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Q2404517 Educação Física

Considerando o papel do Professor de Educação Física na qualidade de vida dos estudantes com deficiência, na sociedade e nas práticas corporais, é necessário, segundo Costa e Gonçalves Junior (2008), que o sistema educacional se adeque para receber na escola todas as pessoas, sejam pessoas com deficiência ou não, promovendo a inclusão no contexto escolar.

COSTA, Vanderlei Balbino da; GONÇALVES JUNIOR, Luiz. Inclusão, educação e diversidade: múltiplos olhares. Educere. Anais de Congresso, 2008, p. 3953- 3966.

Assinale a alternativa que NÃO está de acordo com as ideias defendidas pelos autores:

Q2404516 Educação Física

De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular, a área de Linguagens e suas Tecnologias busca consolidar e ampliar as aprendizagens previstas na BNCC do Ensino Fundamental nos componentes Língua Portuguesa, Arte, Educação Física e Língua Inglesa, de modo que, no Ensino Médio, esses estudantes possam intensificar e aprofundar seus conhecimentos. Para tanto, “No Ensino Médio, a área tem a responsabilidade de propiciar oportunidades para a consolidação e a ampliação das habilidades de uso e de reflexão sobre as linguagens - artísticas, corporais e verbais (oral ou visual-motora, como Libras, e escrita) -, que são objeto de seus diferentes componentes (Arte, Educação Física, Língua Inglesa e Língua Portuguesa)” (BNCC, 2018).

BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Base nacional comum curricular. Brasília, DF: MEC, 2018.

No que se refere aos objetivos do componente Educação Física na BNCC, analise as assertivas:

I - Possibilitar a exploração do movimento e da gestualidade em práticas corporais de diferentes grupos culturais e analisar os discursos e os valores associados a elas.

II - Possibilitar a análise dos processos de negociação de sentidos que estão em jogo na apreciação e produção de diferentes grupos culturais.

III - Possibilitar o estímulo do desenvolvimento da curiosidade intelectual, da pesquisa e da capacidade de argumentação durante as práticas corporais.

IV - Possibilitar compreensões do mundo que se ampliam e se interconectam, em uma perspectiva crítica, sensível e poética em relação à vida, que permite aos sujeitos estarem abertos às percepções e experiências, mediante a capacidade de imaginar e ressignificar os cotidianos e rotinas.


Q2404514 Geografia

Leia O texto e indique a alternativa correta:

“Queimadas em MT atingiram área onze vezes maior do que a cidade de SP em 2020”

O fogo já atingiu 1,7 milhão de hectares do estado de Mato Grosso em 2020, uma área cinco vezes maior que a capital do estado, e cerca de onze vezes maior do que o território da cidade de São Paulo (SP). Dos biomas, o Pantanal foi o mais impactado proporcionalmente, com uma área de vegetação nativa queimada nove vezes superior ao quantitativo de desmatamento na região dos últimos dois anos. A situação também é crítica para as Terras Indígenas (TIs) mato-grossenses, que concentram 18% de toda a área afetada pelos incêndios no estado. Os dados se referem às áreas atingidas por queimadas entre janeiro e 17 de agosto e estão detalhados na nota técnica “Caracterização das áreas atingidas por incêndios em Mato Grosso”, lançada pelo Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) com base em dados da plataforma Global Fire Emissions Database, da NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) e do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). O estudo identificou o tamanho da área incendiada no estado e categorizou as queimadas por biomas, categorias fundiárias e municípios mais afetados em todo o estado [..], sendo que o município mato-grossense com maior área afetada por incêndios nesse bioma naquele ano foi:

(Texto adaptado - Disponível em: https:/ Acesso em 20/11/2021).

Q2404512 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios

Observe o mapa a seguir com a mais atual classificação geomorfológica (unidades morfoestruturais) do Brasil.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão


1.Planalto da Amazônia Oriental

2.Planaltos e Chapadas da Bacia do Parnaíba

3.Planaltos e Chapadas da Bacia do Paraná

4.Planaltos e Chapadas dos Parecis

5.Planaltos Residuais Norte-Amazônicos

6.Planaltos Residuais Sul-Amazônicos

7.Planaltos e Serras do Atlântico-Leste-Sudeste

8. Planaltos e Serras de Goiás-Minas

9.Serras Residuais do Alto Paraguai

10.Planalto da Borborema

11.Planalto Sul-Riograndense


12.Depressão da Amazônia Ocidental

13.Depressão Marginal Norte-Amazônica

14.Depressão Marginal Sul-Amazônica

15.Depressão Araguaia

16.Depressão Cuiabana

17.Depressão do Alto Paraguai-Guaporé

18.Depressão do Miranda

19.Depressão Sertaneja e do São Francisco

20.Depressão do Tocantins

21.Depressão da Borda Leste da Bacia do Paraná

22.Depressão Periférica Sul-Riograndense


23.Planície do Rio Amazonas

24.Planície do Rio Araguaia

25.Planície e Pantanal do Rio Guaporé

26.Planície e Pantanal Mato-Grossense

27.Planície da Lagoa dos Patos e Mirim

28.Planícies e Tabuleiros litorâneos

Fonte: Acesso em 12 de janeiro de 2022.

