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Q1740747 Pedagogia
Existem alguns princípios que as crianças descobrem e aprendem a controlar à medida que desenvolvem um sistema de escrita, assinale alternativa CORRETA:
Q1740746 Pedagogia
O Projeto Politico Pedagógico , contemplando a organização do trabalho da escola como um todo, deve estar embasado em princípios que norteiam a escola democrática, pública e gratuita, dando identidade à instituição escolar. Sendo um deles a gestão democrática assinale a alternativa CORRETA sobre a mesma:
Q1740745 Pedagogia
Em relação ao processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo assinale a alternativa CORRETA referente ao equilíbrio:
Q1740744 Pedagogia
Segundo a Base Nacional Comum Curricular assinale a alternativa CORRETA que apresenta uma competências específica de Língua Portuguesa para o Ensino Fundamental:
Q1740743 Pedagogia
Analise as afirmativas abaixo relacionadas a proposta construtivista e marque verdadeiro (V) e falso ( F):
( ) O currículo é apresentado das partes para o todo, com ênfase nas habilidades básicas. ( ) O currículo é apresentado do todo para as partes, com ênfase nos conceitos gerais. ( ) As atividades baseiam-se em fontes primárias de dados e materiais manipuláveis. ( ) O professor busca as respostas corretas para validar a aprendizagem. ( ) Avaliação da aprendizagem está interligada ao ensino e ocorre através da observação do professor sobre o trabalho dos estudantes.
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a sequência CORRETA:
Q1740742 Pedagogia
Complete a lacuna a seguir: _____________ é um método contínuo e interativo de análises de informação que contribui efetivamente no processo de planejamento e organização do desenvolvimento curricular.
Q1740741 Pedagogia
O currículo escolar contempla aspectos, como saúde, sexualidade, vida familiar e social, meio ambiente, trabalho, cultura, linguagens, interligada a Matemática, Português, Ciências, História, Língua Estrangeira, Educação Física, Artes e Educação Religiosa. Com base na informação acima assinale a alternativa que corresponde as teorias críticas do currículo:
Q1740740 Pedagogia

Analise as afirmativas abaixo sobre a concepção de aprendizagem humanista:

I- O professor é o agente e o aluno o ouvinte.

II- A escola tem como função fornecer condições para o desenvolvimento individual incentivando a criatividade e contribuindo para a autonomia do aluno, com a ajuda do professor.

III- O ensino consistirá em organização dos dados de experiências, de forma a promover um nível desejado de aprendizagem.

IV- O professor deve ser um facilitador da aprendizagem tendo uma relação pessoal com o aluno, pois cada um tem uma personalidade exclusiva.

V- O indivíduo é visto como responsável por decidir o que quer aprender; a aprendizagem é vista como algo espontâneo e misterioso.

Estão CORRETAS as afirmativas:

Q1740739 Pedagogia
O conjunto de conhecimentos de base social, cognitiva e linguística, acionados na produção do gênero de texto oral e escrito denominam se capacidades de linguagem. Sobre a capacidade de discursiva é CORRETO afirmar:
Q1740738 Pedagogia
O Projeto Político Pedagógico, ao se constituir em processo democrático de decisões, preocupa-se em instaurar uma forma de organização do trabalho pedagógico que supere os conflitos, buscando eliminar as relações competitivas, corporativas e autoritárias, rompendo com a rotina do mando impessoal e racionalizado da burocracia que permeia as relações no interior da escola. A respeito da informação acima sobre o ato Pedagógico do Projeto Político Pedagógico assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1740707 Pedagogia
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a fase do desenvolvimento da leitura e da escrita, fase alfabética parcial:
Q1740706 Pedagogia
Produzir textos escritos é um ato complexo, pois envolve o desenvolvimento da capacidade de coordenar e integrar operações de vários níveis e conhecimentos diversos: linguísticos, cognitivos e sociais. Assinale alternativa que se aos aspectos sociais:
Q1740705 Pedagogia
A mediação da aprendizagem é uma forma especializada de interação entre um sujeito que aprende e um sujeito que ensina, sobre o critério Intencionalidade e reciprocidade de mediação assinale alternativa CORRETA em relação ao mediador:
Q1740704 Pedagogia
A abordagem cognitivista investiga os caminhos percorridos pela inteligência (cognição) no processo de construção do conhecimento. Referente ao conhecimento é CORRETO afirmar:
Q1740703 Pedagogia
Conforme a Base Nacional Comum Curricular a respeito das competências gerais da educação básica, Complete a competência a seguir: Agir pessoal e coletivamente com autonomia, responsabilidade, flexibilidade, resiliência e determinação, tomando decisões com base em princípios:
Q1739917 Inglês

