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Q2671256 Pedagogia

É pelo __________ que as crianças se expressam e se comunicam. É através das brincadeiras que elas começam a experimentar e a fazer ____________ com os objetos e as pessoas que estão à sua volta. À medida que a criança cresce, as brincadeiras vão tomando uma dimensão mais _____________.


Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas do trecho acima.

Q2671250 Pedagogia

Relacione a Coluna 1 à Coluna 2, associando as características do cuidar e do educar na organização do currículo da Educação Infantil.


Coluna 1

1. Cuidar.

2. Educar.


Coluna 2

( ) Envolve atenção dedicada às necessidades básicas de higiene, alimentação e repouso.

( ) Valoriza, escuta e respeita as características, os conhecimentos e as experiências das crianças, compreendendo-as como sujeitos de direitos, sociais, ativos e potentes.

( ) Está direcionada à atitude do adulto em relação às crianças, ou seja, ao modo como toca um bebê quando está higienizando, ao modo como alimenta uma criança que ainda precisa de sua ajuda nessa atividade.

A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:

Q2671249 Direito Processual Penal

Com base na Lei Maria da Penha, assinale a alternativa correta.

Q2671247 Pedagogia

Conforme a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), analise a sentença abaixo:


A expressão educação “pré-escolar”, utilizada no Brasil até a década de 1980, expressava o entendimento de que a Educação Infantil era uma etapa anterior, independente e preparatória para a escolarização, que só teria seu começo no Ensino Fundamental. Situava-se, portanto, fora da educação formal (1ª parte). Com a Constituição Federal de 1988, o atendimento em creche e préescola às crianças de zero a 6 anos de idade torna-se dever do Estado. Posteriormente, com a promulgação da LDB, em 1996, a Educação Infantil passa a ser parte integrante da Educação Básica, situando-se no mesmo patamar que o Ensino Fundamental e o Ensino Médio (2ª parte). E a partir da modificação introduzida na LDB em 2006, que antecipou o acesso ao Ensino Fundamental para os 6 anos de idade, a Educação Infantil passa a atender a faixa etária de zero a 5 anos (3ª parte).


Quais partes estão corretas?

Q2671245 Pedagogia

A respeito do trabalho com projetos na Educação Infantil, analise as assertivas abaixo e a relação proposta entre elas, e assinale a alternativa correta.


I. O planejamento desenvolvido por meio de projetos pedagógicos, em Educação Infantil, tem por fundamento uma aprendizagem significativa para as crianças. Eles podem se originar de brincadeiras, da leitura de livros infantis, de eventos culturais, de áreas temáticas e de necessidades observadas quanto ao desenvolvimento infantil.




II. Vários projetos podem se desenvolver ao mesmo tempo, de tal forma que se dê a articulação entre o conhecimento científico e a realidade espontânea da criança, promovendo a cooperação e a interdisciplinaridade num contexto de jogo, trabalho e lazer.

Q2671244 Pedagogia

Sendo a avaliação, o conjunto de procedimentos didáticos que se estendem por um longo tempo e em vários espaços escolares, de caráter processual e visando sempre à melhoria do objeto avaliado (HOFFMANN, 2012), analise as assertivas abaixo e assinale V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas.

( ) A Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB nº 9394/96) estabelece que na Educação Infantil, a avaliação será feita mediante acompanhamento e registro do seu desenvolvimento, sem o objetivo de promoção, mesmo para o acesso ao Ensino Fundamental.

( ) A ação avaliativa precisa considerar as crianças em sua diversidade: sua realidade sociocultural, sua idade, suas oportunidades de conhecimento, etc., e a diversidade dos professores que atuam com elas.

( ) A avaliação precisa buscar elementos tanto para a elaboração de relatórios e pareceres avaliativos das crianças como para repensar o fazer educativo do professor e da instituição.

( ) Avaliar é fazer um diagnóstico de capacidades, levando em conta apenas as crianças, não sendo necessário considerar o âmbito da instituição com todas as relações que se estabelecem neste ambiente.

( ) A avaliação deve ser usada tanto no sentido de um acompanhamento do desenvolvimento do estudante, como no sentido de uma apreciação ao longo do processo, com o objetivo de reorientá-lo.

A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:

Q2671221 Noções de Informática

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta um caractere que NÃO pode ser utilizado, no Microsoft Windows 10, em nomes de arquivos e pastas.

Q2671200 Português

Instrução: As questões de números 01 a 10 referem-se ao texto abaixo. Os destaques ao longo do texto estão citados nas questões.

