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Read the text: “Money for Ukraine at Center of Senate Bid
to Avert Shutdown: Senators of both parties are debating
whether to include new military assistance for the fight
against Russia in any stopgap spending bill” (The New
York Times, September 25, 2023). According to the
previous text, members of the U.S. congress is discussing
the possibility of adding military aid against Russia in the
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The indefinite article is correctly used in: a hat; a house; a
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Pedagogical management is the most important action,
which defines goals to teaching and to implement
pedagogical approaches and their evaluation.
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Traditional grammatical rules say that we should not have a preposition at the end of a clause or sentence, as in th sentence: “She was someone who he could talk to”. The correct formal sentence would be: “She was someone to whom he could talk”.
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The sentence “That’s not my cell phone. It’s yours” is grammatically correct.
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Behavioral educational psychologists are interested in studying how children get motivated to learn, how they remember what they learn, and how they solve problems, among other things.
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All sentences require a subject and a verb. However,
imperative sentences (commands) do not need to include
their subject because it’s assumed to be the person the
sentence is directed at.
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A BNCC, com base da Lei n.º 9394/96 e das Diretrizes
Curriculares Nacionais da Educação Básica, reconhece
que a educação tem um compromisso com a formação e
o desenvolvimento humano, em suas dimensões cultural,
integral e cognitiva.
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In the sentence “Susan looked at herself in the mirror”, the
subject and the object are the same.
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A BNCC supera a fragmentação das políticas
educacionais, ensejando o fortalecimento do regime de
colaboração entre as esferas governamentais e baliza a
qualidade da educação.
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A BNCC e os currículos têm papéis que se justapõem,
com o objetivo de assegurar as aprendizagens essenciais
definidas para cada etapa da Educação Básica.
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Para a BNCC, deve-se selecionar, produzir, aplicar e
avaliar recursos didáticos e tecnológicos para apoiar o
processo de ensino-aprendizagem na Educação Básica,
exceto para as modalidades de ensino que têm currículos
e propostas pedagógicas próprias e que se adéquam às
diferentes necessidades de aprendizagens dos
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Na BNCC, as modalidades de ensino têm currículos
interculturais, diferenciados e bilíngues, pois possuem
sistemas próprios de ensino e aprendizagem, tanto dos
conteúdos universais quanto dos conhecimentos
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Read the text: “An engineer was fixing a bell outside a
house. Mulla Nasrudin came by, stopped and asked:
‘What is that thing?’ ‘Fire alarm.’ ‘I've seen them before –
they don’t work,’ said the Mulla. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘The
bell rings all right, but the fire burns just the same.’” In the
previous text, the engineer insisted in trying to fix a bell
that does not work.
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In the sentence: “It is abundantly clear that trade does not
fill stomachs, and if anyone does get rich from it, it is
seldom if ever both the parties concerned.” The word
“seldom” can be replaced by “rarely” without changing the
meaning of the sentence.
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In Communicative Language Teaching, the students’
writing skill is assessed by the use of formal written tests.
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The antonyms of the adjectives beautiful, dead, dry,
heavy, and rough are, respectively, ugly, alive, wet, light,
and smooth.
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In the sentence “Don’t go so fast”, the word “fast” is an
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Na atuação da União, além do apoio técnico e financeiro,
deve-se incluir também o fomento a inovações e a
disseminação de casos de sucesso na gestão da
educação e na implementação da BNCC em todo Brasil.
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Measurement, assessment, and evaluation in teaching
mean very different things. Measurement is the process
by which the attributes or dimensions of some object is
determined. Assessment is a process by which
information is obtained relative to some known objective
or goal. Evaluation is a process designed to provide
information that will help us make a judgment about a
given situation.