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Suez Canal reopens after giant stranded ship is freed Traffic has resumed in Egypt's Suez Canal after a stranded container ship blocking it for nearly a week was finally freed by salvage crews.

Tug boats honked their horns in celebration as the 400m-long (1,300ft) Ever Given was dislodged on Monday with the help of dredgers.

Hundreds of ships are waiting to pass through the canal which links the Mediterranean to the Red Sea.

It is one of the world's busiest trade routes.

Peter Berdowski, CEO of Dutch salvage company Boskalis, said the Ever Given had been refloated at 15:05 (13:05 GMT) on Monday, "thereby making free passage through the Suez Canal possible again".

Egyptian officials say the backlog of ships waiting to transit through should be cleared in around three days, but experts believe the knock-on effect on global shipping could take weeks or even months to resolve.

A marine source told Reuters news agency on Monday evening that ships were travelling southwards towards the Red Sea while canal services provider Leth Agencies said vessels had resumed transit from the Great Bitter Lake.

Some ships have already left the region, preferring to take an alternative, longer route around the southern tip of Africa. 

Inevitably, cargoes will be reaching their destination much later than planned. There may be congestion when they arrive in port, while future sailing schedules have been thrown into disarray,

The cost of shipping goods to Europe is expected to rise as a result, BBC Business Correspondent Theo Leggett reports.

Adaptado de: BBC. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em 30 mar. 2021.

Mark the alternative which better fits the main objective of this text genre. 

Q1739915 Inglês

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Brazil Becomes the Second Nation After the U.S. to Top

300,000 COVID-19 Deaths

Brazil topped 300,000 confirmed COVID-19 deaths on Wednesday, becoming the second country to do so amid a spike in infections that has seen the South American country report record death tolls in recent days.

The United States reached the grim milestone on Dec. 14, but has a larger population than Brazil.

On Wednesday, Brazil’s health ministry reported 2,009 daily COVID-19 deaths, bringing its pandemic total to 300,685. On Tuesday, the country saw a single-day record of 3,251 deaths.

According to local media reports, the latest coronavirus figures might be affected by changes in the government’s counting system. Newly appointed Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga said in a press conference that he was going to check whether the numbers had been artificially reduced.

With daily death tolls at pandemic highs, state governors and mayors in Brazil have expressed fears that April could be as bad as March for the country’s overwhelmed hospitals.

Just in the past 75 days, Brazil has registered 100,000 confirmed coronavirus deaths, a spike health experts blame on a lack of political coordination in fighting the virus, new variants that spread more easily and a disregard for health protocols. 

President Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday held a meeting with the heads of other government branches to coordinate anti-virus efforts. But he didn’t propose any policies to deal with the pandemic.

Bolsonaro has consistently downplayed the severity of the pandemic, insisting the economy must be kept humming to prevent worse hardship, and he has criticized health measures imposed by local leaders.

Adaptado de: SAVARESE, Mauricio. 2021. Disponível em: deaths/. Acesso em 26 mar. 2021.

The underlined sentence is an example of:
Q1739914 Inglês

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Right at the top of the recommended reading list for Eton Institute’s TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) program is “How to Teach English” by Jeremy Harmer. Alisa W., TESOL graduate from Eton Institute, shares with us a review of the book and how it helped her own personal TESOL journey.

