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Camilo pegou-lhe nas mãos, e olhou para ela sério e fixo. Jurou que lhe queria muito, e que os seus sustos pareciam de criança; em todo o caso, quando tivesse algum receio, a melhor cartomante era ele mesmo.
Depois, repreendeu-a; disse-lhe que era imprudente andar por essas casas.
Vilela podia sabê-lo, e depois.
— Qual saber! tive muita cautela, ao entrar na casa.
— Onde é a casa?
— Aqui perto, na Rua da Guarda Velha…
(A Cartomante – Machado de Assis – excerto)
Assinale a alternativa correta em relação ao texto.
Texto 2
Leia a anedota.
— Então, o senhor sofre de reumatismo?
— É claro. O que o senhor queria? Que eu usufruísse do reumatismo, que eu desfrutasse do reumatismo, que eu fruísse do reumatismo, que eu gozasse o reumatismo?
Texto 2
Leia a anedota.
— Então, o senhor sofre de reumatismo?
— É claro. O que o senhor queria? Que eu usufruísse do reumatismo, que eu desfrutasse do reumatismo, que eu fruísse do reumatismo, que eu gozasse o reumatismo?
Manga account_______. nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies week!
“Teaching of reading skills is an important aspect of language . The learning of this skill is especially essential for a second language. This is also so because most of the teachinglearning is in the written form, either in the form of books or computer based material. Reading and literacy are thus interdependent.”
Choose the alternative which contains the correct words to complete the sentence.
“In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’.”; ” All of Mexico’s comic titles together.
The words in bold are respectively:
Manga account_______. nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies week!
Manga account_______. nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies week!
Manga account_______. nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies week!
“Ever since comics first appeared, there have been(1) people who(2) have criticized(3) them(4).”
Pay attention to the underlined words and decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ).
( ) the word who(2) is a relative pronoun.
( ) there have been(1) is the present perfect tense of there to be.
( ) the word them(4) is an example of personal pronoun.
( ) the underlined words have criticized(3) is being used in the simple past tense.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
Manga account_______. nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies week!
Manga account_______. nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies week!
Manga account_______. nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies week!
Manga account_______. nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies week!
( ) Os surdos sempre receberam instrução via língua de sinais no Brasil, apenas as abordagens educacionais se distinguiam.
( ) Hoje reconhece-se que a comunicação total foi o melhor método de educação para surdos, pois os surdos precisam falar a língua portuguesa para viverem melhor.
( ) A Libras é uma língua rica, com inúmeras características observadas também nas línguas orais, e seu estatuto linguístico foi reconhecido na década de 60.
( ) As famílias ouvintes de crianças surdas são todas bem esclarecidas quanto à surdez, a língua de sinais e as características culturais da comunidade surda.
( ) O intérprete de Libras é uma grande conquista para a formação do surdo, mas ainda há muitas confusões em relação ao seu papel profissional e às formas de atuação nas escolas.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta um exemplo com esta CM.
Assinale a alternativa que traz a definição de classificador gramatical.
Assinale a alternativa com a dupla em que ambas apresentam um exemplo nestes termos.