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Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social deles.
Observando-se o excerto acima, verifica-se a
utilização da palavra então em dois momentos
distintos. Do ponto de vista semânticogramatical, essa palavra é utilizada para
Trecho para a questão.
Tudo que se move faz barulho, então todos os
sons são testemunhas de acontecimentos. Se o tato é o
mais pessoal dos sentidos, então a audição – que é
uma espécie de toque a distância – é o mais social
No trecho destacado no excerto,
contextualmente, o adjetivo encontra-se numa
Based on the comic, analyze the words and the expressions: “WHOEVER”; … “CAN’T COME”; “MY DOG IS SLEEPING”; “… AND IF I GET UP...”
Choose the RIGHT alternative regarding the highlighted words above.
Answers the question according to the text below.
Organ Donation and Transplant
Answers the question according to the text below.
Organ Donation and Transplant
Answers the question according to the text below.
Organ Donation and Transplant
When you’re in a long line waiting for your turn with a bunch of other cranky people, a good wallet is essential. For everyone’s benefit, you want to be able to find the right card or bills, make your transaction, and get out of there as quickly as possible. Mobile payments, vendor apps, and the decline of cash have lessened the amount of space you need for library cards and twenties, and they’ve lessened the need for bulky, old-school leather cash carriers. There’s never been a better time to trim down your wallet and your carbon footprint in turn by choosing a wallet made from recycled or eco-friendly materials.
When you’re in a long line waiting for your turn with a bunch of other cranky people, a good wallet is essential. For everyone’s benefit, you want to be able to find the right card or bills, make your transaction, and get out of there as quickly as possible. Mobile payments, vendor apps, and the decline of cash have lessened the amount of space you need for library cards and twenties, and they’ve lessened the need for bulky, old-school leather cash carriers. There’s never been a better time to trim down your wallet and your carbon footprint in turn by choosing a wallet made from recycled or eco-friendly materials.
Answers the question according to the text below.
Answers the question according to the text below.