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Q2254925 Pedagogia
Diagnosticar a necessidade de treinamentos e capacitações liga-se a que tipo de área da gestão?
Q2254924 Noções de Informática
A placa em que são colocados o microprocessador e a memória RAM é denominada:
Q2254923 Noções de Informática
Assinale a alternativa que indica corretamente um dispositivo que armazena dados em células de memória flash.
Q2254507 Educação Artística
O artesanato passou a ser considerado profissão no Brasil somente em 2015, com uma lei que colocou como uma das diretrizes-base da profissão do artesão “a valorização da identidade e cultura nacionais”. Mas sabemos que muitos povos e comunidades já realizavam atividades artesanais anteriormente.

Com base no que foi exposto, é correto afirmar que os primeiros artesãos do Brasil foram os:
Q2254490 Pedagogia
Qual teoria de aprendizagem defende a ideia de que quanto mais o sujeito aprende, mais ele se desenvolve?
Q2254489 Pedagogia
A Proposta Curricular de São José defende uma visão de escola que a enxerga como o lugar que, histórico e socialmente, foi concebido para, privilegiadamente, intencional e organizadamente, garantir a socialização – apropriação do conhecimento universal acumulado e sistematizado – a Ciência, a Técnica, a Filosofia e a Arte – convertidos em:
Q2254488 Pedagogia
O instrumento onde consta a proposta educacional da escola, os desafios a serem enfrentados, os caminhos a serem percorridos para superá-los, o papel que cada um da comunidade escolar tem, bem como suas responsabilidades, é denominado:
Q2254487 Pedagogia
Assim como na Constituição Federal de 1988, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (1996) determina que um dos princípios que deve reger o ensino público no país é o da gestão democrática, garantindo a qualidade em todos os níveis, tornando possível, assim, formar pessoas:
Q2254486 Pedagogia
As tendências e concepções pedagógicas da educação brasileira podem ser entendidas como um conjunto de pensamentos de filósofos e autores a respeito da educação e como ela é compartilhada.

Pesquisadores no campo educacional mostram que as principais tendências pedagógicas se dividem em duas linhas de pensamento pedagógico, conhecidas como:
Q2254485 Pedagogia
Consta no documento intitulado Política Nacional de Educação: pelo direito das crianças de zero a seis anos à educação, que a Educação Infantil, embora tenha mais de um século de história como cuidado e educação extradomiciliar, somente nos últimos anos foi reconhecida como direito da criança, das famílias, como dever do Estado e como:
Q2254484 Pedagogia
A Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência) foi destinada a assegurar e a promover, em condições de igualdade, o exercício dos direitos e das liberdades fundamentais por pessoa com deficiência, visando à sua:
Q2254483 Pedagogia
Assinale a alternativa que indica corretamente o autor que, ao estudar os processos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento humano, construiu o conceito de Zona de Desenvolvimento Iminente, que em algumas traduções aparece como Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal.
Q2254482 Pedagogia
De acordo com o artigo 2º da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (1996), a educação escolar deverá vincular-se ao mundo do trabalho e:
Q2254401 Inglês

Reading Comprehension

Metal Detectors

Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?

If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.

Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.

The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.

Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:

Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.

These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.

There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?

Metal detectors make the world a safer place.

After reading the text, which happens first?
Q2254400 Inglês

Reading Comprehension

Metal Detectors

Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?

If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.

Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.

The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.

Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:

Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.

These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.

There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?

Metal detectors make the world a safer place.

According to the text, which title would best describe the purpose of this text?
Q2254399 Inglês

Reading Comprehension

Metal Detectors

Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?

If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.

Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.

The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.

Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:

Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.

These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.

There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?

Metal detectors make the world a safer place.

According to the text, why do people bring metal detectors to the beach?
Q2254398 Inglês

Reading Comprehension

Metal Detectors

Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?

If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.

Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.

The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.

Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:

Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.

These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.

There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?

Metal detectors make the world a safer place.

According to the text, we can infer that metal detectors: 
Q2254397 Inglês

Reading Comprehension

Metal Detectors

Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?

If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.

Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.

The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.

Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:

Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.

These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.

There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?

Metal detectors make the world a safer place.

Which alternative best describes the main idea of the third paragraph?
Q2254396 Inglês

Reading Comprehension

Metal Detectors

Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?

If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.

Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.

The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.

Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:

Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.

These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.

There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?

Metal detectors make the world a safer place.

Identify the following statements as true ( T ) or false ( F ) about metal detectors according to the text.

( ) They used to be too big. ( ) They were too expensive. ( ) They didn’t work well. ( ) They were unsafe. ( ) They make magnetic waves.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence:
Q2254395 Pedagogia
A importância da tecnologia no ensino de língua inglesa surgiu para facilitar o ensino, tornando a experiência educativa melhor.

Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao uso das mídias e tecnologias para o ensino e a aprendizagem da língua inglesa no Brasil.
6661: E
6662: D
6663: B
6664: A
6665: B
6666: B
6667: E
6668: C
6669: D
6670: A
6671: C
6672: D
6673: A
6674: D
6675: A
6676: C
6677: D
6678: E
6679: A
6680: E