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Q2799281 Inglês

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 33 to 38 by choosing the correct alternative.

Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know

For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal which started with a state-owned oil company and grew to encapsulate people at the very top of business - and even presidents.

On the face of it, it is a straightforward corruption scandal - albeit one involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and more than 80 politicians and members of the business elite.

But as the tentacles of the investigation dubbed Operation Car Wash fanned out, other scandals emerged.

It has led to some of those who have found themselves accused claiming they are the victims of political plots, designed to bar them from office.

What is Operation Car Wash?

Operation Car Wash began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that Brazil's biggest construction firms overcharged state-oil company Petrobras for building contracts.

Investigators accused directors at the firm - named the world's most ethical oil and gas company in 2008 - of skimming the extra money off the top as a bribe for awarding the contract.

Which is bad enough - but then the Workers' Party found itself dragged into the corruption scandal amid allegations of having funneled some of these funds to pay off politicians and buy their votes and help with political campaigns.

Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - the country's extremely popular former president, known affectionately as "Lula".

The pronouns IT (line 07), THEY (line 07) and ITSELF (line 14), refer respectively to:

Q2799271 Inglês

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 33 to 38 by choosing the correct alternative.

Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know

For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal which started with a state-owned oil company and grew to encapsulate people at the very top of business - and even presidents.

On the face of it, it is a straightforward corruption scandal - albeit one involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and more than 80 politicians and members of the business elite.

But as the tentacles of the investigation dubbed Operation Car Wash fanned out, other scandals emerged.

It has led to some of those who have found themselves accused claiming they are the victims of political plots, designed to bar them from office.

What is Operation Car Wash?

Operation Car Wash began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that Brazil's biggest construction firms overcharged state-oil company Petrobras for building contracts.

Investigators accused directors at the firm - named the world's most ethical oil and gas company in 2008 - of skimming the extra money off the top as a bribe for awarding the contract.

Which is bad enough - but then the Workers' Party found itself dragged into the corruption scandal amid allegations of having funneled some of these funds to pay off politicians and buy their votes and help with political campaigns.

Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - the country's extremely popular former president, known affectionately as "Lula".

In the sentence: ''For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal…'' the underlined expression is:

Q2799264 Inglês

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 33 to 38 by choosing the correct alternative.

Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know

For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal which started with a state-owned oil company and grew to encapsulate people at the very top of business - and even presidents.

On the face of it, it is a straightforward corruption scandal - albeit one involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and more than 80 politicians and members of the business elite.

But as the tentacles of the investigation dubbed Operation Car Wash fanned out, other scandals emerged.

It has led to some of those who have found themselves accused claiming they are the victims of political plots, designed to bar them from office.

What is Operation Car Wash?

Operation Car Wash began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that Brazil's biggest construction firms overcharged state-oil company Petrobras for building contracts.

Investigators accused directors at the firm - named the world's most ethical oil and gas company in 2008 - of skimming the extra money off the top as a bribe for awarding the contract.

Which is bad enough - but then the Workers' Party found itself dragged into the corruption scandal amid allegations of having funneled some of these funds to pay off politicians and buy their votes and help with political campaigns.

Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - the country's extremely popular former president, known affectionately as "Lula".

The words kickbacks (line 04), fanned out (line 06) and bribe (line 13) mean, respectively:

Q2799259 Inglês

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 33 to 38 by choosing the correct alternative.

Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know

For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal which started with a state-owned oil company and grew to encapsulate people at the very top of business - and even presidents.

On the face of it, it is a straightforward corruption scandal - albeit one involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and more than 80 politicians and members of the business elite.

But as the tentacles of the investigation dubbed Operation Car Wash fanned out, other scandals emerged.

It has led to some of those who have found themselves accused claiming they are the victims of political plots, designed to bar them from office.

What is Operation Car Wash?

Operation Car Wash began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that Brazil's biggest construction firms overcharged state-oil company Petrobras for building contracts.

Investigators accused directors at the firm - named the world's most ethical oil and gas company in 2008 - of skimming the extra money off the top as a bribe for awarding the contract.

Which is bad enough - but then the Workers' Party found itself dragged into the corruption scandal amid allegations of having funneled some of these funds to pay off politicians and buy their votes and help with political campaigns.

Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - the country's extremely popular former president, known affectionately as "Lula".

The alternatives are correct, EXCEPT:

Q2799234 Inglês

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 33 to 38 by choosing the correct alternative.

Brazil corruption scandals: All you need to know

For the past three years, Brazil has been gripped by a scandal which started with a state-owned oil company and grew to encapsulate people at the very top of business - and even presidents.

