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Q2309607 Inglês
Which sentence contains the incorrect use of the phrasal verb? 
Q2309606 Inglês
Mark the incorrect sentence.  
Q2309605 Inglês

Read the text and answer the following question. 

Cultural behaviour in business 

Much of today's business is conducted across international borders, and while the majority of the global business community might _______ the use of English as a common language, the nuances and expectations of business communication might differ greatly from culture to culture. A lack of understanding of the cultural norms and practices of our business acquaintances can result in unfair judgments, misunderstandings and breakdowns in communication. Here are three basic areas of differences in business etiquette around the world that could help stand you in good stead when you next find yourself working with someone from a different culture. 

Addressing someone 

When discussing this topic in a training course, a German trainee and a British trainee got into a hot debate about _______ it was appropriate for someone with a doctorate to use the corresponding title on their business card. The British trainee maintained that anyone who wasn't a medical doctor expecting to be addressed as 'Dr' was disgustingly pompous and full of themselves. The German trainee, however, argued that the hard work and years of education put into earning that PhD should give them full rights to expect to be addressed as 'Dr'. 

This stark difference in opinion over something that could be conceived as minor and thus easily _______ goes to show that we often attach meaning to even the most mundane practices. When things that we are used to are done differently, it could spark the strongest reactions in us. While many Continental Europeans and Latin Americans prefer to be addressed with a title, for example Mr or Ms and their surname when meeting someone in a business context for the first time, Americans, and increasingly the British, now tend to prefer using their first names. The best thing to do is to listen and observe how your conversation partner addresses you and, if you are still unsure, do not be afraid to ask them how they would like to be addressed. 


A famous Russian proverb states that 'a smile without reason is a sign of idiocy' and a so-called 'smile of respect' is seen as insincere and often regarded with suspicion in Russia. Yet in countries like the United States, Australia and Britain, smiling is often interpreted as a sign of openness, friendship and respect, and is frequently used to break the ice. 

In a piece of research done on smiles across cultures, the researchers found that smiling individuals were considered more intelligent than non-smiling people in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, China and Malaysia. However, in countries like Russia, Japan, South Korea and Iran, pictures of smiling faces were rated as less intelligent than the non-smiling ones. Meanwhile, in countries like India, Argentina and the Maldives, smiling was associated with dishonesty. 

Eye contact 

An American or British person might be looking their client in the eye to show that they are paying full attention to what is being said, but if that client is from Japan or Korea, they might find the direct eye contact awkward or even disrespectful. In parts of South America and Africa, _______ eye contact could also be seen as challenging authority. In the Middle East, eye contact across genders is considered inappropriate, although eye contact within a gender could signify honesty and truthfulness. 

Having an increased awareness of the possible differences in expectations and _______ can help us avoid cases of miscommunication, but it is vital that we also remember that cultural stereotypes can be detrimental to building good business relationships. Although national cultures could play a part in shaping the way we behave and think, we are also largely influenced by the region we come from, the communities we associate with, our age and gender, our corporate culture and our individual experiences of the world. The knowledge of the potential differences should therefore be something we keep at the back of our minds, rather than something that we use to pigeonhole the individuals of an entire nation. 

(Available at:, Accessed September, 2023) 

Read the excerpt. 

“The knowledge of the potential differences should therefore be something we keep at the back of our minds, rather than something that we use to pigeonhole the individuals of an entire nation.”  

The synonym for “therefore” is: 

Q2309604 Inglês

Read the text and answer the following question. 

Cultural behaviour in business 

Much of today's business is conducted across international borders, and while the majority of the global business community might _______ the use of English as a common language, the nuances and expectations of business communication might differ greatly from culture to culture. A lack of understanding of the cultural norms and practices of our business acquaintances can result in unfair judgments, misunderstandings and breakdowns in communication. Here are three basic areas of differences in business etiquette around the world that could help stand you in good stead when you next find yourself working with someone from a different culture. 

Addressing someone 

When discussing this topic in a training course, a German trainee and a British trainee got into a hot debate about _______ it was appropriate for someone with a doctorate to use the corresponding title on their business card. The British trainee maintained that anyone who wasn't a medical doctor expecting to be addressed as 'Dr' was disgustingly pompous and full of themselves. The German trainee, however, argued that the hard work and years of education put into earning that PhD should give them full rights to expect to be addressed as 'Dr'. 

