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Ano: 2006 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1232003 Educação Física
Com relação à metodologia de ensino da educação física, julgue os próximos itens.
I Professores que enfatizam a competitividade e recompensam os alunos mais bem treinados contribuem para melhorar a percepção de competência dos alunos que apresentam um desempenho menor. II Quando a criança tem a percepção de que é fisicamente incompetente, ela tende a evitar participar das atividades esportivas, recusando-se a participar das aulas de educação física. III O uso de metodologia de ensino pautada na solução de problemas ou na descoberta orientada, com crianças que tenham baixo nível de competências percebidas, dificulta o envolvimento dessas crianças no processo de aprendizagem, pois, nesse caso, deixa-se de priorizar o processo, passando-se a valorizar o rendimento. IV A utilização de uma abordagem de ensino orientada para o sucesso é particularmente importante nos períodos iniciais do aprendizado.
Estão certos apenas os itens .
Ano: 2018 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1221707 Inglês
Read the text to answer the following question.
Cultural diversity and cultural identity in globalization
In the process of globalization winners are the countries with highly developed mass media as complex systems which are able to broadcast and receive diverse information which are used as basic development resource. On the other side are the developing countries which suffer their impact. Their characteristic is the small capacity to adapt to innovations that came from outside and that is why their cultural identity is called into question. Mass media are not only instruments for spreading popular culture and industries, but at the same time, their use enables cultural hegemony. Mass media, society, local culture, and media content are closely related. By exhibiting TV shows, movies, dramas etc. media will reflect values specific to local culture. So, we can talk about displaying commerciality as feature of American culture, Japanese aesthetic values, French tendency to philosophize... One of the main functions of mass media is to transfer cultural inheritance, information about the past, values of a given society, and to furnish cultural directive for life, action, and behavior. Despite the globalization of the economy, and the emergence of international political institutions, global dissemination of culture (mass media, education, modernization, urbanization, the spread of literacy) from the late 20th century has strengthened national identities. Modern nationalism is less focused on defending the country and more inclined to defend the established cultural identity. The identities represent the defense against unpredictability, disorder, and changes of globalization. In the last three decades there is strong trend to resisting globalization and cosmopolitanism as a form of defense of cultural identity. “God, nations, families and communities will ensure eternal figures that cannot be broken down and around which society will develop a counter-culture of real virtuality”. Castells considers that individuals carry with them the eternal truth, the values that cannot be virtualized or destroyed. As the globalization process strengthens the coming of cultural integrity and identity problems are more prevalent. Dominant monoculture stands against local, national and traditional cultures with the progressive disintegration of traditional culture value patterns.
(Available: Adapted.)
“Which” (line 16) refers back to
Ano: 2018 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1221673 Inglês
Read the text to answer the following question.
Cultural diversity and cultural identity in globalization
In the process of globalization winners are the countries with highly developed mass media as complex systems which are able to broadcast and receive diverse information which are used as basic development resource. On the other side are the developing countries which suffer their impact. Their characteristic is the small capacity to adapt to innovations that came from outside and that is why their cultural identity is called into question. Mass media are not only instruments for spreading popular culture and industries, but at the same time, their use enables cultural hegemony. Mass media, society, local culture, and media content are closely related. By exhibiting TV shows, movies, dramas etc. media will reflect values specific to local culture. So, we can talk about displaying commerciality as feature of American culture, Japanese aesthetic values, French tendency to philosophize... One of the main functions of mass media is to transfer cultural inheritance, information about the past, values of a given society, and to furnish cultural directive for life, action, and behavior. Despite the globalization of the economy, and the emergence of international political institutions, global dissemination of culture (mass media, education, modernization, urbanization, the spread of literacy) from the late 20th century has strengthened national identities. Modern nationalism is less focused on defending the country and more inclined to defend the established cultural identity. The identities represent the defense against unpredictability, disorder, and changes of globalization. In the last three decades there is strong trend to resisting globalization and cosmopolitanism as a form of defense of cultural identity. “God, nations, families and communities will ensure eternal figures that cannot be broken down and around which society will develop a counter-culture of real virtuality”. Castells considers that individuals carry with them the eternal truth, the values that cannot be virtualized or destroyed. As the globalization process strengthens the coming of cultural integrity and identity problems are more prevalent. Dominant monoculture stands against local, national and traditional cultures with the progressive disintegration of traditional culture value patterns.
(Available: Adapted.)
“Enables” (line 5) means
Ano: 2018 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1220786 Inglês
Read the text to answer the following question.
Cultural diversity and cultural identity in globalization