On the face of it, it is a straightforward corruption scandal - albeit one involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and more than 80 politicians and members of the business elite.

But as the tentacles of the investigation dubbed Operation Car Wash fanned out, other scandals emerged.

It has led to some of those who have found themselves accused claiming they are the victims of political plots, designed to bar them from office.

What is Operation Car Wash?

Operation Car Wash began in March 2014 as an investigation into allegations that Brazil's biggest construction firms overcharged state-oil company Petrobras for building contracts.

Investigators accused directors at the firm - named the world's most ethical oil and gas company in 2008 - of skimming the extra money off the top as a bribe for awarding the contract.

Which is bad enough - but then the Workers' Party found itself dragged into the corruption scandal amid allegations of having funneled some of these funds to pay off politicians and buy their votes and help with political campaigns.

Among those accused in the scandal were dozens of politicians, and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - the country's extremely popular former president, known affectionately as "Lula".

Choose the correct alternative.

I. Car Wash Operation is just one of the scandals among eighty other scandals that appeared in the last three years in Brazil.

II. President, former presidents, great businessmen and renowned politicians are involved in scandals and other investigations arising from Car Wash Operation.

III. The workers' Party was dragged into the corruption scandal accused of receiving bribes to fund political campaigns and vote buying.

IV. Car Wash Operation began under former President Lula when it was discovered that the oil company Petrobras and large Brazilian construction companies were oversupplying their contracts.

Q2799230 Inglês

In the sentence: ''I think every week should have a day in it when boys give presents to girls'', the auxiliary modal verb SHOULD means:

Q2799222 Inglês

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 28 to 30 by choosing the correct alternative.

People seeking to escape poverty and dangerous conditions in their homelands are increasingly hiring human smugglers to help usher them across the U.S. border and evade capture by the Trump administration‘s immigration agents amid the president's immigration crackdown. It's common to see a rise in this alarming practice when a country enacts more aggressive immigration policies or threatens mass deportations.

The words: poverty (line 01); them (line 02); amid (line 03) and aggressive (line 04) are, respectively:

Q2799221 Inglês

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 28 to 30 by choosing the correct alternative.

People seeking to escape poverty and dangerous conditions in their homelands are increasingly hiring human smugglers to help usher them across the U.S. border and evade capture by the Trump administration‘s immigration agents amid the president's immigration crackdown. It's common to see a rise in this alarming practice when a country enacts more aggressive immigration policies or threatens mass deportations.

The words: their (line 01) and them (line 02) refer, respectively, to:

Q2799207 Inglês

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then answer the questions from 28 to 30 by choosing the correct alternative.

People seeking to escape poverty and dangerous conditions in their homelands are increasingly hiring human smugglers to help usher them across the U.S. border and evade capture by the Trump administration‘s immigration agents amid the president's immigration crackdown. It's common to see a rise in this alarming practice when a country enacts more aggressive immigration policies or threatens mass deportations.

The text is about:

Q2795097 Pedagogia

Para que se compreenda a história, a concepção, a formação, a estrutura e a identidade da disciplina Ensino Religioso, faz-se necessário lançar um olhar histórico sobre o mesmo, através do qual se observa o Ensino Religioso em três momentos distintos, guiados pela LDB:

I. No primeiro momento histórico tínhamos o Ensino Religioso deliberado pela LDB 4024/61, tendo como eixo articulador a dimensão religere (re-escolher – saber em si), ou seja, havia uma perspectiva teológica e confessional sobre a disciplina Ensino Religioso.

II. No segundo momento histórico tínhamos o Ensino Religioso deliberado pela LDB 5692/71, tendo como eixo articulador a dimensão religare (re-ligar – saber em relação), ou seja, havia uma perspectiva antropológica e axiológica sobre a disciplina Ensino Religioso.

III. No terceiro momento histórico temos o Ensino Religioso deliberado pela presente LBD 9394/96, tendo como eixo articulador a dimensão relegere (re-ler – saber de si), ou seja, há uma perspectiva fenomenológica sobre a disciplina Ensino Religioso.

IV. No segundo momento histórico tínhamos o Ensino Religioso deliberado pela LDB 5692/71, tendo como eixo articulador a dimensão relegere (re-ler – saber de si) ou seja, havia uma perspectiva antropológica e axiológica sobre a disciplina Ensino Religioso.

V. No primeiro momento histórico tínhamos o Ensino Religioso deliberado pela LDB 4024/61, tendo como eixo articulador a dimensão religere (re-escolher – saber em si), ou seja, havia uma perspectiva fenomenológica sobre a disciplina de Ensino Religioso.