This stark difference in opinion over something that could be conceived as minor and thus easily _______ goes to show that we often attach meaning to even the most mundane practices. When things that we are used to are done differently, it could spark the strongest reactions in us. While many Continental Europeans and Latin Americans prefer to be addressed with a title, for example Mr or Ms and their surname when meeting someone in a business context for the first time, Americans, and increasingly the British, now tend to prefer using their first names. The best thing to do is to listen and observe how your conversation partner addresses you and, if you are still unsure, do not be afraid to ask them how they would like to be addressed. 


A famous Russian proverb states that 'a smile without reason is a sign of idiocy' and a so-called 'smile of respect' is seen as insincere and often regarded with suspicion in Russia. Yet in countries like the United States, Australia and Britain, smiling is often interpreted as a sign of openness, friendship and respect, and is frequently used to break the ice. 

In a piece of research done on smiles across cultures, the researchers found that smiling individuals were considered more intelligent than non-smiling people in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, China and Malaysia. However, in countries like Russia, Japan, South Korea and Iran, pictures of smiling faces were rated as less intelligent than the non-smiling ones. Meanwhile, in countries like India, Argentina and the Maldives, smiling was associated with dishonesty. 

Eye contact 

An American or British person might be looking their client in the eye to show that they are paying full attention to what is being said, but if that client is from Japan or Korea, they might find the direct eye contact awkward or even disrespectful. In parts of South America and Africa, _______ eye contact could also be seen as challenging authority. In the Middle East, eye contact across genders is considered inappropriate, although eye contact within a gender could signify honesty and truthfulness. 

Having an increased awareness of the possible differences in expectations and _______ can help us avoid cases of miscommunication, but it is vital that we also remember that cultural stereotypes can be detrimental to building good business relationships. Although national cultures could play a part in shaping the way we behave and think, we are also largely influenced by the region we come from, the communities we associate with, our age and gender, our corporate culture and our individual experiences of the world. The knowledge of the potential differences should therefore be something we keep at the back of our minds, rather than something that we use to pigeonhole the individuals of an entire nation. 

(Available at:, Accessed September, 2023) 

Read the excerpt. 

“A lack of understanding of the cultural norms and practices of our business acquaintances can result in unfair judgments, misunderstandings and breakdowns in communication.” The word “ acquaintances”, according to its definition, refers to: 

Q2309603 Inglês

Read the text and answer the following question. 

Cultural behaviour in business 

Much of today's business is conducted across international borders, and while the majority of the global business community might _______ the use of English as a common language, the nuances and expectations of business communication might differ greatly from culture to culture. A lack of understanding of the cultural norms and practices of our business acquaintances can result in unfair judgments, misunderstandings and breakdowns in communication. Here are three basic areas of differences in business etiquette around the world that could help stand you in good stead when you next find yourself working with someone from a different culture. 

Addressing someone 

When discussing this topic in a training course, a German trainee and a British trainee got into a hot debate about _______ it was appropriate for someone with a doctorate to use the corresponding title on their business card. The British trainee maintained that anyone who wasn't a medical doctor expecting to be addressed as 'Dr' was disgustingly pompous and full of themselves. The German trainee, however, argued that the hard work and years of education put into earning that PhD should give them full rights to expect to be addressed as 'Dr'. 

This stark difference in opinion over something that could be conceived as minor and thus easily _______ goes to show that we often attach meaning to even the most mundane practices. When things that we are used to are done differently, it could spark the strongest reactions in us. While many Continental Europeans and Latin Americans prefer to be addressed with a title, for example Mr or Ms and their surname when meeting someone in a business context for the first time, Americans, and increasingly the British, now tend to prefer using their first names. The best thing to do is to listen and observe how your conversation partner addresses you and, if you are still unsure, do not be afraid to ask them how they would like to be addressed. 


A famous Russian proverb states that 'a smile without reason is a sign of idiocy' and a so-called 'smile of respect' is seen as insincere and often regarded with suspicion in Russia. Yet in countries like the United States, Australia and Britain, smiling is often interpreted as a sign of openness, friendship and respect, and is frequently used to break the ice. 

