Questões de Concurso Comentadas para crefito - 18ª região (ac e ro)

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Q3031082 Arquitetura de Computadores
Em relação à memória cache, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3031081 Inglês
Text for the question.

    In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, IT professionals are increasingly playing a pivotal role in enhancing the fields of physiotherapy and occupational therapy. By integrating advanced technology into therapeutic practices, IT experts are helping to create innovative solutions that improve patient outcomes and streamline clinical processes.
    One significant contribution is the development of sophisticated software and applications that enable therapists to design personalized treatment plans. These digital tools allow for precise tracking of patient progress, making it easier to adjust therapies in real‑time based on data analytics. For instance, motion‑sensing technology and wearable devices can monitor a patient’s physical movements during exercises, providing immediate feedback to both the therapist and the patient.
    Additionally, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are revolutionizing rehabilitation methods. IT professionals are creating immersive VR environments where patients can perform therapeutic exercises in a controlled, engaging setting. This approach is particularly beneficial for those recovering from injuries or surgeries, as it can make repetitive exercises more enjoyable and less monotonous.
    Telehealth platforms are another area where IT expertise is crucial. These platforms enable remote consultations and therapy sessions, ensuring that patients have access to care regardless of their location. IT professionals ensure that these systems are secure, user‑friendly, and efficient, thereby expanding the reach of physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
    Moreover, data security and patient confidentiality are paramount in healthcare. IT professionals implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive patient information. By doing so, they help maintain trust and compliance with regulatory standards, ensuring that therapeutic practices are both effective and safe.
    In conclusion, the collaboration between IT professionals and therapists is fostering a new era of healthcare where technology and therapy converge. This synergy not only enhances the quality of care but also empowers patients on their journey to recovery, demonstrating the invaluable role of IT in advancing physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
In the sentence, “By integrating advanced technology into therapeutic practices, IT experts are helping to create innovative solutions that improve patient outcomes and streamline clinical processes”, the subject pronoun that could correctly replace “IT experts” is
Q3031080 Inglês
Text for the question.

    In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, IT professionals are increasingly playing a pivotal role in enhancing the fields of physiotherapy and occupational therapy. By integrating advanced technology into therapeutic practices, IT experts are helping to create innovative solutions that improve patient outcomes and streamline clinical processes.
    One significant contribution is the development of sophisticated software and applications that enable therapists to design personalized treatment plans. These digital tools allow for precise tracking of patient progress, making it easier to adjust therapies in real‑time based on data analytics. For instance, motion‑sensing technology and wearable devices can monitor a patient’s physical movements during exercises, providing immediate feedback to both the therapist and the patient.
    Additionally, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are revolutionizing rehabilitation methods. IT professionals are creating immersive VR environments where patients can perform therapeutic exercises in a controlled, engaging setting. This approach is particularly beneficial for those recovering from injuries or surgeries, as it can make repetitive exercises more enjoyable and less monotonous.
    Telehealth platforms are another area where IT expertise is crucial. These platforms enable remote consultations and therapy sessions, ensuring that patients have access to care regardless of their location. IT professionals ensure that these systems are secure, user‑friendly, and efficient, thereby expanding the reach of physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
    Moreover, data security and patient confidentiality are paramount in healthcare. IT professionals implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive patient information. By doing so, they help maintain trust and compliance with regulatory standards, ensuring that therapeutic practices are both effective and safe.
    In conclusion, the collaboration between IT professionals and therapists is fostering a new era of healthcare where technology and therapy converge. This synergy not only enhances the quality of care but also empowers patients on their journey to recovery, demonstrating the invaluable role of IT in advancing physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
In the sentence, “Motion‑sensing technology and wearable devices can monitor a patient’s physical movements during exercises, providing immediate feedback to both the therapist and the patient,” the word “immediate” is a/an 
Q3031079 Inglês
Text for the question.

    In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, IT professionals are increasingly playing a pivotal role in enhancing the fields of physiotherapy and occupational therapy. By integrating advanced technology into therapeutic practices, IT experts are helping to create innovative solutions that improve patient outcomes and streamline clinical processes.
    One significant contribution is the development of sophisticated software and applications that enable therapists to design personalized treatment plans. These digital tools allow for precise tracking of patient progress, making it easier to adjust therapies in real‑time based on data analytics. For instance, motion‑sensing technology and wearable devices can monitor a patient’s physical movements during exercises, providing immediate feedback to both the therapist and the patient.
    Additionally, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are revolutionizing rehabilitation methods. IT professionals are creating immersive VR environments where patients can perform therapeutic exercises in a controlled, engaging setting. This approach is particularly beneficial for those recovering from injuries or surgeries, as it can make repetitive exercises more enjoyable and less monotonous.
    Telehealth platforms are another area where IT expertise is crucial. These platforms enable remote consultations and therapy sessions, ensuring that patients have access to care regardless of their location. IT professionals ensure that these systems are secure, user‑friendly, and efficient, thereby expanding the reach of physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
    Moreover, data security and patient confidentiality are paramount in healthcare. IT professionals implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive patient information. By doing so, they help maintain trust and compliance with regulatory standards, ensuring that therapeutic practices are both effective and safe.
    In conclusion, the collaboration between IT professionals and therapists is fostering a new era of healthcare where technology and therapy converge. This synergy not only enhances the quality of care but also empowers patients on their journey to recovery, demonstrating the invaluable role of IT in advancing physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
Considering the text, choose the correct alternative.
Q3031078 Inglês
Text for the question.