Nessa classificação do Prof. Jurandyr L. S. Ross (1990), a capital do Estado de Mato Grosso localiza-se na unidade geomorfológica denominada de:

Q2404511 Atualidades

A lista dos 100 municípios mais ricos do agronegócio no Brasil foi divulgada pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Mapa) em 03/01/2022. O ranking foi feito com base nos dados da Produção Agrícola Municipal (PAM) referente a 2020, levantados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e divulgados em outubro de 2020. Com base nessas informações, foi feita uma classificação levando em conta o valor da produção das lavouras temporárias e permanentes e o Produto Interno Bruto dos Municípios (PIB), tomando por base o ano de 2019.

(Disponível em Acesso em 11/01/2022).

Com base nessas informações, dos dez primeiros municípios no ranking em produção agrícola brasileira, cinco são mato-grossenses, sendo estes:

Q2404510 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios

O estado de Mato Grosso se destaca no cenário nacional por ter nascentes de importantes rios que drenam o território nacional (mapa a seguir) e ser um dos maiores celeiros agrícolas do país.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão


1- Amazônica

2- Tocantins / Araguaia

3- Atlântico Nordeste Ocidental

4- Parnaíba

5- Atlântico Nordeste Oriental

6- São Francisco

7- Atlântico Leste

8- Atlântico Sudeste

9- Atlântico Sul

10- Paraguai

11- Paraná

12- Uruguai

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Fonte: Acesso em 12 de janeiro de 2022.

Sobre essa temática, analise e julgue os itens como (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso.

( ) os rios pertencentes à bacia Amazônica e à bacia do Tocantins-Araguaia seguem as direções norte e noroeste, respectivamente, no território mato-grossense.

( ) os rios da bacia do Paraguai seguem em direção ao sul do território mato-grossense, sendo o principal rio dessa bacia o Paraguai, que atravessa o Pantanal.

( ) a área localizada à jusante do rio Teles Pires, afluente do Tapajós, caracteriza-se pelo cultivo intensivo de cana-de-açúcar e girassol, principais commodities nessa região, sendo a BR 070 a principal via de escoamento dessa produção nessa porção do Estado.

( ) sub-bacia do rio Xingu é formada pelo rio do mesmo nome e seus afluentes. Nessa porção do estado, encontra-se uma das mais expressivas reservas indígenas do país, o Parque Nacional Indígena do Xingu.

( ) Na região à montante do rio Araguaia, o desmatamento do cerrado para o plantio de grãos teve relação com o intenso processo de colonização agrícola da área, cujo eixo principal foi a BR 163, principal corredor de exportação nessa porção do Estado.

A sequência CORRETA é:

Q2404509 Educação Física

Em conformidade com a Resolução CONSUP/IFMT nº 91, de 15 de dezembro de 2014, é vedado ao servidor do IFMT:

Q2404506 Educação Física

Segundo a Resolução CONSUP/IFMT nº 81, de 26 de novembro de 2020, compete aos docentes, EXCETO:

Q2404504 Direito Constitucional

O legislador constituinte insculpiu em mandamento constitucional a função social da educação escolar, indicando que esta, enquanto direito de todos e dever do Estado e da família, será promovida e incentivada com a colaboração da sociedade, visando ao pleno desenvolvimento da pessoa, seu preparo para o exercício da cidadania e sua qualificação para o trabalho. Com efeito, de acordo com a Constituição, são princípios norteadores do ensino, EXCETO:

Q2188982 Inglês
“A lesson plan is a set of notes that helps us think through what we are going to teach and how we are going to teach. It also guides us during and after the lesson. We can identify the most important components of a lesson plan by thinking carefully about what we want our learners to do and how we want them to do it. So, it helps the teacher before the lesson (writing down the aims and procedures for each stage of the lesson), during the lesson (timing each stage) and after the lesson (using the plan and notes to help plan the next lesson)”.
(THORNBURY, 2005, p. 91-92)
Considering Thornbury’s (a very famous applied linguistics in the early 2000s) quotation, put the numbers 1 – 5 in the correct place in the following lesson plan:  Imagem associada para resolução da questão

