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Q1892772 Administração Pública
A gestão burocrática baseada no marco teórico de Weber caracteriza-se pelo exercício hierárquico da autoridade, com ênfase na aplicação impessoal de regras racionais e formais. Dentre os diversos problemas advindos desse modelo estão a rigidez do comportamento institucional, a adesão literal às regras e o cumprimento acrítico de ordens ignorando a razoabilidade e os possíveis efeitos adversos. Em resposta a esse modelo surge o paradigma pós-burocrático da New Public Management (NPM).
A NPM busca soluções para os problemas da burocracia weberiana, dentre essas soluções estão a quebra da opacidade burocrática por meio da:
Q1892771 Administração Pública
Apesar de efetivamente presente na gestão pública desde o final do século XIX, a cooperação consorciada avança amplamente na Constituição da República de 1988 como mecanismo de flexibilização da participação estatal e fortalecimento das autoridades locais na implementação de políticas públicas. Sem enquadramento jurídico, durante anos a existência dos consórcios no Brasil se deu de maneira informal por meio de afinidades político-partidárias, redes político-ideológicas e pressão de movimentos sociais. Em 2005, os consórcios passam a ser mecanismos formais de gestão.
No contexto brasileiro atual, os consórcios são uma resposta direta:
Q1892770 Administração Pública
A Nova Governança Pública (NGP) é um modelo de gestão marcado pela participação e emerge como uma opção aos tradicionais modelos de mercado e de justiça social na prestação do serviço público. Essa nova forma de gestão busca promover a expansão de redes de serviços cujos beneficiários participem da formulação das políticas públicas a eles direcionadas.
Sobre a NGP e a participação de redes locais na formulação de serviços, é correto afirmar que:
Q1892769 Administração Pública
A partir do Plano Diretor de Reforma do Aparelho do Estado (PDRAE) formaliza-se a participação de organizações do terceiro setor na prestação de serviços públicos, o que permite ao Estado flexibilizar a sua contribuição na prestação desses serviços. Nesse sentido, as organizações da sociedade civil de interesse público (Oscips) permitem ao Estado atuar indiretamente em áreas como saúde, educação e assistência social, entre outras.
Sobre a participação das Oscips na área da saúde, é correto afirmar que:
Q1892768 Auditoria Governamental
A Declaração do México sobre a independência das Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (EFS) aprovada pela Organização Internacional de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (Intosai) consagra oito princípios fundamentais, reconhecidos como requisitos essenciais para a realização de auditoria adequada do setor público.
O cotejo do mencionado rol de princípios com o arcabouço constitucional de 1988 aplicável aos Tribunais de Contas no Brasil revela:
Q1892767 Legislação dos Tribunais de Contas (TCU, TCEs e TCMs) e Ministérios Públicos de Contas
A Lei Orgânica do Tribunal de Contas da União (Lei Federal nº 8.443, de 16 de julho de 1992) prevê a competência da Corte para decidir sobre consulta que lhe seja formulada por autoridade competente, a respeito de dúvida suscitada na aplicação de dispositivos legais e regulamentares concernentes à matéria de sua competência, tratando-se de importante instrumento processual vocacionado ao exercício da função orientadora e pedagógica por parte do TCU. A respeito da apreciação e formulação de respostas a consultas que sejam dirigidas ao TCU, deve-se considerar que:
Q1892765 Legislação dos Tribunais de Contas (TCU, TCEs e TCMs) e Ministérios Públicos de Contas
O Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), ao apreciar narrativa de irregularidades supostamente ocorridas no âmbito de entidade sujeita à sua jurisdição e às quais teve ciência a partir de denúncia devidamente conhecida por preencher todos os requisitos de admissibilidade, constata a necessidade de instauração de instrumento de fiscalização específico vocacionado à apuração dos fatos denunciados. Em tal situação, considerando o tratamento dispensado pelo Regimento Interno do TCU à matéria, o instrumento de fiscalização a ser utilizado é o(a):
Q1892764 Direito Constitucional
Dentre as expressivas competências constitucionalmente outorgadas ao Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), destaca-se a fiscalização da gestão e a aplicação de recursos públicos federais sob a perspectiva de sua legalidade, legitimidade e economicidade.
Considerando-se tais parâmetros de controle, é correto afirmar que:
Q1892763 Auditoria Governamental
A Declaração de Lima, aprovada pela Organização Internacional de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (Intosai), estabelece diretrizes para preceitos de auditoria e afirma que as Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (EFS) só podem desempenhar suas tarefas objetiva e eficazmente quando são independentes da entidade auditada e protegidas contra influências externas. No sistema constitucional brasileiro de 1988, a independência das EFSs é assegurada por meio do(a):
Q1892762 Matemática Financeira
Um empréstimo de uma unidade monetária é concedido nas seguintes condições:
i. juros compostos de 5% ao mês;
ii. taxa de abertura de crédito de 5% sobre o valor financiado, sendo o pagamento no ato;
iii. amortizações mensais constantes;
iv. prazo total de 2 meses.
A taxa positiva que representa o custo efetivo total mensal desse empréstimo é, aproximadamente, de: Utilize a aproximação: (2,2975)0,5=1,52
Q1892761 Matemática Financeira
Uma sociedade empresária possui duas alternativas de investimento, mutuamente excludentes (não podem ocorrer simultaneamente), X e Y, ambas com a mesma duração e com valor presente líquido positivo. A taxa interna de retorno (TIR) para o projeto X é de 15%; para o projeto Y, de 13%; e para o projeto diferencial Y-X, de 11%. O projeto X é preferível ao Y somente para taxas mínimas de atratividade da empresa:
Q1892759 Matemática Financeira