    In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, IT professionals are increasingly playing a pivotal role in enhancing the fields of physiotherapy and occupational therapy. By integrating advanced technology into therapeutic practices, IT experts are helping to create innovative solutions that improve patient outcomes and streamline clinical processes.
    One significant contribution is the development of sophisticated software and applications that enable therapists to design personalized treatment plans. These digital tools allow for precise tracking of patient progress, making it easier to adjust therapies in real‑time based on data analytics. For instance, motion‑sensing technology and wearable devices can monitor a patient’s physical movements during exercises, providing immediate feedback to both the therapist and the patient.
    Additionally, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are revolutionizing rehabilitation methods. IT professionals are creating immersive VR environments where patients can perform therapeutic exercises in a controlled, engaging setting. This approach is particularly beneficial for those recovering from injuries or surgeries, as it can make repetitive exercises more enjoyable and less monotonous.
    Telehealth platforms are another area where IT expertise is crucial. These platforms enable remote consultations and therapy sessions, ensuring that patients have access to care regardless of their location. IT professionals ensure that these systems are secure, user‑friendly, and efficient, thereby expanding the reach of physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
    Moreover, data security and patient confidentiality are paramount in healthcare. IT professionals implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive patient information. By doing so, they help maintain trust and compliance with regulatory standards, ensuring that therapeutic practices are both effective and safe.
    In conclusion, the collaboration between IT professionals and therapists is fostering a new era of healthcare where technology and therapy converge. This synergy not only enhances the quality of care but also empowers patients on their journey to recovery, demonstrating the invaluable role of IT in advancing physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
Considering the text, one significant contribution of IT professionals to the field of physiotherapy and occupational therapy is
Q2705452 Fisioterapia
Segundo a Resolução nº 413/2012 do COFFITO, a regulação e a homologação do processo eleitoral do Conselho Federal e dos Conselhos Regionais constitui competência do (dos)
Q2705451 Fisioterapia
Segundo as disposições da Resolução nº 452/2015 do COFFITO, o estágio não obrigatório em terapia ocupacional terá jornada de até 
Q2705450 Fisioterapia
Considerando a Lei nº 6.316/1975, que trata do exercício da profissão de fisioterapeuta e de terapeuta ocupacional, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q2705449 Fisioterapia
De acordo com a Lei nº 6.316/1975, os membros do Conselho Federal de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional serão eleitos
Q2705448 Fisioterapia
Segundo a Lei nº 6.316/1975, o Conselho Federal e os Conselhos Regionais de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional constituem
Q2705442 Administração Geral
Diversos modelos têm sido desenvolvidos para explicar como os líderes devem se portar em diferentes situações, o estilo de liderança mais apropriado depende de uma análise da natureza da situação que está sendo enfrentada pelo líder. Com base nessa informação, assinale a alternativa que apresenta o termo referente ao tipo de modelo descrito. 
Q2705441 Administração Geral
O trabalho do líder é utilizar a estrutura, o apoio e as recompensas para criar um ambiente de trabalho que auxilie os colaboradores a alcançarem as metas da organização, contudo os líderes precisam decidir qual tipo de estilo utilizar com cada funcionário ou em cada situação. Com base nessa informação, assinale a alternativa que apresenta o termo que se refere ao tipo de liderança que enfoca na clara distribuição de tarefas, com padrões para um desempenho bem‑sucedido. 
Q2705440 Administração Geral
A forma como o líder utiliza o poder estabelece um tipo diferente de liderança. Sendo assim, os líderes que descentralizam a autoridade, que possuem decisões participativas, que não são unilaterais e tanto ele como o grupo agem como uma unidade social que são tidos como líderes
Q2705439 Administração Geral
O processo de influenciar e apoiar outras pessoas para que elas trabalhem no alcance de determinado objetivo faz parte da dinâmica organizacional e da relação entre os colaboradores. Com base nessa informação, assinale a alternativa que apresenta o termo referente ao conceito apresentado.
Q2705438 Direito Administrativo
É inexigível a licitação quando inviável a competição. Com base nessa informação, assinale a alternativa que apresenta um caso de inexigibilidade de licitação.
Q2705437 Direito Administrativo
A modalidade de licitação para a escolha de trabalho técnico, científico ou artístico, cujo critério de julgamento é o de melhor técnica ou conteúdo artístico, e para a concessão de prêmio ou remuneração ao vencedor é denominada  
Q2705436 Direito Administrativo
O processo de licitação observará uma sequência de fases e, entre elas, há uma caracterizada pelo planejamento. Essa fase deve compatibilizar‑se com o plano de contratações anual, sempre que elaborado, e com as leis orçamentárias. Além disso, essa fase deve abordar todas as considerações técnicas, mercadológicas e de gestão que podem interferir na contratação. Considerando essas informações, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a denominação correta para essa fase.  
Q2705435 Direito Administrativo
A Lei de Licitações e Contratos Administrativos estabelece normas gerais de licitação e contratação para as Administrações Públicas Diretas, autárquicas e fundacionais da União, dos estados, do Distrito Federal e dos municípios. Essa legislação apresenta importantes conceitos para todo o processo licitatório, sendo um deles o conceito de licitante, o qual pode ser definido como
Q2705434 Administração Geral
Quanto ao campo do comportamento organizacional, a criação de alvos, que auxiliam os colaboradores a centrar sua atenção nos itens de maior importância para a organização, são importantes dentro do modelo de motivação. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o termo referente ao conceito abordado em questão.
Q2705433 Administração Geral
O conjunto de forças internas e externas que fazem com que os colaboradores escolham determinado curso de ação e incorporem determinados comportamentos representam um dos campos de estudo nas organizações. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o termo referente ao conceito abordado em questão.
21: B
22: E
23: D
24: E
25: B
26: A
27: B
28: C
29: E
30: D
31: E
32: C
33: C
34: E
35: A
36: D
37: E
38: C
39: E
40: B