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Analise as afirmativas abaixo em relação à escolha de estratégias para promover o conforto ambiental nas edificações de forma eficiente.
1. Cada estratégia deve ser aplicada de acordo com as características e necessidades específicas de cada projeto e contexto.
2. A utilização de métodos avançados de simulação permite identificar possíveis problemas e otimizar as soluções de conforto ambiental.
3. Elementos de sombreamento e ventilação cruzada são alguns dos recursos capazes de aumentar a carga térmica no interior dos edifícios.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Relacione abaixo as cargas horárias com as etapas da Educação Básica na EJA, de acordo com o artigo 3º da Resolução nº 01/2021, que estabelece diretrizes para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA).
Coluna 1 Etapas da Educação Básica na EJA
1. Os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental
2. Os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental
3. O Ensino Médio
Coluna 2 Cargas horárias mínimas
( ) 300 horas
( ) 1.200 horas
( ) 1.600 horas
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
O processo de avaliação na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), desenvolvida por meio da Educação a Distância (EaD), é regido pelo artigo 6º da Resolução 01/2021.
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) com base nesse artigo.
( ) autoavaliação e avaliação em grupos, sempre presenciais.
( ) garantia do efetivo controle social de seus desempenhos.
( ) avaliação periódica das instituições escolares como exercício da gestão democrática.
( ) avaliação rigorosa para a oferta de cursos, descredenciando práticas mercantilistas e instituições que não zelem pela qualidade de ensino.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
São formas de oferta da EJA:
1. Educação de Jovens e Adultos presencial.
2. Educação de Jovens e Adultos na modalidade Educação Semipresencial (EJA/Semi).
3. Educação de Jovens e Adultos na modalidade Educação a Distância (EJA/EaD).
4. Educação de Jovens e Adultos articulada à Educação Profissional, em cursos de qualificação profissional ou de Formação Técnica de Nível Superior.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Text 2
Pre-Communicative and Communicative Activities
[…] The development of communicative competence involves the acquisition and use of so-called language skills, which are promoted from the communicative approach in an integrated manner and with real communication purposes. To contribute to the development of these communicative language skills, the English teacher has a continuum of options ranging from so-called pre-communicative activities to proper communication activities. According to Littlewood (1998), the first are based on accuracy and present structures, functions, and vocabulary; the latter focus on fluency and involve information sharing and exchange.
The pre-communicative activities are subdivided into
structural activities and quasi-communicative activities. Structural activities are described as machining
and practical structures. The quasi-communicative ones are based on communication and the structure of the language. […]
English as a second Language teaching has methods ways in which teachers use to teach English.
Study the affirmatives below about Methods and Approaches, and mark the correct option.
Text 2
Pre-Communicative and Communicative Activities
[…] The development of communicative competence involves the acquisition and use of so-called language skills, which are promoted from the communicative approach in an integrated manner and with real communication purposes. To contribute to the development of these communicative language skills, the English teacher has a continuum of options ranging from so-called pre-communicative activities to proper communication activities. According to Littlewood (1998), the first are based on accuracy and present structures, functions, and vocabulary; the latter focus on fluency and involve information sharing and exchange.
The pre-communicative activities are subdivided into
structural activities and quasi-communicative activities. Structural activities are described as machining
and practical structures. The quasi-communicative ones are based on communication and the structure of the language. […]
Study these sentences below and decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).
( ) People learn a language best when using it to do things rather than through studying how language works and practicing rules.
( ) Learners participate in classroom activities that are based on an individualistic approach to learning.
( ) Communicative language teaching methodology makes real communication the focus of language learning.
( ) One of the goals of Communicative Language Teaching is to develop fluency in language use.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
Text 2
Pre-Communicative and Communicative Activities
[…] The development of communicative competence involves the acquisition and use of so-called language skills, which are promoted from the communicative approach in an integrated manner and with real communication purposes. To contribute to the development of these communicative language skills, the English teacher has a continuum of options ranging from so-called pre-communicative activities to proper communication activities. According to Littlewood (1998), the first are based on accuracy and present structures, functions, and vocabulary; the latter focus on fluency and involve information sharing and exchange.
The pre-communicative activities are subdivided into
structural activities and quasi-communicative activities. Structural activities are described as machining
and practical structures. The quasi-communicative ones are based on communication and the structure of the language. […]
Study the sentences bellow from text 2.
1. Languages skills are used to develop communicative competence as well as their acquisition.
2. Pre-communicative activities are based on information sharing and exchange.
3. Structural activities are related to the structure of the language, machining and practical structures.
4. The language skill based on accuracy and proper communication activities is called Pre-Communicative.
Choose the alternative which contains the correct sentences.
O planejamento do professor de educação infantil deve comprometer-se, de acordo com a Base Curricular da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Palhoça (2019), com o rompimento de relações de dominação:
1. Etária
2. Socioeconômica
3. Étnico-racial
4. De gênero
5. Regional
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
A Base Curricular da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Palhoça (2019, p. 87) menciona que, de acordo com Vigotski (2007):
“por meio da .................................. o sujeito constrói sua subjetividade e, em um movimento dialético, constrói-se socialmente, ao mesmo tempo que contribui na construção social.”
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna do texto.