Marque a alternativa CORRETA:

Q2795090 Pedagogia

O Ensino Religioso, como toda área do conhecimento, possui uma prática docente própria, uma intencionalidade definida e um direcionamento. O caput do artigo 33 da nova LDB determina: ''O ensino religioso, de matricula __________, é parte integrante da formação básica __________ e constitui disciplina dos horários normais das escolas públicas de ensino __________, assegurado o respeito à diversidade cultural religiosa do Brasil, vedadas quaisquer formas de __________''.

As palavras que preenchem CORRETAMENTE as lacunas estão na alternativa:

Q2785830 Física

Considere um desenho esquemático do olho humano abaixo, em que a imagem é formada sobre a retina. Se a imagem de um objeto é focalizada depois da retina, diz-se que a pessoa sofre de hipermetropia. Ao usar óculos, que tipo de lente corretiva deverá ser usado para corrigir esse defeito da visão?

Ilustração da formação de imagem no olho humano. Extraído de

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q2785824 Física

A transmitância é razão entre a radiação transmitida e a radiação incidente sobre um dado material. Considere a figura abaixo que representa os dados percentuais de transmitância de luz (light transmittance) sobre uma amostra de grafeno. Os dados são transmitância de 100 % no ar (air), 97,7 % numa monocamada de grafeno (graphene) e 95,6 % numa bicamada (bilayer) de grafeno. Com base nessas informações, é possível afirmar que o grafeno é um material:

Imagem extraída de associada para resolução da questão

Q2785799 Física

A Figura mostra um dipolo elétrico. A orientação do campo elétrico resultante no ponto P, situado na mediatriz do segmento da reta que liga as duas cargas, é :

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Ano: 2016 Banca: SEDUC - PI Órgão: SEDUC-PI Prova: SEDUC - PI - 2016 - SEDUC-PI - Geólogo |
Q2775920 Geologia

A classificação litológica se baseia na presença e proporção dos chamados minerais primários ou minerais formadores de rocha. Nesse contexto, as classes mineralógicas que são predominantes na crosta terrestre e que servem para a classificação litológica são:

Ano: 2016 Banca: SEDUC - PI Órgão: SEDUC-PI Prova: SEDUC - PI - 2016 - SEDUC-PI - Geólogo |
Q2775916 Geologia

A elevada presença de Mg e Ca dissolvidos nas águas subterrâneas extraídas a partir de um poço tubular profundo indica que a litologia que o poço atravessa e por onde tais fluxos percolam tem ocorrência de:

Ano: 2016 Banca: SEDUC - PI Órgão: SEDUC-PI Prova: SEDUC - PI - 2016 - SEDUC-PI - Geólogo |
Q2775915 Geologia

Os modos de ocorrência, movimentação e distribuição das águas no interior das unidades litológicas denominadas aquíferos estão relacionados com elevados valores de condutividade hidráulica e armazenamento. Nesse sentido, é possível caracterizar os aquíferos como:

Ano: 2016 Banca: SEDUC - PI Órgão: SEDUC-PI Prova: SEDUC - PI - 2016 - SEDUC-PI - Geólogo |
Q2775914 Geologia

A percolação da água no interior dos solos homogêneos, isotrópicos e saturados é definida pela condutividade hidráulica, como estabelecido pela Lei de Darcy. Conforme apontado pela equação de Darcy, a velocidade de percolação da água nesse caso é influenciada pelo(a):

Ano: 2016 Banca: SEDUC - PI Órgão: SEDUC-PI Prova: SEDUC - PI - 2016 - SEDUC-PI - Geólogo |
Q2775913 Geologia

Os projetos de engenharia geotécnica voltados para a estabilização de encostas urbanas contam frequentemente com sondagens que identificam a estratigrafia dos terrenos e a resistência relativa dos diferentes materiais que compõem o subsolo. O método de investigação mais adequado para a elaboração deste tipo de projeto é:

Ano: 2016 Banca: SEDUC - PI Órgão: SEDUC-PI Prova: SEDUC - PI - 2016 - SEDUC-PI - Geólogo |
Q2775912 Geologia

As voçorocas, muito comuns em todo o Brasil, tem sua origem em sulcos ou ravinas formados a partir da ação erosiva. Seu desenvolvimento em termos de aprofundamento e alargamento se devem a ação

1: B
2: E
3: D
4: C
5: C
6: B
7: E
8: A
9: D
10: A
11: D
12: B
13: C
14: B
15: C
16: C
17: D
18: A
19: D
20: B