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Q1252732 Pedagogia
O uso da tecnologia na escola não é novidade. Eles integram o ambiente da sala de aula, complementando e até mesmo, algumas vezes, substituindo o quadro de giz. Após sua chegada à escola, o computador tem sido um importante recurso, ao qual a escola não pode mais fechar as portas.
Considerando as tecnologias da informação na escola julgue as afirmativas abaixo em VERDADEIRO (V) e FALSO (F) e, em seguida, assinale a opção correta:
( ) A implantação de recursos de informática na escola não pode ser confundia com a simples instalação de computares e a utilização da internet ou de softwares para treinar procedimentos. ( ) A tecnologia, se bem empregada, pode trazer valiosas contribuições ao processo ensino-aprendizagem, mas sua aplicação envolve, muitas vezes, mudanças na estrutura do ambiente escolar. ( ) A tecnologia na escola tem sido a solução de todos os problemas, pois houve um grande avanço no número de usuários tendo em vista a redução do preço dos equipamentos e a utilização dos computadores em rede. ( ) A tecnologia favorece ao mudar o estilo das aulas, a mudança de papéis do aluno e do professor, onde o a professor tem papel ativo e o aluno papel passivo, pois sendo a ferramenta utilizada na aprendizagem, não é o professor e sim o computador que ensina o aluno.
A sequência CORRETA é:
Q1252697 Pedagogia
Conforme o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, em seu Art. 54, é dever do Estado assegurar à criança e ao adolescente
Q1252687 Português

Observe a imagem abaixo.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

( Acessado em: 10/11/2017.)

O diálogo acima exemplifica a falta de comunicação provocada por desconhecimento de:

Q1252682 Português
Leia, atentamente, o texto do poeta mineiro Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

A primeira namorada, tão alta que o beijo não a alcançava, o pescoço não a alcançava, nem mesmo a voz a alcançava. Eram quilômetros de silêncio.
Luzia na janela do sobradão.

Com relação à classe das palavras presentes no poema, marque a afirmativa CORRETA.
Q1252679 Português
Leia o texto abaixo e atente para a pontuação.

“Às vezes penso nas bactérias benignas que moram em mim e me ajudam a viver. São mais bactérias dentro da gente do que estrelas na Via-Láctea. Trilhões. Mesmo que quiséssemos estar solitários, já somos habitados por constelações. Pensam em como elas se movimentam, como elas lutam pelo bem-estar do meu organismo, anônimas. Queria trocar ideia, agradecer. E penso que, mesmo sozinha, sou uma multidão. Eu e elas. Mas o que estamos fazendo com a força da multidão no mundo? Por que estamos demorando tanto tempo para entender o seu poder desmedido de transformação? Falta o que para a gente se elevar ao simples? Ao criativo, inteligente, colaborativo, flexível, livre, intuitivo, estudioso, afetivo, enfim, ao bem-estar do organismo do mundo?”

Avalie a justificativa para o emprego do sinal de pontuação.

I. A vírgula depois de “solitários” foi empregada para separar oração adverbial anteposta à principal.
II. A vírgula depois de “movimentam” se justifica, pois separa termos coordenados.
III. As vírgulas na expressão “mesmo sozinha” intercalam um aposto explicativo.
IV. As vírgulas no advérbio “enfim” intercalam expressão de retificação.

Está CORRETO apenas o que se afirma em:
Q1252674 Pedagogia
Resultado da ação de ensinar e aprender práticas sociais, tornando-se cognitivamente diferente. Estado ou condição que adquire um grupo social ou um indivíduo como consequência de ter-se apropriado da escrita e da leitura e de suas práticas sociais. As frases citadas definem:
Q1252668 Pedagogia
A Constituição Federal de 1988, em seu Capítulo III, trata da Educação, da Cultura e do Desporto. Tendo como referência o que está proposto na Seção I, da Educação, assinale a opção INCORRETA:
Q1252657 Inglês
Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the correct grammar use of the Comparative and Superlative forms
Q1252656 Inglês
Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the correct grammar use of the Infinitive and Gerund forms:
Q1252655 Inglês
Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the correct grammar use of the Passive Voice: The passive voice to the sentence below is:
“Many people around the world understand English”
Q1252654 Inglês
Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the correct grammar use of the Pronouns:
I. She always does ______________ homework. II. Henry never talks to _______________. III. The baby can‟t feed ________________. IV. Paulo and you love _________________ teachers
Q1252653 Inglês
Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the correct grammar use of the Reported Speech. The indirect form to the sentence below is:
“This has been a wonderful trip.”
Q1252652 Inglês
Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the correct grammar use of the Conditional Sentences:
Q1252651 Inglês

Read the text and mark the CORRECT alternative form question:

Windsurfing around Britain

   Kevin Cookston, a 23-year-old engineering student, has been keen on windsurfing for many years. Recently, he set a new record for travelling all the way round the coast of Great Britain on a windsurf board.

