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Q2671037 Farmácia

Segundo a RENAME 2022, qual dos medicamentos abaixo integra a lista de Componente Especializado da Assistência Farmacêutica?

Q2671036 Farmácia

A Codeína é um analgésico opioides indicado para o manejo de dores de grau leve à moderado. De acordo com a Portaria nº 344/1998 e suas atualizações, podemos afirmar que:

Q2671035 Farmácia

O Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA) é o órgão do Ministério da Saúde responsável pelo Programa Nacional de Controle do Tabagismo (PNCT) e pela articulação da rede de tratamento do tabagismo no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). O tratamento para a cessação do tabagismo consiste em ações educativas, no aconselhamento terapêutico e tratamento medicamentoso. Além da Nicotina (adesivo, goma e pastilha), qual dos medicamentos abaixo é indicado para a cessação do tabagismo e também é fornecido pelo programa?

Q2671034 Farmácia

Qual dos fatores abaixo NÃO compromete o processo de programação de medicamentos?

Q2671033 Farmácia

Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA sobre Seleção de Medicamentos.

Q2671032 Farmácia

Analise as assertivas abaixo sobre a Assistência Farmacêutica e suas etapas, e assinale V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas.

( ) A Assistência Farmacêutica é constituída por um conjunto de ações voltadas à promoção, proteção e recuperação da saúde, tanto individual como coletiva, tendo o medicamento como insumo essencial e visando o acesso e seu uso racional.

( ) A aquisição de medicamentos é um processo administrativo, que visa o suprimento de medicamentos para atender as demandas do serviço de saúde, portanto não é considerada uma etapa da Assistência Farmacêutica.

( ) A seleção de medicamentos é um processo dinâmico, contínuo, participativo e multidisciplinar.

( ) A distribuição de medicamentos é uma atividade que consiste em suprir as unidades de saúde com medicamentos em quantidade e qualidade, na qual o tempo de entrega pode ser realizado de forma aleatória, sem a necessidade de um cronograma pré-estabelecido.

A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:

Q2671031 Raciocínio Lógico

Miguel, Melissa e Lucas são funcionários de uma empresa de medicamentos. Miguel é engenheiro químico e trabalha no laboratório. Melissa é farmacêutica e trabalha 40 horas semanais. Lucas é estagiário, pois está cursando a faculdade pela manhã e trabalha apenas 6 horas por dia, de segunda-feira a quinta-feira. Miguel e Melissa almoçam juntos todos os dias, pois trabalham no mesmo horário, de segunda-feira à sexta-feira. Sobre essas sentenças, é INCORRETO afirmar que:

Q2671030 Matemática

Um diretor de uma grande empresa estava oferecendo 5 vagas de emprego no mês de agosto de 2022. Perguntou ao gerente quantas vagas já tinham sido preenchidas até o dia 15/08/22 e a quantidade de homens e mulheres contratados. O gerente disse ao diretor que “A quantidade de pessoas contratadas pode ser expressa como: o dobro da quantidade de mulheres contratadas subtraído do triplo da quantidade de homens é igual a 5. E, o triplo da quantidade de mulheres somado com o quadruplo da quantidade de homens é igual a dezesseis”. Logo, o diretor concluiu que houve a contratação de quantas pessoas?

Q2671029 Matemática

Considerando que r//s//t, o valor de x é:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q2671028 Matemática

Uma mulher utilizou um recipiente no formato de um cilindro circular reto com diâmetro igual a 0,08 m e altura igual a 7 cm para armazenar uma determinada solução no laboratório. Ela colocou o correspondente a 80% da capacidade do recipiente. Em cm3, qual a quantidade de solução colocada por Ana no recipiente? Considere 𝜋= 3,1.

Q2671027 Matemática

Para que o produto entre os polinômios P(x) = x2 - 3x e Q (x) = 4x + k seja igual a 4x3 - 14x2 + 6x, o valor de K deve ser igual a:

Q2671026 Atualidades

Em 2022, celebramos os cem anos da Semana de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, que é considerada o marco do modernismo brasileiro. Participaram da Semana de Arte Moderna, direta ou indiretamente, nomes célebres da arte brasileira, como:

I. Anita Malfatti.

II. Oswald de Andrade.

III. Di Cavalcanti.

Quais estão corretas?

Q2671025 Atualidades

Assinale a alternativa que contém uma informação INCORRETA sobre o Município de Tunas.

Q2671024 História

Até 1809, o Rio Grande do Sul possuía apenas quatro municípios. Essa divisão primordial daria origem a todos os demais municípios que surgiram no Rio Grande do Sul. São eles:

Q2671023 História

No ano em que o Município de Tunas foi criado, quem era o Governador do Rio Grande do Sul?

Q2671022 Inglês

According to the uses of the conditional structures, which option best completes the sentence in the cartoon below? Consider grammar and context.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Source: @newyorkermag

Q2671021 Inglês

The following sentence represents the prince’s thoughts in the cartoon below. Find the alternative that correctly completes the text.

“She ____ smart, she ____ funny, she ____ beautiful, but she ____ her shoes all over the place.”

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Source: @newyorkermag

Q2671020 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

Find the INCORRECT statement about the sentence “The more we spend time arguing about who does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter” (l. 27 to 28).

Q2671019 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

In which of the sentences below the word “rather” is used with the same meaning as the underlined word in line 13?

Q2671018 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

Analyse the statements below and mark T, if true, or F, if false.

( ) The pronoun “who,” in line 08, refers to “strangers”.

( ) The pronoun “it,” in line 08, refers to Facebook.

( ) The pronoun “which,” in line 16, refers to “the result”.

( ) The pronoun “which,” in line 17, refers to the whole sentence before the coma.

( ) The pronoun “its,” in line 18, refers to “a publisher”.

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:

12941: A
12942: B
12943: B
12944: E
12945: E
12946: C
12947: E
12948: B
12949: D
12950: D
12951: E
12952: E
12953: C
12954: A
12955: D
12956: C
12957: A
12958: B
12959: E
12960: A