In the process of globalization winners are the countries with highly developed mass media as complex systems which are able to broadcast and receive diverse information which are used as basic development resource. On the other side are the developing countries which suffer their impact. Their characteristic is the small capacity to adapt to innovations that came from outside and that is why their cultural identity is called into question. Mass media are not only instruments for spreading popular culture and industries, but at the same time, their use enables cultural hegemony. Mass media, society, local culture, and media content are closely related. By exhibiting TV shows, movies, dramas etc. media will reflect values specific to local culture. So, we can talk about displaying commerciality as feature of American culture, Japanese aesthetic values, French tendency to philosophize... One of the main functions of mass media is to transfer cultural inheritance, information about the past, values of a given society, and to furnish cultural directive for life, action, and behavior. Despite the globalization of the economy, and the emergence of international political institutions, global dissemination of culture (mass media, education, modernization, urbanization, the spread of literacy) from the late 20th century has strengthened national identities. Modern nationalism is less focused on defending the country and more inclined to defend the established cultural identity. The identities represent the defense against unpredictability, disorder, and changes of globalization. In the last three decades there is strong trend to resisting globalization and cosmopolitanism as a form of defense of cultural identity. “God, nations, families and communities will ensure eternal figures that cannot be broken down and around which society will develop a counter-culture of real virtuality”. Castells considers that individuals carry with them the eternal truth, the values that cannot be virtualized or destroyed. As the globalization process strengthens the coming of cultural integrity and identity problems are more prevalent. Dominant monoculture stands against local, national and traditional cultures with the progressive disintegration of traditional culture value patterns.
(Available: Adapted.)
Gerund use does NOT follow the same pattern of “spreading” (L04) in
Ano: 2018 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1213205 Inglês
Review the dialogs to answer the next question.
Fay: I guess that’s it, Tony. I’m leaving for good. Tony: Let me get it straight, how come you’ve made that decision?
What will Fay do?
Ano: 2006 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1210781 Biologia
Considerando aspectos fisiológicos do sistema reprodutor feminino e seus componentes, bem como do ciclo menstrual em humanos, assinale a opção correta.
Ano: 2006 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1207200 Geografia
Enquanto o presidente Bush, dos EUA, tem despendido os últimos cinco anos lutando contra o terrorismo global, promovendo a idéia de democracia e ameaçando déspotas, o não eleito (democraticamente presidente da China) Hu tem postulado uma política exterior mais pragmática e amoral. Nos locais onde tem buscado recursos naturais, em particular óleo, a China adotou o papel de uma espécie de tio generoso para muitos dos regimes que Bush ameaça.
Newsweek, 24/4/2006 (com adaptações).
Tendo o texto acima como referência inicial e acerca do assunto abordado, assinale a opção correta.
Ano: 2006 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1207039 Geografia
Atividades humanas são capazes de causar degradação ambiental não só em escala local, mas também regional, como é o caso da desertificação. Com relação a esse assunto, julgue os itens a seguir.
I Entre os prejuízos causados pela desertificação está a perda de biodiversidade. II As áreas subúmidas e semi-áridas do globo são suscetíveis ao processo de desertificação pelo uso do solo de modo intensivo pela agricultura de subsistência. III No Brasil, o processo de desertificação é reconhecido como tendo causa na remoção da cobertura vegetal. IV Não obstante esteja isenta de causar impactos socioeconômicos já que ocorre, predominantemente, em áreas de vazio populacional, a desertificação é reconhecida como uma forma de desequilíbrio ambiental.
A quantidade de itens certos é igual a
Ano: 2006 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1200249 Literatura
Com referência a conto literário, assinale a opção correta, considerando o panorama da literatura brasileira.
Ano: 2018 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1183554 Inglês
Review the sentence that contains underlined parts to answer the following question.
Mark the item corresponding to the inconsistent underlined part correction.
I  wonder  if dad will ever let me to drive his new car, I don’t think he will.         A                               B                   C                                                          D
Ano: 2018 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1183341 Português
Texto para responder a questão abaixo.
O verbo for
Vestibular de verdade era no meu tempo. Já estou chegando, ou já cheguei, à altura da vida em que tudo de bom era no meu tempo; meu e dos outros coroas (…) O vestibular de Direito a que me submeti, na velha Faculdade de Direito da Bahia, tinha só quatro matérias: português, latim, francês ou inglês, e sociologia, sendo que esta não constava dos currículos do curso secundário e a gente tinha que se virar por fora. Nada de cruzinhas, múltipla escolha ou matérias que não interessassem diretamente à carreira. Tudo escrito ruibarbosianamente quando possível, com citações decoradas, preferivelmente (…) Quis o irônico destino, uns anos mais tarde, que eu fosse professor da Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal da Bahia e me designassem para a banca de português, com prova oral e tudo. Eu tinha fama de professor carrasco, que até hoje considero injustíssima, e ficava muito incomodado com aqueles rapazes e moças pálidos e trêmulos diante de mim. Uma certa vez, chegou um sem o menor sinal de nervosismo, muito elegante, paletó, gravata e abotoaduras vistosas. A prova oral era bestíssima. Mandava o candidato ler umas dez linhas em voz alta (sim, porque alguns não sabiam ler) e depois se perguntava o que queria dizer uma palavra trivial ou outra, qual era o plural de outra e assim por diante. Esse mal sabia ler, mas não perdia a pose. Não acertou a responder nada. Então, eu, carrasco fictício, peguei no texto uma frase em que a palavra “for” tanto podia ser do verbo “ser” quanto do verbo “ir”. Pronto, pensei. Se ele distinguir qual é o verbo, considero-o um gênio, dou quatro, ele passa e seja o que Deus quiser.
- Esse “for” aí, que verbo é esse?
Ele considerou a frase longamente, como se eu estivesse pedindo que resolvesse a quadratura do círculo, depois ajeitou as abotoaduras e me encarou sorridente.
- Verbo for. - Verbo o quê? - Verbo for. - Conjugue aí o presente do indicativo desse verbo. - Eu fonho, tu fões, ele fõe – recitou ele impávido. – Nós fomos, vós fondes, eles fõem.
Não, dessa vez ele não passou. Mas, se perseverou, deve ter acabado passando e hoje há de estar num posto qualquer do Ministério da Administração ou na equipe econômica, ou ainda aposentado como marajá, ou as três coisas. Vestibular, no meu tempo, era muito mais divertido do que hoje e, nos dias que correm, devidamente diplomado, ele deve estar fondo para quebrar. Fões tu? Com quase toda a certeza, não. Eu tampouco fonho. Mas ele fõe.
(João Ubaldo Ribeiro. Publicado no jornal O Estado de São Paulo, em 23/09/1998.)
Os termos “injustíssima” e “bestíssima” são empregados no discurso expressando um posicionamento definido do autor em relação a situações a que estão relacionados. Morfologicamente, pode-se afirmar em relação a tais termos:
Q923183 Inglês
The item that does NOT describe a Communicative Language Teaching feature is:
Q923174 Inglês
Read the text and answer to the question.

