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Segundo RAVEN, sobre as características dos fungos, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
( ) Os fungos têm um papel importante tanto no campo ecológico, como decompositores, quanto nas áreas médica e econômica.
( ) Os fungos do filo Zygomycota têm reprodução assexuada, por esporos móveis e fragmentação, e reprodução sexuada, por zigósporo.
( ) Os fungos do filo Ascomycota têm, entre seus principais representantes, a Morchella (comestível) e o Tuber (trufas).
Assinalar a alternativa que preenche as lacunas abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
A vaporização é a passagem do estado ____________ para o ______________, pode ocorrer de forma lenta, na temperatura do ambiente e sem a formação de bolhas. Nesse caso, a vaporização é denominada ____________.
De acordo com CRUZ, sobre a matéria e suas propriedades, assinalar a alternativa que preenche as lacunas abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
___________ é a menor porção de uma substância pura que conserva as propriedades e a composição da substância. As partículas que formam as moléculas são denominadas _____________.
Considera-se um organismo unicelular eucarionte e heterótrofo somente o(a):
De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular, para orientar a elaboração dos currículos de Ciências, as aprendizagens essenciais a serem asseguradas neste componente curricular foram organizadas em três unidades temáticas:
I. Matéria e energia.
II. Vida e evolução.
III. Manifestações religiosas.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
British troops move black rhinos to Malawi
British troops have helped to move a group of critically endangered black rhinos from South Africa to Malawi to protect them against poaching. Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles moved 17 of the animals, which are hunted for their horns, in the hope they can be better protected. They were transported by air and road from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa to Liwonde National Park in Malawi.
The troops then spent three months training rangers to keep them safe. Major Jez England, the officer commanding the British Army counter-poaching team in Liwonde, said the operation had been “hugely successful”. “Not only do we share skills with the rangers, improving their efficiency and ability to patrol larger areas, but it also provides a unique opportunity for our soldiers to train in a challenging environment”, he said.
The UK government says it has committed more than £36m to tackle the illegal wildlife trade between 2014 and 2021. Part of this is to help support trans-boundary work to allow animals to move more safely between areas and across national borders.
(Site: BBC - adaptado.)
Choose the word related to appearance:
British troops move black rhinos to Malawi
British troops have helped to move a group of critically endangered black rhinos from South Africa to Malawi to protect them against poaching. Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles moved 17 of the animals, which are hunted for their horns, in the hope they can be better protected. They were transported by air and road from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa to Liwonde National Park in Malawi.
The troops then spent three months training rangers to keep them safe. Major Jez England, the officer commanding the British Army counter-poaching team in Liwonde, said the operation had been “hugely successful”. “Not only do we share skills with the rangers, improving their efficiency and ability to patrol larger areas, but it also provides a unique opportunity for our soldiers to train in a challenging environment”, he said.
The UK government says it has committed more than £36m to tackle the illegal wildlife trade between 2014 and 2021. Part of this is to help support trans-boundary work to allow animals to move more safely between areas and across national borders.
(Site: BBC - adaptado.)
The synonym of “work” is NOT:
British troops move black rhinos to Malawi
British troops have helped to move a group of critically endangered black rhinos from South Africa to Malawi to protect them against poaching. Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles moved 17 of the animals, which are hunted for their horns, in the hope they can be better protected. They were transported by air and road from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa to Liwonde National Park in Malawi.
The troops then spent three months training rangers to keep them safe. Major Jez England, the officer commanding the British Army counter-poaching team in Liwonde, said the operation had been “hugely successful”. “Not only do we share skills with the rangers, improving their efficiency and ability to patrol larger areas, but it also provides a unique opportunity for our soldiers to train in a challenging environment”, he said.
The UK government says it has committed more than £36m to tackle the illegal wildlife trade between 2014 and 2021. Part of this is to help support trans-boundary work to allow animals to move more safely between areas and across national borders.
(Site: BBC - adaptado.)
Choose the alternative that contains a sentence from the text that employs the past perfect:
British troops move black rhinos to Malawi
British troops have helped to move a group of critically endangered black rhinos from South Africa to Malawi to protect them against poaching. Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles moved 17 of the animals, which are hunted for their horns, in the hope they can be better protected. They were transported by air and road from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa to Liwonde National Park in Malawi.
