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Q2106457 Pedagogia
As línguas estão intrinsecamente relacionadas com a caracterização dos grupos culturais, o que vem de seu processo de formação histórica. Nessa reflexão, é preciso ter presente que, mesmo no âmbito de uma mesma língua, há tanto diferenças que as caracterizam com marcas de uma nação – o inglês dos Estados Unidos e o espanhol da Argentina, por exemplo – como variedades de fala no interior de uma mesma nação, que se relacionam a suas regiões geográficas (no Sul do Brasil há formas de falar diferentes do modo como se fala no Nordeste, o que vale também para países estrangeiros: o inglês falado no Oeste dos Estados Unidos tem muitas características de vocabulário e de estrutura diferentes do inglês falado no Leste do país, para dar apenas alguns exemplos); a estratos sociais (as elites escolarizadas têm traços de fala distintos dos estratos de maior vulnerabilidade social nos quais não há escolaridade plena); a faixas etárias (jovens tendem a manifestar traços de fala distintos de idosos, por exemplo), dentre outros fatores.

Disponível em: <
Curricular-de-Santa-Catarina.pdf> . Acesso em: 21/02/2020. [Fragmento adaptado].
O ensino da língua portuguesa numa perspectiva interdisciplinar implica:
Q2106429 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
Complete the sentence below:
“I once __________________ (see) some polar bears in a zoo. They ___________________ (not look) very happy at all.”

Choose the alternative that completes the sentence correctly
Q2106427 Inglês
Polar bears and climate changing

When we think about global warming and climate change, we usually think ________________how it is going to affect humans. However, we need to think about animals, too. Many species will be threatened
______________________ extinction by the end of this century if climate change is not halted. One of these is the world’s largest land predator, the polar bear. This magnificent native ___________________ the Arctic previously had no natural enemy apart _______________________man, but is now under threat from nature itself. Because of melting sea ice, it is likely that more polar bears will soon starve, warns a new study that discovered the large carnivores need to eat 60 percent more than anyone had realized.

Polar bears use floating ice as a platform to hunt seals from. They eat a large volume of food during the winter, storing enough fat under their skin to last them through the summer months. When the ice melts in the spring, many travel south to places such as Churchill, Canada, returning north when the seas freeze again, usually around October. Now, however, the winter ice is melting earlier and forming later. The bears’ store of fat runs out, and some starve to death. Other bears are drowning, because many of the ice platforms have melted, and some bears have to swim over a hundred kilometres from one ice platform to another. Due to exhaustion or stormy weather, some never make it to their destinations.
The following words in bold, “it”, “itself” and “their”, in the text, are, respectively
Q2106412 Educação Física
“Faz parte da nossa vida determinar a valia ou o valor dos elementos da realidade” (FRANCO, 2017).
O autor apresenta três competências que irão facilitar a prática avaliativa do professor.
Assinale a alternativa que contém as três competências apresentadas.
Q2106407 Educação Física
“O desempenho de habilidades motoras envolve a organização dos músculos do corpo, o que permite que a pessoa atinja a meta da habilidade que está sendo desempenhada” (MAGILL, 2017).
Como é chamada a padronização dos movimentos do corpo e dos membros relativamente à padronização dos eventos e objetos do ambiente?
1: E
2: A
3: A
4: D
5: E