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Q2585223 Inglês

“Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its students."

― Hector Berlioz

Hector Berlioz's statement emphasizes:

Q2585222 Inglês

What concept is George Carlin's quote, "If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?" attempting to convey? Choose the correct alternative.

Q2585221 Inglês

Within the Curriculum Proposal for Modern Foreign Language framework, what is the principal aim of the intercultural dimension?

Q2585220 Inglês

In the sentence "It is essential that he __________ on time," which verb form should be used to complete the sentence?

Q2585219 Inglês

Regarding the use of subjects, objects, and possessive forms, analyze the following sentences:

I - _______ are you going to recommend?

II - _______ wrote this book?

III - _______ pencil is on the table?

Select the option that correctly fills in the blanks.

Q2585218 Inglês

In the context of language as discourse, when considering the essential elements for effective communication within a specific situation, which of the following factors should be taken into consideration in ensuring successful interaction?

Q2585217 Inglês

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Disponível em:

In the fourth strip, when Calvin says "What difference does that make?", what does the word "THAT" refer to in his question?

Q2585216 Inglês

At UK's AI Summit developers and govts agree on testing to help manage risks

Leading AI developers agreed to work with governments to test new frontier models before they are released to help manage the risks of the rapidly developing technology, in a "landmark achievement" concluding the UK's artificial intelligence summit.

Some tech and political leaders have warned that AI poses huge risks if not controlled, ranging from eroding consumer privacy to danger to humans and causing a global catastrophe, and these concerns have sparked a race by governments and institutions to design safeguards and regulation.

At an inaugural AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park, home of Britain's World War Two codebreakers, political leaders from the United States, European Union and China agreed on Wednesday to share a common approach to identifying risks and ways to mitigate them.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that declaration, the action on testing and a pledge to set up an international panel on risk would "tip the balance in favour of humanity".

He said the United States, EU and other "like-minded" countries had reached a "landmark agreement" with select companies working at AI's cutting edge on the principle that models should be rigorously assessed before and after they are deployed.

Disponível em:

Based on the passage, what is one of the main outcomes of the UK's artificial intelligence summit in relation to managing the risks of AI?

Q2585215 Inglês

How will future climate change affect the world?

Scientists say limiting temperature rise to 1.5C is crucial to avoid the most dangerous impacts of climate change - although these increase with every extra increment of warming.

The 1.5C warming limit was partly designed to avoid crossing so-called "tipping points".

These are thresholds beyond which changes could accelerate and become irreversible in different parts of the Earth's climate system, such as the collapse of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

But it's not clear precisely where these thresholds sit. Some may have already been crossed; some may be further away than first thought.

Disponível em:

Based on the passage, what is one of the main purposes of limiting temperature rise to 1.5C in the context of climate change?

Q2585213 Inglês

Read the excerpt to answer questions 26 to 28.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

― Charles Dickens

Which of the following elements is NOT part of the contrasting pairs mentioned in the quote?

Q2585212 Inglês

Read the excerpt to answer questions 26 to 28.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

― Charles Dickens

What is the contrast that Dickens establishes in the quote, "It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness"?

Q2585211 Inglês

Read the excerpt to answer questions 26 to 28.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

― Charles Dickens

What message or theme does Charles Dickens convey through the opening lines of this quote?

Q2585210 Noções de Informática

Lucas é um analista financeiro em uma empresa de consultoria e está preparando um relatório financeiro crucial para uma reunião importante com um cliente. Ele tem várias planilhas do Excel que contêm dados financeiros e gráficos que precisam ser incorporados ao seu relatório do Word. Neste sentido, indique as afirmativas que podem ajudar Lucas a criar este relatório utilizando funções do MS — Word 2016.

( ) Inserir Gráficos: Para visualizar os dados financeiros de maneira mais impactante, Lucas pode criar gráficos diretamente no Word.