In a piece of research done on smiles across cultures, the researchers found that smiling individuals were considered more intelligent than non-smiling people in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, China and Malaysia. However, in countries like Russia, Japan, South Korea and Iran, pictures of smiling faces were rated as less intelligent than the non-smiling ones. Meanwhile, in countries like India, Argentina and the Maldives, smiling was associated with dishonesty. 

Eye contact 

An American or British person might be looking their client in the eye to show that they are paying full attention to what is being said, but if that client is from Japan or Korea, they might find the direct eye contact awkward or even disrespectful. In parts of South America and Africa, _______ eye contact could also be seen as challenging authority. In the Middle East, eye contact across genders is considered inappropriate, although eye contact within a gender could signify honesty and truthfulness. 

Having an increased awareness of the possible differences in expectations and _______ can help us avoid cases of miscommunication, but it is vital that we also remember that cultural stereotypes can be detrimental to building good business relationships. Although national cultures could play a part in shaping the way we behave and think, we are also largely influenced by the region we come from, the communities we associate with, our age and gender, our corporate culture and our individual experiences of the world. The knowledge of the potential differences should therefore be something we keep at the back of our minds, rather than something that we use to pigeonhole the individuals of an entire nation. 

(Available at:, Accessed September, 2023) 

Choose the option that best fits the blanks. 
Q2309602 Inglês

Read the sentences below.  

I. I’m ready to paint the town red with my best friends.

II. Being always busy is part and parcel of my occupation.

III. Don’t you call me a liar - that’s the pot calling the kettle black.

IV. I shouldn’t have trusted you my secret. You’ve let the cat out of the bag again!

V. He never wears his heart on his sleeve so it’s hard to tell what he’s feeling.

Now mark the option that contains the accordingly definition:  

Q2309591 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Analise as assertivas e com base na conservação e limpeza das máquinas e equipamentos de trabalho, responda: 

I. Manter os equipamentos e máquinas limpos é desnecessário para o bom funcionamento.

II. A limpeza de máquinas e equipamentos previne problemas e evita possíveis incidentes causados pelo equipamento, ao meio ambiente e as pessoas.

III. O ideal é elaborar um cronograma de limpeza e higienização do maquinário em que as limpezas sejam executadas em dias em que o maquinário não é exigido. 

Assinale a correta: 

Q2309590 Atendimento ao Público

Dentre as assertivas, assinale a correta em relação as regras básicas de comportamento profissional:


I. O “bom atendimento” é aquele que procura verdadeiramente atender às expectativas do público. 

II. Ao atender o público, é necessário informar e esclarecer as dúvidas, além de agilizar o atendimento e eventualmente acalmar os ânimos quando necessário.

III. A qualidade do atendimento prestado depende da capacidade de se comunicar com o público e da mensagem transmitida.

Somente está correta: 

Q2309589 Administração Geral

Dentre as assertivas, assinale a correta em relação as regras de comportamento no ambiente de trabalho. 

I. Uma regra básica do comportamento organizacional é compreender que casa e trabalho são coisas iguais.  

II. O ambiente de trabalho é lugar de seriedade, profissionalismo e compromisso com os afazeres. 

III. Um ambiente de trabalho saudável requer que os relacionamentos interpessoais se desenvolvam em bases profissionais.

Somente está correta: 

Q2309588 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Acidentes ocorrem quando o operador de máquinas não aplica o que aprendeu em cursos e treinamentos. Dentro das assertivas abaixo, assinale a alternativa que descreve atitudes do operador que geram acidentes no trabalho: 
Q2309586 Legislação de Trânsito

A sinalização vertical é classificada segundo sua função, que pode ser de: 


I. Regulamentar as obrigações, limitações, proibições ou restrições que governam o uso da via.

II. Advertir os condutores sobre condições com potencial de risco existentes na via ou nas suas proximidades, tais como escolas e passagens de pedestres.

III. Indicar direções, localizações, pontos de interesse turístico ou de serviços e transmitir mensagens educativas, dentre outras, de maneira a ajudar o condutor em seu deslocamento. 

