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Q1922918 Português
Leia o texto abaixo:
Camilo pegou-lhe nas mãos, e olhou para ela sério e fixo. Jurou que lhe queria muito, e que os seus sustos pareciam de criança; em todo o caso, quando tivesse algum receio, a melhor cartomante era ele mesmo.
Depois, repreendeu-a; disse-lhe que era imprudente andar por essas casas.
Vilela podia sabê-lo, e depois.
— Qual saber! tive muita cautela, ao entrar na casa.
— Onde é a casa?
— Aqui perto, na Rua da Guarda Velha…
(A Cartomante – Machado de Assis – excerto)
Assinale a alternativa correta em relação ao texto.
Q1922916 Português

Texto 2

Leia a anedota.

— Então, o senhor sofre de reumatismo?

— É claro. O que o senhor queria? Que eu usufruísse do reumatismo, que eu desfrutasse do reumatismo, que eu fruísse do reumatismo, que eu gozasse o reumatismo?


Assinale a alternativa correta, considerando o texto 2.
Q1922915 Português

Texto 2

Leia a anedota.

— Então, o senhor sofre de reumatismo?

— É claro. O que o senhor queria? Que eu usufruísse do reumatismo, que eu desfrutasse do reumatismo, que eu fruísse do reumatismo, que eu gozasse o reumatismo?


Considerando o texto 2, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1913774 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
In the textt, the number 6.5 million refers to:
Q1913773 Inglês
Read the following sentence:
“Teaching of reading skills is an important aspect of language            . The learning of this skill is especially essential for            a second language. This is also so because most of the teachinglearning           is in the written form, either in the form of books or computer based material. Reading and literacy are thus interdependent.”

Choose the alternative which contains the correct words to complete the sentence.
Q1913772 Inglês
Read the following text:
“In Japan, they call themmanga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’.”; ” All of Mexico’s comic titles together.

The words in bold are respectively:
Q1913771 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
Which statement below can be inferred from the text?
Q1913770 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
Which method can be defined as a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something,  whose focus is on memorization and on grammatical rules and, that is still used in language teaching in Brazil?
Q1913769 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
Study the following sentence:
“Ever since comics first appeared, there have been(1) people who(2) have criticized(3) them(4).”

Pay attention to the underlined words and decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ). 

( ) the word who(2) is a relative pronoun.
( ) there have been(1) is the present perfect tense of there to be.
( ) the word them(4) is an example of personal pronoun.
( ) the underlined words have criticized(3) is being used in the simple past tense.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
Q1913768 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
The underlined word in “Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all”, can be correctly classified as a(n):
Q1913767 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
Choose the alternative that presents the correct words to complete the blank spaces in the text.
Q1913766 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
According to the text, it’s correct to infer that:
Q1913765 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
The reason why people criticized comics is because they:
Q1913762 Libras
Em Libras, na descrição gramatical “configuração da mão em ‘S’ e orientação da mão para dentro e movimento simétrico para dentro e para fora”, temos em português o sentido de:
Q1913761 Libras
No tocante ao histórico das línguas de sinais, observamos na literatura uma oscilação entre métodos e abordagens. Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) em relação ao assunto. 
(  ) Os surdos sempre receberam instrução via língua de sinais no Brasil, apenas as abordagens educacionais se distinguiam.
(  ) Hoje reconhece-se que a comunicação total foi o melhor método de educação para surdos, pois os surdos precisam falar a língua portuguesa para viverem melhor.
( ) A Libras é uma língua rica, com inúmeras características observadas também nas línguas orais, e seu estatuto linguístico foi reconhecido na década de 60.
( ) As famílias ouvintes de crianças surdas são todas bem esclarecidas quanto à surdez, a língua de sinais e as características culturais da comunidade surda.
(  ) O intérprete de Libras é uma grande conquista para a formação do surdo, mas ainda há muitas confusões em relação ao seu papel profissional e às formas de atuação nas escolas.

Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Q1913759 Libras
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta dois verbos em Libras que são realizados com o uso das duas mãos simultaneamente.
Q1913758 Libras
Podemos realizar uma série de sinais em Libras usando a configuração de mão (CM) em “U”.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta um exemplo com esta CM.
Q1913756 Libras
Em termos linguísticos há uma característica que foi observada na Libras que se refere aos classificadores.
Assinale a alternativa que traz a definição de classificador gramatical.
Q1913755 Libras
Alguns sinais em Libras iniciam sua produção com a letra do alfabeto manual equivalente à letra inicial da própria palavra em português.
Assinale a alternativa com a dupla em que ambas apresentam um exemplo nestes termos.
Q1913746 Português
Texto 1

Concórdia tem pior dezembro da série  histórica em geração de empregos

Depois de uma sequência de meses com resultados positivos e apresentando uma tendência de crescimento, a geração de empregos de Concórdia registrou uma grande queda. Os dados do Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados (CAGED), divulgados na sexta-feira, dia 24, pelo Ministério da Economia, apontam que o município fechou dezembro com saldo negativo de 885 vagas.

Esse resultado é a diferença entre as 839 contratações e os 1724 desligamentos – que podem ser demissões ou mudança de cidade. O saldo de dezembro é, conforme levantamento feito pela reportagem da emissora, o pior da série histórica para este mês do ano desde 2003, ou seja, em 17 anos, desde quando os dados do CAGED começaram a ser divulgados.

Os números, apesar de ruins, somente seguem a tendência de todos os outros meses de dezembro. Historicamente, desde 2003, Concórdia sempre teve saldo negativo no último mês do ano. Isso ocorre por conta dos trabalhos temporários. Nos resultados por setor, chama a atenção que, dos oito analisados, apenas um não teve saldo negativo: que foi a agricultura, que fechou com saldo de zero, ou seja, nenhuma vaga criada. A administração pública foi o que teve o pior resultado.

Em nível nacional, o país também apresentou resultado negativo. Foram fechadas 307.311 vagas formais no período, mas o saldo é melhor do que em 2018. Os dados para Santa Catarina também não são bons. O saldo de dezembro foi de 24,3 mil vagas fechadas, o pior número desde dezembro de 2016. No entanto, o desempenho negativo no último mês do ano é esperado e ocorre em todos os estados por razões sazonais.

BORTOLI, Luan de. Disponível em: < empregos>. Acesso em: 23 fev. de 2020. Publicado em 27/01/2020. [Adaptado].
Com base no texto 1, é correto afirmar que no mês de dezembro de 2019, em Concórdia:
13021: E
13022: D
13023: E
13024: A
13025: C
13026: E
13027: B
13028: D
13029: A
13030: D
13031: C
13032: E
13033: B
13034: A
13035: D
13036: C
13037: B
13038: A
13039: D
13040: A