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Q1043330 Atualidades
Em 14 de novembro, a máquina mais cara e sofisticada da ciência brasileira começou a testar suas turbinas. O projeto já consumiu cerca de R$ 1,3 bilhão (de um total previsto de R$ 1,8 bilhão) e, quando ficar pronto, colocará o país na vanguarda das pesquisas que utilizam esse tipo de artefato, como as que envolvem a visualização em altíssima resolução de estruturas de vírus e proteínas (em busca de novas vacinas), de solo (com a ideia de aprimorar fertilizantes) e de rochas e de novos materiais (para melhorar a exploração de gás e petróleo), entre outras. (Folha de S.Paulo. Acesso em 25.jan.2019. Adaptado)
O texto destaca a inauguração do acelerador de partículas que está sendo construído
Q1043273 Atualidades
O recém-empossado presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro, assinou, nesta terça-feira (02.01), três decretos e uma medida provisória. Dentre as primeiras ações tomadas está a Medida Provisória (MP) que reestrutura a Esplanada dos Ministérios e estabelece a organização básica dos órgãos da presidência da República e dos ministérios. O documento confirma a estrutura de governo já anunciada, com 22 pastas, algumas delas com competências ampliadas. (UOL. Acesso em 25.jan.2019. Adaptado)
Na nova estrutura ministerial destaca-se o Ministério
Q1043269 Atualidades
Entre 311 concorrentes, o prêmio Nobel da Paz de 2018 foi concedido hoje [05.out] a uma dupla: o congolês Denis Mukwege e a ativista do povo yazidi Nadia Murad. (Agência Brasil. Acesso em 25.jan.2019. Adaptado)
Os ganhadores do prêmio tiveram destaque
Q1042873 Pedagogia

     In order for collection of sentences and utterances to succed effectively, the discourse needs to be organised or conducted in such a way that it will be successful. In written English this calls for both coherence and cohesion. For a text to be coherent, it needs to be in the right order. (…)

      No matter how coherent a text is, however, it will not work unless it has internal cohesion. The elements in that text must cohere or stick to each other successfully to help us navigate our way around the stretch of discourse. One way of achieving this is through lexical cohesion, and a way of ensuring lexical cohesion is through the repetition of words and phrases. (…) We can also use interrelated words and meanings to bind a text together (…)

      Another similar cohesive technique is that of substitution, using a phrase to refer to something we have already written. (…) Writers also use linkers such as and, also, moreover (…)

      These features are also present in spoken language, which also shows many examples of ellipsis (where words from a written-grammar version of an utterance are left out without compromising the meaning of what is said). (…)

                      (Harmer, J. The practice of English language teaching. 2007. Adapted)

One way of garanteeing grammatical cohesion in English is by using tense agreement, since if the writer or speaker changes the verb tense constantly, it is difficult to follow. A teacher that follows the task-based or the communicative approach should
Q1042872 Inglês

     In order for collection of sentences and utterances to succed effectively, the discourse needs to be organised or conducted in such a way that it will be successful. In written English this calls for both coherence and cohesion. For a text to be coherent, it needs to be in the right order. (…)

      No matter how coherent a text is, however, it will not work unless it has internal cohesion. The elements in that text must cohere or stick to each other successfully to help us navigate our way around the stretch of discourse. One way of achieving this is through lexical cohesion, and a way of ensuring lexical cohesion is through the repetition of words and phrases. (…) We can also use interrelated words and meanings to bind a text together (…)

      Another similar cohesive technique is that of substitution, using a phrase to refer to something we have already written. (…) Writers also use linkers such as and, also, moreover (…)

      These features are also present in spoken language, which also shows many examples of ellipsis (where words from a written-grammar version of an utterance are left out without compromising the meaning of what is said). (…)

                      (Harmer, J. The practice of English language teaching. 2007. Adapted)

From reading the text, one can infer that
306: A
307: B
308: D
309: D
310: B