The troops then spent three months training rangers to keep them safe. Major Jez England, the officer commanding the British Army counter-poaching team in Liwonde, said the operation had been “hugely successful”. “Not only do we share skills with the rangers, improving their efficiency and ability to patrol larger areas, but it also provides a unique opportunity for our soldiers to train in a challenging environment”, he said.
The UK government says it has committed more than £36m to tackle the illegal wildlife trade between 2014 and 2021. Part of this is to help support trans-boundary work to allow animals to move more safely between areas and across national borders.
(Site: BBC - adaptado.)
Judge the following items as true (C) or false (E) and mark the alternative that presents the CORRECT order:
( ) Poaching (first paragraph) means illegally hunting.
( ) The word “which” (first paragraph) refers to “animals”.
( ) The verb “to tackle” (third paragraph) is synonymous with “to prevent”.
British troops move black rhinos to Malawi
British troops have helped to move a group of critically endangered black rhinos from South Africa to Malawi to protect them against poaching. Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles moved 17 of the animals, which are hunted for their horns, in the hope they can be better protected. They were transported by air and road from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa to Liwonde National Park in Malawi.
The troops then spent three months training rangers to keep them safe. Major Jez England, the officer commanding the British Army counter-poaching team in Liwonde, said the operation had been “hugely successful”. “Not only do we share skills with the rangers, improving their efficiency and ability to patrol larger areas, but it also provides a unique opportunity for our soldiers to train in a challenging environment”, he said.
The UK government says it has committed more than £36m to tackle the illegal wildlife trade between 2014 and 2021. Part of this is to help support trans-boundary work to allow animals to move more safely between areas and across national borders.
(Site: BBC - adaptado.)
According to the text, choose the CORRECT alternative:
Em conformidade com VENTURI, sobre a aquisição de linguagem em uma abordagem cognitiva, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. O indivíduo adulto, em virtude de sua maturação cognitiva, pode apoiar-se em estratégias metalinguísticas de processamento, enquanto a criança chega às generalizações por inferência.
II. O desenvolvimento cognitivo do adulto permite o entendimento e a comunicação de experiências ausentes no espaço e no tempo.
De acordo com Richard e Rodgers in MOURÃO, sobre os modelos estrutural, funcional ou interacional, analisar a sentença abaixo:
Proporcionam as estruturas teóricas para o desenvolvimento de uma determinada metodologia de ensino (1ª parte). Os modelos são completos em si mesmos, ou seja, não precisam ser complementados pelas teorias da aprendizagem (2ª parte).
A sentença está:
Em sua obra “Estados Unidos: formação da nação”, Karnal analisa o processo de independência estadunidense frente a(à):
De acordo com KERN, quando nos deslocamos todos os verões para o litoral, em busca do sol e do mar, não nos damos conta de que somos representantes atuais de muitos outros grupos de humanos que, no passado, ali se estabeleceram nos últimos seis ou sete mil anos. Assinalar a alternativa que apresenta os grupos de humanos ao qual o autor se refere.
Sobre a obra “A ética protestante e o espírito do Capitalismo”, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. Em 1904, Weber, ao escrever esse ensaio sobre a ética ascética do protestantismo puritano como berço da cultura ocidental moderna, usou a palavra “espírito” no título, entre aspas, o que demostrava cautela e, ao mesmo tempo, dava ênfase ao termo.
II. Ao publicar essa obra, Weber buscava compreender como os valores religiosos protestantes foram capazes de promover a organização do sistema capitalista, levando esse sistema econômico ao patamar de seita, com seguidores espalhados no mundo ocidental, e como mola motriz do desenvolvimento industrial da América.
Em relação à pré-história do Rio Grande do Sul, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:
De acordo com VISENTINI, RIBEIRO e PEREIRA, sobre a África pré-colonial, é CORRETO afirmar que a unidade de base da organização social era o(a):
De acordo com PINSKY, sobre os hebreus, a mitificação de Salomão decorre do fato de ter sido ele o:
De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), são considerados importantes objetivos de História no Ensino Fundamental:
I. Estimular a autonomia de pensamento.
II. Estimular a capacidade de reconhecer que os indivíduos agem de acordo com a época e o lugar nos quais vivem, de forma a preservar ou transformar seus hábitos e condutas.
“É o conjunto de formas que, num dado momento, exprimem as heranças que representam as sucessivas relações localizadas entre o homem e a natureza.”
Considerando-se a perspectiva de Santos in SUERTEGARAY, é CORRETO afirmar que o fragmento se refere ao conceito de: