figure marks a decrease from a prior forecast of passengers totaling 7.4 billion in 2034, reflecting lower economic growth in China that will be likely to reduce demand for travel and potentially limit airplane orders for manufacturers Boeing and Airbus.
Despite the lower forecast, China is expected to add 758 million new passengers for a total of 1.2 billion flyers. Those gains would likely mean that China surpasses the United States as the world's largest passenger market by 2029.
Forecast lowered for air travel on slower China growth
A weaker global economy — and a slowdown in China — will likely dampen some of the growth in air travel over the next two decades.
The International Air Transport Association says the number of airline passengers is expected to double to 7 billion by 2034. That figure marks a decrease from a prior forecast of passengers totaling 7.4 billion in 2034, reflecting lower economic growth in China that will be likely to reduce demand for travel and potentially limit airplane orders for manufacturers Boeing and Airbus.
Despite the lower forecast, China is expected to add 758 million new passengers for a total of 1.2 billion flyers. Those gains would likely mean that China surpasses the United States as the world's largest passenger market by 2029.
Forecast lowered for air travel on slower China growth
A weaker global economy — and a slowdown in China — will likely dampen some of the growth in air travel over the next two decades.
The International Air Transport Association says the number of airline passengers is expected to double to 7 billion by 2034. That figure marks a decrease from a prior forecast of passengers totaling 7.4 billion in 2034, reflecting lower economic growth in China that will be likely to reduce demand for travel and potentially limit airplane orders for manufacturers Boeing and Airbus.
Despite the lower forecast, China is expected to add 758 million new passengers for a total of 1.2 billion flyers. Those gains would likely mean that China surpasses the United States as the world's largest passenger market by 2029.
A Secretaria de Aviação Civil da Presidência da República divulgou recentemente a pesquisa O Brasil que voa – Perfil dos Passageiros, Aeroportos e Rotas do Brasil, o mais completo levantamento sobre transporte aéreo de passageiros do País. Mais de 150 mil passageiros, ouvidos durante 2014 nos 65 aeroportos responsáveis por 98% da movimentação aérea do País, revelaram um perfil inédito do setor.
< ORIGEM=29>. Acesso em: 13/12/2015 (com adaptações).
O mercado de jatos executivos está em alta há alguns anos, e os maiores mercados são Estados Unidos, Brasil, França, Canadá, Alemanha, Inglaterra, Japão e México. Também nesse segmento a Embraer é destaque, apesar de disputar ferozmente esse mercado com outras indústrias poderosas, principalmente a canadense Bombardier. A Embraer S.A. está desenvolvendo também uma aeronave militar, batizada de KC-390, que substituirá os antigos Hércules C-130, da Força Aérea Brasileira. Para essa aeronave a Embraer S.A. já soma algumas centenas de pedidos e reservas.
<>Acesso em: 13/12/2015 (com adaptações).
As vírgulas no trecho "... os maiores mercados são Estados Unidos, Brasil, França, Canadá, Alemanha, Inglaterra, Japão e México." separam
Correlacione as definições da Coluna I com os elementos do ato administrativo constantes da Coluna II. Ao final, assinale a opção que contenha a sequência correta para a Coluna I.
A respeito das normas afetas aos servidores públicos, analise as afirmativas abaixo classificando-as em verdadeiras (V) ou falsas ( F). Ao final, assinale a opção que contenha a sequência correta.
( ) O servidor público eleito para o cargo de vereador poderá, caso haja compatibilidade de horários, acumular o exercício da vereança com seu cargo, função ou emprego público.
( ) Ao servidor ocupante exclusivamente de cargo em comissão aplica-se o Regime Geral da Previdência Social.
( ) Os cinco anos de exercício no cargo efetivo em que se dará a aposentadoria do servidor necessitam ser exercidos ininterruptamente.
( ) Compete à lei ordinária especificar as enfermidades graves, contagiosas ou incuráveis que ensejam aposentadoria por invalidez permanente com direito a proventos integrais.