O ERP e a gestão empresarial

  1. Os primeiros passos para se chegar a ferramentas tão tecnológicas como temos hoje no
  2. âmbito da administração de empresas foram dados em 1950. Naquela década, foi utilizado o
  3. primeiro mainstream, que tinha como objetivo a automatização de controle de estoques. Esse
  4. foi um passo inicial para a evolução desse mecanismo que, até então, tornava-se muito caro
  5. para as empresas e ainda era bastante lento. Nos anos 1970, a evolução do sistema de gestão
  6. trouxe para o mercado o Material Requirement Planning (MRP). Esse cenário se ............... até a
  7. década de 80, em que as redes de computadores vieram para resolver dois problemas:
  8. possibilitar o uso de servidores (redução de custo em relação aos mainframes) e estreitar a
  9. comunicação entre os famosos departamentos das empresas, seja via software ou visibilidade
  10. de informação. Na década de 90, com o salto nas redes de computadores e a queda nos
  11. investimentos em hardware, os softwares de gestão já se tornavam um diferencial nas grandes
  12. corporações, uma ferramenta de controle e gestão indispensável. O Gartner Group é responsável
  13. pelo termo ERP que conhecemos hoje. Eles entenderam que a evolução e transformação do MRP
  14. conversando com sistemas de outras áreas (RH, Financeiro, Vendas, Logística, etc.) permitia
  15. controlar transversalmente uma empresa inteira de forma assertiva. Gradativamente, esse
  16. conceito foi sendo aperfeiçoado ao longo do tempo para chegar até os ERPs que temos hoje,
  17. com um nível gerencial apurado e .................... por segmento.
  18. Dentro de uma organização, o ERP (Planejamento dos Recursos da Empresa, na tradução
  19. para o português) é um sistema de gestão empresarial que auxilia nos processos internos,
  20. automatizando operações manuais e transformando-as em processos de software, garantindo
  21. ___ guarda das informações em seu banco de dados. O ERP funciona como um software de
  22. gestão para unificar informações e facilitar o fluxo de trabalho entre ___ áreas. Levando-se em
  23. consideração que cada departamento necessita de uma ferramenta própria para poder gerar
  24. seus relatórios e executar tarefas rotineiras, o ERP passa a ter um papel fundamental,
  25. funcionando como um centralizador do fluxo de trabalho, alinhando a comunicação de todas as
  26. áreas e facilitando a tomada de decisão. Desta forma, ao invés de cada área possuir um software
  27. isolado, o ERP concentra todas as informações de forma integrada e inteligente, dando ___
  28. empresa autonomia na execução de tarefas rotineiras e tornando a comunicação interligada.
  29. Imagine que, por exemplo, o departamento que trata das finanças possa saber em tempo real
  30. o status de seus ganhos e destinar o dinheiro de maneira assertiva, tendo controle total do fluxo
  31. de caixa. É possível, com o ERP, ter essa visão de forma rápida e facilitada.
  32. Existem vários sistemas utilizados na gestão de empresas e, muitas vezes, as que ainda
  33. não adotaram um ERP acabam precisando de vários softwares para garantir a visibilidade de
  34. todas as frentes de negócio. Ou seja, os responsáveis pela gestão precisam navegar entre
  35. diferentes programas, coletando informações de vários painéis para só então analisar os dados
  36. e tomar decisões. As pessoas sabem que, neste cenário, as informações se perdem e os dados
  37. copiados podem ser utilizados de forma errada. Resumindo: muitas vezes há dor de cabeça e
  38. tempo gasto para localizar um problema de fácil resolução. O ERP tem como principal objetivo
  39. organizar todo o volume de informação gerado pela empresa. Dotado de uma estrutura robusta,
  40. o sistema de gestão é capaz de auxiliar todos os departamentos com funcionalidades que
  41. auxiliam em diferentes frentes de rotinas diárias, como, por exemplo, controle financeiro,
  42. administração de suprimentos e gestão de colaboradores.
  43. Os sistemas de ERP são oferecidos pelo mercado em diversas modalidades.
  44. Diferentemente de outros programas e sistemas de computador, o sistema de gestão não está
  45. à venda em gôndolas de lojas e, em sua maioria, não é um sistema pronto para instalação e uso.
  46. Por ser um software robusto, ele requer processos para que tudo comece a rodar em perfeitas
  47. condições. Além disso, por abranger tantos departamentos da empresa, o ERP pode ser
  48. comprado em módulos, ficando sob medida em relação às necessidades da companhia.

Disponível em:

– texto adaptado especialmente para esta prova.

As lacunas pontilhadas do primeiro parágrafo são, correta e respectivamente, preenchidas com:

Q2671020 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

Find the INCORRECT statement about the sentence “The more we spend time arguing about who does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter” (l. 27 to 28).

Q2671019 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

In which of the sentences below the word “rather” is used with the same meaning as the underlined word in line 13?

Q2671018 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

Analyse the statements below and mark T, if true, or F, if false.

( ) The pronoun “who,” in line 08, refers to “strangers”.

( ) The pronoun “it,” in line 08, refers to Facebook.

( ) The pronoun “which,” in line 16, refers to “the result”.

( ) The pronoun “which,” in line 17, refers to the whole sentence before the coma.

( ) The pronoun “its,” in line 18, refers to “a publisher”.

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:

Q2671017 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

These are excerpts from the text:

1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden of invisible labor at home. (l. 01-02).

2. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. (l. 07-08).

Consider the statements bellow about excerpts 1 and 2:

I. In 1, the use of past perfect suggests that Rodsky doesn’t “shoulder the burden” anymore.

II. In 2, the past perfect was used because there is reference to two actions in the past, and one happened before the other.