Considera-se correta, segundo a legislação, a opção: 

Q2309583 Legislação de Trânsito
Segundo o Código de Trânsito Brasileiro, Art. 162, dirigir veículo: III - com Carteira Nacional de Habilitação ou Permissão para Dirigir de categoria diferente do veículo que esteja conduzindo: 
Q2309582 Legislação de Trânsito

Segundo o Código de Trânsito Brasileiro, Lei 9.503/1997 (CTB), Art. 115, § 1º, § 4o e § 4º-A.  

I. Os caracteres das placas serão individualizados para cada veículo e o acompanharão até a baixa do registro, sendo vedado seu reaproveitamento.

II. Os aparelhos automotores destinados a puxar ou a arrastar maquinaria de qualquer natureza ou a executar trabalhos de construção ou de pavimentação são sujeitos ao registro na repartição competente, se transitarem em via pública, dispensados o licenciamento e o emplacamento.

III. Os tratores e demais aparelhos automotores destinados a puxar ou a arrastar maquinaria agrícola ou a executar trabalhos agrícolas, desde que facultados a transitar em via pública, são sujeitos ao registro único, sem ônus, em cadastro específico do Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária, acessível aos componentes do Sistema Nacional de Trânsito. 

Q2309573 Português

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão.

Piadinha escrita por Ziraldo.

O avô do Bocão contando para os amigos: 

- Quando eu vou dormir, levo dois copos d'água pro quarto. Um copo cheio e outro vazio. O cheio é para o caso de eu ter sede. - E o vazio? - É para o caso de eu não ter.  

(PINTO, Ziraldo Alves. O livro do riso do Menino Maluquinho. São Paulo, Melhoramentos, 2000.)  

No texto apresentado há várias pontuações e acentuações. Assinale a opção em que ocorre o apóstrofo: 
Q2309531 Enfermagem
A dieta enteral é fornecida na forma líquida por meio de uma sonda, que é introduzida através do nariz ou boca, posicionada até o estômago ou intestino. A sonda naso enteral, dobbhoff tem como objetivo principal: 
Q2309530 Enfermagem
A imunoglobulina Rhogan promove a suspensão da sensibilidade produzida pelo organismo da mãe, que foi desenvolvida para entrar em contato com o sangue do feto. A imunoglobulina Rhogan deixa o organismo da mãe sem a sensibilização prévia, mas em casos de nova gravidez, a imunoglobulina deverá ser aplicada novamente em casos que: 
Q2309529 Enfermagem
A frequência dos batimentos cardíacos varia de acordo com vários fatores, por exemplo, idade, atividade física, situações emocionais. Nesse contexto, podemos considerar uma frequência cardíaca normal em recém-nascidos de: 
Q2309528 Enfermagem

A vacina BCG protege contra formas graves de tuberculose, uma doença contagiosa que afeta os pulmões, mas também os ossos, rins e meninges. A sigla significa Bacilo de Calmette e Guérindose em homenagem a seus criadores, deve ser aplicado 0,1 ml via intradérmica o mais precocemente possível. Qual é a ordem exata referente a cicatriz vacinal da BCG? 

1. Pápula.

2. Pústula.

3. Vesícula.

4. Mácula.

5. Crosta. 

Assinale alternativa que contém a ordem correta: 

Q2309527 Enfermagem

O Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal (PNTN), tem como objetivo o diagnóstico precoce, o tratamento adequado e o acompanhamento médico de algumas doenças que podem evitar a morte, deficiências e proporcionar melhor qualidade de vida aos recém-nascidos. O Ministério da Saúde preconiza a realização do teste do pezinho entre o 3º e 5º dia de vida do bebê, que detectam as seguintes doenças: 

I. Fenilcetonúria.

II. Hipotireodismo congênito.

III. Síndromes falciformes.

IV. Fibrose cística.

V. Hiperplasia adrenal congênita.

VI. Deficiência de biotinidase.

Assinale a alternativa correta: 

Q2309526 Enfermagem
Quando prescritos 1.000 ml de Ringer Lactato e 500ml de soro glicosado 5% em 24 horas, o fluxo em gotas/min será de: 
121: E
122: A
123: D
124: C
125: E
126: B
127: D
128: E
129: D
130: E
131: E
132: B
133: D
134: D
135: E
136: C
137: D
138: C
139: E
140: E