1. To enable students to use past tenses accurately and put events in order in simple narratives.
2. Students listen to the model story, then, in groups, plan and write their own stories.
3. Use gestures to remind students to use past tenses.
4. To follow on from work on past tenses and to prepare for the storytelling project.
5. To make sure that board writing is clear and readable.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188981 Inglês
“Communicative activities are classroom activities designed to get learners to speak and listen to one another. We normally communicate when one of us has information (facts, opinions, ideas, etc.) that another does not have. This is known as an ‘information gap’. The aim of a communicative activity in class is to get learners to use the language they are learning to interact in realistic and meaningful ways, usually involving exchanges of information”. 
(SCRIVINER, 2003, p. 62)

Consider the definition above, choose the item that is a proposal for a communicative activity.
Q2188980 Inglês
Read the quote about error to get familiarized with the topic.
“Mistakes are often divided into errors and slips. Errors happen when learners try to say something that is beyond their current level of language processing. Usually, learners cannot correct errors themselves because they don’t understand what is wrong. Errors play a necessary and important part in language learning. Slips are the result of tiredness, worry or other temporary emotions or circumstances. These kinds of mistakes can be corrected by learners once they realize they have made them.”
Judge the items below as (T) True or (F) False.
1. There are two main reasons why learners make errors. The first reason is influence from the learner’s first language (L1) on the second language. This is called interference or transfer. Learners may use sound patterns, lexis or grammatical structures from their own language in English. The second reason is because they are unconsciously working out or organizing language, but this process is not yet complete. This kind of error is called a developmental error.
2. Errors in which learners wrongly apply a rule for one item of the language to another item are known as overgeneralization, and as a second language learners’ language ability increases, these kinds of errors also reduce.
3. Errors are part of learner’s interlanguage, which develops and progresses as they learn more. Experts think that interlanguage is an essential and unavoidable stage in language learning. In other words, interlanguage and errors are necessary to language learning.
4. Errors are a natural part of learning. They usually show that learners are learning and that their internal mental processes are working on experimenting with language.
5. Sometimes errors do not disappear, but get fossilized. These fossilized errors may be the result of lack of exposure to the second language and/or of a learner’s lack of motivation to improve their level of accuracy.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188979 Inglês

Read the following exchange between two people having breakfast together.

A – Coffee?

B – Please.

A – Milk? Sugar?

B – No milk. One sugar, thanks.

A – Toast?

B – No thanks.

A – Juice?

B – Mmm.

(Thornbury, 2005, p. 3) 

After reading the dialogue, choose the item that DOES NOT describe a correct reflection about grammar.

Q2188978 Inglês
Applied linguists for a long time have been publishing many books and materials on teaching and learning English as a second and a foreign language. So, in this question, we provoke some reflections about these studies and how they could affect practice in our English classes.
Considering language and background to language learning and teaching, match the topic to its definition. 
( 1 ) Grammar ( 2 ) Lexis ( 3 ) Phonology ( 4 ) Function 
( ) is the study of the sound features used in a language to communicate meaning. ( ) is a reason why we communicate. ( ) describes how we combine, organize and change words and parts of words to make meaning. ( ) is individual words or sets of words that have a specific meaning.
Choose the item with the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188977 Inglês
“In recent years Content-Based Instruction (CBI) has become increasingly popular as a means of developing linguistic ability. It has strong connections to project work, task-based learning and a holistic approach to language instruction and has become particularly popular within the state school secondary (11 - 16 years old) education sector. It is a kind of approach in which lesson focuses on the topic or subject matter. During the lesson students are focused on learning about something that interests them, from a serious science subject to their favorite pop star or even a topical news story or film”. 
Peachey, N. (2021), disponível em:, accessed on 15h December 2022.