   'I don‟t really know why I did it,‟ says Kevin, ‟just for the fun of it, I suppose. It was there to be done, that was all.‟ Despite lacking both the obsessive ambition and the funds that normally go with attempts to break records, Kevin made the journey in eight weeks and six days, knocking one week off the previous record set in 1984.

   Leaving from Exmouth in the south-west of England, Kevin travelled up the west coast of England and Wales, before going round the top of Scotland and then coming back down the other side. The journey officially covered 2.896 kilometres, although given the changes of direction to find the right wind paths, the actual distance Kevin travelled is probably closer to 4.000 km.

    Kevin fitted his fitness training in around his final year university examinations. ‟I didn‟t have that much time to prepare,‟ he explains. ‟But I went running often and supplemented that with trips to the gym to do weight training. I found I got a lot better during the trip itself actually. At the start, I was tired and needed a rest after four hours, but by the end I found I could do ten hours in a row no trouble.‟

   Kevin had a budget of £7.000 to cover the whole expedition. The previous record had been set with a budget twice that size, while a recent unsuccessful attempt had cost £40.000. Budgets have to meet the cost of fuel, food and accommodation for the support team, as well as the windsurfer's own equipment and expenses.

   Previous contenders had been accompanied by a boat on which they slept at night, as well as a fleet of vehicles on land to carry their supplies. Kevin made do with an inflatable rubber boat and an old van manned by four friends who followed his progress. Overnight arrangements had to be found along the way. Apart from the odd occasion when they enjoyed the hospitality of friends, the team made use of the camping equipment carried in the van, and slept on the beach.

   When asked if his athlete‟s diet was a closely kept secret, Kevin replied that he ate a lot of pasta and added the odd tin of tuna to keep up his energy. ‟Basically, we had anything that was on special offer in the nearest supermarket, he confided.

  Such a prolongued period of gruelling windsurfing made relaxation important however, and for this, Kevin favoured the pub method. This also provided social opportunities.“The people we met were really encouraging he recalls“. 'They thought what we were doing was really great. It was hard work, but we had a lot of fun along the way“. 

   Kevin has been windsurfing since he was thirteen years old and he is also a highly-ranked competitor at national level. ‟I don‟t know where I‟m ranked now,‟ he says, `because I‟ve missed a lot of important competitions this year. But what I did has more than made up for that and I‟ll be doing my best to be up there amongst the winners once I get back into the competitive sport next season‟. Given his unique achievement this year, Kevin seems well-placed to take on the world‟s top windsurfers. 

Fonte: First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 1, pg 116 Kenny/ Luque-Mortimer, Ed. Longman

What does the phrasal verb “made do with” in paragraph 6 mean?
Q1252650 Inglês

Read the text and mark the CORRECT alternative form question:

Windsurfing around Britain

   Kevin Cookston, a 23-year-old engineering student, has been keen on windsurfing for many years. Recently, he set a new record for travelling all the way round the coast of Great Britain on a windsurf board.

   'I don‟t really know why I did it,‟ says Kevin, ‟just for the fun of it, I suppose. It was there to be done, that was all.‟ Despite lacking both the obsessive ambition and the funds that normally go with attempts to break records, Kevin made the journey in eight weeks and six days, knocking one week off the previous record set in 1984.

   Leaving from Exmouth in the south-west of England, Kevin travelled up the west coast of England and Wales, before going round the top of Scotland and then coming back down the other side. The journey officially covered 2.896 kilometres, although given the changes of direction to find the right wind paths, the actual distance Kevin travelled is probably closer to 4.000 km.

    Kevin fitted his fitness training in around his final year university examinations. ‟I didn‟t have that much time to prepare,‟ he explains. ‟But I went running often and supplemented that with trips to the gym to do weight training. I found I got a lot better during the trip itself actually. At the start, I was tired and needed a rest after four hours, but by the end I found I could do ten hours in a row no trouble.‟

   Kevin had a budget of £7.000 to cover the whole expedition. The previous record had been set with a budget twice that size, while a recent unsuccessful attempt had cost £40.000. Budgets have to meet the cost of fuel, food and accommodation for the support team, as well as the windsurfer's own equipment and expenses.

   Previous contenders had been accompanied by a boat on which they slept at night, as well as a fleet of vehicles on land to carry their supplies. Kevin made do with an inflatable rubber boat and an old van manned by four friends who followed his progress. Overnight arrangements had to be found along the way. Apart from the odd occasion when they enjoyed the hospitality of friends, the team made use of the camping equipment carried in the van, and slept on the beach.