( ) Estilos e Formatação: Para tornar o relatório mais profissional, Lucas pode aplicar estilos de formatação, como títulos, subtítulos, listas numeradas ou com marcadores. Isso ajuda a dar uma estrutura clara ao documento e torná-lo visualmente atraente.

( ) Revisão e Comentários: Lucas pode usar as ferramentas de revisão e comentários do Word para fazer correções gramaticais, verificar a ortografia e colaborar com colegas ou revisores.

Q2585209 Noções de Informática

Marcos é um estudante de arte que está trabalhando em um projeto colaborativo com seus colegas. Eles decidiram criar um pôster digital para um evento da escola. Cada aluno está encarregado de projetar uma seção do pôster. Marcos é responsável pela seção superior do pôster, onde ele deseja incluir uma imagem impressionante. Ele encontra uma imagem relevante na internet, clica com o botão direito do mouse e seleciona "Copiar" no menu de contexto. Em seguida, ele abre seu software de edição de imagens e cola a imagem na seção superior do pôster usando o atalho ________.

Diante do contexto apresentado, assinale a afirmativa que contenha, o atalho utilizado por Marcos.

Q2585208 Noções de Informática

Isabela é uma gerente de vendas que está acompanhando as vendas de uma equipe de representantes de vendas. Ela utiliza a fórmula para contar quantas vezes um representante atingiu ou excedeu sua cota de vendas. Isabela insere critérios na fórmula _________ para determinar quantos representantes tiveram um desempenho excepcional. Neste sentido, assinale a alternativa que contenha corretamente a fórmula utilizada pela Isabela.

Q2585207 Noções de Informática

Joana é uma consultora que viaja com frequência a trabalho. Ela usa o Excel para acompanhar suas despesas de viagem. A fórmula __________ é usada para calcular o total de despesas, incluindo hospedagem, alimentação e transporte, para relatórios precisos. Neste sentido, assinale a alternativa que contenha corretamente a fórmula utilizada por Joana.

Q2585206 Noções de Informática

Evelyn tem um prazo para entregar um trabalho escolar e está imprimindo uma cópia para o professor. Ela utiliza um checklist para garantir que as margens, fonte, espaçamento e numeração de páginas estejam corretos. Analise as afirmativas a seguir e assinale a alternativa que contenham ações para se obter uma impressão de qualidade.

I- Verifique se há tinta ou toner suficiente na impressora para concluir a impressão. Substitua os cartuchos ou recarregue-os, se necessário.

II- Não é necessário alinhar corretamente o papel na bandeja; a impressora ajustará automaticamente.

III- Ajuste a resolução da impressora de acordo com suas necessidades. Impressões de alta resolução são ideais para imagens, enquanto textos podem ser impressos em uma resolução menor.

Q2585202 Matemática

Numa plataforma de vendas de passagens de ônibus online, os gerentes utilizam uma métrica chamada de antecedência de compra, que significa o número de dias entre a data da compra da passagem e a data da viagem. O gráfico abaixo mostra a antecedência de compras nesta plataforma para um determinado mês:

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Com base no gráfico, qual antecedência de compra média, em dias, dos usuários dessa plataforma neste mês?

Q2585201 Raciocínio Lógico

Considere as seguintes afirmativas:

Todo ciclista usa capacete; Todo esqueitista usa capacete; Alguns paraquedistas usam capacete; Alguns ciclistas são esqueitistas; Nenhum paraquedista que usa capacete é ciclista ou esqueitista.

Indique o diagrama lógico, dentre as correspondências abaixo, que descreve as afirmativas:

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Q2585196 Português

Considere a seguinte sentença, retirada de obra de Clarice Lispector: “A palavra é meu domínio sobre o mundo” Quanto às categorias gramaticais, no contexto apresentado, as palavras “meu”, “domínio” e “sobre” classificam-se, respectivamente, como:

41: B
42: C
43: E
44: B
45: A
46: C
47: B
48: C
49: E
50: E
51: B
52: C
53: B
54: D
55: D
56: A
57: C
58: D
59: A
60: D