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Q2452353 Inglês
Stephen Krashen (1985) is an expert in the field of linguistics, specializing in theories of language acquisition and development. Much of his research has involved the study of non-English and bilingual language acquisition. In a brief mention of Krashen's widely known and well-accepted theory of second language acquisition, which has had a large impact in all areas of second language research and teaching, it is correct to say that it is made of five hypotheses, which are presented below. Considering all the 5 (five) hypotheses provided by Krashen in his Acquisition Theory, match the second column by using the information provided in the first, then check the correct answer.

(A) The Natural Order hypothesis.
(B) The Affective Filter hypothesis.
(C) The Acquisition-Learning hypothesis
(D) The Monitor hypothesis
(E) The Input hypothesis

( ) This hypothesis reinforces that our ability to produce statements in another language is the result of unconscious knowledge and that conscious knowledge has the function of editing and correcting the output (oral productions).

( ) According to this hypothesis, learners who are poorly motivated, insecure, anxious and with low self-esteem would be prevented from connecting the input with the LAD (Language Acquisition Device).

( ) This hypothesis predicts that there is only one way to acquire the language: understanding messages.

( ) This hypothesis predicts that there are two ways to develop a second language. The first one would be unconscious and the second one would be conscious.

( ) This hypothesis suggests that we acquire the rules of a language regardless of how these rules are taught in the classroom.
Q2452352 Inglês
“Language is a communicative tool manipulated by speakers within social networks, for communities and societies vary. Thus, language and its functions are changed”. Based on the statement provided, check the answer that better explains the picture below.

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Q2452351 Inglês
“Languages vary” this is a very coherent statement when it comes to the study of language change phenomenon. That being said, check the answer that can be equally considered as coherent, on what matters to the study of such phenomenon.
Q2452348 Pedagogia
De acordo com Lei Federal nº 9.795/1999 (Institui a Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental), Art. 8o As atividades vinculadas à Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental devem ser desenvolvidas na educação em geral e na educação escolar, por meio das seguintes linhas de atuação inter-relacionadas, EXCETO:
Q2452300 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular – BNCC, são consideradas Unidades Temáticas para o componente curricular de Geografia:

I. O sujeito e seu lugar no mundo.
II. Conexões e escalas.
III. Mundo do trabalho.
IV. Formas de representação e pensamento espacial.
V. Natureza, ambientes e qualidade de vida.

56: A
57: C
58: B
59: D
60: E