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Q2537526 Pedagogia

Segundo Nascimento (2009), em 1976 um grupo de pesquisadores da Unicamp visitou a MEDIA/Lab do Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachussetts nos Estados Unidos MIT/EUA, cujo retorno permitiu a criação de um grupo interdisciplinar entre linguistas, especialistas em computação e psicologia educacional, originando as primeiras investigações sobre o uso dos computadores na educação.

Como era chamada a linguagem de programação utilizada por esses pesquisadores? 

Q2536933 Matemática

Analise a matriz abaixo: 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

O valor de a para que o determinante da matriz seja 32 é:

Q2536932 Matemática

Analise o sistema linear abaixo:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

O valor de a para que o sistema linear seja possível e indeterminado é:

Q2536496 Português

De início, o Cebolinha diz “tlezentos e qualenta e quatlo…”. Percebemos a troca do R de trezentos e quarenta e quatro por L. Esse desvio se chama rotacismo (do grego rotakismós – uso demasiado ou errôneo da letra R) (…)

O que muita gente não leva em consideração é que esse aspecto da língua ocorre há séculos, inclusive por um inspirador da nossa literatura, Luís de Camões, em seu livro Os Lusíadas, publicado pela primeira vez em 1572, conforme trechos abaixo:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão “E não de agreste avena, ou frauta ruda.” 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão Pruma no gorro, um pouco declinada”

Imagem associada para resolução da questão “Era este ingrês potente, e militara”

Qual desvio abaixo também é rotacismo?

Q2535870 Inglês

Text 3

Digital habits across generations 

Today’s grandparents are joining their grandchildren on social media, but the different generations’ online habits couldn’t be more different. In the UK the over55s are joining Facebook in increasing numbers, meaning that they will soon be the site’s second biggest user group, with 3.5 million users aged 55-64 and 2.9 million over-65s.

Sheila, aged 59, says, ‘I joined to see what my grandchildren are doing, as my daughter posts videos and photos of them. It’s a much better way to see what they’re doing than waiting for letters and photos in the post. That’s how we did it when I was a child, but I think I’m lucky I get to see so much more of their lives than my grandparents did.’ Ironically, Sheila’s grandchildren are less likely to use Facebook themselves. Children under 17 in the UK are leaving the site – only 2.2 million users are under 17 – but they’re not going far from their smartphones.

Chloe, aged 15, even sleeps with her phone. ‘It’s my alarm clock so I have to,’ she says. ‘I look at it before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up.’ Unlike her grandmother’s generation, Chloe’s age group is spending so much time on their phones at home that they are missing out on spending time with their friends in real life. Sheila, on the other hand, has made contact with old friends from school she hasn’t heard from in forty years. ‘We use Facebook to arrange to meet all over the country,’ she says. ‘It’s changed my social life completely.’ Teenagers might have their parents to thank for their smartphone and social media addiction as their parents were the early adopters of the smartphone. Peter, 38 and father of two teenagers, reports that he used to be on his phone or laptop constantly. ‘I was always connected and I felt like I was always working,’ he says. ‘How could I tell my kids to get off their phones if I was always in front of a screen myself?’ So, in the evenings and at weekends, he takes his SIM card out of his smartphone and puts it into an old-style mobile phone that can only make calls and send text messages. ‘I’m not completely cut off from the world in case of emergencies, but the important thing is I’m setting a better example to my kids and spending more quality time with them.’ Is it only a matter of time until the generation above and below Peter catches up with the new trend for a less digital life?


Study these sentences below and decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to the information in text 3.

( ) Grandparents are your parents’ parents.

( ) In the following sentence: It’s changed my social life completely. The (‘s) is the contracted form of has.

( ) The word media (underlined in the first paragraph) is the singular form of medium and it is a countable noun.

( ) The underlined words in the second paragraph them and themselves are, respectively an object pronoun and a reflexive pronoun.

( ) In the following sentence Chloe’s age group is spending so much time on their phones at home that they are missing out on spending time with their friends in real life., the words spending, missing and spending are being used as nouns.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

166: C
167: E
168: C
169: D
170: A