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Q2114722 Conhecimentos Gerais
Assinale a alternativa correta em relação ao Mercado Comum do Sul-MERCOSUL.
Q2114720 Português
Analise as orações com base nas regras de colocação pronominal.
1. Nenhuma coisa me faz rir! 2. Quem me enviou estas flores? 3. Se eu disser-te a verdade, você não acreditará!
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as orações gramaticalmente corretas.
Q2114717 Português
Analise as orações abaixo quanto à concordância.
1. Apenas um terço do pescado se estragou. 2. Qualquer um de nós temos treinamento suficiente para enfrentar o treino. 3. Batia dez horas quando ela chegou. 4. Há três semanas não chove.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as orações corretas.
Q2106463 Português
Assinale a frase que está de acordo com as normas da língua escrita padrão.
Q2106459 Português
O grupo de amigos que se reunia, após o almoço, no Clube Rio Branco, de Cachoeira do Sul, falava em doenças. Todo um corso de males desfilava. Até que alguém comentou que um parente seu estava por morrer, de diabete.

O então vereador Geny Trindade, despachado e falastrão, comentou que diabete era com ele mesmo:

– Tirei carta de doutor cuidando de diabético. Minha santa avó – que Deus a levou – tinha tanto açúcar no sangue, que eu e meus irmãos colocávamos arandelas de lã de pelego nos pés da cama da velha…

– Pra que, Geny?

– Pras formigas não comerem a pobre da velha que, mal comparando, era uma rapadura que falava.

RILLO, Apparicio Silva. Rapa de Tacho: causos gauchescos. Porto Alegre: Editora Tchê, s.d.
No texto, há duas formas variantes próprias da língua falada, a saber: pra (variante de “para”) e pras (variante de “para as”.
No caso, essa variação se opera em que nível da língua?
Q2106457 Pedagogia
As línguas estão intrinsecamente relacionadas com a caracterização dos grupos culturais, o que vem de seu processo de formação histórica. Nessa reflexão, é preciso ter presente que, mesmo no âmbito de uma mesma língua, há tanto diferenças que as caracterizam com marcas de uma nação – o inglês dos Estados Unidos e o espanhol da Argentina, por exemplo – como variedades de fala no interior de uma mesma nação, que se relacionam a suas regiões geográficas (no Sul do Brasil há formas de falar diferentes do modo como se fala no Nordeste, o que vale também para países estrangeiros: o inglês falado no Oeste dos Estados Unidos tem muitas características de vocabulário e de estrutura diferentes do inglês falado no Leste do país, para dar apenas alguns exemplos); a estratos sociais (as elites escolarizadas têm traços de fala distintos dos estratos de maior vulnerabilidade social nos quais não há escolaridade plena); a faixas etárias (jovens tendem a manifestar traços de fala distintos de idosos, por exemplo), dentre outros fatores.

Disponível em: <
Curricular-de-Santa-Catarina.pdf> . Acesso em: 21/02/2020. [Fragmento adaptado].
O ensino da língua portuguesa numa perspectiva interdisciplinar implica:
Q2106454 Pedagogia
As línguas estão intrinsecamente relacionadas com a caracterização dos grupos culturais, o que vem de seu processo de formação histórica. Nessa reflexão, é preciso ter presente que, mesmo no âmbito de uma mesma língua, há tanto diferenças que as caracterizam com marcas de uma nação – o inglês dos Estados Unidos e o espanhol da Argentina, por exemplo – como variedades de fala no interior de uma mesma nação, que se relacionam a suas regiões geográficas (no Sul do Brasil há formas de falar diferentes do modo como se fala no Nordeste, o que vale também para países estrangeiros: o inglês falado no Oeste dos Estados Unidos tem muitas características de vocabulário e de estrutura diferentes do inglês falado no Leste do país, para dar apenas alguns exemplos); a estratos sociais (as elites escolarizadas têm traços de fala distintos dos estratos de maior vulnerabilidade social nos quais não há escolaridade plena); a faixas etárias (jovens tendem a manifestar traços de fala distintos de idosos, por exemplo), dentre outros fatores.

Disponível em: <
Curricular-de-Santa-Catarina.pdf> . Acesso em: 21/02/2020. [Fragmento adaptado].
Assinale a concepção de gramática que está em consonância com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e a Proposta Curricular de Santa Catarina de 2014.
Q2106451 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que o número de letras é maior do que o número de fonemas em todas as palavras.
Q2106441 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
Choose the alternative which correctly describes the method used by Americans to become orally proficient in the allies and enemies languages during the World War II and, pushed the US Army to provide intensive language courses.
Q2106440 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
Choose the alternative which contains the Method that is focused on grammatical rules.
Q2106439 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
Choose the alternative that contains the correct definition for Methods of English Language Teaching.
Q2106438 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
The alternative which contains the correct description for the Scanning Reading Strategy is:
Q2106437 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
The pronoun “they” in “They eat a large volume of food during the winter“ refers to:
Q2106436 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
A cross-curricular work is:
Q2106435 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
Effective readers know when they lose the meaning of what they are reading. When it happens they often unconsciously select and use a reading strategy. There are some strategies that can be applied to develop those comprehension strategies.
Choose the alternative which contains the reading strategies.
Q2106434 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
The underlined word in the sentence “…but is now under threat from nature itself”, has its correct meaning in which alternative?
Q2106433 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
Complete the sentence below:
When language learning is based on learning _____________________, the focus of this_________________ is on the individual learners and their _________________preferences.

Choose the alternative that completes the sentence correctly.
Q2106432 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct pair of synonyms.
Q2106431 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
The sentence “…the number of polar bears in the wild is decreasing dramatically”; can be rewritten without changing its meaning, as:
Q2106430 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
Analyze the words in bold in the sentences below:
However, we need to think about animals, too  ‘…but is now under threat from nature itself.’ ‘Due to exhaustion or stormy weather…’ ‘As a result of all these factors…’
We can infer that the words in bold:
1. They are called discourse markers or linking words, as they help the speaker to manage the conversation and mark when it changes.
2. Discourse markers are words and phrases used in reading to ‘signpost’ discourse.
3. Linking words show us turns, join ideas together, and generally control communication.
4. Discourse markers are referred to more commonly as ‘linking words’ and ‘linking phrases’, or ‘sentence connectors’.
5. They are used more frequently in speech, unless the speech is very formal.

Choose the alternative which contains all the correct affirmatives.
7661: D
7662: C
7663: D
7664: B
7665: B
7666: E
7667: D
7668: D
7669: E
7670: B
7671: C
7672: A
7673: D
7674: D
7675: C
7676: A
7677: B
7678: D
7679: D
7680: E