    Classroom interaction is studied from a social interaction perspective to unearth the mechanisms teachers and students use to conduct their classroom business. Classroom interaction research originated, like all social interaction research, when in the 1960s recording technology such as cameras and microphones became accessible for researchers. Recording techniques have ranged from one hand-held camera to several cameras on poles, and from researchers sitting or even participating in the classroom, to those who witnessed the lesson on a monitor in an adjacent room, or only saw the recordings afterwards. Audio has been recorded following the available technology and research aims with cameramounted or separate microphones, or wireless individual microphones on the teacher or on individual students. Recent digital technology has allowed these different streams to be fed directly into a computer where they can be synchronised with each other and with subsequent transcripts. Sometimes, classroom recordings have been supplemented by interviews of different kinds, and ethnographic information on factors such as ethnicity or social class. Also, additional information has been assembled on school policy or teacher planning, and additional recordings have been in the school yard, all depending on research aims and researchers’ views on methodology and epistemology.
Some of instances of ethnographic information given in the text are
Q923173 Inglês
Read the text and answer to the question.

    Classroom interaction is studied from a social interaction perspective to unearth the mechanisms teachers and students use to conduct their classroom business. Classroom interaction research originated, like all social interaction research, when in the 1960s recording technology such as cameras and microphones became accessible for researchers. Recording techniques have ranged from one hand-held camera to several cameras on poles, and from researchers sitting or even participating in the classroom, to those who witnessed the lesson on a monitor in an adjacent room, or only saw the recordings afterwards. Audio has been recorded following the available technology and research aims with cameramounted or separate microphones, or wireless individual microphones on the teacher or on individual students. Recent digital technology has allowed these different streams to be fed directly into a computer where they can be synchronised with each other and with subsequent transcripts. Sometimes, classroom recordings have been supplemented by interviews of different kinds, and ethnographic information on factors such as ethnicity or social class. Also, additional information has been assembled on school policy or teacher planning, and additional recordings have been in the school yard, all depending on research aims and researchers’ views on methodology and epistemology.
Classroom interaction research does NOT do without
Q923172 Inglês
Read the text and answer to the question.

