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Q1990346 Legislação dos Tribunais de Justiça (TJs)

Com relação ao Processo Administrativo Disciplinar, considere:

I. Seurito se desenvolve nas seguintes fases: instauração; instrução; defesa e julgamento, sendo dispensado o relatório por se tratar de rito sumário.

II. Na fase de instauração, cabe ao Presidente da Comissão de Ética e Disciplina comunicar os atos processuais por meio de citação ou intimação do servidor, devendo o processo ser concluído no prazo improrrogável de 90 dias.

III. Na fase de defesa, será concedido ao servidor o direito ao contraditório e à ampla defesa.

IV. Na fase de instrução, cabe aos membros da Comissão, dentre outras atividades, promover a tomada de depoimentos, acareações, investigações e diligências cabíveis, objetivando a coleta de prova, recorrendo, quando necessário, a técnicos e peritos, de modo a permitir a completa elucidação dos fatos.

De acordo com o Regulamento Disciplinar dos Servidores do Poder Judiciário do Estado do Ceará (aprovado pela Resolução nº 08/2017 do Órgão especial do Estado do Ceará — Anexo 11), está correto o que se afirma APENAS em  

Q1990344 Matemática Financeira
Em uma loja de departamentos, as peças de vestuário estão com 20% de desconto e os utensílios domésticos com 25% de desconto. Maria comprou uma calça que custava R$ 130,00 e um jogo de copos que custava R$ 150,00. O total gasto por Maria, em reais e após aplicados os descontos, é 
Q1990341 Inglês
In the fragment from the second paragraph “Rather than creating and managing their own IT infrastructure”, the underlined expression can be replaced without any change in the meaning of the sentence by  
Q1990340 Inglês

        Before cloud computing came into existence, companies were required to download applications or programs on their physical PCs or on-premises servers to be able to use them. For any organization, building and managing its own IT infrastructure or data centers is a huge challenge. Even for those who own their own data centers, allocating a large number of IT administrators and resources is a struggle.

        The introduction of cloud computing was a paradigm shift in the history of the technology industry. Rather than creating and managing their own IT infrastructure and paying for servers, power and real estate, etc., cloud computing allows businesses to rent computing resources from cloud service providers. This helps businesses avoid paying heavy upfront costs and the complexity of managing their own data centers. By renting cloud services, companies pay only for what they use such as computing resources and disk space. This allows companies to anticipate costs with greater accuracy.

        Since cloud service providers do the heavy lifting of managing and maintaining the IT infrastructure, it saves a lot of time, effort and money for businesses. The cloud also gives organizations the ability to seamlessly upscale or downscale their computing infrastructure as and when needed. Compared to the traditional on-premises data center model, the cloud offers easy access to data from anywhere and on any device with internet connectivity, thereby enabling effective collaboration and enhanced productivity.

(Adaptado de: MCDERMOTT, Matt. Cloud Computing: Benefits, Disadvantages & Types of Cloud Computing Services. Disponível em: https:/Ayww 

No trecho For any organization, building and managing its own IT infrastructure or data centers is a huge challenge (1º pará- grafo), o segmento sublinhado tem sentido equivalente, em português, a 
Q1990339 Inglês

        Before cloud computing came into existence, companies were required to download applications or programs on their physical PCs or on-premises servers to be able to use them. For any organization, building and managing its own IT infrastructure or data centers is a huge challenge. Even for those who own their own data centers, allocating a large number of IT administrators and resources is a struggle.

        The introduction of cloud computing was a paradigm shift in the history of the technology industry. Rather than creating and managing their own IT infrastructure and paying for servers, power and real estate, etc., cloud computing allows businesses to rent computing resources from cloud service providers. This helps businesses avoid paying heavy upfront costs and the complexity of managing their own data centers. By renting cloud services, companies pay only for what they use such as computing resources and disk space. This allows companies to anticipate costs with greater accuracy.

        Since cloud service providers do the heavy lifting of managing and maintaining the IT infrastructure, it saves a lot of time, effort and money for businesses. The cloud also gives organizations the ability to seamlessly upscale or downscale their computing infrastructure as and when needed. Compared to the traditional on-premises data center model, the cloud offers easy access to data from anywhere and on any device with internet connectivity, thereby enabling effective collaboration and enhanced productivity.

(Adaptado de: MCDERMOTT, Matt. Cloud Computing: Benefits, Disadvantages & Types of Cloud Computing Services. Disponível em: https:/Ayww 

Depreende-se do texto que a computação em nuvem 
171: D
172: A
173: C
174: D
175: A