Um montante de R$ 50.400,00 é financiado, em 5 anos, à taxa de juros compostos de 10% ao ano. Durante todo o período do financiamento, o devedor arca apenas com o pagamento dos juros anuais do capital emprestado, ou seja, o tomador do empréstimo paga somente o valor dos juros que incidem sobre o valor original da dívida. Ao final do período de 5 anos, a dívida é amortizada de uma só vez, com a quitação integral do débito.

Em contrapartida, o credor exige que o devedor efetue depósitos anuais de parcelas iguais, constituindo, assim, um fundo de reserva cujo montante amortizará o principal ao final do período de 5 anos. Esse fundo rende à taxa de juros compostos de 5% ao ano, e os depósitos são efetuados concomitantemente aos pagamentos dos juros anuais do capital emprestado. Desse modo, tanto o pagamento dos juros quanto os depósitos do fundo de reserva são postecipados.

Diante do exposto, é possível concluir que a taxa anual de juros efetivamente paga pelo devedor (i) está no intervalo:

Utilize os dados aproximados a seguir.

(1,05)5 =1,28

Resultados de (1 – (1 + i)-n) / i

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q1892758 Matemática Financeira
Um empréstimo será amortizado em um ano com pagamentos mensais à taxa de juros compostos de 48% ao ano capitalizados mensalmente. Descontadas as tarifas bancárias, que são efetivadas no momento da contratação do empréstimo, no valor de 5%, o tomador do empréstimo receberá líquidos R$ 10.450,00. Sabe-se que as parcelas mensais aumentam 2,7% ao mês e que o primeiro pagamento será realizado um mês após efetuada a operação. O valor aproximado da menor parcela, em reais, é de:
Utilize a aproximação: (1,027)12=1,4 e (1,04)12=1,6
Q1892757 Inglês

Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting

Conversations and focus on sustainability, typically grouped into environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, are quickly evolving — from activist investor groups and inquisitive regulators pushing for change to governing bodies and C-suite executives struggling to understand and embrace the concept. At the forefront of this new risk area is pressure for organizations to make public commitments to sustainability and provide routine updates to ESG-related strategies, goals, and metrics that are accurate and relevant. However, ESG reporting is still immature, and there is not a lot of definitive guidance for organizations in this space. For example, there is no single standard for what should be reported.