According to Peachey, judge the items as (T) True or (F) False concerning CBI ADVANTAGES.
I. It can make learning a language more interesting and motivating. Students can use the language to fulfill a real purpose, which can make them both more independent and confident.
II. Taking information from different sources, re-evaluating and restructuring that information can help students to develop very valuable thinking skills that can then be transferred to other subjects. So students can also develop a much wider knowledge of the world through CBI, which can feed back into improving and supporting their general educational needs.
III. CBI is very popular among EAP (English for Academic Purposes) teachers as it helps students to develop valuable study skills such as note taking, summarizing and extracting key information from texts.
IV. The inclusion of a group work element within the framework given can also help students to develop their collaborative skills, which can have great social value. V. Particularly in monolingual classes, the overuse of the students' native language during parts of the lesson can be a problem. Because the lesson isn't explicitly focused on language practice, students find it much easier and quicker to use their mother tongue.
VI. It can be hard to find information sources and texts that lower levels can understand. Also the sharing of information in the target language may cause great difficulties.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188976 Inglês
Teachers in the history of language learning and teaching have faced several methods that have been employed to the course of language teaching and learning, among them, we have faced Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).
Choose the CORRECT item that points the basic premises of this approach.
Q2188975 Inglês
In teachers’ training programs, many methods and approaches are presented, among them, the audio-lingual method that grew into prominence in the 1950s in the USA. During the Second World War, US officials felt the need for translators and interpreters who were fluent in major foreign languages. In 1942, a special training program was organized to train fluent foreign speakers in a short time which is why this method is also referred to as the Army Method. According to the discouraged audio-lingual method, it is NOT CORRECT to say that: 
Q2188974 Inglês
“Reading comprehension strategies are intentional plans and procedures that proficient readers apply to comprehend the text (MAINE, 2013). Readers should equip themselves with multiple reading strategies to comprehend a text effectively (SOHAIL, 2016). The complexity of the reading process is often associated with grasping the intended meaning of the text (YAPP et al., 2021). In addition, the process often involves “internal thinking” (PARIS & FLUKES, 2005). Reading strategies are thus employed by the readers who deliberately attempt to monitor and alter their initiatives in decoding the text, comprehending words, and understanding the meaning of the text (AFFLERBACH et al., 2008, apud PERTANIKA, 2022).
After reading the extract from Pertanika J. (2022) about reading, choose the CORRECT item that best summarizes the main ideas about reading strategies.
Q2188973 Inglês
[…] information technology is an indivisible part of education in the twenty-first century. When used correctly in the classroom, technology can allow students to experience situations and circumstances that the students of 20 years ago could only dream about. Through technology, books and figures can suddenly become alive and applicable to the real world. In addition, information technology provides an even greater avenue for interaction between teacher and students. At the English lessons different videos, exercises, games, listening drills may be done. Information technology makes learning English available to a wider range of learners as well. (RODINADZE, & ZARBAZOIA, 2012, p. 274)
According to Rodinadze, S., & Zarbazoia, K., 2012, judge the items below as (T) True or (F) False regarding the ADVANTAGES of information technology in teaching the English language.
I. Information technology helps students as well as teachers in studying the course material easily because of fast access. Studying the subjects with the help of online libraries and dictionaries has made grasping and increasing knowledge easy for the students.
II. Information technology may facilitate learning or serve as the actual educational structure allowing learning to occur. It benefits both traditional education institutions and online educational models in fundamental ways. For example, multimedia presentations, knowledge-management softwares, apps, mobile devices such as tablets, personal digital assistants (PDAs), lap tops, video conferencing, cloud computing, and collaborative document editing are notable information technology services benefiting education that can provide teachers with an endless choice to create more exciting and interactive lessons.
III. Students and educators utilizing cloud computing to store their homework can also modify the documents access settings to allow multiple editors and contributors to participate in an assignment. This empowers educators to design work assignments for teams of students working together and, in so doing, cultivate a teamwork ethos preparing them for the workplace. Now information technology has made it easy to study as well as teach in groups or in clusters. At the English lessons with online resources they can be united together to do the desired task.
IV. Teachers can enter grades and assignment updates online, rather than in a paper grade-book. Libraries with a digital database in place of a traditional card catalog make their resources available for students to search anywhere with an Internet connection. Staff members can find and send transcript information and other records quickly by accessing a digital filing system, saving time and paper.
V. Information and communication technology opens the doors for better distance learning programs, allowing those in disadvantaged areas to have access to the same education as the privileged. Because this technology makes information accessible from nearly any location with a mobile device or laptop, courses can be more flexible; meaning those with full schedules who may not have the time or opportunity to further their education can choose to enroll in courses online and complete assignments on their own time.
VI. Interactive audio and video allow real time communication using phones and computers at the English lessons. Voice over Internet Protocol enables a person's voice to be transmitted through an Internet connection. Voice and multimedia presentations can also be delivered to a dispersed class with questions and answers taking place in real time.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188972 Inglês
“The most important difference lies in the learners and their purposes for learning English. ESP students are usually adults who already have some acquaintance with English and are learning the language in order to communicate a set of professional skills and to perform particular job-related functions. An ESP program is therefore built on an assessment of purposes and needs and the functions for which English is required. […] The ESP focal point is that English is not taught as a subject separated from the students' real world (or wishes); instead, it is integrated into a subject matter area important to the learners”. (FIORITO, 2005) Disponível em: teachers/articles/teaching-english-for-specific-purposes-esp.html, accessed on 15th December 2022.
According to Fiorito (2005), what is INCORRECT to say about English for Specific Purposes (ESP)?  
661: E
662: A
663: B
664: D
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666: B
667: D
668: A
669: C
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671: E
672: D
673: E
674: A
675: C
676: B
677: C
678: B
679: D
680: A