   When asked if his athlete‟s diet was a closely kept secret, Kevin replied that he ate a lot of pasta and added the odd tin of tuna to keep up his energy. ‟Basically, we had anything that was on special offer in the nearest supermarket, he confided.

  Such a prolongued period of gruelling windsurfing made relaxation important however, and for this, Kevin favoured the pub method. This also provided social opportunities.“The people we met were really encouraging he recalls“. 'They thought what we were doing was really great. It was hard work, but we had a lot of fun along the way“. 

   Kevin has been windsurfing since he was thirteen years old and he is also a highly-ranked competitor at national level. ‟I don‟t know where I‟m ranked now,‟ he says, `because I‟ve missed a lot of important competitions this year. But what I did has more than made up for that and I‟ll be doing my best to be up there amongst the winners once I get back into the competitive sport next season‟. Given his unique achievement this year, Kevin seems well-placed to take on the world‟s top windsurfers. 

Fonte: First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 1, pg 116 Kenny/ Luque-Mortimer, Ed. Longman

What does the pronoun “we” in paragraph 8 refer to?
Q1252649 Inglês

Read the text and mark the CORRECT alternative form question:

Windsurfing around Britain

   Kevin Cookston, a 23-year-old engineering student, has been keen on windsurfing for many years. Recently, he set a new record for travelling all the way round the coast of Great Britain on a windsurf board.

   'I don‟t really know why I did it,‟ says Kevin, ‟just for the fun of it, I suppose. It was there to be done, that was all.‟ Despite lacking both the obsessive ambition and the funds that normally go with attempts to break records, Kevin made the journey in eight weeks and six days, knocking one week off the previous record set in 1984.

   Leaving from Exmouth in the south-west of England, Kevin travelled up the west coast of England and Wales, before going round the top of Scotland and then coming back down the other side. The journey officially covered 2.896 kilometres, although given the changes of direction to find the right wind paths, the actual distance Kevin travelled is probably closer to 4.000 km.

    Kevin fitted his fitness training in around his final year university examinations. ‟I didn‟t have that much time to prepare,‟ he explains. ‟But I went running often and supplemented that with trips to the gym to do weight training. I found I got a lot better during the trip itself actually. At the start, I was tired and needed a rest after four hours, but by the end I found I could do ten hours in a row no trouble.‟

   Kevin had a budget of £7.000 to cover the whole expedition. The previous record had been set with a budget twice that size, while a recent unsuccessful attempt had cost £40.000. Budgets have to meet the cost of fuel, food and accommodation for the support team, as well as the windsurfer's own equipment and expenses.

   Previous contenders had been accompanied by a boat on which they slept at night, as well as a fleet of vehicles on land to carry their supplies. Kevin made do with an inflatable rubber boat and an old van manned by four friends who followed his progress. Overnight arrangements had to be found along the way. Apart from the odd occasion when they enjoyed the hospitality of friends, the team made use of the camping equipment carried in the van, and slept on the beach.

   When asked if his athlete‟s diet was a closely kept secret, Kevin replied that he ate a lot of pasta and added the odd tin of tuna to keep up his energy. ‟Basically, we had anything that was on special offer in the nearest supermarket, he confided.

  Such a prolongued period of gruelling windsurfing made relaxation important however, and for this, Kevin favoured the pub method. This also provided social opportunities.“The people we met were really encouraging he recalls“. 'They thought what we were doing was really great. It was hard work, but we had a lot of fun along the way“. 

   Kevin has been windsurfing since he was thirteen years old and he is also a highly-ranked competitor at national level. ‟I don‟t know where I‟m ranked now,‟ he says, `because I‟ve missed a lot of important competitions this year. But what I did has more than made up for that and I‟ll be doing my best to be up there amongst the winners once I get back into the competitive sport next season‟. Given his unique achievement this year, Kevin seems well-placed to take on the world‟s top windsurfers. 

Fonte: First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 1, pg 116 Kenny/ Luque-Mortimer, Ed. Longman

How much did the previous record expedition cost? 
Q1252648 Inglês

Read the text and mark the CORRECT alternative form question:

Windsurfing around Britain

   Kevin Cookston, a 23-year-old engineering student, has been keen on windsurfing for many years. Recently, he set a new record for travelling all the way round the coast of Great Britain on a windsurf board.

   'I don‟t really know why I did it,‟ says Kevin, ‟just for the fun of it, I suppose. It was there to be done, that was all.‟ Despite lacking both the obsessive ambition and the funds that normally go with attempts to break records, Kevin made the journey in eight weeks and six days, knocking one week off the previous record set in 1984.