 What is clear is that strong governance over ESG — as with effective governance overall — requires alignment among the principal players as outlined in The Internal Institute of Auditors (IIA) Three Lines Model. As with any risk area, internal audit should be well-positioned to support the governing body and management with objective assurance, insights, and advice on ESG matters.

Embarking on the ESG journey

Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.

They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively.

Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.

As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation.

Internal audit can and should play a significant role in an organization’s ESG journey. It can add value in an advisory capacity by helping to identify and establish a functional ESG control environment. It also can offer critical assurance support by providing an independent and objective review of the effectiveness of ESG risk assessments, responses, and controls.

Source: Adapted from

The function of the extract “i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them” (fourth paragraph) is to:
Q1892756 Inglês

Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting

Conversations and focus on sustainability, typically grouped into environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, are quickly evolving — from activist investor groups and inquisitive regulators pushing for change to governing bodies and C-suite executives struggling to understand and embrace the concept. At the forefront of this new risk area is pressure for organizations to make public commitments to sustainability and provide routine updates to ESG-related strategies, goals, and metrics that are accurate and relevant. However, ESG reporting is still immature, and there is not a lot of definitive guidance for organizations in this space. For example, there is no single standard for what should be reported.

 What is clear is that strong governance over ESG — as with effective governance overall — requires alignment among the principal players as outlined in The Internal Institute of Auditors (IIA) Three Lines Model. As with any risk area, internal audit should be well-positioned to support the governing body and management with objective assurance, insights, and advice on ESG matters.

Embarking on the ESG journey

Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.

They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively.

Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.

As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation.

Internal audit can and should play a significant role in an organization’s ESG journey. It can add value in an advisory capacity by helping to identify and establish a functional ESG control environment. It also can offer critical assurance support by providing an independent and objective review of the effectiveness of ESG risk assessments, responses, and controls.

Source: Adapted from

The excerpt “Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change” (third paragraph) indicates that, if effective, the speed of climate change will be:
Q1892755 Inglês

Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting

Conversations and focus on sustainability, typically grouped into environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, are quickly evolving — from activist investor groups and inquisitive regulators pushing for change to governing bodies and C-suite executives struggling to understand and embrace the concept. At the forefront of this new risk area is pressure for organizations to make public commitments to sustainability and provide routine updates to ESG-related strategies, goals, and metrics that are accurate and relevant. However, ESG reporting is still immature, and there is not a lot of definitive guidance for organizations in this space. For example, there is no single standard for what should be reported.

 What is clear is that strong governance over ESG — as with effective governance overall — requires alignment among the principal players as outlined in The Internal Institute of Auditors (IIA) Three Lines Model. As with any risk area, internal audit should be well-positioned to support the governing body and management with objective assurance, insights, and advice on ESG matters.

Embarking on the ESG journey

Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.

They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively.

Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.

As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation.

Internal audit can and should play a significant role in an organization’s ESG journey. It can add value in an advisory capacity by helping to identify and establish a functional ESG control environment. It also can offer critical assurance support by providing an independent and objective review of the effectiveness of ESG risk assessments, responses, and controls.

Source: Adapted from

According to the text, “C-suite executives” (first paragraph), that is, those in top positions within a company, have been:
Q1892754 Inglês

Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting

Conversations and focus on sustainability, typically grouped into environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, are quickly evolving — from activist investor groups and inquisitive regulators pushing for change to governing bodies and C-suite executives struggling to understand and embrace the concept. At the forefront of this new risk area is pressure for organizations to make public commitments to sustainability and provide routine updates to ESG-related strategies, goals, and metrics that are accurate and relevant. However, ESG reporting is still immature, and there is not a lot of definitive guidance for organizations in this space. For example, there is no single standard for what should be reported.