Prior to the training course I took to learn how to be an EFL teacher, I had no formal teacher training, I had a limited exposure to different styles of teaching, and I had never even done basic self-reflection about why I preferred some instructors over others (I always assumed it was their personality that I enjoyed). If the CEFR gave teacher ratings, I would be at the A1.1 level. I read ‘How to Teach English’ by Jeremy Harmer as part of my TESOL training course, and it was perfect for my level. It is by no means a replacement to a full teaching course, but it is a valuable supplement to those who are learning and a good refresher for those who have been out of practice for a while. It provides contemporary teaching practices and keeps its descriptions pithy and hands-on.

While some of the sections are a bit obvious or too shallow to be useful, the book is so well organized that it is easy to find what you need and skip over what you don’t. Each chapter is divided into main sections (also listed in the table of contents), and subdivided again, bolds important words, and features a list at the end of the chapter that allows you to briefly review what you just read.

As with any well-designed reference book, the glossary, index, and appendices in the back are good sources for extending your self-education as a teacher.

The book comes with a DVD that has clips from real classes so you can observe good teaching practice in the comfort of your pyjamas and the support of a bowl of chips. The DVD wouldn’t play on my MacBook, so I can’t tell you if it is helpful or not. Another feature that is nice-to-have-but-I-didn’t-use is the “Task Files” at the back. After completing a chapter, you can quiz yourself by completing info tables, answering multiple-choice questions, matching definitions, and the like.

Adaptado de: ETON INSTITUTE. Disponível em: Acesso em 27 mar. 2021.

Mark the word which could substitute the word “shallow” with no prejudice of meaning.
Q1739913 Inglês

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Right at the top of the recommended reading list for Eton Institute’s TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) program is “How to Teach English” by Jeremy Harmer. Alisa W., TESOL graduate from Eton Institute, shares with us a review of the book and how it helped her own personal TESOL journey.

Prior to the training course I took to learn how to be an EFL teacher, I had no formal teacher training, I had a limited exposure to different styles of teaching, and I had never even done basic self-reflection about why I preferred some instructors over others (I always assumed it was their personality that I enjoyed). If the CEFR gave teacher ratings, I would be at the A1.1 level. I read ‘How to Teach English’ by Jeremy Harmer as part of my TESOL training course, and it was perfect for my level. It is by no means a replacement to a full teaching course, but it is a valuable supplement to those who are learning and a good refresher for those who have been out of practice for a while. It provides contemporary teaching practices and keeps its descriptions pithy and hands-on.

While some of the sections are a bit obvious or too shallow to be useful, the book is so well organized that it is easy to find what you need and skip over what you don’t. Each chapter is divided into main sections (also listed in the table of contents), and subdivided again, bolds important words, and features a list at the end of the chapter that allows you to briefly review what you just read.

As with any well-designed reference book, the glossary, index, and appendices in the back are good sources for extending your self-education as a teacher.

The book comes with a DVD that has clips from real classes so you can observe good teaching practice in the comfort of your pyjamas and the support of a bowl of chips. The DVD wouldn’t play on my MacBook, so I can’t tell you if it is helpful or not. Another feature that is nice-to-have-but-I-didn’t-use is the “Task Files” at the back. After completing a chapter, you can quiz yourself by completing info tables, answering multiple-choice questions, matching definitions, and the like.

Adaptado de: ETON INSTITUTE. Disponível em: Acesso em 27 mar. 2021.

The textual genre review always points some opinion of the text author. Based on this affirmation, mark the alternative which better describes the opinion of the person who wrote this review.
Q1739911 Pedagogia

Referente ao Projeto Político Pedagógico, complete a lacuna abaixo:

“______________é um princípio consagrado pela Constituição vigente e abrange as dimensões pedagógica, administrativa e financeira, exige uma ruptura histórica na prática administrativa da escola, com o enfrentamento das questões de exclusão e reprovação e da não-permanência do aluno na sala de aula, inclui, necessariamente, a ampla participação dos representantes dos diferentes segmentos da escola nas decisões/ações administrativo-pedagógicas ali desenvolvidas.

1: B
2: D
3: A
4: B
5: C
6: B
7: A
8: C
9: C
10: B
11: C
12: C
13: A
14: B
15: D
16: A
17: D
18: A
19: C
20: C