   Leaving from Exmouth in the south-west of England, Kevin travelled up the west coast of England and Wales, before going round the top of Scotland and then coming back down the other side. The journey officially covered 2.896 kilometres, although given the changes of direction to find the right wind paths, the actual distance Kevin travelled is probably closer to 4.000 km.

    Kevin fitted his fitness training in around his final year university examinations. ‟I didn‟t have that much time to prepare,‟ he explains. ‟But I went running often and supplemented that with trips to the gym to do weight training. I found I got a lot better during the trip itself actually. At the start, I was tired and needed a rest after four hours, but by the end I found I could do ten hours in a row no trouble.‟

   Kevin had a budget of £7.000 to cover the whole expedition. The previous record had been set with a budget twice that size, while a recent unsuccessful attempt had cost £40.000. Budgets have to meet the cost of fuel, food and accommodation for the support team, as well as the windsurfer's own equipment and expenses.

   Previous contenders had been accompanied by a boat on which they slept at night, as well as a fleet of vehicles on land to carry their supplies. Kevin made do with an inflatable rubber boat and an old van manned by four friends who followed his progress. Overnight arrangements had to be found along the way. Apart from the odd occasion when they enjoyed the hospitality of friends, the team made use of the camping equipment carried in the van, and slept on the beach.

   When asked if his athlete‟s diet was a closely kept secret, Kevin replied that he ate a lot of pasta and added the odd tin of tuna to keep up his energy. ‟Basically, we had anything that was on special offer in the nearest supermarket, he confided.

  Such a prolongued period of gruelling windsurfing made relaxation important however, and for this, Kevin favoured the pub method. This also provided social opportunities.“The people we met were really encouraging he recalls“. 'They thought what we were doing was really great. It was hard work, but we had a lot of fun along the way“. 

   Kevin has been windsurfing since he was thirteen years old and he is also a highly-ranked competitor at national level. ‟I don‟t know where I‟m ranked now,‟ he says, `because I‟ve missed a lot of important competitions this year. But what I did has more than made up for that and I‟ll be doing my best to be up there amongst the winners once I get back into the competitive sport next season‟. Given his unique achievement this year, Kevin seems well-placed to take on the world‟s top windsurfers. 

Fonte: First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 1, pg 116 Kenny/ Luque-Mortimer, Ed. Longman

How long has Kevin been windsurfing?
Q1252636 Pedagogia
A Lei nº 9394 de 1996 estabelece as Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. Acerca dos profissionais da educação, conforme dispõe o Título VI da referida lei, julgue os itens abaixo como VERDADEIRO (V) ou FALSO (F) e, em seguida, assinale a opção CORRETA:
( ) Consideram-se profissionais da educação escolar básica os que, nela estando em efetivo exercício e tendo sido formados em cursos reconhecidos, são professores habilitados em nível médio ou superior para a docência na educação infantil e nos ensinos fundamental e médio. ( ) A formação dos profissionais da educação, de modo a atender às especificidades do exercício de suas atividades, bem como aos objetivos das diferentes etapas e modalidades da educação básica, terá como um dos fundamentos o aproveitamento da formação e experiências anteriores, em instituições de ensino e em outras atividades. ( ) O acesso de professores das redes públicas de educação básica a cursos superiores de pedagogia e licenciatura será efetivado por meio de processo seletivo diferenciado. ( ) A experiência docente é pré-requisito para o exercício profissional de quaisquer outras funções de magistério, nos termos das normas de cada sistema de ensino.
A sequência CORRETA é:
Q1252635 Pedagogia
A Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional traz em seu Art. 3º que o ensino será ministrado com base nos seguintes princípios:
I. igualdade de condições para o acesso e permanência na escola; II. singularismo de ideia e de concepções pedagógicas; III. garantia de padrão de qualidade; IV. consideração com a diversidade étnico-racial.
Está CORRETO o que se afirma em:
Q1252396 Administração Financeira e Orçamentária
Os Princípios Orçamentários visam estabelecer diretrizes norteadoras básicas, a fim de conferir racionalidade, eficiência e transparência para os processos de elaboração, execução e controle do orçamento público. Válidos para os Poderes Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário de todos os entes federativos – União, estados, Distrito Federal e municípios – são estabelecidos e disciplinados por normas constitucionais, infraconstitucionais e pela doutrina.
Pode-se destacar como PRINCÍPIOS orçamentários cuja existência e aplicação derivem de normas jurídicas:
61: B
62: C
63: C
64: B
65: A
66: C
67: A
68: D
69: A
70: C
71: D
72: C
73: B
74: A
75: C
76: B
77: C
78: D
79: B
80: C