III. In 1, if the past perfect structure were replaced by present perfect continuous it would imply the continuity of the action up to nowadays.

Which statements are correct?

Q2671016 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

Consider the following excerpts from the text:

A Harvard-educated lawyer (l. 02). Problem-solving end (l. 13). A Game-Changing Solution (l. 15).

Why are there hyphens in these three sentences?

Q2671015 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

After publishing her spreadsheet on the internet, Rodsky started to receive messages from other women she didn’t know, but who identified themselves with her story. What did she do next?

Q2671014 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

Which is considered the main aspect of Rodsky’s strategy to balance the burden of chores?

Q2671013 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 51 to 58 based on the following text.

Eve Rodsky’s deck of cards could help you find domestic bliss

  1. Eve Rodsky was fed up. For years she, like many other women, had shouldered the burden
  2. of invisible labor at home. Rodsky, a Harvard-educated lawyer and organizational management
  3. specialist who advises families and charitable foundations, was tired of being the “she-fault”
  4. parent. So, she started a spreadsheet titled “Shit I do.” “After months and months of
  5. crowdsourcing this beautiful, giant spreadsheet, I sent this to my husband and said, ‘Can’t wait
  6. to discuss.'”
  7. Rodsky shared the spreadsheet on Facebook. Soon, she was receiving messages from
  8. strangers who had seen it, detailing the domestic indignities they faced. She wanted to channel
  9. that frustration into something productive, and then Rodsky realized she could apply
  10. organizational management principles to the home. When Sarah Harden, the CEO of the media
  11. and production company Hello Sunshine, met Rodsky, she realized Rodsky was onto something
  12. novel. “After 40 to 50 years of talking about the problems, she was working on a solution. [At
  13. Hello Sunshine], (...) We like to be on the problem-solving end of the conversation rather than
  14. wallowing” said Harden.
  15. The result is Rodsky’s book, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too
  16. Much to Do (and More Life to Live), which came out in October. (Hello Sunshine inked a unique
  17. deal with Rodsky as a venture partner, which means the company helped sell the book to a
  18. publisher and will take a cut of its profits.) A key piece of Rodsky’s solution is gamifying the
  19. notion of fair play with a set of cards. “So this is based on a 100 card game. You’re holding cards
  20. that represent all that you do for your home and family.”
  21. The author believes the cards can help couples navigate their domestic balance by helping
  22. them to talk about home life (which most people don’t do) and take full ownership of the tasks
  23. (concept, planning, and execution). The ultimate goal of redistributing domestic work, according
  24. to Rodsky, is to free up time for what she calls “unicorn space” — the stuff that might feel like a
  25. luxury or pipe dream to most parents. “This is about making time for the things we actually care
  26. about — who we were before we had kids,” she said. “What are our passions and purpose,
  27. beyond being a parent and a partner and a worker? The more we spend time arguing about who
  28. does what, the less time we have for the things that truly matter.”

Adapted from:

According to the article, what was the first step taken by Eve Rodsky in order to find an equitable way to divide up responsibilities at home?

Q2671008 História

Relacione a Coluna 1 à Coluna 2, associando o nome de três grandes intérpretes da realidade nacional brasileira com suas orientações teóricas.

Coluna 1

1. Gilberto Freire.

2. Caio Prado Júnior.

3. Sérgio Borque de Holanda.

Coluna 2

( ) Na sua principal obra, a interpretação da realidade nacional é pautada em categorias de análise formulada pelo sociólogo alemão Max Weber.

( ) Assinala a cultura de tolerância e convivência inter-racial no Brasil como uma das características do povo brasileiro.

( ) Em seu estudo “O Homem Cordial”, diz respeito ao brasileiro extremamente passional, ligado às relações pessoais de família e parentesco, e não à racionalidade e impessoalidade.

( ) Inaugurou a utilização do materialismo histórico e dialético na historiografia nacional. Para ele, é as diferenças entre as classes que possibilitam compreender as dinâmicas excludentes do capitalismo.

A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:

Q2671006 História

O método de pesquisa que tem como característica mais importante o curso aprofundado de uma situação, um evento específico, de forma que leve em consideração principalmente suas características internas, mas também o contexto em que ocorre, denomina-se:

Q2671004 História

De acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, relacionado ao terceiro ciclo do ensino fundamental de história, analise a sentença abaixo:

O eixo temático para o terceiro ciclo orienta estudos de relações entre a realidade histórica brasileira, a História da América, da Europa, da África e de outras partes do mundo (1ª parte). Nesse contexto, para o terceiro ciclo, é proposto o eixo temático História das relações sociais, da cultura e do trabalho, que se desdobra nos dois subtemas. As relações sociais e a natureza e as relações de trabalho (2ª parte). Sendo assim, os dois subtemas se desdobram em conteúdo de orientação do ensino aprendizagem, os quais devem ser trabalhados na sua integridade (3ª parte).

Quais partes estão corretas?

Q2671002 História

A Guerra Guaranítica (1753-1756), ou Guerra dos Sete Povos, foi o conflito armado envolvendo as tribos Guarani das missões jesuíticas. Nesse sentido, qual foi o motivo principal que desencadeou essa guerra?

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