Empowering teachers to promote inclusive education, a literature review

    It is important that assessment processes and procedures in ITE (Inclusive Teaching Education) are coherent, using a variety of assessment modes, for formative as well as summative purposes (Teaching Council, 2011a). The European Commission (2014) notes that prospective teachers are often assessed using portfolios, which might prepare them to use this type of assessment in their teaching. Literature Review 25 The Agency’s TE4I report noted the need for assessment in ITE to change in line with more active teaching methods. It stressed that across both academic assignments and school practice there is a need for: ‘assessment for learning’ approaches that encourage student/teachers to reflect on their own work and performance and […] formulate their own targets for improvement (European Agency, 2011a, p. 23). It also noted the importance of guided reflection and teacher educators developing knowledge of students’ understanding to provide appropriate challenges together with good models of inclusive assessment practice. Echeita (2014) mentions that at a national or regional level, it is also necessary to set out clear standards for graduating student/teachers, allowing them to monitor whether they have correctly learned the competences related to inclusive education.
In order to cater to Inclusive Teaching Education, assessment should
Q923171 Inglês
Read the text and answer to the question.

Empowering teachers to promote inclusive education, a literature review

    It is important that assessment processes and procedures in ITE (Inclusive Teaching Education) are coherent, using a variety of assessment modes, for formative as well as summative purposes (Teaching Council, 2011a). The European Commission (2014) notes that prospective teachers are often assessed using portfolios, which might prepare them to use this type of assessment in their teaching. Literature Review 25 The Agency’s TE4I report noted the need for assessment in ITE to change in line with more active teaching methods. It stressed that across both academic assignments and school practice there is a need for: ‘assessment for learning’ approaches that encourage student/teachers to reflect on their own work and performance and […] formulate their own targets for improvement (European Agency, 2011a, p. 23). It also noted the importance of guided reflection and teacher educators developing knowledge of students’ understanding to provide appropriate challenges together with good models of inclusive assessment practice. Echeita (2014) mentions that at a national or regional level, it is also necessary to set out clear standards for graduating student/teachers, allowing them to monitor whether they have correctly learned the competences related to inclusive education.
According to the text:
Q923170 Inglês
Marian: What if mom finds out you’ve smuggled a dog into the basement? Arthur: I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
What will Arthur do?
Q923169 Inglês

Rose: What do you think of Harry?

Meg: Are you trying to set me up with him?

What does the second question mean?

Q923168 Inglês

Marsha: What did that character want?

Cindy: Beats me!

What are the girls talking about?

Q923167 Inglês

Charles: This report says we’re almost broke due to the last acquisitions our company made!

Gerald: Don’t worry I got it covered.

What does Gerald mean?

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