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Q2385590 Inglês
       “Language teachers may ask themselves why should they bother writing plans for every lesson. Some teachers write down elaborate daily plans; others do the planning inside their heads. Preservice teachers say they write daily lesson plans only because a supervisor, cooperating teacher, or school administrator requires them to do so. After they graduate, many teachers give up writing lesson plans. However, not many teachers enter a classroom without some kind of plan. Lesson plans are systematic records of a teacher’s thoughts about what will be covered during a lesson”.

(RICHARDS, J. C. & RENANDYA, W.A. (Editors). Methodology in Language
Teaching – An Anthology of Current Practice. 14th Ed. Cambridge: CUP,
1986, p. 30).
The author states that many teachers do not plan their lessons before entering the classrooms. When it comes to such a matter, it is INCORRECT to affirm that designing a lesson plan 
Q2385589 Inglês
       “While a focus on grammar as a linguistic resource puts a more positive face on the role of grammar in writing instruction, any discussion of this role should include attention to learners’ writing errors, a significant concern for most L2 writing teachers and their students. For decades, studies and debates on the effectiveness of differing types of error correction and, indeed, of error correction at all, have been a major topic in the L2 writing literature. Central in recent debates include the exchanges between Truscott (1996, 2007), who believes that ESL research does not provide evidence showing that error correction improves writers’ accuracy over time, and Ferris (1999, 2011), who, while acknowledging that research base lacks controlled studies on this topic, nevertheless asserts that studies have indicated short-term improvement. Ferris (2011) has further pointed out that without attention to errors and explicit instruction, adult learners may fail to make progress in correcting patterns of errors in their L2 writing. Indeed, writing teachers in higher education contexts have found out that many of their multilingual students enter colleges and universities unaware of frequent error patterns in their writing”.

(CELCE-MURCIA, M; BRINTON, D.M. & SNOW, M. A. (Editors). Teaching English
as a Second or Foreign Language. 4th Ed. Boston, U.S.: National Geographic
Learning / Heinle Cengage Learning, 2014, p. 240).

Researchers argue that learners who are conscious of their errors in writing are better able to ____________ their writing skills.

Choose the alternative that completes the blank. 
Q2385588 Inglês
       “While a focus on grammar as a linguistic resource puts a more positive face on the role of grammar in writing instruction, any discussion of this role should include attention to learners’ writing errors, a significant concern for most L2 writing teachers and their students. For decades, studies and debates on the effectiveness of differing types of error correction and, indeed, of error correction at all, have been a major topic in the L2 writing literature. Central in recent debates include the exchanges between Truscott (1996, 2007), who believes that ESL research does not provide evidence showing that error correction improves writers’ accuracy over time, and Ferris (1999, 2011), who, while acknowledging that research base lacks controlled studies on this topic, nevertheless asserts that studies have indicated short-term improvement. Ferris (2011) has further pointed out that without attention to errors and explicit instruction, adult learners may fail to make progress in correcting patterns of errors in their L2 writing. Indeed, writing teachers in higher education contexts have found out that many of their multilingual students enter colleges and universities unaware of frequent error patterns in their writing”.

(CELCE-MURCIA, M; BRINTON, D.M. & SNOW, M. A. (Editors). Teaching English
as a Second or Foreign Language. 4th Ed. Boston, U.S.: National Geographic
Learning / Heinle Cengage Learning, 2014, p. 240).

According to the text, error correction in writing tasks has been considered by specialists as a __________________ technique.

Choose the alternative that completes the blank.
Q2385587 Inglês
      “The procedure for teaching receptive skills generally starts with a lead-in. This is where we engage students with the topic of the reading and we try to activate their schema (plural schemata) (…). This is the knowledge that allows many British, American, West Indian, Pakistani and Indian people (for example) to make sense of headlines like England in six-wicket collapse (a reference to the game of cricket), whereas many Canadians would instantly understand what it means to be sent to the penalty box and why being sent there might give another team a power play (both terms come ice hockey, Canada’s national sport)”.

(HARMER, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching.
4 th Ed. Essex, England: Pearson, 2007, p. 271).

Specialists argue that comprehensive input for listening tasks is vital for language acquisition. Choose the alternative that shows an effective strategy to address language difficulty. 
Q2385586 Inglês
      “The procedure for teaching receptive skills generally starts with a lead-in. This is where we engage students with the topic of the reading and we try to activate their schema (plural schemata) (…). This is the knowledge that allows many British, American, West Indian, Pakistani and Indian people (for example) to make sense of headlines like England in six-wicket collapse (a reference to the game of cricket), whereas many Canadians would instantly understand what it means to be sent to the penalty box and why being sent there might give another team a power play (both terms come ice hockey, Canada’s national sport)”.

(HARMER, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching.
4 th Ed. Essex, England: Pearson, 2007, p. 271).

According to Harmer, a “lead-in” task is crucial while tackling with receptive skills. Choose the alternative that DOES NOT present an example of such a task.
191: C
192: C
193: B
194: A
195: D