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Q2344884 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

Adapted from
In the excerpt “to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts” (1st paragraph), “as well as” signals a(n): 
Q2344883 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

Adapted from
Analyse the assertions below based on Text I:

I. The digital age has been demanding changes to curriculum content.
II. In a multimodal approach, teachers bear in mind students’ identities.
III. Teachers should prevent students from bringing world knowledge into the classroom.

Choose the correct answer:
Q2344882 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

Adapted from
Based on Text I, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

( ) The concept of literacy has become more complex over time.
( ) In today’s literacy classroom, the issue of fake news is to be avoided.
( ) Multimodal communicative practices aim at targets beyond language learning.

The statements are, respectively,
Q2344856 Educação Física
O conceito de atividade física é diferente do conceito de exercício físico.

Nesse contexto, o exercício físico é definido como 
Q2344855 Educação Física
A temática relacionada à saúde e atividade física é fundamental para o trabalho com o ensino fundamental.

Nesse sentido, é importante que os alunos entendam as diferentes intensidades da atividade física, as quais se dividem em
Q2344854 Pedagogia
Na BNCC, a Educação Física está alocada na área de 
Q2344853 Educação Física
No Brasil, no século XIX, os primórdios das práticas corporais institucionalizadas são marcados pela presença do(a):
Q2344852 Pedagogia
Ao considerar a BNCC, o professor de Educação Física do ensino fundamental deve observar, em seu planejamento, os seguintes itens:
Q2344851 Pedagogia
A professora Ana, orientada pela BNCC, trabalhou a capoeira regional com seus alunos do ensino fundamental.

Com base nessa informação, os prováveis anos de escolaridade e o objeto de conhecimento desse trabalho são, respectivamente,
Q2344850 Pedagogia
A habilidade “Experimentar, fruir e recriar danças de salão, valorizando a diversidade cultural e respeitando a tradição dessas culturas”, na BNCC, é sugerida para os seguintes anos de escolaridade do ensino fundamental:
Q2344849 Pedagogia
De acordo com as habilidades da BNCC, os 6º e 7º ano devem trabalhar, na unidade temática Brincadeiras e Jogos, o seguinte objeto de conhecimento:
Q2344848 Educação Física
Considerando os bpm, a frequência cardíaca consiste 
Q2344847 Educação Física
A pressão fitness para a obtenção de um corpo esteticamente adequado aos parâmetros vigentes parece crescer a cada ano. No entanto, a discussão sobre os valores econômicos e o uso de recursos ilícitos quase inexistem nas redes sociais que permeiam esse campo.

Nesse sentido, é correto afirmar que a pressão fitness pode favorecer o desenvolvimento de
Q2344846 Pedagogia
No contexto da Educação Física escolar e da BNCC, a avaliação antropométrica deve ser usada com o objetivo de 
Q2344845 Pedagogia
O professor que trabalhar com as competências específicas de Educação Física no ensino fundamental deve ter ciência de todas as
Q2344844 Pedagogia
Observe o exemplo a seguir:

A professora Maria trabalha com seus alunos a análise de imagens provenientes de redes sociais de modelos fitness. Entre outros aspectos, os alunos devem observar o discurso presente na legenda, a posição do corpo na imagem e a associação com venda de produtos alimentares e/ou estéticos.

O exemplo descrito é coerente com a proposta contida na(s):
Q2344843 Pedagogia
Considere o trecho da BNCC a seguir:

“Considerando esses pressupostos, e em articulação com as competências gerais da _____ e as competências _____, o componente curricular de Educação Física deve garantir aos alunos o desenvolvimento de competências específicas.”

Considerando as diferentes competências presentes na BNCC, assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna.
Q2344842 Pedagogia
Observe as duas situações a seguir:

1. O professor Luan trabalha o tema saúde, em suas turmas, com enfoque na força de vontade do indivíduo. Nesse sentido, atribui à pessoa o sucesso ou não relacionado a uma vida fisicamente ativa. Usa como lema: “Basta querer para conseguir.”
2. A professora Talita aborda, junto aos seus alunos, a temática saúde numa perspectiva da Saúde Coletiva. Portanto, discute com seus alunos os fatores sociais – transporte, jornada laboral, acesso à atividade física – que levam a população a aderir ou não à prática de atividades físicas.

Com base nas competências específicas de Educação Física para o ensino fundamental, é correto afirmar que
Q2344841 Educação Física
O professor Luís optou por trabalhar, em suas turmas de Educação Física, com o conteúdo ginástica. Em alguns momentos do bimestre, mostrou filmes de ginastas realizando acrobacias incríveis para a apreciação de seus alunos.

No relato, a dimensão do conhecimento enfatizada foi
Q2344840 Pedagogia
A professora Angélica trabalha com seus alunos as desigualdades no acesso aos espaços públicos de lazer e de prática de atividade física. Ao final do bloco de trabalho, os estudantes sugerem ações para mudança do cenário desigual avaliado.

De acordo com a BNCC, a dimensão do conhecimento focalizada foi
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