 What is clear is that strong governance over ESG — as with effective governance overall — requires alignment among the principal players as outlined in The Internal Institute of Auditors (IIA) Three Lines Model. As with any risk area, internal audit should be well-positioned to support the governing body and management with objective assurance, insights, and advice on ESG matters.

Embarking on the ESG journey

Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.

They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively.

Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.

As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation.

Internal audit can and should play a significant role in an organization’s ESG journey. It can add value in an advisory capacity by helping to identify and establish a functional ESG control environment. It also can offer critical assurance support by providing an independent and objective review of the effectiveness of ESG risk assessments, responses, and controls.

Source: Adapted from

The sentence that best expresses the idea that parties involved in the administration should follow a similar orientation:
Q1892753 Inglês

Internal audit’s role in ESG reporting

Conversations and focus on sustainability, typically grouped into environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, are quickly evolving — from activist investor groups and inquisitive regulators pushing for change to governing bodies and C-suite executives struggling to understand and embrace the concept. At the forefront of this new risk area is pressure for organizations to make public commitments to sustainability and provide routine updates to ESG-related strategies, goals, and metrics that are accurate and relevant. However, ESG reporting is still immature, and there is not a lot of definitive guidance for organizations in this space. For example, there is no single standard for what should be reported.

 What is clear is that strong governance over ESG — as with effective governance overall — requires alignment among the principal players as outlined in The Internal Institute of Auditors (IIA) Three Lines Model. As with any risk area, internal audit should be well-positioned to support the governing body and management with objective assurance, insights, and advice on ESG matters.

Embarking on the ESG journey

Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.

They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively.

Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.

As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation.

Internal audit can and should play a significant role in an organization’s ESG journey. It can add value in an advisory capacity by helping to identify and establish a functional ESG control environment. It also can offer critical assurance support by providing an independent and objective review of the effectiveness of ESG risk assessments, responses, and controls.

Source: Adapted from

Based on the information provided by the text, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).
( ) One of the hurdles of ESG issues is that they have been restricted to a single group of experts.
( ) There has been such a great demand for publicizing government efforts towards ESG that reports have become accurate and systematized.
( ) Part of the internal auditor’s job is to be knowledgeable enough in the area of ESG so as to be able to provide solid guidance to those in charge of the administration.

The statements are, respectively:
Q1892752 Português
Há dois textos de temática semelhante a seguir.
Texto 1 – “Um mestre (Jesus) em que parece haver tanta autoridade, ainda que sua doutrina seja obscura, merece que seja crido por palavra... pode-se reconhecer sua autoridade, tendo em vista o respeito que lhe rendem Moisés e Elias; isto é, a lei e os profetas, como já expliquei... Não procuremos as razões das verdades que ele nos ensina: toda a razão, é que ele as falou.”
Texto 2 – “Certas pessoas têm fé porque seus pais os ensinaram a crer. Num sentido, é satisfatório: nenhum axioma filosófico abalará essa fé; num outro sentido, é insatisfatório, porque sua fé não vem de conhecimento pessoal. Outros chegam à fé pela convicção após estudos. Isso é satisfatório num ponto: eles conhecem Deus por íntima convicção; por outro lado, é insatisfatório porque se outros lhes demonstram a falsidade de seu raciocínio, eles podem tornar-se descrentes.”
Comparando os dois textos, é correto afirmar que:
Q1892751 Português

“Acabo de ler o trecho a seguir num livro de História: ‘Os cristãos tinham uma moral, mas os pagãos, não’. Ah! Senhor autor desta obra: onde o senhor aprendeu essa tolice? O que dizer da moral de Sócrates, de Cícero, de Marco Antônio e de tantos outros? Leitor: reflita e tire suas conclusões.”

A afirmativa inadequada sobre esse depoimento a respeito da leitura de uma obra histórica é:

41: E
42: B
43: C
44: B
45: B
46: B
47: D
48: C
49: D
50: A
51: D
52: E
53: B
54: D
55: C
56: E
57: B
58: A
59: E
60: E